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Without a condom

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Apr 29, 2004
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how is this relevant to the subject?
A few posters in this thread have alluded to the difficulty in a client being convicted of sexual aggression in violating an agreement. Firstly, it has to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that an agreement was made and secondly that it was violated. Both are problematic in that there would normally not be witnesses.

As to your second point:
<<if you don't want to pay her rates and respect the restrictions then go see someone else>>
I'm not a Harvey Weinstein or a Donald Trump who derives pleasure from terrorizing women. Also, I have a comfortable existence and avoid drama and aggravation.
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
Guys this stuff is real, some SP offer this service without condom and on the very first meet, its that scary. A part from an STD is she on the pill or contraceptive, she can end up getting pregnant. Had met one back in the days who said for an extra 100$ you can go in without a condom.

Play it safe boys.
If someone offers this service my guess is that the SP is in trouble financially and yes it is dangerous and people should just not be doing bareback with SP's.
It's egregious and at the extreme even life threatening (not all STDs are benign, i.e. HIV). For an individual to do this without the other persons' knowledge, let alone consent, is simply criminal. Glad to see that he was prosecuted.

Btw slipping a pill into someones drink is just as criminal. Someone once tried to do that at a bar with a woman I was with. Our drinks must have gotten swapped somehow when we went out for a cigarette and I was not myself the rest of the evening... almost blacked out without ever passing out. I'm twice her size so somehow I stumbled through. We caught the guy a week later after the bar agreed to review the security camera footage. I caught him myself a few weeks later. We needed to 'talk'.
Glad to know you understand consent :)

I was getting afraid this thread was turning into a ''omg we can't do stuff women don't want us to do anymore without going to jail'' complain festival...


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
A few posters in this thread have alluded to the difficulty in a client being convicted of sexual aggression in violating an agreement. Firstly, it has to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that an agreement was made and secondly that it was violated. Both are problematic in that there would normally not be an witnesses.

As to your second point:
<<if you don't want to pay her rates and respect the restrictions then go see someone else>>
I'm not a Harvey Weinstein or a Donald Trump who derives pleasure from terrorizing women. Also, I have a comfortable existence and avoid drama and aggravation.
Good :)
I'm glad to hear that!


Active Member
Sep 27, 2023
Bottom line, need consent to do anything sexual
If you want a sexual act badly they’re always someone who will give you what you want , but you can not force it from someone without their approval. Nor should you drug them into it
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Active Member
May 31, 2018
Agreed 100% unfortunately my french is not very good and it was not the best translation I used. but I understood that this guy stealthed, assaulted and deserves the worse possible punishable sentence for his acts, it's beyond disgusting. I cannot think of one SP that one A hole will try stealthing, asking etc. I even had clients ask me and my reactions to them was to go F yourself and I would immediately end the session, inform the agency and black list them, report to Stella etc.

Also, you have to be very stupid to ask for bbfs. it's awful and asking for it and pushing for it should be a chargeable crime with real consequences.
Peu importe le contexte de la relation sexuelle, retirer le condom ou forcer une personne d'avoir une relation sexuelle sans condom est un viol, point. Beaucoup de gens ne comprennent pas ça.

Interesting comment. Have you even read the article? The guy literally ripped the condoms to force workers to have bareback sex. He didn't ''just ask''.
Asking isn't a rape or an assault but it's extremely disrespectful and trying to pressure someone into bareback services is harassment. Clients aren't the victims in this situation.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Bottom line, need consent to do anything sexual
If you want a sexual act badly they’re always someone who will give you what you want , but you can not force it from someone without their approval. Nor can you drug them into it
I think BBFS needs to be banned irrespectively of the consent. It is not only about these 2 individuals but the whole hobby community that would be endangered if it becomes frequent practice.

Resident Psychotherapist (Ret.)
Aug 25, 2021
I think BBFS needs to be banned irrespectively of the consent. It is not only about these 2 individuals but the whole hobby community that would be endangered if it becomes frequent practice.
Let's be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water. It can happen sometimes albeit not that often, hat two individuals (client/sex worker) can develop a personal relationship. In which case what happens between 2 consenting adults is no one's business and should remain private.

However, broadcasting it here, for the purposes of either gloating (with or without consent) about such activities or soliciting them, should be embargoed and enforced vigilantly. Mods do a pretty good job about that.

So even with consent, it should not be for public consumption on merb.

In this case, it was about the risks and punishment involved around deceiving another individual (without knowledge and consent)and putting that person's life in blind danger.

There have been previous cases (US and Canada) where a person who was HIV+ willingly and intentionally had unprotected sex and never informed the other party. It was considered attempted murder by the courts and the individuals prosecuted.

Worth mentioning: 20-30 years ago at the height of the HIV pandemic, contracting the virus was pretty much a death sentence. Medications have come a long way, bot don't be mislead, there is still no cure and treatment is for life, with unimaginable side effects.There is still NO cure.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I think BBFS needs to be banned irrespectively of the consent. It is not only about these 2 individuals but the whole hobby community that would be endangered if it becomes frequent practice.
I know of many SPs who the moment it is asked by the client, he finds himself on their personal block list. Can't trust someone asking upfront for it, isn't going to try and pull an illegal move to get what he is asking for without concent.

And I am on the side of even if everyone is regularly tested. The one asking for no condom, is likely asking everyone, and I can't have faith that they haven't unknowingly caught something from someone who allows the practice. It is a gamble with my health I won't take. How can an SP be confident they don't have sti's, by getting regularly tested, and making sure things like this don't happen, and having the risks minimized as much as possible for how they want to run their business.
We are escorts, it is a livelihood, we are not hot wives, looking to play gambling games with our business or health. I say for those looking for condom free services, get a gf who is willing, and leave professionals out of the equasion.

I'm not nieve, and I know it does happen, and to each their own. I won't judge the SP who decides to do things differently, it is their right to do what they want. So long as it is their choice to do it and not have it done to them without concent. But I will say it is bothersome the number of men asking for it. I'm not a gambler, and my health and reputation is not something I am willing to start gambling with.
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May 23, 2021
Back to the topic of BBFS… What happens if an agency offers this as an option for a fee? Surely there are some that would participate if available…

What then? Do we report the same way if a John was requesting it? Do we leave it be and play by our own conscience? Do we let police or communities know?

I’m curious what you all think.
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Toto beefcake

Back to the topic of BBFS… What happens if an agency offers this as an option for a fee? Surely there are some that would participate if available…

What then? Do we report the same way if a John was requesting it? Do we leave it be and play by our own conscience? Do we let police or communities know?

I’m curious what you all think.
In my opinion it should be reported. Why take a fking risk. Makes zero sense . Zero self respect for everyone involved
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