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With or without the mask?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
This is more and more becoming a collective hysteria that makes me suddenly want to go buy some toilet paper and destroy 5G towers.

It so sweet that there is so much consideration and regards towards the 1.5% that don't even love themselves. It's politically correct - good thinking - la bonne pensante. Let me remind you that it was of good thinking and of high social standing to have slaves. The more you had, the higher social standing you had. I can come out with a dozen other good thinking examples that are completely ridiculous as this one.

A bit of common sense...

Standing and applauding ... you phrased better my abrupt but similar post above ...

We tend to be forced to cater to the minority in every regard out of political correctness and from fear of retaliation by the minority.

NOPE ... headed to Walt Disney World ... won't be wearing a mask unless Mickey himself comes and slaps one on! LOL

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Have fun Larry, good to have u back

Wonder if mask it mandatory in Disney world

Have any Canadian provinces mandated it?


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
left wing socialism? Hmmm...ur economy’s about to get a lot shittier sir

Precisely what the left wing wants to have happen ... to a. try and foil things in Nov. b. to create a socialist govt dependent populace and c. for the sheer joy of doing everything opposite from what common and good sense would otherwise dictate.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
U r mixing too much detergent or Clorox with the Coca Cola handsome. Common and good sense is to wear a mask.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
^^ Robbers wear masks ... which is why in some Oregon or was it Washington town they 'mandated' masks ... for whites only - not blacks, since them doing so would "foster stereotypes" and be racist to require them to as well .... how discriminatory and segregationist is that???

Wanna talk about common sense - 2020 has thrown it ALL out the window ...


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
OnJustALark is a pure troll (or an idiot, though the difference is negligible).. No point in responding to him.

Wearing a mask isn't about the person wearing the mask. Sir William etc... is it really that much of a disturbance to put on a mask when grocery shopping? Really? If that's too hard, how do you get through life in general. Must be tough.

As I said before... it really says a lot about a person who doesn't wear a mask in crowded spaces. It's a simple, painless, harmless thing to do. There is no down side.... except of course potentially to your sense of self-importance, but that's a different matter entirely.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I agree with you, TheSavoySuit.
A simple example to see if the mask is effective.

You are on a motorcycle with a helmet that has a visor and you hit a wasp, not much problem, the same helmet without visor, it hurts, aie,aie, and in general it lasts a long time.

You enter a place like public transportation, you have a mask, which protects others and also protects you, you enter the same place without a mask, someone asymptomatic is near you, your chances of being contaminated are many greater.

It's not the same probability, it's just an example.


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Jun 8, 2015
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Dec 26, 2019

Sir William

May 22, 2019
To me this whole mask thing over all proportionreaction and induced mass hysteria is just to put people into submission so that the next steps of chipping away at civil rights will pass with less opposition.

There is no change in what it always boils down to. Power, money and sex. I did not figure out the sex thing yet. This is probably the first time in history that it actually causes lack of sex.

As always the rich get richer and want more power. The poor get poorer. The middle class gets manipulated with illusions of political correctness, socialism and playing with their feeling to make them feel guiltty so they become submissive.

Next step mandatory chips that continually track everything you do brigning more targetted advertising and the right to travelling only to the ones that have taken only one specific vaccine. Elimination of cash money it’s dirty and transmits diseases. Closing of bars at midnight... All that under the illusion of taking care of the greater good.

I wonder what it will do to your right or more precisely your lack of rights to hobby

If in Quebec since the beginning of 2020 there has been no more deaths then 2019. Mysteriously there has been zero deaths from the flu. Is there really a pandemic is the question we should be asking instead of if we should wear masks like submissive fools:)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
The mandatory chips are only imbedded in the reusable masks.
So no problem wearing the throw away ones.
I would be very careful with the swab tests however they are not checking for a virus but taking your DNA for possible cloning.
The new master race will all be orange.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
OMG Sir William, if everyone was like you, would be a global disaster.
But who has washed your brain so much?

I will repeat some of your statements.
There will always be rich and poor, I am in the middle class and I don't feel manipulated or guilty at all.
We live in a world in full technological evolution.
Bars close at midnight because of a few thoughtless like you.
Is there a pandemic? Only 12,268,000 confirmed cases and 555,000 deaths.

I wear the mask in closed public places and I am proud of it.
I am not a submissive fool.

On the other hand, you have been manipulated by all these conspirators.
Go without a mask in infected environments, and we'll talk about it.

Sir William

May 22, 2019
OMG Sir William, if everyone was like you, would be a global disaster.
But who has washed your brain so much?

I will repeat some of your statements.
There will always be rich and poor, I am in the middle class and I don't feel manipulated or guilty at all.
We live in a world in full technological evolution.
Bars close at midnight because of a few thoughtless like you.
Is there a pandemic? Only 12,268,000 confirmed cases and 555,000 deaths.

I wear the mask in closed public places and I am proud of it.
I am not a submissive fool.

On the other hand, you have been manipulated by all these conspirators.
Go without a mask in infected environments, and we'll talk about it.

A global disaster of what? Temporary not smelling in 10 to 15% of healthy individuals?

The Dr House of pulmonary infections and international expert clearly indicated what steps to take for individuals at risk. The three largest pharmaceutical companies were caught paying off Doctors and opposing the treatment even making it ellegal. Their stocks fell 80% They wanted to create and sell their own vaccine.

The chips I am referring to are under skin types.

Bars close at midnight to continue oppression and submission.

I am analyzing facts and statistics and making conclusions. You are acting and responding out of emotion, fear, guilt... and misinformation.

I didn’t get brain washed or coming out with conspiricy theories and working solely on facts.

Nobody is going to make me swallow the greater good BS. The only preoccupation that the elite of society has is more power, money and control. They have advisors, psychologists, socialists... That are fantastic at manipulation under the veils of correctness to come to their ends.

My brain as not been washed. I have several buiseness and quite successful. I’m not a left wing socialist leach public worker or politician that works as less as possible, always complains about getting better work conditions with a comfy pension plan all at the expense of people like you and me.

If the common good was really important we would treat our elderly considerably better and we would have a better health system ;)
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Sir William

May 22, 2019
Sweden had no lock down, no masks a population of 8 million and about the same stats as Quebec that has about 7 million population.

The only difference with Sweden is that they are actually properly reporting all their statistics. So if we adjust the stats of Quebec and take into consideration the mysterious lack of deaths from the flu and actually attribute deaths to the right causes instead of attributing all deaths to COVID we come up with a négligeable difference per capita.

Do your best to respond to those facts with actually verified facts instead of with your emotions.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
The problem with your stats is that Quebec is the New York of Canada and did a horrible job ( hopefully that is behind us).
compared to the rest of Canada and Sweden did miserably when compared to their next door neighbours.
Now perhaps you can look up some stats to disprove that seeing as you like to dish out work to others.
Those are the comparisons you should be making.

These are facts without emotions.

Sir William

May 22, 2019
Now perhaps you can look up some stats to disprove that seeing as you like to dish out work to others.

I'm a creator of entreprises an entrepreneur that creates employment not a destroyer of economy. It's hard to make me do otherwise ;)

The argument about Sweden is that even though they didn't go through a lockdown, wear masks and destroy their economy they did no worse than Quebec.

If the pharmaceuticals wouldn't of created such a scare Quebec would of done even better. Pharmaceuticals were "protecting the common good" by influence and lobbying under the pretext of danger. Meanwhile people at risk were dying.

Excuse me if I don't believe it when I'm told that it's for the "common good" without any ulterior motives that we should wear masks. It's as much BS as the danger of a known working treatment created by the pharmaceuticals that severely backfired on them when without refutable doubt it was proven they created it all.

No matter how mini PET will stroke me and sweet talk me with all his advisors I won't swallow everything that spurts out of him as a matter of fact from anyone.

I didn't lose anything during the lockdown I actually gained a bit. My brother as lost $2800 net per month for 3 months and he is going on the fourth month taking in consideration the $2000 per month from the government :)

How about all the people and business bankruptcies...

The worst is that the hysteria as not stopped for an overwhelming unjustifiable negligible minority at risk with masks and other measures that will keep on coming.

When you beat the general populace in submission It's the perfect timing to pass crap in the pretext of the "common good" that in normal times would of been revolting and severely opposed. That's my opinion, point of view and the message that I'm passing.

Keep your eyes open. I will come back later and smother it all over your faces that will be wearing masks and say told ya!
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Trump set to wear mask @ Walter reed. If he did that @ Mount Rushmore it woulda been more trumpy
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