Classy Angel
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What is your worse bait and switch experience?


New Member
Oct 9, 2010
Bait and switch use to happen to me before the internet was popular ( pre 2003 ). Before all the ads moved to the internet the ads were on newspapers like the Mirror, Voir, or J de Montreal. All a hobbyist had to go by was an ad with no pic. With pics and reviews the hobbyist can make a better informed choice. I had experiences where the advertiser told me on the phone she was 15 years younger and 40 lbs. lighter than she actually was. Mostly the bait and switchers were huge women, but what inspired me to write this thread was that I responded to an ad recently and things went OK, but many years ago I had a bait and switch where the woman looked like granny of the Beverly Hillbilly TV show at that same building. What are your bait and switch stories?


Active Member
Jun 25, 2018
July, number ending 1311 on LeoList. Pics were obviously fake, but curiosity got the better of me. Walked into a late 30s to early 40s Japanese woman with a very small chest. Didn't stick around.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think about every other CL or BP girl I saw used fake photos.

I bolted a few times. A few times I dropped a 20$ or 40$ and bolted. One time the B&S was so bad I bolted as the girl was knocking on the door and I almost knocked her over to get out of there.

A few other times I stayed and had a good time. If she looked Ok anyway, I would stay. I don't think anyone did this to me in Montreal. The message is clear: Stay out of the gutter. Pay the going rate and you should be OK in Montreal.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
When I was in my early 20's I was buying a pound of weed, the guy showed us a baggie of good weed and smoked a joint with us. The larger sealed bag in the trunk was cheap Mexican type weed, lucky we checked.... Yeah, the best I can come up with today.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I never had it happen in MTL because i became a carefull "risk free" (as much as possible) client but i have 2 "off the list" meetings i did in the old days before finding merbs and everything. I don't even put them in my records really because they where so terrible. They turned me off from this market for like 2 years before i found and try it again trough merb.

Anyway so the first time i call on the phone trough newspaper adds, the guy start to describe the girls and either i didn't pay attention or couldn't picture what a certain weight would be in person, but anyway he mentioned a blonde with 36D breast. In my mind i had Pamela Anderson from baywatch. You know the "blond bomshell" look. But the person who arrived was an overweight 35s or such (i was 22 or so at the time) woman with "cross-eyes" and the cherry on top she was full of restrictions. Obviously i should had refused her, but i was so new and nervous to this. In the end i ended up getting a CBJ for 100$/half hour. She did finished me with her mouth at least, so it was a "cicim" (cum in condom in mouth) but i still recall my friend coming back (i borrowed his place for this meeting) and being all exited and asking how it was. And my answer was pretty much "i litteraly flushed 100$ down the toilet"

So yeah ultimately my lack of experience and naivety was to blame in all of this, and i did just loose 100$ ultimately, but its one of my worst experience and the closest to "bait and switch" i had.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This happened many years ago when I was new to stripper take out. I knew this girl for some months so I proposed take out. I told her what I wanted. Told her I want DFK and DATY. She said okay. Agreed on $300. On the night I we had the appointment I picked her up. She was being mean and cold. She also wanted to choose the motel we went to. She was coughing a bit in the car. I booked the room and once she got there first thing is she asked for the money upfront. First mistake and a one I learned big time never pay upfront or the ones asking payment upfront is usually they were planning something bad. So once I paid her she changed on a dime. Goes she has a cold and cannot do DFK. At that point I feel scammed. I told her what I wanted and that if she has a cold she should say before asking for money. I told her forget about and give me the money back. She gave me back $120 so she intended to take $180 for us doing nothing. I demanded the money back and said she can keep the $50. She refused. So at that point I made a call to the police to report an extortion attempt. She freaked out as she had a police record. She gave me my money back and I left. To me this is bait and switch. If certain services are promised then she must deliver.

Mr. Roarke

New Member
Feb 18, 2011
I saw an indy SP that really looked like a guy in women's clothing. Not 100% sure, but I was not going to take the chance. I made my excuses and took off..


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
I’ve told this story a couple times in different threads... and it applies here too! Years ago in Toronto, I called up an ad from a local paper (no internet then). Went to a shady apartment building in Scarborough. Get to the apartment and a pretty girl answers the door. Asks me to take shoes off and leads me to the bedroom. Bare room. Mattress on floor and a stool in the corner. She asks for money upfront. Spider senses start tingling, but I hand her the money. She leaves the room telling me to get comfortable. I sensed something was up so I didn't get undressed. She comes back and says Ok what do you want to do? I said "well the ad said full service and anal so that's what I'm here for". She says ok. She goes and opens the closet door and pulls out AN INFLATABLE SEXDOLL! She tosses it onto the mattress and says says "go ahead...she'll do anything you want". She then points to a camera up on the wall and adds "my boyfriend won't bother you"! YIKES! I stayed cool and calm...politely said no thank you and got the f@?k out of there!



New Member
Aug 6, 2022
July, number ending 1311 on LeoList. Pics were obviously fake, but curiosity got the better of me. Walked into a late 30s to early 40s Japanese woman with a very small chest. Didn't stick around.
I was going to try her… has anyone tried her


Merb member
Dec 27, 2020
For me, it happened at MAE lol.

I thought i was gonna see a smoking hot 19 year old but instead i got an old looking 50 year old Korean auntie lol

Talk about a total trainwreck lol


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
20+ years ago, found one of the ads in the back pages (not backpage LOL) in La Presse. 21 y.o. girl according to the short description. Turns out more like 31-32. I normally won't hire a pro more than 23-24 LOL. Dumb me, paid her, didn't do anything (can't get excited) until the wall clock time ran out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Had bait and switch in services and pics when hobbied in Montreal. Bait and Switch in experience was with Gabrielle Luv. This was in 2005/2006. First time saw her for two hours it was BBJ then second time which was a dinner engagement she went to CBJ without telling me at first. If she did I would of reconsidered. Second B&S was with regards to pics. This was with Kelly of Wild Time whom I saw in 2015. Pics of her were ten years from when I saw her. Pics of her were young and firm. Actual person old hag sag. Many who saw her said the same and called out this misrepresentation.

Yet other than that Montreal has never disappoint.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I’ve been very fortunate & i only recall bait n’ switched once. It was a popular agency named Les Filles de M. Jacques and i was supposed to see a ‘Natacha’ at around 11pm. She had been described as an attractive brunette of 5’4 115 lbs. I didn’t know anything about her but she was the quickest one available so i accepted to see her when i called.

Well 11:15pm came & still no Natacha. So i called them and was told she’d be there in a few minutes. At 11:30pm i called again and was told she’d be there in 15 minutes. At 11:50pm i called again & was told that she would be there in five minutes. At around midnight i was just about to call to cancel when i heard a knock on my door. I was staying at Hotel de la Montagne, which soon had become my favorite hotel to hobby. When i opened the door a tall gorgeous young blond woman with blue eyes stood before me. “Bonsoir mon nom est Frederique”, she said. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Wow! I then told her “I was expecting someone named Natacha.” She then told me that i could refuse to see her if i didn’t want to and i replied “No, no….i’m extremely happy to meet you…you’re staying right here!” I immediately asked her if she could stay another hour & she called the agency to check if it was okay and they said yes. So i then asked her if she could say for three hours & they said no problem & offered to have her stay longer if i wanted. I told them that three hours was okay. She was a knockout! So i lucked out bigly with my one & only bait n’ switch.

I did have Xtase replace someone i was supposed to see a couple of times but i had been made aware of it beforehand & gave Martin the okay to send the girls over & the replacements were even better & became regulars. So i lucked out there also.
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
summum xxx and maximum xxx were really great agencies for the bait and switch, the often posted fake pictures of there SP, when the girl got to my door she was 50 pounds heavier.

My worse bait and switch was with Summum, the picture of the SP looked amazing, the this 5 foot 200 pounds chubby girl showed up at the door, I was mad and left the motel room.

Sadly most SP post fake picture of them its a common knowledge


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I remember a few years ago there was an agency using some of my photos so for sure this was a case of bait and switch :/
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