Excuse me?
CS Martin said:
Finally someone who thinks for himself instead of regurgitating media junk.
Glad to see that you know us all so well that you feel comfortable ASSuming that we don't think for ourselves.

Mighty presumptious of you and frankly quite insulting as well. Its funny because if your assumption were true we would be reciting "media junk" in FAVOR of the war which is what the mainstream media has been from day 1. There is certainly plenty of junk out there in the media but very little of it supports the anti-war position myself and many others have taken let alone withdrawal from Iraq or holding Bush accountable for all the lies he told to get the war started in the first place.
Fact is that we actually have to search for alternative news sources and the truth about historical events minus the ethnocentric bias frequently put on them. This is not easy since there is a very deliberate effort in the mainstream media and goverment to silence voices of dissent through marginalization and smear campaigns. I put it to all of you that to believe one party line without question is as Unpatriotic a thing to do as is imaginable. All Americans owe it to themselves and their country to check facts for themselves, double check them, and do it AGAIN, before ever putting our Armed Forces in the line of Fire. You would demand nothing less if you had children who were being shipped off to fight in this war. This was NOT done as is evident by all the lies we were spoon fed that so many of us accepted willingly as truth simply because many Americans wanted to believe that George Bush wouldn't lie to us about something so important.
I guess it depends on what you read/listen too/watch as to what you consider "junk." Perhaps we read different things but it might be the case that I would see what YOU read as being the "Junk." I personally don't limit my exposure to different sources for news as Big Brother Bush would like you too. I take in many different accounts from many different sources, analyze them and try to find truth among them. I have a college degree and lived for many years in several Foreign countries all over the globe. I have been immersed in day to day life within other cultures and come to learn what they value, their differences with us and how to reconcile those differences while showing the utmost repsect to the people who welcomed me into their country and were good hosts to myself and my family. I think my ability to think analytically for myself especially in regard to the subject of foreign relations is not in question thank you very much.
Keep in mind that the mainstream media in our country is controlled by corporations that are right now attempting to buy out all their smaller competition and leave only a few Mega-corporations which control almost all of the news we see/hear every day. In addition corporate media already works very closely with the government and big business in what it talks about and how it portrays the subject matter. Their hope is that they can limit the message getting out to us and influence the way we see it to their liking so they can do what they wish. This should not be a surprise to anyone as goverment/big business of any kind usually has corruption within it, Democracy/capitalism is no exception as shown right here in the good ol' US of A. So the theory that forcing Democracy on Iraq will fix their problems is another far reaching assumption which has not proved itself to be true thus far and does not look promising at all.
Getting to the Atom Bomb argument, EB, would you agree or not that dropping atomic bombs on two different cities anywhere in the world killing over 140,000 CIVILIANS, WOMEN and CHILDREN, some in a slow, agonizing, gruesome way is an atrocity? Put the shoe on the other foot, say the USA was defeated militarily(yes its unlikey but just for the sake of argument) by another country who we attacked under Bushes preemptive strike doctrine and we refused to surrender, would it be an atrocity if they used an atomic weapon on the USA? What about YOUR home town, how about YOUR family and friends? The fact that the Japanese were not surrendering was no justification to do it to them and as if once was not enough, we did it TWICE!
An invasion of Japan was not necessarily the only way to bring about the demise of the Emperors madness. Japan is an island nation which has very little of its own natural resources so they must import their oil and raw materials they use for their industries. We could have easily bombarded their military(ability to fight) into nothingness and left them a blockaded island with no ability to do anything other than to grow food so they wouldn't starve. When faced with such a plight Hirohito may have surrendered after all, albeit later than we may have wished. Fact is that we'll never know as Truman took that possibility off the table.
As to the fact that the Japanese did indeed attack Pearl Harbor starting our involvement in WWII, keep in mind that it was not a civilian target (even though some civilians died). The notion that they would have attacked the US mainland if they could have is a moot point. They didn't and they never got the chance to. We fought them in a conventional war and forced their retreat all the way back to Japan. Utterly defeated and unable to extend any kind of military reach beyond their coastline, it is extremely unlikely that they could have used an Atomic device of their own on the American mainland even if they had one, which they did not. Would they have if they could? Probably, since they were led by a madman and so would Hitler, does that justify us doing it? Hardly. As a matter of fact it left some people wondering who the most dangerous madmen were. I'll say it again, we are the only nation to ever use nuclear warfare and we did it against CIVILIANS, WOMEN and CHILDREN. NOT a proud moment in our history.
I also agree that this is an apple and oranges thing as the Iraq situation is entirely different than WWII so perhaps we should not try to compare the two but rather stick to the current situation. I only brought it up to prove the point that the US is not a moral authority on anything. We have way to many skeletons in our closet to claim righteousness over other cultures. Too many examples to list and very frustrating conversation to say the least. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree over this.