He has more sense in his fingernail than you or anyone else on this board including myself has.Find someone more reputable than Ben Shapiro to listen to
This is insane
Actually, that's not fair. You make good arguments. I don't know why these politicos are doing what they are doing. They seem to love control. As far as Ben Shapiro - give him a listen. He's not a hobbyist and he may be religious and I'm sure that he wouldn't be on my list to do a hobby/golf trip in Canada or a hobby/fishing trip in Brazil but he always makes a cogent argument. Get anyone you want on the left and I'll have Shaprio or Peterson take them on. Take the heavyweights on the left like Greta Thunburg, AOC, the ladies on the View, Alyssa Milano and any left wing professor from any school of Social Science (cross dressers or otherwise) you can think of and you can even throw in the so-called Covid 19 expert from England with the exaggerated models...you know him, the guy that got caught fucking his mistress while he preached that everyone else should stay home and social distance...put them against Shapiro or Peterson or Alan Dershowitz and the will chew that group of mental midgets to the bone marrow. It wouldn't even be close. You can yell haters or racists or any other word with an -ist you can think of but when you lose an argument but it won't matter. You're wrong.
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