Montreal Escorts

WTF ??? Are some agencies still open ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Let me ask you, do you beleive there's a health/virus crisis going on at all ?

This was my original sentence:

I took Cloud 500's post to mean that the government is more concerned about having you stay at home were you can be easily controlled instead of allowing you to go to work and earn a living for your family.

You can clearly see I was giving my opinion as to what Cloud 500's post meant regarding a police state because it was obvious to me that you did not. This is what you posted from me:

the government is more concerned about having you stay at home were you can be easily controlled instead of allowing you to go to work and earn a living for your family.

This is clearly not what I meant and you know it. FAKE NEWS.

But I will answer your question, yes, I do believe there is a health crisis going on.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Seems like this thread derailed a while ago

If quebec is reopening schools and businesses. Then agencies should reopen as well. Nothing to do with if it is safe or not. Merb should reopen the agency and indy ads.
that’s my 2 cents

We have a similar issue in NY state. Manhattan and the boroughs surrounding it aren"t opening yet, but upstate NY will be.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Montreal is as bad as it's ever been regarding Covid-19.

In Quebec as a whole there are up to 1000 new reported infections and a hundred or more deaths each day, mostly centered on the greater Montreal area. 113/118 deaths reported today were in Montreal. The death rate has been about the same for the last month ....

Longterm care facilities are in very poor shape, requiring assistance from the army, in some cases, just to perform basic functions.

Non-essential places are still closed.

Some universities are already saying classes in the fall will be online only.

I don't forsee any public events before the fall at the earliest. And then only with onerous social-distancing measures in place.

And as for the local "industry," I don't know how it will adapt; but without a widely available vaccine I think it unlikely we will see anything like the pre-covid scene here for some time to come ....
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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Agencies should wait until there is a vaccine available in my opinion, otherwise they would be putting the lives or their SPs at risk. Its a matter of life and death, you have to take it seriously.

you’re assuming the girls are forced to come back. Those that want to will. Gents that currently want to see ladies are.

They can be contacted through twitter easily.

Would help the economy since most guys are saving their money anyway. At least by spending on the ladies the ladies will order shoes and take out and spend.
the worst thing for any economy is savings.
so i say. Open up shop.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Yes, there is nothing that won't offend some donks out there.

im sorry that appearance by arruda displays really bad judgement on his part. I think he liked his new found fame and it got to his head. If we people werent dying and the economy crashing i would not give a crap, but this is not the time to be <dancing>. Then Legault says he listenes to him like his mother. Lord help us!
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Agencies should wait until there is a vaccine available in my opinion, otherwise they would be putting the lives or their SPs at risk. Its a matter of life and death, you have to take it seriously.

Truth be told the SPs life are not much at risk as most of them are under 30s wich carry a risk of 0.003% of death. Its more for their potential older clients or them visiting their families or stuff like that.


Dec 24, 2014
I'll be honest; I do miss seeing girls (almost 2 months now). My last encounter in March at least was with one of my favourites. I did indeed see an agency open, but definitely not the most well reviewed. As much as I'd love to her back into the action, I'm not quite sure I will be seeing any girls until a vaccine is found. To make matter worst I just moved from Toronto to Ottawa in February, and didn't have the opportunities to date someone, and with the lockdown in place it will be even more challenging to meet new people... Yeah, let's see how long I can hold this.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
if it ends up being an adenovirus vaccine technology (the leading candidates today) , it already has an extensive track record of safety, just not efficacy. I will gladly take it


Sep 17, 2011
The idea of waiting for a vaccine sounds unreasonable for a few reasons. Assuming that a vaccine can be developed for Covid-19, which isn't guaranteed but is likely. Who is going to feel safe taking a vaccine that took a year or two to develop? Remember, that under normal circumstances vaccines take 10-15 years to get approved, and this is for safety reasons to make sure there are no long term health implications. Expediting the process of vaccine development can cause serious problems, the H1N1 vaccine has caused brain damage in its recipients and has led to massive lawsuits being paid out to the victims.

Well, its pretty much the only solution we have!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Montreal is doomed. Nothing will reopen till 2021. Agencies and MPs are doomed till there is vaccine. The media scared ppl so much that it will take a long time to deconstruct that fear. I think this board will shut down eventually also. The industry is dead. Only escorts on Humpchies and Leolist will keep on advertising.


Sep 17, 2011

Montreal is doomed. Nothing will reopen till 2021. Agencies and MPs are doomed till there is vaccine. The media scared ppl so much that it will take a long time to deconstruct that fear. I think this board will shut down eventually also. The industry is dead. Only escorts on Humpchies and Leolist will keep on advertising.

That would be quite sad but i do think it might happen!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015

Montreal is doomed. Nothing will reopen till 2021. Agencies and MPs are doomed till there is vaccine. The media scared ppl so much that it will take a long time to deconstruct that fear. I think this board will shut down eventually also. The industry is dead. Only escorts on Humpchies and Leolist will keep on advertising.
yep, we will all die... eventually
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Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
It's a good point about the fear instilled in us by both media & politicians. Justified or not, it's changed everything and will take time for people to get over it. And the older we are, generally the longer it will take.

Last week Quebec's National Health Institute predicted up to 10,000 new cases and 150 deaths a day by July, in Montreal alone, if social-distancing measures are lifted too quickly — and that's not even counting deaths in long-term care facilities, they say, where things have been most grave.

Nevertheless, today the provincial govt. said it's OK for us to resume non-contact sports, like golf and tennis ...
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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
So cloud500 What is the harm in reopening? Costs are fixed and incurred for them. Maybe less clients. But ppl are not respecting social distancing anymore. The warmer it gets the closer people get

That One Guy

Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
FB, you're assuming girls will be willing to work in the first place. Even if they open, no guarantee anybody will show up. But I agree, there is a ton of people going out on the warmer days.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

Montreal is doomed. Nothing will reopen till 2021. Agencies and MPs are doomed till there is vaccine. The media scared ppl so much that it will take a long time to deconstruct that fear. I think this board will shut down eventually also. The industry is dead. Only escorts on Humpchies and Leolist will keep on advertising.

Wow, talk about fear mongering! Lol

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
So cloud500 What is the harm in reopening? Costs are fixed and incurred for them. Maybe less clients. But ppl are not respecting social distancing anymore. The warmer it gets the closer people get

The warmer it get, who knows, there may be diminished transmission? You never know

There are girls working now thatoneguy. There are girls working now and there will be plenty to pick from with time. Maybe not to the level of before covid, but enough to keep your appetite checked
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
FB what the fuck! The industry is far from death. There will be an end to this. It's fair to say similar pandemic took 2 to 3 years to resolve. But now because of great scientific progress (well who some idiot useless fuckers do not believe) it will take much less time. Most probably one full year. Meaning summer of 2021 we will be fucking like rabbits again ;)
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