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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
South Africa NCID - look at the rocket for cases in Gauteng province. Delta took some time to gather speed but Omicron...F*ck me.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
DUBÉ.....ce jour,

-OMICRON.....criblage de 900 cas depuis le 30 Novembre....AUCUN VARIANT OMICRON détecté:).....bonne nouvelle MAIS évidemment la situation peut changer.

VACCINATION.....45% des 70 ans et plus ont recu une 3ème dose.....beaucoup ---dont moi --sont en attente du délai de 6 mois.
43% des 5-11 ans en processus.....excellente nouvelle.
60 -69 ans....vaccination dès Janvier.....faute/manque de vaccinateurs.

NOEL----Petit cadeau....dès le 23 Décembre rassemblements de 20 personnes VACCINÉES seront permis......évidemment aucun inspecteur/policier n'ira vérifier ;) à moins de plainte.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

A 50-year-old man tried to pass off a silicone arm as his own at a COVID-19 vaccination clinic in northern Italy, in an attempt to get a vaccine certificate without actually getting inoculated.

His professional order suspended him.
He probably has a silicone brain too !


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010

These urologists are setting the record straight about penises and COVID​

The virus kills boners. Vaccines don't.


An extract: Penises, like lungs, are highly vascular organs, and the virus latches on to endothelial cells that line blood vessels.
No scientific evidence exists that vaccines cause swollen testicles or impotence, but some research demonstrates a correlation between COVID-19 infection and erectile dysfunction in men. Jannini’s research was the first to show this connection; according to his latest study, which has been accepted for publication in the Sexual Medicine Reviews, the connection between ED and COVID is so strong that erectile dysfunction may indicate that a man has long-haul COVID.

Other research by Eliyahu Kresch and his team at University of Miami has shown that COVID-19 remains detectable in penile tissue nine months after infection, and that some men’s post-virus ED has been so severe that they’ve sought out penile implants.



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

A good and bad news:

A booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine appears to provide strong protection against the omicron variant, the companies announced Wednesday.

They said lab study results show a third dose of their vaccine provides a similar level of neutralizing antibodies to omicron, comparable to two doses against the original coronavirus and other variants that have emerged.

Blood samples from those who received only the primary series of the vaccine, on average, did see a 25-fold drop in antibodies against the new variant.
That may indicate that two doses of the vaccine may not be sufficient to protect against infection with omicron, the companies said.

As the highly mutated omicron variant, first identified in South Africa, spreads around the globe, scientists are racing to determine how the available vaccines will work against it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Longueuil police have teamed up with an ex-conspirator so that her police force is better equipped to help people caught up in the downward spiral of disinformation that can sometimes lead to violence.
Specially on the vaccine.

A goog idea.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
This is so condescending and authoritarian. Obviously from The UN-UNESCO Montreal Gazette.

"Quebecers may have been excited to learn Tuesday that they will be able to hold gatherings of as many as 20 loved ones over the holiday season"

This reeks of George Orwell 1984.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
This is so condescending and authoritarian. Obviously from The UN-UNESCO Montreal Gazette.

"Quebecers may have been excited to learn Tuesday that they will be able to hold gatherings of as many as 20 loved ones over the holiday season"

This reeks of George Orwell 1984.

Let me correct that for you

"Quebecers may have been excited to learn Tuesday that they will be able to hold gatherings of as many as 20 vaccinated loved ones over the holiday season"

What a joke.

Big meeting at the ministry yesterday. On the agenda :

- Who gets Christmas
- Who gets lap dances (I read your review on Chez)
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009

Longueuil police have teamed up with an ex-conspirator so that her police force is better equipped to help people caught up in the downward spiral of disinformation that can sometimes lead to violence.
Specially on the vaccine.

A goog idea.

The way i see it there is 2 sides of the story and the truth ...

Are there nutjobs who believe in a bunch of nonsense? Yes
Are the medias trying to put everywhere in the same basket as "complotist"? Too often yes

The current issue, and i said it again and again, is how you are simply not allowed to question the narrative or make your own choices. As soon as you question stuff, do researches etc you are labeled a complotist. As soon as you decide that the vaccine is not for you, no matter why, you are labeled a pariah to society, a big bad person.

Everytime i go eat downstair i open the TV and watch a bit of TVA to see what idiocy they will say today and i was not disapointed this morning. Dumont litterely said that if you chose to not get vaccinated you made "the wrong choice" and TVA really want to push that narrative that if you ain't vaccinated you won't be invited for christmas etc

Sure there is some anxious nutjobs who will probably refuse to invite peoples unvaccinated (the same way there is hardcore complotist nutjobs) but the vast majority of peoples DO NOT CARE for your medical status.

I do not have a huge ton of friends or family but among my social circle the vast majority couldn't care less if im vaccinated or unvaccinated. Lots of them took the poke only because they "had to". Either cause of their job or not wanting to let go social life. My uncle wich is in his 70s recently got his first dose because he wanted to be able to go eat at the restaurant again. He never intended to get the vaccine despite being in the at risk group. He never was a complotist at all. He is someone in extremely great shape for his age, doing bicyle a lot and other sports activity, always eating extremely well too. Maybe he saw himself as not needing it, i dunno, but it was his choice and now just to enjoy a normal thing in life he had to take something he didn't wanted. THAT is messed up.

My cousin originally didn't took the vaccine cause he had an injection of something not compatible with it , he had to wait 1 or 2 extra months, but as time passed he told me he was probably just not gonna take it as he felt it was not worth it anymore (summer had arrive, we taught it was the end of it for good this time) but since he work in hospitals and other governement stuff, he was pretty much forced to go take it at some point. I have a friend who took it right away when he could but in his own words his reason was "if it mean they'll STFU about it, whatever ill take it".

A couple of my online friends from Xbox took it too cause they had to, but couldn't care jack that i didn't and they are against the passeport.

So all of this to say that even if 90% of the population is poked, its not 90% that is 100% for it or that has the same view as the medias try to depict.

So ultimately yes i think the governement goes too far to force its vaccine. Yes i think it should be against the freedom chart and im astonish its not based on what the judges here decide. No im not saying there should be a Nuremberg 2 or some dumb stuff like that. But yes a different ruling should be made !

I am not "anti-vaccine" per say. I think its great that a vaccine exist for the at risk population, and im totally fine if a 23 years old dude in great shape is happy to take it ... if it make him feel better, more secured, great. The problem is my choice toward it is different and its not being respected. At the same time the medias do almost as much of a propaganda machine job as the "complotist" toward the anxious population to make us look like bad guys in the story, when we are not.

I think respect would start by having the passeport be dropped for anything that is not absolutely hugely risky. For instance a huge music show in an enclosed room where everybody is stockpiled on the ground floor, well i could understand asking for it THERE. Or maybe allow the unvaccinated to buy a ticket outside of the ground, maybe in a special section where the seats are a bit more spread (letting 1 empty seat between for instance). Cinema and restos? NO ! Absolute NO. I watched a ton of movies where there was barely 8 peoples in the room... cmon.

And then have the media says that its ok if a person choose to not get vaccinated, that medical choices are personal and that you shouldn't be demonizing your friends, family or neighbors because they chose to not get it...

But nop, they keep doing it and the governement itself order publicities to make unvaccinated look like pariah. THAT is sickening to me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The way i see it there is 2 sides of the story and the truth ...

Are there nutjobs who believe in a bunch of nonsense? Yes
Are the medias trying to put everywhere in the same basket as "complotist"? Too often yes

The current issue, and i said it again and again, is how you are simply not allowed to question the narrative or make your own choices. As soon as you question stuff, do researches etc you are labeled a complotist. As soon as you decide that the vaccine is not for you, no matter why, you are labeled a pariah to society, a big bad person.

Everytime i go eat downstair i open the TV and watch a bit of TVA to see what idiocy they will say today and i was not disapointed this morning. Dumont litterely said that if you chose to not get vaccinated you made "the wrong choice" and TVA really want to push that narrative that if you ain't vaccinated you won't be invited for christmas etc

But nop, they keep doing it and the governement itself order publicities to make unvaccinated look like pariah. THAT is sickening to me.
This is a technique used by communist governments to control the population. They publicly shame free thinkers and those that do not follow the political narrative. But see society and including many on this board supports authoritarianism. Weird how people in the 20th century fought wars to have their freedom here now we got people supporting a nanny state. The media is 100% funded by the government so they are all spreading government propaganda. They are prepping us for a 3rd booster shot and just like that your vaccine passport will be invalid till you get a 3rd shot and they will make us take a booster every 6 months.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This is so condescending and authoritarian. Obviously from The UN-UNESCO Montreal Gazette.

"Quebecers may have been excited to learn Tuesday that they will be able to hold gatherings of as many as 20 loved ones over the holiday season"

This reeks of George Orwell 1984.
Yep big time and the majority want George Orwell 1984 and they will fight to have it.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Let me correct that for you

"Quebecers may have been excited to learn Tuesday that they will be able to hold gatherings of as many as 20 vaccinated loved ones over the holiday season"
The article I read, and I double checked, did not include "vaccinated"

Allison Hanes: With SAQ strife, are we looking at a dry Christmas? The green light has been given for larger gatherings, but some Quebecers may be stressed about how they’re going to obtain provisions for the more normal holiday they were hoping to have this year.

Either it is bad journalism or intentional to dilute the situation. Interesting they juxtapose the right to gather with an alcohol shortage. We need vaccination and alcohol to gather for holidays. These journalists are freaking manipulative psychiatrists. They should properly mention that alcohol trashes the immune system and that maybe an alcohol shortage is a good thing.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Weird how people in the 20th century fought wars to have their freedom here now we got people supporting a nanny state. The media is 100% funded by the government so they are all spreading government propaganda. They are prepping us for a 3rd booster shot and just like that your vaccine passport will be invalid till you get a 3rd shot and they will make us take a booster every 6 months.

Its even funnier on an escort board where we all share a passion for a business that last i checked is still illegal .

We the clients are judged by society for what we do (and escorts too) and most peoples hide it cause even if they ain't ashame of it inside they know they would be judged cause they enjoy something seen badly by society.

Yet they can't relate ONE BIT with unvaccinated?

As for the booster shots its possible but part of me want to believe this insanity is not for life. Imagine still showing papers to watch a movie in 5 years... PLEASS NO !

Anyway if you have to wait 6 months before 2nd and third and after that 4th/5th etc it would be undoable for an unvaccinated to get up to that ‍♂️.

A shot every six month is also a lot imo... way too much.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Rachel Maddow looks at the increasingly extreme and bizarre ideas being pursued by people who eschew Covid vaccines in favor of imaginary remedies, and shares reporting from Brandy Zadrozny of NBC News on an alarming number of people purchasing bags of dirt they've been convinced have medicinal value.

I've run out of patience and pity. The only reason I care any more is because of the collateral damage these idiots cause.

it's incredible.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Today in Quebec, 1,807 new cases and the vast majority are children and unvaccinated people.

Once again this proves the effectiveness of the vaccination.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
WTF did I just read fake News?
Very unsettling if true.
Do these clinical trials foreshadow what is to come?
Are our immune systems trashed and will become dependant on "Vaccine" regular boosting now?
Trudeau gave a billion dollars to this world health organization covax fund for this vax crap that we know nothing about?
Trust the science in 75 years?? We all be dead by then??!!

Disclosing Pfizer vaccine data 'may take until 2096' — RT ...

F me most of us by now have taken the vax. Too late for us suckers.
Instinctually most of us know this is bad but good old fashioned high school peer pressure got us.

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019

Today in Quebec, 1,807 new cases and the vast majority are children and unvaccinated people.

Once again this proves the effectiveness of the vaccination.
How convenient this is for the Vaccine argument. So the booster shot, by coincidence is extremely effective against the omicron variant, while the 2 prior doses are not.
And now we see the focus on stating that children have COVID while they were fine before the appearance of the Vaccine for children.... Man, no question asked?... Ayayay....
I mean isn't it becoming more obvious that this is BS? I question those stats man... I hate conspiracy theories, but I must admit that the convenience of those stats towards the Vaccine is becoming questionable at the very least.. it seems to me the mass information is also coming from these bodies. I mean what the hell is going on...


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
yet you are so good at creating them
I dare you to find a conspiracy theory I have created. Unless for you disagreement, different opinions, questioning, critical thinking are conspiracy theories, then yes guilty as charged.
Even if what you say is true, it does not dismiss the point I made. If a thief says that killing is illegal, he is not wrong because he is a thief. So whatever your opinion about me, the points are still valid.
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