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What would you have done ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Are you sure he took the 20$ or maybe you have made a mistake counting it originally? I say that because I just got back from a hobby trip in Tijuana. I had money hidden all over the place. I had money in my wallet and each pocket and my shoes etc. I break my money up like that in case I am robbed. Before my session with a nice girl at Hong Kong I went to take a shower with the girl on the bed (and with my big bills hidden of course). When I came back I went through my cash and I thought I was missing a 20$ I stashed in my passport. I was pretty sure she took it. When we walked back downstairs she quickly went off in another direction which added further suspicion.

I carefully counted my money before I left for Mexico. When I got back to my room that night I sat and carefully added up all my expenditures. Too make a long story short,I am pretty sure that the girl did not take the 20$ bill. I spent it.

One more thing...EB, That is not cheap that is dishonesty at it's core. This is way worse than being cheap. That is thievery


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I think you did the right thing not making a fuss for 20$. It he had taken more then I would have said something for sure.

Just a joke: Maybe he thought it was a jar of free samples!


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Jul 16, 2004
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You are at my place, taking something which isn't yours, it's not legit!

you are completelyyyyyyyyyy right...and even if it was a pack of gum...i would be mad..reallyyy madddd:mad::mad::mad:

p.s.sorry i highlight your phrase of yours post..but from lily point of view i agree...let be a lesson learn grrr

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Of course nobody has any right to steal money, no matter how obviously it is on display, but i would sugest to really hide it next time for sure. I always only put the correct amount on the table and let the rest in my pockets, so if i want to tip after, i will pull it out and its virtually impossible that i get stole from them without seeing the girl doing it.

as for the current situation...The problem is, the guy only took 20$... wich is really hard to confront him and make a scene about it, as a mistake could had been made when you counted it or whatever... And since he gave it back to you anyway... you didn't loose anything, therefore i don't think there is a need to do anything in that situation, just don't accept to see him again. If he did steal it to "tip" you, then at least you didn't lost anything and just avoid him and problem solved. If he is innoncent and it was a mistake on your part, then well the guy will just have to find another sp... wich may bug him a bit but he will live from it lol and thats it.

In any case, i sugest to move on, take lesson and hide the money in the futur :p (does not excuse its a jerky gesture on his part tough)


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Jul 16, 2004
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I wonder if this smart ass is on MERB and he will read of the exposure of his "tip"?
i did took a look of another post that amanda did say....
Notre sécurité est assuré par un screening adéquat. Nous ne sautons pas sur le premier courriel.

prenant la déclaration de amanda sur un autre croirai et j`aimerai savoir curiosité l`emporte lolllll.


Feb 20, 2012
Je demande rarement aux gens s'ils sont membres de Merb, j'aime mieux ne pas savoir, pas de stress ;)
Donc je l'ignore. Il a vu mon annonce sur Backpage et à tenté de me booker depuis plus de 2 semaines, nos horaires ne correspondaient pas. Je doute qu'il soit membre de merb son français était inexistant et son anglais un peu approximatif. Mais bon, sait-on jamais.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
Hi, Amanda.
Perhaps you should have hidden the pot, but this thief had no right to the twenty. Merbite or not, if he took something that wasn't his, he is a thief. He did get his answer as to whether or not he can call you again, and you did get the money back.
I had an SP go to the shower and she left her purse on the floor where she left it when she came in. I did not touch it, because it wasn't mine. I do, however, like Merlot, hide the cash and credit cards before as SP arrives.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
Just to add my two cents, I'll say this: I've had quite a few jobs in which I have had to deal with the general public & I discovered that there's a certain small percentage of the population -- and I mean, very small, like 1 to 2% -- that will rip you off as soon as your back is turned. There's a larger percentage, maybe 20 to 30%, that will rip you off if they think they can get away with it, but are afraid of getting caught. The vast majority of the population is actually honest and if you'd left a giant wad of money exposed before going off to take a shower, would probably say something to you when you got out like, "You know, Amanda, you shouldn't leave your money sitting around like that." Unfortunately, you don't know who is who until they steal from you. In a way, you should consider yourself lucky, because he could have easily stolen everything and run out the door.


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Jun 21, 2003
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It's all about respect, the guy did not respect you enough not to steal your money, even if he returned it indirectly.

In my early days in the hobby I did an incall where the girl ask me for the money at the start of the session and then proceeded to put the money in the drawer next to the bed. As she opened the drawer I noticed a big stack of twenties in the drawer. At the end of the session she went to the bathroom and I was just thinking if I was a bad person I could have easily taken all her money.

In the end, be careful and don't leave the window of opportunity open.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hi, Amanda.
I had an SP go to the shower and she left her purse on the floor where she left it when she came in. I did not touch it, because it wasn't mine. I do, however, like Merlot, hide the cash and credit cards before as SP arrives.

damn right. I take out what I need for the girl and everything else is locked in the room safe. So far I think you can trust many of the agency girls but why tempt them?

LOL, this story reminds me of the time George Costanza was buying lunch for George Steinbrenner everyday at the calzone shop on Seinfield. George dropped a tip in the tip jar and the pizza dude didn't see it. So he reached in and took his tip out of the jar so that he could drop it back in when the pizza chef was looking. The pizza chef caught him and banned him from the restaurant thinking that George was stealing.

I still find it hard to believe that anyone would have the balls to reach in and grab 20$ from another hobbyists previous donation? I remember when I checked into Oase and they gave me a locker. There was 50 Euros in it. I could of had the first session on the house but I thought if anyone came back for that 50Euros I would look like a fool for taking it. So I walked up to the front desk to say something to the manager that handed me the key a few minutes earlier. I was standing at the desk waiting to talk the lady and another hobbyist was in front of me saying that he left some money in the locker. I said what locker? And he named the one that I found the 50Euro in. I gave it to him.

I work with some cheap asses that have saved the first dollar that they have ever made. I know one guy that has grabbed other peoples property. The only problem, this guy is so cheap he would never pay for an escort....This is really strange behavior...I ask again Amanda...are you sure?

In my world buying a escort is socially acceptable. However, stealing 20$ from an escort is not.


Feb 20, 2012
Pretty Sure,
The way the money was in the pot before and how the pot look after leave me no doubts. Money In, kinda hide, and money coming of the top after.
Anyways,I got my answer I did the good thing by not confronting him. And it wont happen again, especially when you received at your own place, you need to be more careful :p Got it! It's a good thing, make me hide some other things I didn't think about such as prescription in my pharmacie with my real name on it, lol.


New Member
Apr 22, 2011
It was a crime of opportunity, he saw the money and took $20. He gave it back because you were holding your pot and he suspected you knew. If you look at the big picture, it was no big deal as, what was taken is given back. Or, you may have miscounted or taken the $20 yourself to go shopping for stockings.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I have no use for dishonest people, you steal from me and you are off my list of friends or business associates, period. If I were in your position I would not have confronted him and would have taken the position that I left it where it could be found, my fault. But to ever accept this individual as a client again, nope, never. If he does call you back for an appointment I would then let him know that you knew he stole $20. from you and as a result cannot have him as a client EVER again. I would also consider myself luck as he could have taken the whole amount $280 and if confronted left and used your money to pay another girl :( Lesson learned, I'm sure.
May 3, 2010
Things is, by not confronting him, did I send the message it was okay to do so ?

The "message sent" is irrelevant. You are not his mom. What you did was smart. You avoided conflict and trouble over $20. What you do now is learn form this experience, take better care of your money next time and eliminate this person from your life forever...
No I won't see him ever again. It's not about money, it's about how dishonest you need to be to pull something like this.
It's bothering me because I am under the impression that I should have do something else, I was easy on him. But at the same time, do it worth the risk of a fight ? I mean, i'm receiving at my place (which is an another reason I don't ever want to see him again) I don't want him to turn into a Dr Jeckyll, lol.
What you did was smart. You avoided conflict and trouble over $20. What you do now is learn form this experience, take better care of your money next time and eliminate this person from your life forever...

I totally agree Amanda.. I would of done the exact same thing. I couldn't care less about 20$, it's the principal. You never know if he is mentally stable or not, and you saw him at your house. He would of for sure got defensive and denied it anyway.. You did the right thing!

BaronVonKinkazoid... :thumb:


Nov 12, 2007
...I'm also conscious that it's a bit of my fault, I mean, I forgot to hide it well.

I don't know and I don't care if he is.
Things is, by not confronting him, did I send the message it was okay to do so ?

Yeah, but I should be more safe, wasn't my fault but I didnt prevent it.

It wasn't your fault but yeah you need to be more careful. Much like locking your doors.

You probably approached him the right way. You pretty much let him know that you knew and if he has a soul he will feel like a heel [if]. However to push any further would not only bring up the risk of violence but also a he said she said type situation which you really can't win. Not as if a thief would be beyond denial no matter what.

I think it is a bit nuts but I've told a bank teller about a 100 dollar over payment on my master card and another time a 10 dollar mistake [same girl, second time I asked her if she was trying to give me money because I am so awesome].

There is a line from the movie Family Man where the angel played by Don Cheadle was operating the cash at a coner store and purposely gives back too much change and points out to the main character played by Cage how stupid it is to sell out your integrety for 5 or 10 bucks. Or in the case 20 bucks. 20 Billion dollars, that is a different story but to be a theving putz and sell out your pride for 20 bucks is lame.

I attach higher value to my pride, integrety and the ability to look myself in the mirror than some people I guess.

However what do I know. Around 1980 I was about 10 I found a wallet in a campground with thousands of dollars in it and returned it even turning down a reward because why the hell pay someone for doing what should be done.

Also from a self benefit perspective even if I did keep it and completely screw over a family on vacation, that money would have been dumped into various arcade games and junk food and be gone in a year. However by doing the right thing not only can I sleep easy but I get a cool story I can tell till the day I die. I think I came out ahead in that deal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
For a mere $20, I wouldn't risk making a stink over it (especially if you weren't 100% sure he took it in the first place). And plus like you stated: it sort of was your fault for leaving it out in the first place.

Just consider it a lesson learned for the future, and be thankful that it wasn't more than just $20.
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