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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Not only are healthcare workers refusing to be vaccinated, but 458 of them are currently on suspension without pay after refusing to undergo mandatory testing.

The Department of Health and Human Services revealed on Twitter Thursday that 458 unvaccinated workers refused to be tested and are therefore suspended without pay.

These people don't deserve to work, for it's certain that there will be spread among them.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
I dare you to find a conspiracy theory I have created. Unless for you disagreement, different opinions, questioning, critical thinking are conspiracy theories, then yes guilty as charged.
Even if what you say is true, it does not dismiss the point I made. If a thief says that killing is illegal, he is not wrong because he is a thief. So whatever your opinion about me, the points are still valid.

You quote the stats from the government and go on to say

"I question those stats man... I hate conspiracy theories, but I must admit that the convenience of those stats towards the Vaccine is becoming questionable at the very least.."

When real world stats on the efficiency of the vaccine don't match your unfounded beliefs, you question the underlying data. No better than when someone doesn't like the results of his election he questions the underlying data and screams fraud.

There are checks and balances in the medical data being published. Yes, there is spin on it's interpretation by politicians, there are attempts to cover things up (a la Cuomo) but at the end of the day the real data comes out. There is no hiding it.

You can try to cast doubt on the data, but that is nothing more than conspiracy theories. You give yourself way too much credit saying it's critical thinking.

You don't like the data, you say it's false
You don't like the opinion of an overwhelming number of doctors, you claim they are muzzled

That my friend is dabbling into conspiracy theories.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
You quote the stats from the government and go on to say

"I question those stats man... I hate conspiracy theories, but I must admit that the convenience of those stats towards the Vaccine is becoming questionable at the very least.."

When real world stats on the efficiency of the vaccine don't match your unfounded beliefs, you question the underlying data. No better than when someone doesn't like the results of his election he questions the underlying data and screams fraud.

There are checks and balances in the medical data being published. Yes, there is spin on it's interpretation by politicians, there are attempts to cover things up (a la Cuomo) but at the end of the day the real data comes out. There is no hiding it.

You can try to cast doubt on the data, but that is nothing more than conspiracy theories. You give yourself way too much credit saying it's critical thinking.

You don't like the data, you say it's false
You don't like the opinion of an overwhelming number of doctors, you claim they are muzzled

That my friend is dabbling into conspiracy theories.
Questioning data is not similar as saying they are false. In fact, you are a victim of your own theory. You distorted what I have said to fit it into the conspiracy concept.
"I question those stats man... I hate conspiracy theories, but I must admit that the convenience of those stats towards the Vaccine is becoming questionable at the very least.."
This statement does not indicate they are false, it only questions their usage. Maybe the Media is shedding light on some of it, and neglecting others, maybe the methods used. The point is that they are very convenient toward promoting the Vaccine to the children, and pointing again the finger on those not vaccinated. What sickens me most is that there are no talks about people that had sided effects from the Vaccine, even though we know they exist. The fact that they are rare is not an argument not to. The only reason I see is that it shows its potential danger in some cases, and that is bad publicity. As for mainstream media, yes I am accusing them of being a major factor in spreading fear, and promoting the vaccines. Media is a business, and they have been, for a long time now, used by many interest groups to promote certain ideas regardless of the truth. This is not a conspiracy as it is easy to prove. The most direct evidence of this would be watching them through the elections.
As I mentioned before, the booster idea is not very popular, even among the Vaccinated. I personally know lots of them. The fact that is very effective vs the variant, well kind of give it a raison and sells it. Which makes me wonder about the convenient timing among many other things. This not a theory that the variant is non existent, it just question the usage of the information.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Interesting read from Pfizer.

"Emergency uses of the vaccine have not been approved or licensed by FDA, but have been authorized by FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in individuals 5 years of age and older"

Take note the wording.
The Vax has not been "Approved" but "Authorized".

Also get ready billions of doses in the pipeline.

"The companies continue to advance the development of a variant-specific vaccine for Omicron and expect to have it available by March in the event that an adaption is needed to further increase the level and duration of protection – with no change expected to the companies’ four billion dose capacity for 2022"

So what does it mean "is needed to further increase the level and duration of protection" Conspiracy nutcase will read this as....So our immune system has been altered and the side effect is Omnicrom and we need artificial antibody boosting for the rest or our covid vaccinated lives...this sound like classic drug addiction. Antibody dependence enhancement? ADE. Note the word "dependence".

Pfizer and BioNTech Provide Update on Omicron Variant › news › press-release-detail › p...

Too bad I can't post music hehe
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The only reason I see is that it shows its potential danger in some cases, and that is bad publicity. As for mainstream media, yes I am accusing them of being a major factor in spreading fear, and promoting the vaccines.
Because anti-vaccines are very aggressive and intense on all social networks.

We can't really trust anti-vaccines to tell us the truth.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
This is a technique used by communist governments to control the population.
This technique is widely used by USA. Since when do you consider US a communist country? USA also destroyed IRAQ on false claims and practiced torture in a no-man land, Guantanamo prison. disinformation is widely used by CIA. USA have no lesson to give to China and Russia. They do the same but pretends to do it for freedom... Whose freedom??? Calling names is an argument used by those failing to have good ones. Unfortunately, a lot around COVID, is now more about politic than healthcare. Those calling on George Orwell probably didn't read the book or did not understood it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The USA adopted things that China uses. Problem in my book is authoritarianism irrelevant of the government type. The USA was once a place of freedom but over the decades (I would say the start of the 1920s) government over reach grew and kept growing till it is now involved in every aspect of peoples personal lives. The motivation as usual is power and greed. And I completely agree with you on your last statement which is what I have been saying for the past year that covid has become about politics. Almost everything we are seeing today is being motivated by politics and greed and not so much about healthcare. Government and businesses are cashing in big time on covid restrictions, lockdowns, and covid ultimately it is the people that are paying for all of this (look around you prices are rising so fast we are seeing the biggest jump in food prices since the 1980s).


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
This is a technique used by communist governments to control the population. They publicly shame free thinkers and those that do not follow the political narrative. But see society and including many on this board supports authoritarianism. Weird how people in the 20th century fought wars to have their freedom here now we got people supporting a nanny state. The media is 100% funded by the government so they are all spreading government propaganda. They are prepping us for a 3rd booster shot and just like that your vaccine passport will be invalid till you get a 3rd shot and they will make us take a booster every 6 months.
Nope, Communist governments did much worse than that lol.
Free thinkers disappeared never to be seen again, others ended up in Siberian prisons.

I don’t agree with forced vaccinations that is taking it too far. Vaccine passports yes.
I believe everyone should have enough brains to see that these vaccines are relatively safe and certainly give everyone a much better chance in staying out of hospitals or dying. Government doesn’t need to force me to be vaccinated.
I have had my booster shot the first opportunity I had.
Is there a possibility for long term side affects from these vaccines? maybe, but I rather opt for that than getting Covid now and dying or having long term Covid, the chances of that are far greater than the possible long term side affects from the vaccines.
Unfortunately it seems even booster shots are not a 100% guarantee and Covid will be with us for a long time to come.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Unfortunately it seems even booster shots are not a 100% guarantee and Covid will be with us for a long time to come.
So what is the conclusion? Are we to live under forced masks and two meters for a long time? Are we supposed to constantly fear being locked down again? We are seeing the damage these lockdowns and restrictions are causing. Prices of everything are inflating fast! When will it end? The way I see it I do not think the government ever wants it to end. They want to keep their emergency powers (this gives them God like powers they can basically do whatever they want, pass whatever laws without it being questioned under the false guise of health) for as long as possible and businesses are making a lot of money off covid. Then again who knows what exactly is their final agenda but it is definitely not about health.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Who other than Pfizer, Moderna and the plexiglass vendor is making a lot of money off Covid ?
Grocery stores are making a killing. Food prices keep on going up and they got the perfect excuse they blame it on covid. On the news they announced how in 2022 we will see the biggest increase in food prices since the 1980s. The media is already prepping us and the grocery stores know ppl will pay no matter what since food is a necessity.

A great read ->

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
So what is the conclusion? Are we to live under forced masks and two meters for a long time? Are we supposed to constantly fear being locked down again? We are seeing the damage these lockdowns and restrictions are causing. Prices of everything are inflating fast! When will it end? The way I see it I do not think the government ever wants it to end. They want to keep their emergency powers (this gives them God like powers they can basically do whatever they want, pass whatever laws without it being questioned under the false guise of health) for as long as possible and businesses are making a lot of money off covid. Then again who knows what exactly is their final agenda but it is definitely not about health.
When will it end?
When people stop dying or being admitted to hospitals being seriously ill.
You can’t be serious that wearing a mask or trying to keep your distance where possible is a monumental hardship.
Lockdowns unless they are real lockdown where people do not go anywhere except for medication or to see a doctor or food if it can’t be delivered achieve nothing, curfews in my opinion achieve nothing at all as the virus doesn’t know what time of day it is and can spread just ast easily at 2pm as at 11pm.
Yes prices will keep going up probably more with Covid, but they would go up anyway. When will it end, there are beginnings of it already, with the labour shortage workers are now able to demand more money and hopefully bridge the gap some what in buying power with the price increases. Price increases have been outpacing buying power for a long time now that is not new.
I don’t think governments want to keep any of these laws or that they are happy to impose any of them. There are too many like you complaining lol. and to a certain extent there should be some questioning and certainly even opposition to forced vaccination.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
When will it end?
When people stop dying or being admitted to hospitals being seriously ill.
You can’t be serious that wearing a mask or trying to keep your distance where possible is a monumental hardship.
Lockdowns unless they are real lockdown where people do not go anywhere except for medication or to see a doctor or food if it can’t be delivered achieve nothing, curfews in my opinion achieve nothing at all as the virus doesn’t know what time of day it is and can spread just ast easily at 2pm as at 11pm.
Yes prices will keep going up probably more with Covid, but they would go up anyway. When will it end, there are beginnings of it already, with the labour shortage workers are now able to demand more money and hopefully bridge the gap some what in buying power with the price increases. Price increases have been outpacing buying power for a long time now that is not new.
I don’t think governments want to keep any of these laws or that they are happy to impose any of them. There are too many like you complaining lol. and to a certain extent there should be some questioning and certainly even opposition to forced vaccination.
Problem is there are too many complying to government orders vs complaining (government are counting on people to comply). It will end when people stop complying to the government. Air pollution killed far more people then covid did but no one wants to have that conversation. What is covid compared to smallpox? Nothing. The mortality of covid is quiet low. What is important is how many land in the hospital and right now the rates are low yet the media keeps on spreading the fear all in time for vaccinations for kids and the push for 3rd booster shots. Why keep on posting stats of cases daily. I want to see stats posted daily instead of how many land in the hospital.

Some articles to prove my point. You at least say curfews are useless yet governments still imposed them and that is because many compliant people believed the government and trusted them and supported their decision. Something to think about. The labor shortage is a farce. Government benefits is the direct cause of this. Why was there none before CERB? Now all those students and young people working those minimum wage job all of a sudden where getting $2000 a month to sit home including those who were working part-time. Now they are spoiled and they want $18/hr an hour to work at McDonalds. My theory is these people who opted to not work unless they get paid $18/hr is because they have another source of income, my theory is I suspect many moved in with their parents so can afford to sit home jobless. Those who cannot move in with their parents decided to work. It is mostly low wage jobs affected by this and most of their employees were young people/students. All these wage demands is causing something called wage inflation. Wage inflation causes wages to inflate but its value to diminish. because prices of everything got to rise to cover increased labor costs. All those businesses will pass on the increased costs to the customer. What about all those people who worked hard to earn $25/hr? Will they also get a $4.50/hr increase? Probably not, now they will see their purchasing power decreased.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Pretty much of perfect summary of how I feel now, too.

Governments insisted on trying to make themselves relevant here. It is important to keep in mind who has the most knowledge about the virus and who invented the vaccines. It wasn’t the fucking government, and the people at the companies who did invent the vaccines are not evil, like they are always depicted in stupid left-wing Hollywood movies.

I do agree with Cloud500 that in its supposedly magnanimous gesture to save all of us poor folks by printing money, it created significant inflation. And of course plenty of elected politicians, who are amazingly exempt from insider trading rules that apply to everyone else, profited from what they created.

How is this for a system?

Companies develop a product and sell it to consumers who wish not to die. Investors and lenders who realize that people will pay for such products fund the development of those products.

The government for the most part fucks off. It recognizes that when the company developing the product has scientists smarter than those working for the government, it rubber stamps the new product through its regulatory process about an hour after the company’s internal process green lights the product.

If the product costs $1,000, and I place a value on my life exceeding $1,000, I buy the product (the vaccine). I get to buy it once it is available. The government does not buy it for me and choose my life‘s level of relative importance compared to other life’s and choose the order in which I get my vaccine. Same is true if the product costs $10,000. If I am early in the process, I recognize that the price will be higher at first, and will eventually drop. I decide when I get my shot. If they have a charity system set up when I get my shot, I will donate to reduce the cost for the less privileged.

At every step of the way, what the government has done has pissed me off. The vaccine wasn’t free. Nothing is free. Why is the government even still they relevant here? If Pfizer and Moderna recommend that I go get a booster every six months, I will do so. If other people don’t do so, I don’t give a fuck. But I also don’t give a fuck what the government recommends. They know less than Pfizer or Moderna. And I do wish the government would quit printing money, so I will have enough left after buying food to pay for my semiannual vaccine booster.
Exactly. So in summary my problem is with collectivism. The government forced collectivism over individualism.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Yes, hence the need for vaccine mandates.

With collectivism, you can’t have dissent.

And when elected officials make the decisions, they can’t be wrong. Otherwise they won’t get re-elected.

In a logical system, if 60 percent of people get the vaccine and die in much lower numbers than the 40 percent who don’t, you should see the 40 percent realize their individual decision was incorrect and you should see them get in the vaccine line.

But the entertainment industry‘s standard television/movie plot that companies are evil, and the politicization of the vaccine process itself, caused the anti-vaxxers to dig in.

There are no great answers. The real victims are the health care workers who the government requires that they work long hours and take unnecessary personal risks to treat Covid patients, most of whom are unvaccinated and unboostered. I think that is another societal fuck-up. The government‘s long-term takeover of the medical system. It is worse in Canada than the U.S., but it is bad in the U.S.
But that is the thing the government is never held accountable for anything. Look at Trudope this POS is a criminal yet he is getting away with everything. I do not agree with vaccine mandates at all. Vaccine mandate is authoritarian and part of collectivism. It takes government involvement to issue vaccine mandates. Remember corporations do not force you buy their products. I also am against vaccine passports as that is a form of coercion and part of collectivism. Vaccines passports also contribute to higher prices of food. The restaurants and malls got to hire security guards to check for passports and that means higher operating costs which gets passed onto to the customer. The McDonalds near my house instead opted to just close the dining room, they got limited hours. You can do take out but that is only limited also, your main option would be drive thru or Uber. If you do not got a car then you got to use Uber and pay those extra fees. At the end all leads to higher costs. The best system is a free market with minimal involvement from government and only then you can get a truly prosperous thriving society. The root of many problems we have today are government created problems.

True for healthcare workers being victims, but see they are victims of the government who completely mismanaged healthcare. The healthcare system has been plagued with problems for years before covid came along. Just to take things into perspective Canada did not have that many cases compared to other countries like the US or the UK yet those countries were better able to manage their healthcare and deployed resources far more quickly. Some of those countries deployed temporary hospitals.
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