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US Passes Law Criminilizing Escort Boards

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Not sure how many of you are following the news in the US that Congress just passed FOSTA (Fight online sex trafficking), a bill that on the surface seems noble. The bi-partisan bill is expected to be signed by President Trump in the next week. The law would criminalize any website found to have content promoting ANY kind of prostitution (regardless of age, consent, etc) with a penalty of up to 15 years in prison for violators, even if the content was posted by a 3rd party. The speeches on the floor of the House and Senate predictably conflated sex trafficking with upscale prostitution. I’ve seen a lot of crazy laws and have seen outrageous censorship over the years, but I must say I am shocked not just by the censorship enabled by this law but the response by websites. Cityvibe just shut down, Craigslist just removed its casual encounters personals section, T3R just closed down its US ad boards (not the reviews) and I’m seeing that Eros may follow suit. I am sickened by this. My favorite escort sites (, the best agency in NNJ and Lear Talent for example) are still up and running. But the action that many sites took was swift and extreme. I tried to be a voice of reason on some US boards saying nothing will change in the short term. Man, was I wrong. From a practical matter all agencies of mine continue to operate. The problem will be discovering new agencies and Indy talent, which is still possible as long as TER continues its US review section. But I fear even that eventually could be at risk. And I was supposed to be in Montreal this weekend but had to postpone, but I got a feeling that city will be seeing a lot more of me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
That is the results of the conservatives (republicans) being in power. There has been a shift towards conservatism. One of the reasons I will never move to the US. The conservatives already ended net neutrality this was the next move. With the conservatives there is no freedom. You get strict enforcement of moral behavario based on the bible. Remember people never vote for a right-wing conservative party.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Oh thats the thing some girls are talking on twitter... shit that sucks for the peoples in the states.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
That is the results of the conservatives (republicans) being in power.

This assertion has no basis in fact whatsoever. Just two senators voted against this bill, one Democrat and one Republican. Similar picture in the House: just 25 representatives voted against, 14 Republicans and 11 Democrats.

The conservatives already ended net neutrality ... With the conservatives there is no freedom.

Well, there is a slight problem with this one again: exactly the opposite is true. Net neutrality mandates that Internet service providers must behave in a certain way. The (despicable) conservatives reasoned that the government should stay out of this and let the markets sort it all out by themselves. Your conception of freedom must be very different from mine.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
there are strong liberal forces in the US, but as Bill Maher says, they are a bunch of pussies. The republicans fight dirty and the democrats are to nice. I dont think the balance right/left is that different in the US as in many other countries, the difference is the right is more aggressive in politics and policies. I hope Bernie will run again :) And I pray for a democrat sweep in the mid-terms


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Cloud, I have to disagree with you on that one. I don’t think that’s the case at all. The bill was bi-partisan and it was mostly a few Republicans who took exception to it (Rand Paul being one). Senators like Gillibrand from NY, Harris from CA and Blumenthal from CT really championed it. I might argue that the women’s marches even helped inspire the anti-prostitution component. I know in Canada it was Harper’s people who gave you C-36. It’s shortsighted to blame US Republicans for this law in the US. Matter of fact, not just shortsighted, but just plain wrong. I mean we have a President who banged some hookers in his day. I assure you Trump is not comfortable with the anti-prostitution part of bill. Female Democratic US Senators are.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
It's not a problem with Republicans v/s Democrats, it's simply in the American culture ! they are so conservative! look: Janet Jackson uncover her breast at the Super bowl and the media make a big big story! while in European beaches, you can see breast ans tights uncover everywhere ! In America it's illegal ! figure it out !


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Well, there is a slight problem with this one again: exactly the opposite is true. Net neutrality mandates that Internet service providers must behave in a certain way. The (despicable) conservatives reasoned that the government should stay out of this and let the markets sort it all out by themselves. Your conception of freedom must be very different from mine.

You actually got it all backwards. Net neutrality (government intervention) was needed so that ALL USERS had equal access to data in other words free to see and read what they choose. However the despicable conservatives who always favor the rich to help them get richer ended neutrality so that corporations can moderate what they want to show you based on their profit margins. So consider this imagine you want to go on netflix to see a movie but you get a popup on your screen telling if you wish access to that content you go to pay $20 per month. Now why would they do that because your own internet service provider has their own version of netflix. How do you call that free neutral internet? Now you got corporate intervention. Is that really what you want? Is that what you call freedom? In my book that is far from freedom. Now the US banning internet sites to host escort sites is another example of right-wing conservative thinking to enforce strict moral behavior based on the bible. Is that really freedom? Come on you cannot consider this freedom at all.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It's not a problem with Republicans v/s Democrats, it's simply in the American culture ! they are so conservative! look: Janet Jackson uncover her breast at the Super bowl and the media make a big big story! while in European beaches, you can see breast ans tights uncover everywhere ! In America it's illegal ! figure it out !

Exactly and this is the point I wanted to make. American culture is very conservative including the state it has strong influence from the church. I mean one can by an assault rifle but God forbid you book an escort. You committed the greatest sin. About beaches it is due to the bible. The bible shames a woman to expose herself since her body is only for her husband. This all goes to marriage. The bible is against sex out of wedlock. Europe is hundreds of years more mature then the US when it comes to sexuality. Backwards conservative religious zealots. I will never live in such a backwards country.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
You actually got it all backwards.

You failed to explain how exactly I got it backwards. I am not (and don't plan to be) debating the merits of net neutrality (assuming there are any), I am just pointing out that the government prescribing ISPs how to conduct their business is not freedom, at least in my dictionary. Power grab -- yes, freedom -- no. It is in fact conceptually similar to the Chinese model, where the government also has some bright ideas in this area.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
It's not a problem with Republicans v/s Democrats, it's simply in the American culture ! they are so conservative! look: Janet Jackson uncover her breast at the Super bowl and the media make a big big story! while in European beaches, you can see breast ans tights uncover everywhere ! In America it's illegal ! figure it out !

...and there was a star on her titty??? Never forget that USA is the biggest producer of porno, not speaking of all those ultra-sexualised and violent video-clips produced to promote Hip-hop and so called music.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Any chance we'll see something like this in Quebec?

But coming from the opposite end of the political spectrum?

I can see this being the sort of thing on which both left and right might agree ....

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Trump is gonna sign this!?!?! He’s the biggest benefactor of The industry in USA!!!

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
This pass only the Senate for the moment... but we are here all in majority touched by this even in Canada...

By example, all the .com , .net, .cc are managed by Verisign, a US-based company and thus fall under the US juridiction.

Also, some other emails are also American (as by example gmail) ... and without saying where your website is supported. And this, without saying all the social media as well.

I suspect for my part, that maybe eventually the American gouvernement could prohibited totally the access of pro adult oriented services sites (as seen in other countries...) so a VPN and secure encryption is in order if this is your will to continue to consult those kind of sites.

And because I am exchanging with fellow American friends, I will also use in the very near future an encrypted email and encrypted texto.
Both part have to be encrypted to secure really the exchanges.

That's 2 days I am working on it, and because I don't have just that to do in life, I did not finish yet, but that's big changes, that the least we could say.

Better be save than sorry.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Trump is gonna sign this!?!?! He’s the biggest benefactor of The industry in USA!!!

There's no laugh emoji but I definitely needed that.

Much like with certain drugs, (even from the perspective of an abstemious fuddy duddy like myself) if we actually conducted policy according to the liberty we always espouse then maybe we would have avoided or blunted some of the problems we're now trying to halfheartedly solve. Sex trafficking is definitely a problem. I won't claim to know the magnitude of it. The reason the criminal enterprise got a foothold in marijuana was because except until recently, the government never embraced it and then regulated it. That essentially mirrors what happened with commercial sex. Governmental oversight of legal prostitution may not have prevented sex trafficking but it would have at least mitigated it.

And because I am exchanging with fellow American friends, I will also use in the very near future an encrypted email and encrypted texto.
Both part have to be encrypted to secure really the exchanges.

Unless the attitude that drove me to Canada goes nationwide, I'm not worried it will come to that. I can understand the apprehension but the websites that have shuttered are those that cannot control if content posted on their site was attributed to sex trafficking, which sounds like a big problem for sites like Craigslist and Backpage. The attitude that drove me from playing in the US was when a police department in my home state actually broke into incall apartments to establish surveillance on a escort service's activities, among other law-enforcement activities all for the pointless purpose of saying they busted illegal activity. I don't believe any other ancillary illegal activity (drugs) were taking place.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Patron, when I started this thread I was so hoping you would weigh in with your thoughts and opinions. Thank you. We are in scary times the more I read about the potential impact of this law. However, I don’t know if the sky is falling. Allow me to explain. When I first started hobbying in the mid-2000s, I didn’t use a lot of online resources and was able to navigate the escort landscape quite successfullly. T3R and Utopia guide at the time, and one or two moderately priced agencies kept me happy. I never once clicked on a T3R ad, but did gain a plethora of information from the reviews. Coincidentally, the T3R reviews are still alive and well today, however the US ad board was just shut down. In terms of keeping tabs on girls and schedules, the Aphrodite Companions daily email from Pam served me well. I don’t recall going on the AC site itself very much. My point is quality of information is significantly more important than quantity, so perhaps it won’t be as bad as it seems once some adjustments are made. My fear, however, is the climate of attacking this hobby and the ongoing conflation of trafficking and escorting. My question is, will hosting companies around the world now refuse to support a website it suspects - suspects the key word - of facilitating or promoting prostitution? In other words, do we wake up and no longer see the websites of our favorite agencies? Secondly, do we think SESTA may bring about an explosion in more escort agencies posting their schedules and pics via email? That might not be a bad thing here in NYV/NNJ. I’m tired of seeing ads for $500 Indy providers. That’s why EROS and T3R ad boards are useless to me. I can see some of those same girls at a NNJ agency for $300/hour. Any chance we may see a turning back to the dynamics and pricing similar to the mid 2000s? More agencies than Indy’s? More emails and personal service than sterile websites with photoshopped talent? Could the good outweigh the bad?

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Unless the attitude that drove me to Canada goes nationwide, I'm not worried it will come to that.

I had met, few months of that, someone let's say, having a kind of international work that he had to keep all details 100% discrete and he told me that I had well done about how I deal with my activities except it could be very good to have encrypted emails, at least, to protect all my exchanges, between other suggestion also to use a VPN.

I did not follow instantly those, but now I think it is time to do so. I imagine that those suggestions might be really good not only for me, but for all people that requiring 100% discretion about their activities, what ever they could be. But if someone want and use that kind of discretion tool, that's important to know that an encrypted exchange has to be both side encrypted to be efficient. ;-)

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
I would be surprised that the level of donation will be falling in the USA, it might be even raising for what I understand of economy VS rarity VS "dangerosity".

I know there is one owner of a kind of legal hosting ranch that has Twit something in this regard that he is happy that he has received few couples of hundreds of demands of SW to work for him, and well, ladies & gentlemen just react very negatively to him, as being so happy to take advantage of this big hit. (combined he is renowed to be a "bad one" exploitative, to what I have read...) But he will be certainly having more contraints himself, because he won't be able to advertise for many people with this new future laws, am I right?

At the end I think globally we will adjust very quickly in Canada... In USA, there will be an ajustement too but it could take just a bit more time, that's it.

The fact that if they succeed a day to really stop the exploitive sex trafficking so then, all the cheap sex labor might stop for real, so for the clients that are appealed to pay the less will probably lose those kind of forced but so appealing cheap dollars providers. You have to be awarded of that. Of course, I imagine there could be High end ladies that could be forced, but I suspect they are exceptions VS the cheap ones.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
That is the results of the conservatives (republicans) being in power. There has been a shift towards conservatism. One of the reasons I will never move to the US. The conservatives already ended net neutrality this was the next move. With the conservatives there is no freedom. You get strict enforcement of moral behavario based on the bible. Remember people never vote for a right-wing conservative party.

You are so full of it. Can't you see that everyone voted for this? Where has your head been for the last few years? Do you not see that women want to emasculate men. No, not women but militant left-wing feminist women. They don't like the fact that men are having sex for money and they want to stop this source of pleasure enjoyed by the hated gender.

BTW - I Just ducked out of diversity training. Do you know why there aren't as many Women CEOs or women in upper management? It is not because of lifestyle choices that men and women make due to cultural norms. For example, study after study indicates that single men make less money than married men with children. The same studies show the opposite for women. Men have kids and they buckle down and work 80 hour weeks and do whatever they have to do to make their families financially secure. Women, on the other hand, make decisions to stay home with the child or work less hours or closer to home etc so they can nurture the kids. Yes, times, they are a changing but not fast enough. Anyway, we were told that women are not making CEO because of an Unconscious Bias. This kind of nonsense and PC comes out of the camp of the left wing of the Democratic party that permeates nearly every institution. Now if you cannot get these people to look objectively at data for the workplace what chance do we have of having these people look objectively at something as emotional and taboo like prostitution?
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