Guys, do not believe what the government said; from the beginning they said u don't need a mask, while everywhere in the world wear a mask! they said it will do more harm to you if you wear a mask than without it, it will not protect you and give you a false sense of security. Because here in Quebec, we are a distinct Society, we do things differently than others; now they said u do need one! if all of us wear a mask since the beginning, than it will be less dead now! Bunch of hypocrites ! Now they want to unlock and open the economy in Quebec, and we are the first one in Canada so we can be proud to be ahead of all the rest!
All they want is herd immunity: it means: who dies will be dead, who survives will survive after the unlock ! they want the economy to move on... To prove that, they show u a chart of dead by age: 0.001% 0-39 0.5% 40-49 1.5% 50-59 6.5% 60-69 17.6% 70-79 33.7% 90+
The government's strategy is to confine those 60+ considered high risk in the CHSLD and the rest will be herd immune

got it ? in spite they denying it !