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who has it easier? Men or women?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Why did things fall apart? She sounds like a keeper.

I tried to answer. But that would be my answer... It will be 5 year soon, I think I will frankly ask her! I know I am no bowl of cherries to live with tho haha

I would like to bring back my ex when I first met her, she took a drastic turn 12 yrs into the marriage. I got lucky as she was out of my league when we first met.

Haha you said it! If I could bring back the girl of the first few years!

Each fucking time I see her I think I would pick her up for sex before ANY escort of Montrea!

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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Marriage rates suffer because both parents have to work to get by now. Just my opinion.
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Sep 8, 2003
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Marriage rates suffer because of what we've made of marriage: a contract that allows one party to screw the other financially if a divorce occurs. And then men want to marry less? Wow! Surprise, surprise !!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Marriage rates suffer because both parents have to work to get by now. Just my opinion.

Exactly! The rich top 20% is not sharing so 80% of others are hardly meeting month's end. The most financially in-equate countries are where there is less marriage and babies.



Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
The argument that women make less than men is only accurate depending how you look at the stats. It is illegal to pay someone who works hourly less or more based off gender. Example, a male nurse and a female nurse who have the same job experience/seniority/credentials cannot receive less or more than eachother. However when it comes to contract work or freelance then the employer can pay whatever was negociated and agreed apon by both parties. So yes it can end up that in these jobs men can be payed more for the same work. But the reverse can happen as well. Acting is a good example of this. Male pornstars are payed significantly less than female for the same work. There are also other factors to consider when it comes to unequal pay, such as value. If we look at sports for example. It makes sense that in most sports men get payed more, because most of the time, men bring in far more money than women in terms of add revenue, sponsorships, ratings, merchandise and viewers. It’s not sexism it’s just market value. Then we also have to take into account that women tend to go into careers that pay less than alot of male dominated fields, examples of these are nursing, teaching and secretary work. Male dominated careers like engineering pay more. So in the end preference is a big factor when it comes to wage gap. Also women in general work far fewer hours than men. Usually due to maternity. So yeah if ur working less hours than your peers chances are your gonna make less money. Its just a path that women choose to take.
So yes there is a wage gape in a sense. But it doesn’t come from sexism it comes from different genders dominating certain fields, woman working less hours, and market value when it comes to things like sports and acting.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Marriage rates suffer because both parents have to work to get by now. Just my opinion.

I would agree with this, I have seen it many times with friends.
There are exceptions, we were able to both work while grandma took care of the kids.

We both earned an above average salary and life was good, but I was the one that had it way easier.
That is really the only thing I regret looking back, I could have done more, helped more, being a typical European male I never cooked or cleaned anything or went shopping for anything ( except for the occasional vacuuming and yard work ).
Since she passed away, I get to do all of this, and now feel kind of stupid that I never lifted a finger to do any of this stuff, I could have and should have made it so much easier for her , and she never once complained.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
And who has it easier...... A good looking woman who is not an ass can live very well in today's society, do not even need a diploma or anything.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
The argument that women make less than men is only accurate depending how you look at the stats.

No. It is accurate no matter how you look at the stats. What the actual numbers are change depending on what stats you use and what you decide to compare. But the overall finding remains pretty robust even after you adjust for number of hours worked or type of job.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Women for the same job and the same hours earn the same, it has been that way for a long time. Men on the average make more because of the jobs they have and the hours they pull in. Some were duped into thinking Trudeau made a special law to have women paid the same as men, oh well.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Apparently her thoughts didn’t catch on, because a decade after it was written, the intellectuals doing studies are still stating that marriage has declined due to an insufficient “basket of goods” offered by male suitors for marriage, instead of any analysis of whether the supposed demand side is realistic, or whether the female brings any “basket of goods” to the table.]/Quote]

Did you even read the article you linked to? You're the only one saying it is a "basket of goods" problem. Even the Yahoo summary doesn't say that, and neither does the study abstract. You also said "high earning", which isn't used in the article. The author of the article specifically talks about how the rise in education and earning power of women has already seen more women marrying men who earn less. I'm not going to pay for the full article, so it would be nice to see how the demographics are being analyzed and how much of a discussion there is about the usefulness of using previous matches as a predictor for the current demand.

But even if the research is sloppy or badly done, it flat out does not say "basket of goods" or "high earning" (unless you think 40k/year is "high earning"). I don't know where you got that from.

Can you imagine the backlash if an author determined that the looks of women peak in their late teens and 20s (not saying they do, just supposing a hypothesis) and marriage rates might have declined because men are relatively less inclined to pursue women in their 30s and above for marriage out of pure attraction. Therefore, the years that women spend on education, demanding first jobs, and “finding themselves” has declined the overall marriage rate, and that is a major change in society during the last few decades.

There have been lots of people who argue that. It's really common. How have you never noticed this? Yes it is mostly evopsych people who insist it is about the attractiveness only, but the whole "women working and not settling before getting settled" is what is driving the marriage rate is something you see a lot.


New Member
Mar 22, 2016
Then we also have to take into account that women tend to go into careers that pay less than alot of male dominated fields, examples of these are nursing, teaching and secretary work. Male dominated careers like engineering pay more.

You are confusing cause and effect. Women dominated fields pay less because they are women dominated not because women go into low paying fields. Computer programming used to be dominated by women but only became highly paid once it became heavily male dominated.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Secretary, nursing, computers, teaching. All of them saw pay drops as they became associated with women.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ As if women have to pay for sex ( the majority ). A female midget can be an escort making money, a male midget not so much. An average looking female with a good attitude can get free drinks and fucked while the average male not so much.
In the sex department women have a huge advantage....


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
If you're an attractive, petite white woman with large boobs & blonde hair, life is effortless.

Truly - I used to work with 1 and we'd go to the food court. 1/5 times she'd get free food or freebies. Need help with work? No end of guys willing to help or coach. Dating life - even easier. I don't think she ever paid for a single meal/drink for the 2 years we worked together. No problems getting dates either - she once showed me an inbox with 251 unread messages.


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Sep 8, 2003
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I am not sure he is correct on his core conclusions.

I doubt that women will continue to look down on guys who don’t go to college if the trend continues.

And I have read that the men who go to college flock to majors that are focused on professional careers that pay well.

And many vocational careers that non-college educated men typically work in pay some real cabbage throughout their lifetimes. Certainly not the kind of money this arrogant prick made by selling his high-tech company, but a decent living.

But, do you think he has any points?

And if he does, how will it change the premise of who will have it easier in the future. All those college-educated women, or all those laborer men?

Women in their 20s don't look down at guys yet because of college. They are still flashing on looks, cars, money, charm, or what their friends think of their boyfriend. They don't project themselves further with the guy.

Women in their 30s having worked hard to study and get a good job start looking down. However, they are also more experienced in love and understand a little better what makes a good partner, and it sometimes has little to do with their day-job. Human qualities are paramount for long-lasting relationships.

So, all in all, I agree with you Patron on this.


Sep 26, 2019
Things won't change until true gender equality is achieved and our instincts get removed via indoctrination as early as kindergarten age.

I've almost never heard of women marrying down, but always up or at least equal in socioeconomic status.

If we grade both genders in A,B,C,D, then D men and A women are reportedly ending up alone the most without a partner.
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