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Would you get married with an escort girl?


Aug 10, 2008
Not while she is still escorting. But if we met today and she told me that she used to escort and no longer does, sure, why not? Everyone has a past and that's exactly what it is, the past. The same applies to strippers/dancers, for me. I actually dated a stripper over 20 years ago. But I told her that I could never be serious about her until she stopped stripping. Its quite funny though, this same girl was a girl that my grandmother was trying to fix me up with. She went on to become a programmer/analyst and owns her own consulting company.

Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
tangoman000 said:
Not while she is still escorting. But if we met today and she told me that she used to escort and no longer does, sure, why not? Everyone has a past and that's exactly what it is, the past. The same applies to strippers/dancers, for me. I actually dated a stripper over 20 years ago. But I told her that I could never be serious about her until she stopped stripping. Its quite funny though, this same girl was a girl that my grandmother was trying to fix me up with. She went on to become a programmer/analyst and owns her own consulting company.

Hold on here, you were about to marry some chick and she confesses her past work experience - sucking and fucking 6 guys a day for 5 days a week, 3weeks a month for time off for her period - but you could never be serious with chick if she were presently just working the brass pole for a living ?

Can you elaborate please...


Aug 10, 2008
No, you misunderstand. If I were to meet someone today that was an escort, but is no longer, then yes, why wouldn't I marry her. She is no longer doing it.

The same thinking applies to the stripper. While she was working as a stripper, I was not able to be serious with her. We dated for about a year, had some great times, went to Mexico, etc. But I made it clear to her that I would not be able to get serious about her until the stopped the stripping (for others, for me only, its still ok). Call me old fashioned but that's just the way that I am.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Why not? She is a woman like any other with only difference being the job she is doing, and god knows how respectful I am to them. So YES! But that ain't happen for 2 reasons (1)I do not mix professional matters with personal ones (2)I do not believe in marriage.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2006
Lusty Pig said:
Hold on here, you were about to marry some chick and she confesses her past work experience - sucking and fucking 6 guys a day for 5 days a week, 3weeks a month for time off for her period - but you could never be serious with chick if she were presently just working the brass pole for a living ? Can you elaborate please...

How do we know the girl who's working the brass pole isn't working some guy's cock in the booth or sometimes outside of work.I've met numerous strippers in the past who worked on me in the booth or outside of work.If she was to stop her profession by choice not because of me then I might consider marriage but nowadays marriage isn't like how it used to be.
My 2 cents


New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
I sometimes wonder about people that willingly agree to having open relationships...... hmmm? Agreeing to letting your spouse have Free sex with strangers vs. Paid sex with strangers?

Can't we just leave people to their own lives? Every relationship is different and individual. It is not possible to understand everything. If we need to understand what someone is going through, I think it way better to ask that person.


Dec 13, 2006
I would say yes if the girl is : Tamara, Kim, Vicky, Marie-Eve, Karina or Star...:D What can I say; I am a sucker for a beautiful girl.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Doc Holliday said:
if ever i would have done a 360 regarding marriage.
If you do a 360, doesn't matter since it bring you back where you started! You mean 180? :p :rolleyes:

But I still agree with you and I'm against marriage also.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
scoby57 said:
Would you get married with an escort girl?

Why are u asking this? For your entertainment? To show to the SPs that johns do not want to marry hookers? Or they want to marry them? What's your point? What r u doing here?


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
thebitchelor said: against it but a lot of clients felt in love with me while i was indy...but really in love..and i stopped indy to be with a client too...everything is possible;)

I'm curious...

Are you still together... and if not why didn't you go back to being an Indy?


New Member
May 31, 2008
ok how about if the girl is a stripper, but non contact , like Chez Parre or Wanda, would any of you guys get married,since you know there is no contact. Even if she works like 2-3 days a week, just to pay the bills, how's that?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
oliver_kloseoff said:
i know strippers who work the non contact clubs who escort on the side.
you really have to get out more often.


And you know these girls how? When was the last time you were in Wanda's or CP? Where do you meet these girls? When they are slumming at Cleo's? Do you always have to pretend to be the expert of everything on the board? Just because you have met one escort, your only escort review, that sometimes worked at Wanda's doesn't make that the standard. Unless you have seen an escort that you know personally, working in one of those clubs, your comment means nothing.

Are there girls in those clubs that do take out? Probably. Are they the standard in those clubs? No, they aren't.

To donethis4years:

As far as relationships with non-contact dancers goes...I would have no second thoughts about a relationship with one. In fact I have been involved with a number of dancers and have never hidden their occupation from my friends or family members. The way I always looked at it was that it was my relationship and if they couldn't deal with it, I didn't give a damn. But I doubt that I would have a relationship with a contact dancer unless she moved to non-contact or stopped totally.



New Member
Jun 19, 2006
tangoman000 said:
No, you misunderstand. If I were to meet someone today that was an escort, but is no longer, then yes, why wouldn't I marry her. She is no longer doing it.

The same thinking applies to the stripper. While she was working as a stripper, I was not able to be serious with her. We dated for about a year, had some great times, went to Mexico, etc. But I made it clear to her that I would not be able to get serious about her until the stopped the stripping (for others, for me only, its still ok). Call me old fashioned but that's just the way that I am.

Nothing personal to any SPs who might read this, not judging them at all, if anything I feel compassion for them, but I've gotten to know some SPs pretty well, and they've all had serious, serious childhood traumas that make a LTR virtually impossible. It's like a girl with daddy issues, it won't work out, and you'll get hurt in the process. And even non SPs, they can have some serious pasts due, which gives them huge issues that makes a LTR or "till death do us part" virtually impossible.

Remember, some 25% of girls get sexually abused as children, which messes them up for life. It's sad and should stop, but as long as people suck, this crap will always happen. Too bad it happens and causes so much damage.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have often wondered this

gamelessdork said:
Remember, some 25% of girls get sexually abused as children, which messes them up for life. It's sad and should stop, but as long as people suck, this crap will always happen. Too bad it happens and causes so much damage.

25%? That seems a little high?

Anyway I have met a few SPs that could have "their way" with me. When you look at the divorce rate of marriges with non-SPs, why not marry an SP? Do prenuptual agreements exist in Quebec? You don't have to have children when you are married. But be prepared. If you do have kids and your wife is shiftless and can prove it in court you are going to pay through the nose.

Can/Would you marry an SP? Well after all the woman I have been through...Wifes, fiances, girlfriends, affairs, one night stands, SPs...The SPs I have met in Montreal make love with more passion than anywhere else and they seem to really know how to please a man. I would hate to destroy my fantasy but I would have married Liz from Xxxtase after knowing her a mere 59 minutes. She just seemed so perfect and good. I probably could do no worse with her then women I have had relationships with in the past that were non-sps. So why not?


New Member
Jun 19, 2006
hungry101 said:
25%? That seems a little high?

Anyway I have met a few SPs that could have "their way" with me. When you look at the divorce rate of marriges with non-SPs, why not marry an SP? Do prenuptual agreements exist in Quebec? You don't have to have children when you are married. But be prepared. If you do have kids and your wife is shiftless and can prove it in court you are going to pay through the nose.

Can/Would you marry an SP? Well after all the woman I have been through...Wifes, fiances, girlfriends, affairs, one night stands, SPs...The SPs I have met in Montreal make love with more passion than anywhere else and they seem to really know how to please a man. I would hate to destroy my fantasy but I would have married Liz from Xxxtase after knowing her a mere 59 minutes. She just seemed so perfect and good. I probably could do no worse with her then women I have had relationships with in the past that were non-sps. So why not?

Sex doesn't make a relationship. 99% of the time you are with a woman, you aren't having sex.


New Member
Jun 19, 2006
bensonnobalia said:
You hit the nail right on the head there.

I have had the same experience....many of these SPs are simply wonderful girls, which makes is so easy for us hobbyists to fall for them. But most, if not all, are terribly scrarred emotionally...

(Of course that diagnosis surely must apply to a lot of hobbyists to...)

I think there are several types of hobbyists. Some that just like having sex with a lot of women, some that have serious issues, and some that have no other way (see my name)... I've had relationships with women, they were horrible experiences, and I just don't want to deal with it, though I do care about at least some of my exes very dearly. It's bizarre, after all these years, some came out of the blue to apologize for how they treated me... Not wanting anything from me, just wanting to apologize. I guess it makes me feel better.

I realize the entire point of this BBS is to review, but I really think, at least for me, that's wrong. I only read the lounge or hotel advice. I don't care to read the reviews or write them, and in the past if I have written them, it was just to say "it was a great experience" without any gory details. I just think of any particular ex I really cared for and imagine if someone wrote about her that way. I would get ill. But that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
gamelessdork said:
Sex doesn't make a relationship. 99% of the time you are with a woman, you aren't having sex.

Unless you were with my wife. Than it would be 100%! :D

But I undertand where you are coming from.


New Member
Jun 19, 2006
hungry101 said:
Unless you were with my wife. Than it would be 100%! :D

But I undertand where you are coming from.

I'm saying, even if you have sex 5x a week with a life in girlfriend, that's 5 hours a week. that's 3%. sorry I was wrong.
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