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When does time start/end? How do you view your time duration with a sp?


Certified outlier
Dec 23, 2019
I would like to ask for peoples opinions on this matter.
I am not sure if there is a standard or rule of thumb, so i tend to be at the mercy of the provider in terms of the duration or start/end of the time of our 'date' and i try to avoid any dispute if i feel like something is off, & just casually leave.

of course things are different with incall & outcall, example in outcall you should stop at least 15 minutes before your time is up to allow shower time. So i will focus mainly on incall.

Here is an example that just happened. I reserve an incall for 9:30 pm. I arrive at 9:26 pm. The incall location has a parking lot, so i text the provider and ask if there is a visitor parking. She replies that i must park in the street. It takes me 5 minutes to wiggle and squeeze my way out of the parking lot and turn back on the street. There is no parking to be found anywhere, i go up and down the street twice and could only find parking about 25 buildings away, by that time it was 9:43. (So 17 minutes to do all that and park)
I ran to her building and rang the bell at 9:50 (it took me 7 minutes to jog from the only parking spot in her area, to her place)
I took an hour.
30 minutes into the session she said 'your time is up soon bey, we gotta hurry'
I then understood that she started the time at 9:30, that was my reservation.
One side of me finds that somewhat disrespectful and abusive.
The businessman side of myself understands and i chose to not bring it up, i mean in the end what differentiates her business from that of any other business that is strict on time allocations? I get it.
That is why i love when a provider explains parking instructions prior to you arriving (or simply mentions if thete is visitor parking in the building parking lot or not)

I get the impression that many providers do not drive and are used to ubers stopping just anywhere.
Driving a vehicle is just not the same, one wrong move and you are delayed or are doihg detours.
If i enter someones building parking and have to turn around & exit it, that could be very tight with a ton of maneuvering and tedious back & forths (we don't all drive fiats or smart cars, some could have suv's or trucks)
Also if a provider knows parking is hell around their location and wants to maintain a strict scheduling, it is just best that they advise the client to arrive a little earlier to find a parking space.

Any thoughts?

I have seen all types of time start/end variations from absolutely none to many types.
I Saw someone who ended the time 20 minutes earlier in incall to allow her time to prepare for her next client, she said that she leaves no time in between appointments and doesn't want to ruin her scheduling.
(This one i found special and a tad abusive)
I have seen many many lies saying "your time is up in 5" to which i replied, how so? I've been here 15 minutes, to which they argue and say "no, you arrived 45 minutes ago".. these are robbers to me and i don't argue, i just leave, no point in showing proof via the time of the arrival text.
I have even once met a provider that would only take appointments at even hour marks, no 12:30 or 1:15, only 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm etc and she would not respond if you did not buzz at that exact time. Some number superstitions or something of that nature. As they say in french, chacun ses toques..

We can probably all agree that scheduling/booking is a complex process that very few know how to master.
Some are victim to bad scheduling, other benefit from good scheduling. And of course some may take advantage of it and use it in mildly manipulative ways.

Its basically the wild west out there.
In the end, you pay for an hour or 30 minutes, so i ask you, when does the time stop or end?
does it start at your appointment time? If you are on time but it takes you 20 minutes to find parking and get buzzed in, does it start once you walk in the door? Or is that 20 minutes counted?
if you arrived, parked & made it to the door on time and it takes 11 minutes for you to get the code, be buzzed in and use the elevator, does that 11 minutes count as time deducted off of your appointment or does your time start once you walk in the door?
so many variables.
And i am sure some have different opinions or views, so You tell me, when does the time start or stop?
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Oct 18, 2020
I would like to ask for peoples opinions on this matter.
I am not sure if there is a standard or rule of thumb, so i tend to be at the mercy of the provider in terms of the duration or start/end of the time of our 'date' and i try to avoid any dispute if i feel like something is off, & just casually leave.

of course things are different with incall & outcall, example in outcall you should stop at least 15 minutes before your time is up to allow shower time. So i will focus mainly on incall.

Here is an example that just happened. I reserve an incall for 9:30 pm. I arrive at 9:26 pm. The incall location has a parking lot, so i text the provider and ask if there is a visitor parking. She replies that i must park in the street. It takes me 5 minutes to wiggle and squeeze my way out of the parking lot and turn back on the street. There is no parking to be found anywhere, i go up and down the street twice and could only find parking about 25 buildings away, by that time it was 9:43. (So 17 minutes to do all that and park)
I ran to her building and rang the bell at 9:50 (it took me 7 minutes to jog from the only parking spot in her area, to her place)
I took an hour.
30 minutes into the session she said 'your time is up soon bey, we gotta hurry'
I then understood that she started the time at 9:30, that was my reservation.
One side of me finds that somewhat disrespectful and abusive.
The businessman side of myself understands and i chose to not bring it up, i mean in the end what differentiates her business from that of any other business that is strict on time allocations? I get it.
That is why i love when a provider explains parking instructions prior to you arriving.
I get the impression that many providers do not drive and are used to ubers stopping just anywhere.
Driving a vehicle is just not the same, one wrong move and you are delayed or are doihg detours.
If i enter someones building parking and have to turn around & exit it, that could be very tight with a ton of maneuvering and tedious back & forths (we don't all drive fiats or smart cars, some could have suv's or trucks)
Also if a provider knows parking is hell around their location and wants to maintain a strict scheduling, it is just best that they advise the client to arrive a little earlier to find a parking space.

Any thoughts?

I have seen all types of time start/end variations from absolutely none to many types.
I Saw someone who ended the time 20 minutes earlier in incall to allow her time to prepare for her next client, she said that she leaves no time in between appointments and doesn't want to ruin her scheduling.
(This one i found special and a tad abusive)
I have seen many many lies saying "your time is up in 5" to which i replied, how so? I've been here 15 minutes, to which they argue and say "no, you arrived 45 minutes ago".. these are robbers to me and i don't argue, i just leave, no point in showing proof via the time of the arrival text.
I have even once met a provider that would only take appointments at even hour marks, no 12:30 or 1:15, only 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm etc and she would not respond if you did not buzz at that exact time. Some number superstitions or something of that nature. As they say in french, chacun ses toques..

We can probably all agree that scheduling/booking is a complex process that very few know how to master.
Some are victim to bad scheduling, other benefit from good scheduling. And of course some may take advantage of it and use it in mildly manipulative ways.

Its basically the wild west out there.
In the end, you pay for an hour or 30 minutes, so i ask you, when does the time stop or end? You tell me
If you’re on time for your one hour appointment then it’s one hour from your start time. if you are late for your appointment depending on the provider, it’s still one hour from your start time unless they accommodate you. If they are late for your scheduled appointment, then it should be one hour from the time she let you in without rushing you unless of course she is tightly booked, else you are screwed out of your full time. Everything else is probably a scam on her part. My 2 common cents.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
For me the appointment starts at the time of the agreed booking. If I am late for any reason (traffic, trouble at the ATM, not finding the apartment) that's on me. If she is late for any reason, I do expect the session to be extended for the same amount of time.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2011
My 2 cents, many times we do not ask, other than are your pics fake or what are your services, parking should be a no brainer, we are in Montréal. So we know parking is a bitch everywhere.
Their are different rules for Agency`s and different rule for Indy's. If I don't know the area I use google map or other app, before get a sense of parking before I arrive.
If I judge parking is going to be rough, she is no longer TDL, do not need the frustration.
I am usually always 10-15 minutes early, with a text mention when I arrive, Awesome their was no traffic, arrived early, let me know!
If she answers or the Agency , at least they know I am here and waiting . My time starts always on time, if she is late, and it happens, part of the deal, my time starts when I arrive at the condo.
Indy's or specially Agency's , book one after the other, and those I never go back to either, not cool to run into the previous client, and did she have enough time to clean up and take a shower, especially when they ask you to take one before. And yes shower after, is part of my time!
My 2 cents on the subject.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Parking, traffic and construction detours, it’s all on you! It is your responsibility to plan accordingly, there is no reason for her to accommodate late clients although most will give a 5 minute buffer but 30 minutes? No way! and I fully understand that, she’s on a schedule and the repercussions are real.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
If she has other people after you or if she shares the space with other people, she might not be able to stay longer if you’re late.

I recommend that you use public transportation or taxi so that you don’t have to deal with parking issues.

I normally give the general area to clients before the day of our appointment and I hope they’re looking it up on Google maps to see how the parking situation is.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
It drives me crazy to be late and i don't like when someone makes me late or makes me wait. Not saying i have never been late, but i will avoid it at all costs. Cause it does effect me in many ways.

Plan accordingly, even if you arrive too early, its okay. Do what i do, bring a book to read, time will pass rapidly.
I always text to let them know i am early, sometimes they text back and say, come on up.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Would you call a lawyer abusive because they won't accommodate you being late because you didn't plan accordingly for parking? When you take an appointment with a professional, regardless of the field (escort, lawyer, therapist etc), it is your responsibility to arrive on time, and that means planning for parking. There are many ways to check the parking situation online, so there is no excuse.

I typically don't see clients back to back so will often be able to accommodate if a client is late, but half an hour late is a lot. We might have another client after or we might have plans outside of work. Waiting half an hour in my lingerie and makeup also kills the mood for me because I feel disrespected. I tend to be super horny when I'm about to see someone and the horniness decreases once you're past 15min late lol

It is rude to expect the onus of parking to be on the provider, you're paying for her services, the service doesn't include holding your hand as you google the parking situation.

If you can't figure it out on your own it is your responsibility to ask her ahead of time (instead of being disappointed she didn't assume you would struggle), or better yet, to arrive a little early to have a buffer to find parking.


Oct 18, 2020
Would you call a lawyer abusive because they won't accommodate you being late because you didn't plan accordingly for parking? When you take an appointment with a professional, regardless of the field (escort, lawyer, therapist etc), it is your responsibility to arrive on time, and that means planning for parking. There are many ways to check the parking situation online, so there is no excuse.

I typically don't see clients back to back so will often be able to accommodate if a client is late, but half an hour late is a lot. We might have another client after or we might have plans outside of work. Waiting half an hour in my lingerie and makeup also kills the mood for me because I feel disrespected. I tend to be super horny when I'm about to see someone and the horniness decreases once you're past 15min late lol

It is rude to expect the onus of parking to be on the provider, you're paying for her services, the service doesn't include holding your hand as you google the parking situation.

If you can't figure it out on your own it is your responsibility to ask her ahead of time (instead of being disappointed she didn't assume you would struggle), or better yet, to arrive a little early to have a buffer to find parking.
I so agree with paragraph 2 and the mood killer when waiting…


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It is really very simple, it is up to you to be on time, parking traffic whatever is not the providers responsibility but yours.
She is a professional just like any other and her time is valuable just like yours is,
Your time should start the minute you enter her premises ( if you need to wait a few minutes for her to be ready otherwise it is the time that you booked to arrive at) and ends when the time you booked ends.

Anything outside of this depends on your relationship with that provider whether or not you are a regular and what type of schedule and plans she has at the time you are late.
Basically some are very kind and generous when they know you well and you have a good history with them but that is all up to her and it is not something that should be expected. Anything outside the booked time is up to her and her generosity and the relationship and history you have.

I have never been late in 6 years when I see my ATF, I check the traffic on Waze and arrive 15-30 minutes early then either wait in my car or grab a coffee somewhere close by
I know she would be lenient with me because we are friends, but I will not use or abuse that friendship and I hate being late for any appointment.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The start time starts at the time of the appointment, if you are late then it is on you. She might have another appointment after you and it would not be fair to the next client to delay her next appointment. Now if she is late then appointment time should start at the time she receives you. On another note, some of you need to remember that this is Montreal under Valerie Plante a Socialist. She has intentionally narrowed streets to one lane one direction streets, removed many parking spots, closed off several streets to cars to make it pedestrian only, construction zone everywhere. Montreal is the last place I would ever drive. Best to take public transportation or take a taxi. Now if the incall is in a suburb then it is good to drive, but if it is in downtown then it is best to leave your car behind.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
If your 60 min appointment is 1pm - 2pm (as an example) then your time starts the moment you open the door. If you' re 10 min early it ends 1:50. If she allows you to stay until 2 then its her prerogative.
If you're late it still ends at 2pm.


my 2 cents


Certified outlier
Dec 23, 2019
And what about when you arrive early, are on time, text 10 minutes before your reserved time and are standing in front of the building ready to go up with smile on face & guerlain gift bag in hand.
10 min later, still no text..
your app was at 12:00 and she replies 'your here?' At 12:04.
You instantly reply, 'yes as i mentioned earlier, i am standing at the building entrance. Where do i go from here'
3 minutes later she texts '0901'
You put in the code and wait, no sound or buzz or click.
She texts again at 12:10, 'try code again'
You get buzzed in at 12:11.
At 12:14 you knock on condo door.
Do those 14 minutes come out of your time?
This example happened to me today and the 14 minutes were deducted from my time to which i did not say anything about it.
How to avoid this type of situation? Naturally no provider will give you the code & condo # beforehand, so is it just how it is? Or is there a way to avoid losing much time in situations like this?

I am not fussy or nitpicky in any way. I am a business owner & statistician, so my mind runs numbers by default regardless of what or why.
losing 14 minutes is no big deal, its just 14 minutes. But broken down, i am paying 70$ for those 14 minutes.
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Oct 18, 2020
And what about when you arrive early, are on time, text 10 minutes before your reserved time and are standing in front of the building ready to go up with smile on face & guerlain gift bag in hand.
10 min later, still no text..
your app was at 12:00 and she replies 'your here?' At 12:04.
You instantly reply, 'yes as i mentioned earlier, i am standing at the building entrance. Where do i go from here'
3 minutes later she texts '0901'
You put in the code and wait, no sound or buzz or click.
She texts again at 12:10, 'try code again'
You get buzzed in at 12:11.
At 12:14 you knock on condo door.
Do those 14 minutes come out of your time?
This example happened to me today and the 14 minutes were deducted from my time to which i did not say anything about it.
How to avoid this type of situation? Naturally no provider will give you the code & condo # beforehand, so is it just how it is? Or is there a way to avoid losing much time in situations like this?
Definite mood spoiler


Certified outlier
Dec 23, 2019
Would you call a lawyer abusive because they won't accommodate you being late because you didn't plan accordingly for parking? When you take an appointment with a professional, regardless of the field (escort, lawyer, therapist etc), it is your responsibility to arrive on time, and that means planning for parking. There are many ways to check the parking situation online, so there is no excuse.

I typically don't see clients back to back so will often be able to accommodate if a client is late, but half an hour late is a lot. We might have another client after or we might have plans outside of work. Waiting half an hour in my lingerie and makeup also kills the mood for me because I feel disrespected. I tend to be super horny when I'm about to see someone and the horniness decreases once you're past 15min late lol

It is rude to expect the onus of parking to be on the provider, you're paying for her services, the service doesn't include holding your hand as you google the parking situation.

If you can't figure it out on your own it is your responsibility to ask her ahead of time (instead of being disappointed she didn't assume you would struggle), or better yet, to arrive a little early to have a buffer to find parking.
In all professional services i use in a year such as lawyer, notary, chiropractor, doctor, therapist, computer engineer, webmaster etc, i am on time for every one as i am always on time when seeing a lovely lady for a date.
Each one of those professionals provided adress with door access information and relative parking information in a message prior to the first meeting. (They rarely move so of course you get used to the location and only need to know this the first time)
They only mention upon further appointments if there is construction on their building or in the parking access or street in front.
Also every one of them start billing once i am in the door and inside their offices.
All have a cancellation fee and no 'late charges'
Also those that are in buildings with busy elevators or areas where you can only park a few blocks away, they schedule in a way that leaves time in between their appointments to avoid 'rushy meetings' if someone must wait 12 minutes before taking an elevator up, or whatever minutes to circle the block a few times, park & walk back around to the building.
In most business courses its among the 5 most mentioned things for a business owner to not only know their customers but to know their place of business like the back of their hand to facilitate their clients access to their location and render things as seamless and in as least steps as possible

Also you seem to have missed many points in my post because i never said i expect anyone to do anything, but simply said i appreciate those that do. I also never complain or say a word regarding this to the provider, i let them decide however they choose to do things. I don't need anyone to "hold my hand" or "assume i will struggle"
I also am never late, usually 4 to 20 minutes early in fact i am physically at the location and i text to ask where i can park or if there is visitor parking in their building parking lot. I realize that 4 to 20 minutes is not enough time, that i should arrive 30 minutes earlier just in case i must park blocks away.
But i appreciate your input
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
And what about when you arrive early, are on time, text 10 minutes before your reserved time and are standing in front of the building ready to go up with smile on face & guerlain gift bag in hand.
10 min later, still no text..
your app was at 12:00 and she replies 'your here?' At 12:04.
You instantly reply, 'yes as i mentioned earlier, i am standing at the building entrance. Where do i go from here'
3 minutes later she texts '0901'
You put in the code and wait, no sound or buzz or click.
She texts again at 12:10, 'try code again'
You get buzzed in at 12:11.
At 12:14 you knock on condo door.
Do those 14 minutes come out of your time?
This example happened to me today and the 14 minutes were deducted from my time to which i did not say anything about it.
How to avoid this type of situation? Naturally no provider will give you the code & condo # beforehand, so is it just how it is? Or is there a way to avoid losing much time in situations like this?

I am not fussy or nitpicky in any way. I am a business owner & statistician, so my mind runs numbers by default regardless of what or why.
losing 14 minutes is no big deal, its just 14 minutes. But broken down, i am paying 70$ for those 14 minutes.
If this happens to me 50 times in a year (it happens much much more in reality) it adds up
In this example the appointment should be until 1:14PM.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
This example happened to me today and the 14 minutes were deducted from my time to which i did not say anything about it.

You were there on time and it took forever for you to get in.

I can’t tell other people how to conduct their business but if there’s a problem with the door, it’s on me. It happens sometimes that I have to go downstairs to get the client because they cannot buzz for some reasons. They still get the full duration if they were on time.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
in fact i am physically at the location and i text to ask where i can park or if there is visitor parking in their building parking lot.

I would suggest asking this before making your way to the incall location instead, if you need to, so you can avoid situations like this one :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I can't speak for incall. As I am outcall only. And I hear you on parking. Admittedly I avoid anything downtown because of it. And have made some last minute cancelations because I couldn't find parking in the area, telling them I'm sorry, but find someone who doesn't drive themselves. (I now check areas and parking before accepting a visit.) I'm not proud of the times i had to cancel for parking, but my transportation is my security. I don't leave it behind, or any significant distance away. If I need to get away fast, I need it close by. (A kind of paranoia from a previous bad expieriences.)

As for time,
I arive,
we greet eachother,
he pays,
I start the timer for 1 hr.
Then forget about time till the alarm sounds, and visit is done.
Then go wash up.

I tend to give 1 - 1.5 hrs between appointments, just for my cleanup time, and travel from 1 place to the other. Example: appointment A: 1-2pm, appointment B: will begin for 3, or 3:30pm. Depending on distance between locations.
I don't like to be rushed. So I take my time and give myself time to enjoy my day, not rush threw it.
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