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Weapons in USA


Active Member
Jul 7, 2022
Last year at the closing JazzFest concert with the Roots there may have been 100,000 people in an area surrounded by tall buildings. Virtually zero police and no “sand trucks” blocking intersections.
There is no way I would have gone to a concert like this in the US.
In Las Vegas in 2018 an older guy killed 60 and wounded 413 at a country music festival from his hotel.
The only thing Canadian border patrol asks is if I have weapons.
You’re pretty lucky but there have been several police shootings lately
Nothing like the 1989 Montreal (American style) massacre that targeted/killed 14 women.
Guessing they may have tightened up the gun laws after that and which they did after the Buffalo supermarket shooting.
It feels safer in Canada.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
You got it backwards.
Stay away from Red States and malls & Walmarts populated by AR15 toting incel brainwashed angry MAGA crazies.

I do stay away from malls because black gangs have been known to have shoot-outs at malls such as this 2022 mass shooting in South Carolina:

Since I live in a city with a large black population, I fear getting shot by a gang banger much more than by some mentally ill white man or trans man (such as in Nashville).

As I have pointed out before, according to data collected by the FBI, blacks make up well over half of known homicide offenders (53%) in the U.S. That is incredibly higher than their percentage of the population (13.6%).

Here is the 2021 data from the FBI website: https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend

Homicide offender % by race.jpg

Homicide offender # by race.jpg


Active Member
Jul 7, 2022

Of course agree that Blacks are statistically both the Offenders and the Victims. "Black on Black" violence is a problem.
There have been some Asian (VA Tech, Monterrey Park) & Hispanic (El Paso, Uvalde) "mass killers" but betting on an 18-25 yo white guy with an AR-15 pays less than even money.
Reasonable gun "safety" laws are supported by >80% of Americans. "~3% of American adults own a collective 133M firearms." [Left leaning Guardian Survey]
"After the Las Vegas shooting, officials said the killer had 23 guns in his hotel room, and another 19 at home.
Some Americans asked, shocked, why one person purchasing so many guns had not set off any red flags." Vive Canada !!

Killer by Race.png


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Here is a link to the chart from MtlGuyNow's post (above) that shows the race of perpetrators of mass shootings.

MGN conveniently left out this explanation of the chart:

Broadly speaking, the racial distribution of mass shootings mirrors the racial distribution of the U.S. population as a whole. While a superficial comparison of the statistics seems to suggest African American shooters are over-represented and Latino shooters underrepresented, the fact that the shooter’s race is unclear in around nine percent of cases, along with the different time frames over which these statistics are calculated, means no such conclusions should be drawn.

Congratulations, MGN, you showed that whites and blacks, are equally likely to commit mass shootings. I thought you said that we are supposed to live in special fear of white mass shooters.

In any case, as terrible as the problem of mass shootings is, I am not willing to give up my right to own a gun to make liberals think that they are doing something meaningful about the problem of mass shootings. I think there are better solutions.

There are also better solutions to the problem of the extremely high black homicide rate than to dismiss the problem by suggesting that blacks killing blacks is not a problem for all Americans. (MGN: "Of course agree that Blacks are statistically both the Offenders and the Victims. "Black on Black" violence is a problem.")


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Jul 23, 2004
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#1 Cause of premature death in the US: Gun violence.
#2 Cause of premature death in the US: Texting while driving.
If you are driving and see somebody texting, don't honk your horn or wave your fist at them. They have a gun and voila! instant drive-by shooting.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
You can't discuss "weapons in the USA" without also discussing who is doing the killing and who is being killed by guns. What weapons are mostly being used-are they legally owned rifles or illegal handguns? Liberals, led by Joe Biden, want you to believe that vast numbers of white supremacists are roaming the countryside like zombies armed with assault rifles while randomly killing black Americans in mass killings. That's not the case.

The essence of the gun problem in the USA is young black males killing other young black males with illegal handguns.

In the aftermath of the Nashville mass shooting in April (incidentally committed by a "trans-man" i.e. a girl who wished she were a boy), some black members of the Tennessee legislature staged an illegal takeover of the legislature (some called it an insurrection) as a way of drawing attention to what they perceived as the solution to the gun problem: take legally owned rifles away from Republicans). Columnist Ann Coulter reacted:

...More than half of all black teenagers who died of any cause in 2020 were killed by guns. Black males 15- to 34-years-old were more than 20 times more likely to die by gun homicide than white males that age.

Unfortunately, there is probably no story of less interest to our media (or the president) than the epidemic of black teenagers killing one another. In Jill Leovy’s acclaimed book, “Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America,” there’s a full page of racist quotes explaining why, historically, “black-on-black killing drew so little notice.” This one is from a white Tennessean during Reconstruction: “[N-word] life’s cheap now.”

Or, as Cook County (Illinois) State’s Attorney Kim Foxx put it in declining to prosecute a gang shootout, it’s “mutual combat.”

Far from highlighting the crisis of black teenagers shooting one another and declaring a national emergency, the media, corporate America and Democrats mightily egged on black violence after the death of George Floyd. It’s fun for them. They get to watch riot porn from the safety of their lily-white neighborhoods.

The only people who actually give a damn about black people getting killed are the police. And who have the bien-pensants declared war on? You guessed right.

Propose anything that would actually reduce the plague of black-on-black crime, such as arresting, prosecuting and imprisoning criminals, and liberals scream, STOP PUTTING BLACK BODIES IN PRISON!

Needless to say, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, the Tennessee representatives who attacked democracy because they were JUST TRYING TO SAVE CHILDREN’S LIIIIIVES, are huge BLM supporters. They prattle about “ending police violence,” blacks being “lynched by police officers,” and accuse the police of running a “system of white supremacy.”

Jones told Teen Vogue that “more policing does not lead to community safety.” (The thousands of black men who are still alive thanks to Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s more policing policy would disagree.) Instead, Jones proposed “more funding to social workers, public education [and] ending poverty.” (Why didn’t anybody else think of that?)

On NPR, Pearson blamed “white supremacy” for the death of Tyre Nichols. (“White supremacy” is such an awesome force, it even infected the five black Memphis police officers charged with Nichols’ death.)

You want to know who doesn’t care about “our children’s lives,” MSNBC? You, the rest of the media, George Soros-supported prosecutors and the entire Democratic Party. Their motto: “[N-word] life’s cheap now.”


Active Member
Jul 7, 2022
It looks like FOX “News” is broadcasting at full strength in Canada and able to penetrate tin foil hats and thick skulls.
I don’t think there’s a Canadian equivalent.
That’s part of the draw to Canada.

Try Florida. Their Yale U /Harvard Law educated Governor is more MAGA (whatever that really means, but it screams ignorance) than trump. Guns are available & it’s always “hunting” season, and a lot warmer in Jan/Feb.

The GOP is the Grievance party.
Turning the calendar back to 1860 isn’t a viable platform. Maybe with enough AR-15s they’ll try.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The black-on-black shooting and killing season opened in Chicago this Memorial Day weekend. The count so far is 40+ shot and nine killed. o_O

If only we could get the otherwise peaceful thugs to voluntarily turn in their illegal guns and go back to studying peaceful subjects like CRT, DEI and gender studies, everything would be hunky-dory! :D

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Poverty, street gangs, and guns are a deadly combination. Many of the guns are coming into Chicago from Indiana.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Maybe it's reasonable for Canada to warn its citizens that they could be in danger of becoming the victim of a crime in the U.S. But it is extremely unlikely that a Canadian tourist or anyone would become the victim of a mass shooting in the U.S.

However, America does have a violent crime problem and the problem is becoming worse in large cities with Democrat mayors, leftist prosecutors and judges and police forces that have been demoralized and downsized by deliberate Democrat policies. I would advise Canadians not to visit New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle, Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans, Memphis, Philadelphia and quite a few other cities.

Though mass shootings are tragic and disturbing the truth about mass shootings is that they are relatively rare compared to other kinds of crime and other dangers:

Sorrow and Precaution, Not Hysteria

“There is not an epidemic of mass shootings,” says James Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University who has been tracking these events for decades and helps keep the AP/USA Today/Northeastern Mass Killing database. “What’s increasing and is out of control is the epidemic of fear.”

As Fox notes, the annual odds that an American child will die in a mass shooting at school are nearly 10 million to 1, about the odds of being killed by lightning or of dying in an earthquake. Those are also about the same odds that any American will die in a mass public shooting like the recent one in Buffalo. Such numbers, of course, are no consolation to the grieving parents and families in Uvalde and Buffalo, but neither is the frenzy to manipulate these tragedies for ratings and political gain.

There are legitimate issues to debate about criminal violence in America, which has indeed been increasing, but we’re not going to identify the causes or remedies by focusing on a few isolated crimes and traumatizing Americans in the process. Surveys show that half of Americans worry about being the victim of a mass shooting, and a third of them avoid going to certain places and events because of this fear. More than 60 percent of parents worry that their child will be killed in a mass shooting at school.

Children do need to be better protected from criminals, and there might be ways to make schools safer, but students don’t need the active-shooter drills now conducted in over 95 percent of the nation’s schools, and which are associated with higher levels of depression, stress and anxiety. Nor do children and parents need to hear the deceptive statistics promoted by the press and the White House’s fearmonger-in-chief...

What Canadians should fear is becoming a victim of everyday violent crime, especially by black offenders. Writer Heather Mac Donald explains why in an article in City Journal:

...The narrative that blacks are at elevated risk for “existing while black” is true, but not because whites are killing them. Their assailants are other blacks, which means that these black victims are of no interest to the race activists and to their media and political allies.

Kansas City’s black-white homicide disparity is typical. In 2022, blacks made up 60 percent of homicide victims, though they are 26.5 percent of the population. Whites were 22 percent of homicide victims, though they make up 60 percent of the Kansas City population. A black Kansas Cityean was six times more likely to be killed in 2022 than a white Kansas Cityean. So far this year, blacks make up 75 percent of homicide victims...

...If blacks kill at nine times the rate of whites in Kansas City but die of homicide at only six times the rate of whites in Kansas City, what makes up the difference? Blacks killing people outside their own race. That disparity applies to non-lethal as well as to lethal violence. In 2021, 87 percent of all non-lethal interracial violent crimes committed between blacks and whites in the U.S. were black-on-white—480,030 incidents with a black offender and white victim, and 69,850 incidents with a white offender and black victim, or seven times as many black-on-white as white-on-black incidents of interracial non-lethal violence. In other words, whites have more to fear from blacks than blacks from whites, a fact contrary to the race-hustle narrative.

The distribution of interracial violence means that an “X-ing while white” meme is a more appropriate way of representing racial crime patterns. Recent instantiations of the “while white” meme would include: “accosting shoplifters while white” (California Home Depot employee fatally shot while trying to prevent a theft); “reporting on a crime while white” (Florida journalist fatally shot working the scene of a homicide investigation, cameraman critically injured in same shooting); “riding the subway while white” (two 19-year-old females punched and robbed on Times Square subway by larger group of females wearing dayglo green body suits); “bicycling while white” (California emergency room doctor run over and fatally stabbed by man who reportedly had complained about “white privilege”); “jogging while white” (young Memphis mother abducted, raped, and killed); “walking downtown while white” (Minneapolis man thrown to the ground, stomped on, stripped of pants, run over with a bicycle, hit with planters, and robbed by group of teens); “holding on to one’s wallet while white” (Minneapolis man beaten unconscious after refusing to give up his wallet in attempted robbery); “walking in school hallway while white” (New Jersey ninth-grader punched, kicked, and hit with water bottle in high school, later commits suicide); “existing in school while white” (Florida girl beaten in head by five females); “riding a city bus while white” (57-year-old female hit in the head with an unknown object on a Queens bus by two teenage girls and a third individual); “riding a school bus while white” (12-year-old boy in Virginia choked by female classmate).

If any of these incidents had had black victims and white perpetrators, there would have been a national, if not international, uproar. Every news outlet would be covering the emergency of white supremacy and Joe Biden would have given another of his speeches about the stain of white racism on America’s soul.

victims and offenders by race.jpg


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
The fact is that gun deaths are much higher, per capita, in republican rural America than in urban areas.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The fact is that gun deaths are much higher, per capita, in republican rural America than in urban areas.
Gun death rates are higher in rural America because of suicide by gun. Suicide by any method are tragic, but they pose no danger to tourists or other residents of a rural area.

If some poor soul shoots himself in the head while sitting in his house in rural Georgia, I am in no danger of the bullet going astray and hitting me while I drive by 10 miles away. But if I am walking through downtown Chicago or midtown Manhattan or walking in my local mall, I am fearful that some gangbangers wielding illegal handguns may decide to have a wild shootout with each other--the bullets could easily strike me and others. A rational person fears the things that are most likely to harm him. :rolleyes:

A higher prevalence of gun ownership in rural America has contributed to increased suicides, raising the overall gun-death rate in rural areas above that of urban communities.

Experts say some legal interventions that have broad public support could help lower the risk of people harming themselves or others with guns.

In 2020, the rural gun death rate was 28% higher than the urban rate. Nonmetropolitan counties reported 17.01 deaths per 100,000 residents, compared to a rate of 13.19 in urban America, according to CDC reports.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Every yeat over 25,000 'poor souls' in America end their lives by suicide with a gun. That's a shocking number. The rate of suicide by gun is considerably higher in states that have lax gun safety regulations. We should be concerned about every gun death in gun obsessed America.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Every yeat over 25,000 'poor souls' in America end their lives by suicide with a gun. That's a shocking number. The rate of suicide by gun is considerably higher in states that have lax gun safety regulations. We should be concerned about every gun death in gun obsessed America.
What about the wonderful country of non-gun-obsessed Canada, where the suicide rate is higher than in the USA! People who are intent on committing suicide will find a way to do it whether they have access to guns or not. There are almost no guns at all in the hands of civilians in Japan and yet it has and extremely high suicide rate.

Canada’s total suicide rate of 12.9 is similar to Australia (12.7), Norway (12.3), and the United States (11.5). Estonia (40) and Japan (17.9) are among the countries that have higher rates than Canada, while several other countries have rates below one per 100,000 population (United Nations, 1998: 112-113).
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