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WTF ??? Are some agencies still open ?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Any kids in MTL being investigated for that inflammatory condition?


Active Member
Oct 13, 2019
There are girls working now thatguy. There are girls working now and there will be plenty to pick from with time. Maybe not to the level of before covid, but enough to keep your appetite checked

Amen to this !
yep, some are working right now...they just are very discreet about it.

Sir William

May 22, 2019
Depuis le début de cette crise ceci me préoccupe:

Ceux qui ne comprennent pas des mesures d'hygiène de base; se laver les mains pendant 20 secondes avec de l'eau et du savon - il faut préciser pendant combien de temps et avec quoi. De ne pas se jouer avec les bouttons ou se tripotter le visage continuellement. De ne pas se décrotter le nez. De ne pas se susotter les doigts, ronger les ongles ou se nettoyer les dents avec ses doigts. De tousser dans son avant bras quand on n'a pas de mouchoir. De jetter immédiatement ses mouchoirs dans une poubelle fermée. De se laver les mains AVANT d'aller aux toilettes ou de se toucher les parties génitales - ouais celle là n'est pas dans les publicités de sensibilisation. De rester chez soi si on a des symptomes de la grippe. De garder une distance de deux mètres au cas ou que quelqu'un qui comprends pas tousse ou éternue. Ce ne sont que des mesures d'hygiène de base que les gens qui ne comprennent pas ou sont tellement ancrés dans leur habitudes et détestent le changement ou ne les appliquent pas ou vont à l'autre extrême en devenant obsessifs ou paranoiaques.

J'utilise "gens qui ne comprennent pas" pour faire preuve d'un minimum de décorum et de politiquement correct.

La théorie de Darwin sur la sélection naturelle des espèces fondée sur un concept de base - la survie - énonce dans les grandes lignes que les espèces qui s'adaptent le mieux à leur environnement - dans ce cas ci une hygiène de base - et les plus forts génétiquement survivent. Ceux qui ne s'adaptent pas ou sont trop faibles meurent et des espèces vont jusqu'à l'instinction. C'est essentiellement la loi de la nature et le gros bon sens. La race humaine va toujours finir par s'adapter et survivre à moins d'un cataclysme hors de toutes proportions qui n'est pas COVID-19 ou la peste noire.

On en est venu au point qu'en tant que société qu'il faut aller vers des mesures extrèmes pour protéger ceux qui ne comprennent pas et les plus faibles contre eux mêmes. À mon opinion c'est d'aller contre les lois naturelles et la nature avec toutes les répercussions de l'affaiblissement de l'espèce. C'est une affirmation que les extrèmes gauchistes ou socialistes ou progressistes n'accepteront pas. La nature fini toujours par gagner et rétablir un équilibre. C'est malheureux et comme ça que ça va toujours être.

La classe moyenne et les entrepreneurs - ceux qui comprennent plus - sont ceux qui sont le plus affectés présentement. Des entrepreneurs qui ont travaillé d'arrache pied et ont englouti toutes leurs économies et aller jusqu'au surendettement. Les institutions financières prennent zéro risque et ne font pas de prêts aux entrepreneurs. Les petites et moyennes entreprises sont les plus gros employeurs... Ça ne change rien pour ceux qui sont dans le filet social qui en grande partie ne comprennent pas d'après les statistiques. Les riches sont comme toujours aucunement affectés.

On est en train de bousiller l'économie pour protéger le plus bas dénominateur commun - ceux qui ne comprennent pas - et les plus faibles. Faillites personnelles et fermetures d'entreprises. A quelque part il faut se demander si notre société penche un peu trop vers l'extrême gauche et SVP n'allont pas non plus vers l'extrême droite. Un peu plus d'équilibre serait de bon ordre et on serait beaucoup moins taxé en plus de recevoir des services essentiels de meilleure qualité comme les services de santé.

Pour ceux qui croient que les escortes font parti des entrepreneurs qui comprennent plus et fréquentent uniquement des clients qui comprennent plus allez chercher leurs services en toute quiétude. L'équilibre naturel et la loi de Darwin va peut-être s'appliquer entre deux adultes consentants. Laissons la nature prendre son cours dans l'acte le plus naturel la reproduction.

Pour ceux qui croient que les escortes font parti des gens qui ne comprennent pas et qu'ils vont fréquenter des gens qui comprennent plus et des gens qui ne comprennent pas évitez de prendre leurs services.

Moi de mon côté, même si j'ai une santé de fer PornHub est mon meilleur ami parce présentement il y a une grippe qui court et je déteste avoir la grippe.
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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Just to clarify.
. I don’t intend to see any SP for quite a while.
What I am saying is at this point girls that want to work are. Those that do not are not.
my point is about the title of the thread
Who cares if agency is open or not. Girls are not forced to work
And Johns are not forces to go.
as others have said. Some girls are still finding ways to work anyway.

stop trying to guess wether they are scared or not to catch it. You are not them and most gents have not been their age in over 30 years.

and since I am on a rant. For my republican peeps. You are right! Guns don’t kill people. Trump does! ;)
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Spot on Flyin ... but many here relish in the fear mongering biz and seem to want things to stay shut down until .. well 2121 says one above ... Happen to know that some girls at some agencies are working now and if my travels take me up thee sooner rather than later ... i will be banging that gong!!!
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Apr 29, 2007
Longer it will be, better we could live free, (but at the rate the whole world is going to cryptocurrency and leaving liquid cash) when that vaccine will be out, get ready to be Vaccine and Tattooed. Quantum Dot Tattoo, time to awake.

According to this and what Bill Gates answer on twitter, no matter what you think, these thing have to happen to make the division between beleivers and not beleivers,

I went to Maxi today and they asked for a Residence Proof and only one per family can go in while the other have to stay outside. The guy answered me : "Legault just told me that" yeah right, and after that a little fight start about the "6 feet" Civil War and division amonst us is coming guys. Stay Alert and no fear !


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I want to start another thread entitled:WTF ??? Are Some Agencies Still Closed?

With a mortality rate for the age group of 18-45 years is 13 in 100,000. Seriously? I'll bet the recreational drugs that some of these girls use are much more dangerous than this. I think that the agencies should start back up as soon as the antibody test kits are available. You know the had Covid 19 girls are probably going to be very popular. for the hobbyists 50+. It may become a check the box activity like looking for girls that don't smoke or have natural breasts?

I heard that Los Angeles County was not going to open schools to children until there are no more deaths in the county to Covid 19. Really? Ben Shapiro showed data going back a few decades to demonstrate that there has been at least one death per month due to the flu since they have been keeping track. What kind of reasoning is this? I'm sorry. I think it is political.

When will things open up? After the November elections. I'm convinced that this is to get trump out of the White House. Weaponizing the FBI has failed. The fake Russia probes and all the other stuff has failed. There aint no way that the guy suffering from dementia is going to beat Trump with a robust economy so the left has decided to shut everything down. This is troubling. Yes, Trump is not an eloquent speaker and he has a tremendous ego but the economy was doing well. The left reminds me of what Hitler and the Nazis. They were overjoyed by the faltering German economy because Hitler understood it provided a climate where he could grab power.

AOC for president and Greta Thunburg for VP? Why not have two ignorant, whining, economy destroying, climate loving leftists run? We'll never get back to work.



Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Matos, spot on and anyone who doesn't 'see' clearly that is what this whole scamdemic is a precursor to is truly blind.

Could not access your link - says it won't open, but live to read if another can be provided / sent.

The globalist elites who think they know better are running amok ... fortunately here in US the 2A allows for proper resistance to a government intent on over reach ... seems one step already taken in Canada to disarm ...

Was on one agency site and at least 5 girls are on rotation ... lucky girls ... would be pleased to be up there now enjoying their company!

Just saw your post Hungry ... and this is what I have been saying since the start but have been chastised and name called by many ... it IS political, there IS an agenda, and people's lives are/have been ruined by SCAMDEMIC2020 !!!
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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Onjustalark other than your removing your rights. Your comment is wrong
The reason for confinement is simply to give hospitals a chance. And the fact that you speak this way disrespects all healthcare professionals.
You and all those who think like you are only thinking about the short game and not considering the long term consequences on people’s health.
everyone is allowed to go outside. Order food. Drink. And stay in shape
As I have said before. No offense to Americans. But I hope our border stays closed as long as possible


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Guys, do not believe what the government said; from the beginning they said u don't need a mask, while everywhere in the world wear a mask! they said it will do more harm to you if you wear a mask than without it, it will not protect you and give you a false sense of security. Because here in Quebec, we are a distinct Society, we do things differently than others; now they said u do need one! if all of us wear a mask since the beginning, than it will be less dead now! Bunch of hypocrites ! Now they want to unlock and open the economy in Quebec, and we are the first one in Canada so we can be proud to be ahead of all the rest!
All they want is herd immunity: it means: who dies will be dead, who survives will survive after the unlock ! they want the economy to move on... To prove that, they show u a chart of dead by age: 0.001% 0-39 0.5% 40-49 1.5% 50-59 6.5% 60-69 17.6% 70-79 33.7% 90+
The government's strategy is to confine those 60+ considered high risk in the CHSLD and the rest will be herd immune :cool: got it ? in spite they denying it !


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2003
The warmer it get, who knows, there may be diminished transmission? You never know

If this was the case, some countries where it's already warmer wouldn't have covid19 cases right now.
Brazil 2500 cases Mexico 1800 cases India 1200 cases over


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
If this was the case, some countries where it's already warmer wouldn't have covid19 cases right now.
Brazil 2500 cases Mexico 1800 cases India 1200 cases over

The flip side to this is Australia for example, where they are going into winter and haven't had a "second wave" that some of the media is trying to scare us with.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2003
The flip side to this is Australia for example, where they are going into winter and haven't had a "second wave" that some of the media is trying to scare us with.
I think the lockdown they are following could be working too...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
I'll bet the recreational drugs that some of these girls use are much more dangerous than this.

Ben Shapiro

I'm convinced that this is to get trump out of the White House.

Yes, the lockdown in Montreal is to get Trump out of office.

Find someone more reputable than Ben Shapiro to listen to.

You know this isn't really about the mortality rate of young people right? That's not why schools are closed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Find someone more reputable than Ben Shapiro to listen to
He has more sense in his fingernail than you or anyone else on this board including myself has.
This is insane

Actually, that's not fair. You make good arguments. I don't know why these politicos are doing what they are doing. They seem to love control. As far as Ben Shapiro - give him a listen. He's not a hobbyist and he may be religious and I'm sure that he wouldn't be on my list to do a hobby/golf trip in Canada or a hobby/fishing trip in Brazil but he always makes a cogent argument. Get anyone you want on the left and I'll have Shaprio or Peterson take them on. Take the heavyweights on the left like Greta Thunburg, AOC, the ladies on the View, Alyssa Milano and any left wing professor from any school of Social Science (cross dressers or otherwise) you can think of and you can even throw in the so-called Covid 19 expert from England with the exaggerated know him, the guy that got caught fucking his mistress while he preached that everyone else should stay home and social distance...put them against Shapiro or Peterson or Alan Dershowitz and the will chew that group of mental midgets to the bone marrow. It wouldn't even be close. You can yell haters or racists or any other word with an -ist you can think of but when you lose an argument but it won't matter. You're wrong.
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
It's not really what people want Patron. Not at all. But most people are way to afraid to get out now. So reopening to have empty planes, empty restaurant right now wont do much good and will lead to pretty much as many layoff and closures. Years of project management tough me it's always better to delay until you have a viable solution then hurrying up and live in chaos.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
It's not really what people want Patron. Not at all. But most people are way to afraid to get out now.

good point. i believe most people would be happy to live under a gradual deconfinement and resume most of their activities but they need to feel that authorities have everything in place to minimize risks like massive testing, ppe, enough spaces in hospitals, plans for containment of outbreaks. if they get sick people want to feel that theyre gonna be taken care of and their families are going to be protected

so far this is lacking in most jurisdictions. and denying the scale of the problem like some govts are doing doesnt help
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