Message to mythdigger:
there is a constitution in this country (believe it or not) that guarantees freedom of speech. Any attempt by any Government, whether provincial or federal, to censor anything would be immediately contested before the Courts. There are so many special interest groups here (and the press is so close to many of them) that it would get known.
Now, this basic constitutionnal right suffers some exceptions: anyone who publishes hate litterature or child pornography for example, could not rely on the constitution to justify the legality of these texts or pictures. Ernst Zundel, an extreme-rightist-fascist, who denies the very existence of the Holocaust, pleaded his freedom of speech right when he was accused of publishing hate litterature a few years ago. And he lost. The Courts stated that this type of litterature was not acceptable to any normal Canadian community and thus, any Law that provided censorship for this type of litterature was perfectly constitutionnal.
By the way, I believe that the daughter of Ernst Zundel appears on the so-called freedom website that you base your argumentation upon.
And yesterday night, I saw on TV some parts of this extraordinary movie "Mississipi Burning"... God knows why, I immediately thought of you.