Montreal Escorts

Why the whole world detest Bush?

Re: Where has true Democracy gone to?

Originally posted by JustaJohn
I wonder how you can bring Democracy to a country that has never seen Democracy, while your own county is no longer a 'true' Democracy. I'm wondering.......

What is your definition of democracy?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Almost sounds like the present-day Bush administration, doesn't it?

Just saw the news on tv. Iraq, Egypt, another beheading...isn't freedom great?? And now, we hear that the Afghan elections might have been fixed. Surprise, surprise! As if Bush and his gang would have allowed a war lord to be democratically elected. Of course, they want their puppet, Karzai, to remain in power. Can't really blame them. However, this isn't Democracy.
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New Member
Mar 25, 2003
Originally posted by JustaJohn
Almost sounds like the present-day Bush administration, doesn't it?

Just saw the news on tv. Iraq, Egypt, another beheading...isn't freedom great?? And now, we hear that the Afghan elections might have been fixed. Surprise, surprise! As if Bush and his gang would have allowed a war lord to be democratically elected. Of course, they want their puppet, Karzai, to remain in power. Can't really blame them. However, this isn't Democracy.

You felt better when the murder and torture wasn't on CNN - how brave you are.



New Member
Jul 23, 2005
I lick Bush, I don't like Bush.

My Opinion why no one likes Bush very much is that he is arrogant, shrewd, and self-centered.

He has held world opinion in contempt by not signing the Kyoto Treaty.

(The Kyoto Treaty commits industrialised nations to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, principally Carbon Dioxide, by around 5.2% below their 1990 levels over the next decade.
Drawn up in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, the agreement needs to be ratified by countries who were responsible for at least 55% of the world's carbon emissions in 1990 to come into force.

The agreement was dealt a severe blow in March 2001 when President George W Bush announced that the United States would never sign it. )

Hell in Canada he could take steps to stop the softwood import from being what it is.

(Washington, D.C. (October 2, 2001) – Citing its harmful effects on housing consumers, lumber-dependent industries and the overall economy, President George W. Bush was urged today to intervene in a preliminary decision by the Commerce Department to impose countervailing duties of 19.3 percent on softwood lumber imports from Canada.)

These 'smaller' issues should show that Bush is hard to deal with as a friendly with these hard lines to the original poster. I don't even want to get into the well known NATO or the UN fiasco that has transpired.

He could have signed the Kyoto Treaty and made appeals to the 'board' to account for the trees that produce oxygen, his reported sticking point on the agreement.

He could have backed the NAFTA he signed in, but I digress. It was not in his interest to.

The United States is a Republic that has traditional Democractic underpins. This is the information in the CIA Factbook. We elect idiots that in turn elect a president idiot to make idiotic laws. :D The popular vote just tells the local idiots which idiot we voted our State votes (electoral college).

As far as the religious mouth moving... here is another saying...

You say you walk a righteous line with your mouth, let us see you take some steps.

Good thing he can't run for president again.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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OH MY GOD! After nearly 10 months of dormancy, Curious (like Dr. Frankenstein) has brought this thread's ugly head back to life! :eek:

Curious, your reference to the Rolling Stones 1983 hit, "Undercover (Of the Night)" brought back a flood of memories for me. In 1983, when that song was released, I was a college student at one of the most vibrant college campuses in New England, Ronald Reagan was President of The United States, and his policies in Central America were causing widespread debate and controversy on many college campuses, including my own. I can recall very vividly one of my college professors, during a lecture, breaking down and crying when he started talking about Reagan's policies in El Salvador. He was a revered professor on my campus, although he was a somewhat pompous and affected liberal. But this was a sign of the times.

I have not heard the Rolling Stones song in question, but it seems to me that in recent years politics have been creeping into the music business more and more. Springsteen, the Dixie Chicks, and others have attacked Bush and the "American right." For a band like the Rolling Stones that is a well established top act and is going to sell a lot of records on their name alone, I certainly don't see this as a marketing ploy which you might argue to be the case with some lesser known act. My own feeling is that if the music is good, the lryics don't make a difference, and if the music sucks, potentially inflammatory lyrics are going to be viewed as marketing sheningans designed to boost record sales.
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New Member
Jul 23, 2005
OH YEAH the music that started me reading this rag of a thread.

BAH!! Stones never made a flop... this is great news. :D


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Oct 3, 2004
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I know its not healthy but I just can't help myself from hating this guys guts. In my opinion he is a totally corrupt dictator. He has no regard for human life and is quite possibly the worst liar in my lifetime. I could go on for hours and write page upon page about the absloute evil that I think this guy represents. He is one notch below Osama in my opinion. I don't care to talk about it in detail as it is very upsetting to rehash all the suffering he and his family/friends have brought upon the world. I'm sure there is a special place in hell being reserved for them.


New Member
Feb 15, 2005
It is not just a president.. If you remember the movie Farenheit 9/11, Michael went to DC and asked senators to sign the paper to send their children to the army but they all ran away from him.


New Member
Jul 23, 2005
Bush will not meet with her... its not his best interest..

See definition of Shrewd... it should have his face next to it.


New Member
Jul 13, 2005
" Why the whole world detest Bush?"


"To understand why the whole world hate Bush, I'm curious to read the arguments of fellow merbites. "

Je vous propose un tout petit tours d'horizon de l'ingérence américaine ou de la politique étrangère américaine! À noter, que je lance de mémoire tous les endroits où ils y ont mis les pieds. Les dates, demeurent vagues...ainsi veuillez m'excuser si je ne réponds qu’en français, je ne manie guère cette langue écrite de Shakespeare..

Commençons par leur arrière-cour.

El Salavador...
Guatemala...un génocide silencieux...ça vous dit quelque chose ??
Cuba, before 1952 and after...
Haiti...Duvalier puis les suivants..
République les compagnies américaines...
Panama...combien de mort pour construire leur canal ?
Chili…coup d'État, mort de Allende...
Argentine...Coup d'É leur milice d'entraînement...
Pé le sentier lumineux leur politique..
Paragya et leur milice de la cia
Venezuela...en ce moment Chavez et leur homme à abattre !

Leurs excuses à ces milliers de morts ? Un mélange de leur politique Monroe -début du siècle, une paranoïa du communiste et un capitalisme à outrance.

Ces pays possèdent tous un point en commun parmi tant d'autre : le projet Condor made in usa...qui provoqua la mort de milliers de victimes..

Passons maintenant en Asie..

Japon...Horishima...Nagasaki...Bien des historiens se posent La question...Pourquoi ?
Guerre du Vietnam… et les dommages collatéraux, encore aujourd'hui des civils vietnamiens sont victimes des effets du gaz Orange que Washington refuse de reconnaître.
Laos, Cambodge appui aux Khmers rouge pas trop officiel. Refus d’accorder une aide susbantielle au TPI ...

La Corée…1954

On traverse l'océan..

Afrique du Sud…sous l'époque de De Klerc
Congo...complice de l'assassinat de Lumbada
Somalie[/B]...grosse bê se retirer.
Rwanda...on refusez de nommer le mot génocide..
Burundi...même chose Castro était présent pourquoi pas eux ?
Sierra Leone...Encore des diamants ! Mais peu de personne on entendu parlé de ces massacres
Leur refus de s'excuser pour la traite des esclaves.

Remontons sur la carte géopolitique

]Egypte...bien avant Nasser...
La Jordanie
] guerre
Libye...Kadhafi ? Parfois la Maison-Blanche l'aime bien...cela dépend du moment
Palestine...Dois-je m'étendre sur le sujet ?
Israél...Sharon…et son massacre d'un camp de réfugiés palestiniens en 1972 (?) avec l'appui de la CIA...
Iran...avant ils étaient bien copain-copain contre l'Irak avec le Shah, puis vint l'Ayatollah K. Mais depuis plusieurs années, cet état est devenu une bête noire…
Irak...Oups !! Nous sommes venus copains, tu sais, ils ont pris nos citoyens…dis-donc, tu veux pas nous aider, en échange on t'offre des armes??
Koweït........le pétrole..
Arabie leurs $, alors silence leur appui à la dictature mais ils font partie de l'OTAN...

Océan Indien…

Diego Garcia…une île sous empire britannique de 44km carrée. Isolée au cœur de l’océan indien. Le relais de cette île fut pris par les USA. Vidée entièrement de ses habitants par Washington en 1960 et ce, afin d’établir une base militaire. Ces habitants ont dû quitter leur maison en l’espace d’une seule nuit. Ils n’ont eu que trois heures pour ramasser leur vie afin de quitter cette île, leur île. Réfugiés pour la plupart en Grande-Bretagne, ils sont devenus les clochards de Blairs.

Allons vers le haut de la carte, plus à l'est

Sous prétexte à la guerre contre le terrorisme pas un mot du conflit cinglant de la Tchétchénie...

Bref, et j’en passe et en oublie…mais bon. C’est épuisant de réciter cette bêtise humaine

L’Irak ? Ah !! Oui, ils ont fait une guerre sous prétexte des armes de destructions si on appelait ce bourbier simplement de par son vrai nom ? Une guerre d'occupation, afin de remodeler le Moyen-Orient, et ce avec des milliers de victimes qui n'ont jamais demandé cette foutue guerre. La mort de plus d'un millier de soldat américain ? Ici nous parlons du syndrome du Vietnam. Mais a ce que je sache, cela fait partie des risques du métier quand ils apposent leurs signatures en bas du formulaire ...Et dire que le Pentagone à eu la brillante idée de vouloir organiser une marche pro-guerre, la semaine passée afin de réveiller les ardeurs de ces citoyens refroidies à cet guerre qui n'était et n'est pas leur guerre légitime..

Selon Bush, son désir d’expatrier la démocratie se démontre clairement lors de la rédaction de la nouvelle constitution irakienne : les femmes se retrouvent avec beaucoup moins de droits que ce qu'elles avaient obtenues sous… Sadam Hussein.

L’Afghanistan? Depuis leur pré production du pavot à grimper de plus de 60 %, le droit des femmes n'est toujours pas reconnue, combien d'entre elles sont assassinées tout simplement en tentant d'aller à l'école tandis que la population en générale ne sait plus faire la différence entre l’aide humanitaire des ONG qui est donné sans condition et ceux des militaires usa qui est offerte sous le couvercle militaire et ce, sans aucun respect pour la culture locale…Ainsi les humanitaire ne peuvent plus faire leur travail correctement.

Leur appui auprès du régime de Pakistan, pas un mot sur Poutine et sa version stalinienne de la répression, on tape un peu sur les doigts du sanguinaire régime de la Corée du Nord qui affame son peuple avec un plaisir . Certains journaux, dont le Courrier Internationale, croient que l'Iran sera une prochaine cible de leur Bush arrive à situer l’Iran sur une carte…

Leur tentative ratée afin de faire tomber le secrétaire général de l’ONU Kofie Annan ( désolée, pour les fautes..) avec le scandale du Pétrole contre nourriture, dont les principaux dirigeants et signataires…étaient d’origines américaines.

Leur récente politique au sein d'USAID impliquant un programme de subvention aux ONG, à saveur religieux, et ce accorder avec l'appuie de Bush. Celles-ci ou les États qui se prévalent de leurs subventions doivent obligatoirement faire une campagne de sensibilisation auprès de leur population ou bénéficiaires contre le port du condom :eek: et contre l'avortement :eek: . Et le SIDA? Plus de trois millions d'africains meurent de cette maladie. Il est totalement cinglé ce type. Le Brésil de Lula a refusé ce programme, cet été. Bien des ONG oeuvrant au tiers-monde, se tourne vers d'autres sources de financement dont l'ACDI. :)

Et bien, voilà un bref, un minime, un cours aperçu du pourquoi que des millions de personnes ont en horreur de la politique étrangère américaine, et ce depuis bien avant l'arrivée de Bush (en Amérique latine...les gringos ne sont guères aimez...)

L’inculture reconnue de Bush, cette façon qu’il a de percevoir unilatéralement le monde géostratégique n’a fait que trouver un réceptacle à leur opposition, soit à renforcer la haine de ces gens. Et ce, avec raison.

Le monde entier a voté contre Bush, hormis les américains, la Chine et Moscou..! Le pourcentage des américains ayant voté pour lui se retrouve dans une large part au sein de la droite voire extrême, catholique américaine…

Brrr..Brrr..cela fait horriblement peur. En effet, entre cette droite religieuse et les extrémistes islamistes (ou autre) il n’existe guère de différence : pro-vie, contre le droit des femmes, aucune relation sexuelle avant le mariage, homophobe, contre le divorce, aucun vice toléré –tabac, alcool et encore moins celui d’escorte :eek: - , une étroitesse d’esprit intellectuelle, sois que tout est la grâce de Dieu, que la création de l’Homme sur cette terre est celle de Dieu, et finalement et non la moindre la suprématie de l’homme :eek: et l'égalité.

Drôle de ressemblance.

Pour ma part, se sont les pires pervers de l’humanité.

Dès 2001, au Mississipi ainsi qu’en Louisiane, une femme arborant un g-string risque une peine de prison de deux jours plus une amende, pour attentat à la pudeur. Un adolescent de 17 ans fut condamné à plusieurs mois de prisons dans l’État du Mississipi –du moins je crois- pour…avoir fait l’amour d’une façon consentante avec sa copine mineure, âgée de 16 ans.

Un président des Etats-Unis soutenant le maintien au sein des écoles primaires d’une théorie primant l’arrivée de l’Homme sur cette terre grâce au concours de Dieu, pour ma part, cela ressemble à du Ayatollah. Bien des intellectuels se sont battus durant plus d’un siècle afin de séparer la religion du politique. Lui, que fait-il ? Diantre ! Au secours..

Et quand tu poses encore cette question Why the whole world detest Bush?..ouf..cela est épuisant...à répondre…Tu ne trouves pas ?

Sans rancune,
P.S La période de guerre froide à fait en totalité plus de victime que celle de la deuxième guerre mondiale... dont les États-Unis sont en grande partie responsable...


New Member
Jul 13, 2005
Voire ci-haut

J'oublais Guantanamo ainsi que les petits ports d'attaches qu'ils ont mis un peu partout afin de facilité le parcours de la torture, sans aucun pouvoir juridique de la part des victimes, sauf un canadien qui s'est réellement battu contre vent et marée, dont le nom m'échappe et qui fut envoyé en Syrie..par les amerloques.

Parfois quand je vois cette folie de la politique américaine..une seule envie me prend, soit de leur balancer mon g-string par la tête !


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Oct 3, 2004
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I hear you loud and clear and I can't even read French!

To Fidai,

I wish I could read French since I'm sure your argument was pretty powerful. Just reading the list of countries you mentioned brought back all the memories of my lifetime and the sick twisted machinations of the US government. To be fair to Bush, not that he's fair with anyone else, its not just Bush that the world despises, its a long line of crooked Presidents and government boogiemen in general that have everyone so pissed off at us. US foreign policy has absolutely sucked for a long time. If our prime motivation wasn't "what can you do for us" we would be much more even handed with the other cultures on this planet.

What really sucks is that many people outside the US lump us all together as one when in fact we are a nation almost evenly split over most issues. I can not imagine our country being more polarized than it is right now. Tens of millions of us in support of murder and crimes against humanity committed by the USA but tens of millions against it as well. Some of us have hearts filled with anger at what our government is doing and are full of compassion for those unfortunate souls who have been wronged by our government. What we need is continued pressure from foreign nations to stop the illegal wars our country wages against less fortunate parts of the world for oil and stragegic power(or "stragerery" as W. calls it). Nothing less than complete condemnation of such acts of murder is necessary.

The only way the US will respond is if you hit their special interests in the wallet. Boycott their goods and they will listen. But as long as you support the US economy you are fueling the governments actions. Make them listen by closing your wallets to their products. It took years of economic sanctions against South Africa to help end Apartheid, but eventually they buckled. Killing people is wrong no matter what country people belong too and there is no place for religious fanatics who murder innocents at the table of leadership. When they try to exert their evil desires they must be rebuked by those around them until the people of their country have no confidence in them and remove them from power. Osama and Bush both must go! Humanity will not survive madmen like them if we don't join together and stop the machinery that fuels the endless reproduction of likeminded tyrants.


Jul 21, 2005

Curious i am not a bush fan but he did met the soldier mother a month ago Over 1800 american soldier are dead because of him he cant meet all the relatives And who knows how many British and Iraqui people how can he sleep at night


New Member
Jul 13, 2005
I hear you loud and clear and I can't even read english!

To Honestabe,

Moi aussi, j'aimerais de beaucoup pouvoir te répondre...en anglais.

Voilà tu as tout compris cette colère que je voulais exprimer et tu l'as traduis parfaitement.

L'imbécilité de Bush a rallié le mouvement des altersmondialistes en un rien de temps et beaucoup de ces éminents membres intellectuels proviennent des États-Unis.

Mais surtout, je crois aussi que ce qui a cristallisé leurs opinion demeure l'arrivée de la loi du Patriot Acts. La perte des droits & liberté pour une plus grande sécurité...C'est un discours très ancien mais qui tire sa source ni plus ni moins au sein d'un mouvement de qui fait très peur.

What really sucks is that many people outside the US lump us all together as one when in fact we are a nation almost evenly split over most issues. I can not imagine our country being more polarized than it is right now.

Je vais tenter un petit effort d'écriture...

What about the time of vietnam war, when the US start to get into this conflict ? (before it was France war..)
Most of hippies or intellectuel people disagre with this war and the other people was for the vietnam war. So, isn't the same polarize that you can see know..but less powerfull and with another context politics ??

Je ne comprendrais jamais comment on peu laisser notre enfant partir à une guerre qui n'est pas la nô ce même pour échapper à une pauvreté.
Micheal Moore a beau nous le faire comprendre dans ce film 9-11, je n'y arrive toujours pas...
Et je suis consciente que je produis ici un jugement.. :eek:

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Bush's home seems like a great place to protest his war. He started the damn thing, why not put him on the spot? And I don't see how Ms. Sheehan has been uncivil. She's sitting out in the heat, demanding an audience with the president. That's not rude, it's just inconvenient -- from Bush's point of view.


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Oct 3, 2004
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I need to get an interpreter.

The Vietnam conflict was polarizing as well. I can't personally think of any reason to justify war unless you are actually attacked my another countries military forces. There will always be many among us who will disagree with preemptive war but there never seems to be a shortage of ethnocentrists/religious zealots/racists who find a reason to justify the murder of innocents. They talk out of both sides of their mouth preaching love and touting Jesus' but then approve bombing civilians. They call the enemy "terrorists", and its so ironic because thats the way they have seen us for 40 years! Why 9/11 was a surprise to so many people is beyond me. No one knew exactly what, when, or where something was going to happen but it should have been obvious to a lot more of us that if you live by the sword you die by the sword.

What is scary is that in the Vietnam conflict the truth was damning to our government. When faced with the revelation that the country knew about the lies being told the goverment decided that the gig was up. They had to stop the loss of life of young men being forced to fight in a war that was viewed as wrong by a larger and larger majority of the population. It was as if the goverment still had some self respect and would not blatantly disregard the truth after it had been caught red handed telling lies about the reason for war, and what we were actually doing. They may not have wanted to retreat but realized it was necessary because of the public shame and humiliation they were enduring. The country was rapidly losing faith in the government so they pulled out to "stop the bleeding" so to speak.

Times have changed. This administration seems to have absolutely no regard for the truth even when faced with the fact that we all know they lied to us about so many different things and had planned all along to take this course of action. Bush miraculously was elected by a 3,000,000 vote majority over Kerry and won key states such as Ohio where his policies had seriously harmed the economy and put tens of thousands out of work. Why would people vote for him when the economy was dragging ass, people were out of work, he had been exposed for his lies about Iraq, the rich were getting richer and the middle class was shrinking while poverty was increasing, and he had no clear plan for the future other than vagaries with little or no detail?

Religion and Fear. The election was spun into a referendum on gay marriage and the implication that Kerry(the decorated combat veteran) would invite the terrorists to kill us, but Bush(the liar, Awol, war dodger, silver spoon, drunk driving, coke sniffer) would save us from all harm. Praise Jesus! I know Jesus talks a lot to his favorite president, because Bush tells us he does, he must really be proud of all the fresh souls that Bush is sending to heaven. It must be a hand in hand business partnership. Because thats what Jesus wants, killing in his name, nothing makes him happier right? Half the country is brainwashed with this shit and its depressing as hell to think that some people are really that naive to actually believe their religion makes them right and other religions are made up of "infidels." This logic sounds familiar, thats because its similar to what Osama says.

So the difference I see between Vietnam and "Vietnow" is that accountability is no longer a factor. Lies are the norm now and we expect them which shows how comfortable we have become with being deceived. More lies are told to back up old lies and no one is held accountable for anything as long as its in the service of the administration. Its also become far too difficult and time consuming for our elected representatives to find out anything they need to know in order to make informed judgments. They are expected to take the word of known liars as proof positive for every whimsical idea, even when it costs thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars. Bush sees himself as having absolute power and his only responsibility being to keep us in the dark while he and his cronies make whatever decisions they see fit whether or not its what the majority of the people really want. If anyone tries to stand agaisnt them they get their spin machine working and try to smear people with trash even though they don't have a problem with their own chosen leader being scum.

The fact that there haven't been more protests on a massive scale here in the US also raises the alarm that social activism is in a sad state. Perhaps the reason for this is the brilliant strategy employed by the administration to get everyone to focus on "supporting the troops" by portraying them as hero's and actually using their deaths as a way to increase support for more of them to die the same way under the banner of "A Noble Cause."

Try speaking out against the war publicly and invariably you will find a right winger with a friend or relative in the military. They will immediately call you a traitor and try to shame you with how they "fought for your freedom." On one hand you'll feel bad for them that they have to live with the knowledge that their loved one could be in danger, but on the other hand there is no draft, so if someone volunteers for that job and takes the benefits they have to be ready to do the governments bidding like it or not. As far as fighting for our freedom, thats a good one, I always laugh at that. The only good sign I see so far is that recruiting goals are falling well short of expected levels which shows some people are getting smarter about what they will and won't fight for. Damn this is depressing shit.::(:


New Member
Jul 13, 2005
Yes, i understand what you're saying as i myself am no Bush fan either, but what about the other members of Bush's family who also live there? What about the neighbours? What about the local community?

Other members of Bush Family ? He's wife ? He's father ????? :eek: :eek:
They all in this game too...

The neighbours ??? Must be the est le président, question de sécurité...

What about the rights of those other people?

Question de démocratie, ne plus manifester afin de ne pas déranger frise le le ridicule !!

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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I have to register a respectful dissent. There's a difference between inconveniencing people and violating their rights. People don't have a right to avoid being crowded by TV crews and out-of-towners. And if they do, I guess some lawyers will have a pretty good case on their hands.

A war on the one hand, bad parking on the other . . . to me the choice seems clear. Out of this whole situation, what's going on with Crawford's residents doesn't measure too high on the importance scale.

Of course, if some of the residents just don't like the anti-war protesters and do something stupid like start shooting -- well, then we have a whole new situation. But I don't think it'll be because of crowding at the local diner.


Jul 21, 2005

Its the same thing every summer news crews are following the president on his so call working vacation remember his dad in Maine, Reagan on his ranch, Clinton on an island somewhere so what different this year a mother in pain who want to know something the man cant tell the TRUTH
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