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With or without the mask?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
More and more cities, provinces, and countries oblige wearing of mask in the closed places.

Almost everyone agrees with this idea, but there are always people who refuse to wear it. I understand all those who cannot, but they are the ones who say that this is an obstacle to their personal freedom.

I say to those, don't just think of yourself, it's a matter of respect.
Anyway on August 01 you will not be able to enter anywhere
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
There is no good valid excuse to not wear a mask in public indoor settings.
Those who complain or have a childish tantrum should be fined.
If you object to losing your rights then complain the same way about seat belts or having to wear a helmet on a bike.
If you say its uncomfortable then think of healthcare workers who have to wear masks and visors for 12 hours a day.
Only babies and ignorant fools will object.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
There is no good valid excuse to not wear a mask in public indoor settings.
Those who complain or have a childish tantrum should be fined.
If you object to losing your rights then complain the same way about seat belts or having to wear a helmet on a bike.
If you say its uncomfortable then think of healthcare workers who have to wear masks and visors for 12 hours a day.
Only babies and ignorant fools will object.

Sidney Crosby can make hockey plays i can't. Michael Jordan can put a ball in a net from really far, i can't. Pretty much we are not all the same. I can't breathe with this on. I mean sure for a quick depanneur in and out, 5 min i could tolerate, but during long periods? Nop.

The more we allow them to take our rights and liberty, the more they will push. Whats next? At 30 degrees on the street?

I never wore a helmet on a bike personally but your 2 exemples are irrelevant as neither a helmet or a seatbeat prevent proper breathing. We were not born to have our mouths obstructed. A good air flow is supose to go in and out.

Personally im already gearing up to make officials complaint against this. We have already a 50 000 names petition. Hopefully someone more instructed than me will go for a "recours collectif" and sue Legault and Arruda. It could totally be done for "perte de jouissance" and santé mental andangerment. Im sorry those are a bit too complicated for my basic english level, hopefully you get my french.

I live in a small town, there is probably not even 1 active case, all these measures are exagerated and have no call for this coronaflu.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Sidney Crosby can make hockey plays i can't. Michael Jordan can put a ball in a net from really far, i can't. Pretty much we are not all the same. I can't breathe with this on. I mean sure for a quick depanneur in and out, 5 min i could tolerate, but during long periods? Nop.

The more we allow them to take our rights and liberty, the more they will push. Whats next? At 30 degrees on the street?

I never wore a helmet on a bike personally but your 2 exemples are irrelevant as neither a helmet or a seatbeat prevent proper breathing. We were not born to have our mouths obstructed. A good air flow is supose to go in and out.

Personally im already gearing up to make officials complaint against this. We have already a 50 000 names petition. Hopefully someone more instructed than me will go for a "recours collectif" and sue Legault and Arruda. It could totally be done for "perte de jouissance" and santé mental andangerment. Im sorry those are a bit too complicated for my basic english level, hopefully you get my french.

I live in a small town, there is probably not even 1 active case, all these measures are exagerated and have no call for this coronaflu.

1) How old are you?
2) To not be able to breathe, it absolutely takes chronic lung disease.
3) If you are not able to breathe, it absolutely takes chronic lung disease, if you do not have lung disease, what other comorbidity do you have?
You say: "The more we allow them to take our rights and freedoms, the more they will push"
Mike we are in world crisis, you will not have to wear the mask all your life.
If a strong 2nd wave should happen, because of several people like you, then you can say that you no longer have freedoms.
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Sir William

May 22, 2019
It's normal to panic go into mass hysteria & anxiety. It's all caused by the uncertain and no control. It causes the masses to go buy toilet paper and destroy 5G cellular towers.

Wearing of the mask is a measure to control panic and mass hysteria even though all statistics say it's useless. It's the last step in the 6 steps to reduce mass hysteria and panic outbreaks. It reassures the sheep, gives them a sense of control, taking a concrete action towards something they have no control over.

The measures of mask wearing will go away when the government sees that the masses & feeble minded have been reassured in about 3 to 4 weeks by taking the pulse of social media, taking surveys and monitoring related incidents.

If this step of mask wearing would of been skipped it would of caused to many frictions in the populace. The paranoid that wore masks & face shields and gloves while doing their grocery shopping, stayed at home isolated would freak out if that step would be skipped.

I always said to myself that it is a waste of time and energy to get intelligence and common sense into the mind of the feeble minded. In case:



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sir William,

Care to elaborate exactly which statistics show that masks are useless.
We do agree that it is useless to talk common sense to the feeble minded.
Wear a mask, make believe you are fucking Zorro and you are cool.
Nobody will know or care.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Sir William,

I support my colleague Fradi.
Yes, it's normal to be anxious, 13,000,000 cases and 577,000 dead. If something reassures the population, why not. I am not a weak-minded, I have university graduate in biochemistry.
nd will last more than 3-4 weeks.

If we watch the train go by and do nothing, we will watch the derailed train.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Sidney Crosby can make hockey plays i can't. Michael Jordan can put a ball in a net from really far, i can't. Pretty much we are not all the same. I can't breathe with this on. I mean sure for a quick depanneur in and out, 5 min i could tolerate, but during long periods? Nop.

The more we allow them to take our rights and liberty, the more they will push. Whats next? At 30 degrees on the street?

I never wore a helmet on a bike personally but your 2 exemples are irrelevant as neither a helmet or a seatbeat prevent proper breathing. We were not born to have our mouths obstructed. A good air flow is supose to go in and out.

Personally im already gearing up to make officials complaint against this. We have already a 50 000 names petition. Hopefully someone more instructed than me will go for a "recours collectif" and sue Legault and Arruda. It could totally be done for "perte de jouissance" and santé mental andangerment. Im sorry those are a bit too complicated for my basic english level, hopefully you get my french.

I live in a small town, there is probably not even 1 active case, all these measures are exagerated and have no call for this coronaflu.


I have reread your review, and I cannot believe that today in 2020 there are people who think like that.

At least 25 years ago I forced my children to wear a helmet, under penalty of not riding a bicycle. It just takes a little hole in the causeway.

You want to file complaints, I could organize a class action, but I will never do that because I am for wearing a mask.

You are lucky to live in a small town, but without the mask one day there will be an outbreak, which could have been easily prevented.

Sir William

May 22, 2019
Sir William,

Care to elaborate exactly which statistics show that masks are useless.

Since mid April due to the temperature change or rising of temperature any COVID viruses as there are many strands and not just the 19 essentially can’t handle the rising or variation of temperature. If you look at the statistical curve the virus essentially died off.

Also the test used for COVID-19 is a reactive test. It means that it will give positive result for any COVID strand and also to people that had even influenza with mild symptoms. The reported cases are exaggerated and not of only COVID-19 that there is no vaccine but an effective treatment but all COVID’s

In Quebec we have had a few canicules or heat spells and we are heading into the hottest period of the summer. The virus is essentially non existant.

McGill university is already going through medical trials for a vaccine. When I went to see a notary in the same building there was a McGill clinic and they had posted a sign looking for healthy individuals for COVID-19 They don’t do trials when they don’t have an effective vaccine. What slows down issuance of vaccines is all the red tape and tests that have to be done.

To answer the question. The virus is to all ends non existant due to the heat. People don’t wear masks properly and also have masks that are not effective against airborne viruses.

If you use your prefrontal cortex instead of having a fight, fleet or freeze emotional response or compensation emotional response as explained by experts in the National Geographic document. It’s obvious that wearing a mask now is useless and only to control or reduce the frictions, out of proportion responses, hysteria and anxiety of the masses.

Once all the populace will have a feeling that they suffered enough, did enough concessions, wore their masks and transpired abundantly will they FEEL that they did a concrete action to control the outbreak. It will be then possible to avoid scarmishes and down right fights to stop wearing masks.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
To answer the question. The virus is to all ends non existant due to the heat. People don’t wear masks properly and also have masks that are not effective against airborne viruses.

Your posts are fascinating because you write relatively clearly, without obvious hyperbole and avoid ad-hominem tactics... yet just when I think you're coming to your senses about the topic, you include a sentence like the one above. Baffling, and without merit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sir William,

According to you the virus is non existent due to the heat.
Care to elaborate when they moved Florida to the North Pole.

Do you actually believe some of the stuff you come up with?
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Sir William

May 22, 2019
Trolling and being disrespectful to other members
Yes, it's normal to be anxious, 13,000,000 cases and 577,000 dead. If something reassures the population, why not.

As far as the actual real cases of COVID-19 due to the reactive test those numbers are greatly exaggerated. As for the number of deaths pharmaceuticals have their blame in that. There is also a serious problem that everybody is dying of COVID-19 or falsely reported deaths.

I won’t argue on the reassuring part it’s an unavoidable step. People are just not wearing masks for the right reasons. That is why I will avoid the locations that I will be forced to wear one and wait till it all boils down.

Bottom line is this is the shittiest summer I ever had not to avoid a virus outbreak

It also has an impact on how often I get my cock sucked on and that is inacceptable.
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Sir William

May 22, 2019
Sir William,

According to you the virus is non existent due to the heat.
Care to elaborate when they moved Florida to the North Pole.

Do you actually believe some of the stuff you come up with?

Not only do I believe it. It’s all based on scientific data.

It’s all an emotional response, false reports of COVID-19 cases due to the reactive test and false reports of death causes.

In normal times people do not focus as much on the statistics of people becoming sick and people dying. Are they any different then the all combined deaths and people getting mildly sick then the last preceding years?

People will answer yea but this dude or gal one in 10 000 000 was healthy and died from COVID-19! To that the only reply I can come up with is: shit happens, you die and it sucks.

I don’t play the lottery because the odds of winning the jackpot are 1 in 14 000 000. Why do people play the lottery knowing those statistics? Emotions and certainly not rational thinking from their prefrontal cortex ;)

Still won’t wear a mask :)
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Willy your statement about the novel Corona virus dying in the heat and is now non-existent is the most idiotic statement I`ve read on this thread. Explain Florida, Texas and Arizona ....states with 100 degree plus temperature and a runaway infection rate.
Guys who have posted less idiotic statement than you have been banned by the mods for posting misleading rubbish.
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