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What would you have done ?


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
Wrongly accused of short changing

Last year, booker from from Agency ****** called me shortly after **** left, saying I short changed her $20....WTF? I counted 5 times to make sure the amount was correct! I didn't want to argue $20. So, I said send her up to collect the $20. 5-min later, got another call...sorry, the amount was correct :(

One time, a girl stole $200 from me, but I can't prove it, so I let it go.

The bottom line is, be careful with your money....put it in a safe place and out of sight.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Last year, booker from from Agency ****** called me shortly after **** left, saying I short changed her $20....WTF? I counted 5 times to make sure the amount was correct!


The bottom line is, be careful with your money....put it in a safe place and out of sight.

Mr. Malboro is right. I would add:

I have learned from experience to insist that the recipient of my cash count it in front of me.

If bills have stuck together or I have otherwise overpaid, I get an immediate refund.

Due to my having insisting on the count, if I haven't paid enough, it is obvious I didn't miscount deliberately.

If the recipient loses a bill or forgets spending some of the money, I don't get blamed. Finally, I never have to deal with a dishonest person who asks for more later claiming that I miscounted.


Oct 20, 2011
I love this guy. He deserves to be a politician. Canada's new Harper.


Nov 12, 2007
I have learned from experience to insist that the recipient of my cash count it in front of me.

This. Not so much from experience. However once I was driving back from an incall an hour and a half away and for some reason I got this nagging idea in my head that I might of been short. I counted and made sure but still.
After that as "unromantic" and businesslike as it sounds I'd rather see it counted in front of me. Bank tellers make errors, I've made errors both for and against at the strip club. When dealing with that sort of cash I say let us all be adults about it and admit that it is a financial transaction and be honest about it. For both our sakes and peace of mind.
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