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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
I would argue that black players just happen to be much better basketball players and he wanted a winning team.i am not a huge basketball fan but even with my limited knowledge it is obvious that the majority of the best players are black and we’ll deserve to be at the top based on their skills.

geezz... so by that logic I guess white guys ''just happen'' to be better hockey players than black guys? Like its written somewhere in the DNA?

More likely it is cultural and socio-econimicl differences that explain why most pro basketball players are black and most hockey players are white. In the end we are all human with 99.99% shared DNA
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It was less about the calling out preference as I have preferencences too when it comes to my personal life.

But was all about the cliché of I have friends of X race to claim non-racism. I have read what you've written all along. And sounds like similar boat I relate to. You haven't been giving racist vibes to me, it was just the cliché I am friends with i couldn't help spotting.
I blame it on seeing too many comedy shows pointing this very cliche out.

I'm not the one to say white people aren't targets of racism. I know all races including white is targeted as well all over the world, and here too, just not to the same degree here. I actually erased a message I was in the process of writing earlier that had an example of that, because this thread was about racism for MOC, and I didn't want to play flip the scrip. As other races feel targeted they flip it and hate their supressors, and become racist themselves twords them. Every race who has wronged another creates hate and retaliation racism. Hate begets hate. It is a vicious circle.

Just to point out. The providers here on the forum, are on the side of anti-racism we all who have been responding here actively practice love for all races, not even tolerance but true acceptance, and even amongst eachother help correct accidental or ignorant racism and educate eachother on better practices, of self expression. Unfortunately those who you want to get this message accross to, don't use this forum. The only ones your preaching this racist take to, are other hobbiests. The girl in an agency writing No X race, is not lurking here, or even cares this discussion is happening because of their actions. All the providers here can do is lend a sympathetic ear and do what we do best, and console and make you feel heard, and know we aren't all like these girls publicly refusing to see someone because of where they come from or the color of their skin.

And what I think the issue with what was mentioned earlier is actually the script has been flipped so much, that many white people are also being told they have no right to feel targeted by racism to them now, because of all their ancestors have done to others in the past. But truth is racism isn't good reguardless of who is giving it and who is recieving it.

And only bringing it up now as it has now become a part of the conversation. So my opinion on it isn't out of left field.

And a few of these cultures being pointed out as being targets of genocide and war over seas, are technically counted as white as well. People seem to forget that just because it is overseas in other countries, some are just as white as here, it is just they get refered to by their culture or country instead of the color of their skin.
I think a lot has to do with all the liberal bullshit that white people themselves propagated against themselves.
All this self hatred and wanting to atone for the sins of slavery and what ever sins white people have done throughout the ages and there were many.

Well I have a different take on it.
I don’t hate myself for being white I am not proud of it either I was born that way pure and simple.
Yes I also acknowledge that sometimes I have been in a privileged situation simply because I was white, is that wrong ? Yes of course it is but it is not of my doing just like I had nothing to do with the sins of the past and therefore I do not feel ashamed nor do I think I owe anybody anything other than treating them with kindness and respect if they afford the same courtesy to me.
I will not apologize or feel ashamed for something I had nothing to do with.
Have I been the target of racism, many times, when you have to escape from the country of your birth it is for a reason.
When you live in several countries not speaking the language yes you become a target of racism and hate. but I am sure there are many people in this world that have had it much worse than me.
No country or race or colour is exempt from racism unfortunately, in a way I guess it is the dark side of being human.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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More likely it is cultural and socio-econimicl differences that explain why most pro basketball players are black and most hockey players are white. In the end we are all human with 99.99% shared DNA
Its definitely cultural and socioeconomic as to why most pro basketball players are black. I have read that Major League Baseball is concerned by the dwindling percentage of black players at the MLB level, and part of it is that good black athletes choose basketball over baseball, in situations where a choice has to be made. Professional Basketball has spread internationally much more than baseball has, and there is more money to be made in basketball. However, it's not like there are no white players playing basketball. Last year's NCAA Champion Men's Basketball Team UConn Huskies had 3 white starters and 2 black starters. This year's team is likely to have 3 black starters and 2 white starters. All of them are good players. 4 off last year's team were drafted into the NBA, 2 of whom are white (Donovan Clingan and Cam Spencer) and 2 who are black (Tristan Newton and Stephon Castle).

Although blacks playing in MLB have dwindled, Hispanic and Japanese participation is way up, also for cultural reasons. Baseball is extremely popular in the Caribbean and in Japan. The best player in MLB, Shohei Ohtani, is Japanese. I once read a study about why the sport of baseball is so popular in Japan, and the report concluded that the sport resonates with the Japanese very strongly for cultural reasons.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
geezz... so by that logic I guess white guys ''just happen'' to be better hockey players than black guys? Like its written somewhere in the DNA?

More likely it is cultural and socio-econimicl differences that explain why most pro basketball players are black and most hockey players are white. In the end we are all human with 99.99% shared DNA
I think it is way too complicated but there are many factors including social- economic, cultural, what sports your relatives excelled at. Where you, live what country you live in.
How many Canadian or American world class cricket players can you name but yes there are way more world class white hockey players than black these are facts.
Now if you take the most popular sport in the world football ( or soccer as it is known here) which is actually played in almost all countries then you will have a good balance with Europeans and South Americans being more dominant because that is where the money is and that is where it is the most popular.
I could go on and on about sports as I am a complete sports fanatic ( not North American sports except for hockey of course)
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Sep 14, 2024
We have few facts at hand, we are all guessing as to any individual's real reasons, and since no one participating in the thread seems to exclude clients due to race/ethnicity we can only guess. Given the number of profiles I have personally come across that have have those "restrictions", and the fact that I've enjoyed and worked in different facets of Quebec's sex industry for more years than I'll admit, the likelihood of zero percent of these profiles having nothing to do with pure and unadulterated racism is fucking zero. Our "cultural heritage" is racist. I've witnessed more than I need to, and I've had racists try to include me in their whispered unfiltered hate-fest because of my pasty white flesh and blue eyes.
Deal. With. It. Ignoring and denying it doesn't make it go away.
This is well said. Absent a survey of some kind or someone at Euphoria with a race/ethnic-based restriction coming forward to offer an explanation, we aren't privy to the reasons behind anyone's given restriction (nor are we entitled to or owed that information). For that reason, while the discrimination component in the definition of "racism" is evident, I'm hesitant to shame, stigmatize, or malign anyone as "racist" based solely on the available information.

This is a service, yes, but it is rather a unique one due to its intimate nature and the complexities surrounding personal and bodily autonomy, safety—both physical and psychological—and specific power dynamics that may disadvantage the provider. Relatedly, the legal protections and avenues for recourse differ significantly in this context. Therefore, I believe that: 1) service providers should be granted the maximum discretion in choosing their clients, and 2) comparing discrimination in this context to discrimination in other service industries is likely to be a flawed apples and oranges comparison.

While I acknowledge that deep-rooted historical prejudices, unconscious bias, and systemic inequality are significant issues our society must address, I don’t believe that making service providers universally inclusive will make a meaningful dent in resolving these problems. Moreover, expecting them to sacrifice their own interests, which may or may not include mitigating risk to personal safety, to further a utopian vision of "the greater good" is wrong.

That is where I currently stand on this matter; I'm open to changing my mind. Do note that I am a client/non-provider from a racial minority group, so take what I said for what it's worth and sorry to prolong an already drawn-out thread.
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Resident Psychotherapist (Ret.)
Aug 25, 2021
Nah I am quite comfortable with who I am and way too old to change.
I don’t get upset proof is my age. People who let things get to them die young.
If only you knew how strong my mitochondria are.... Someone's smiling.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
This is well said. Absent a survey of some kind or someone at Euphoria with a race/ethnic-based restriction coming forward to offer an explanation, we aren't privy to the reasons behind anyone's given restriction (nor are we owed any). For that reason, while the discrimination component in the definition of "racism" is evident, I'm hesitant to shame, stigmatize, or malign anyone as "racist" based solely on the available information.

This is a service, yes, but it is rather a unique one due to its intimate nature and the complexities surrounding personal and bodily autonomy, safety—both physical and psychological—and specific power dynamics that may disadvantage the provider. Relatedly, the legal protections and avenues for recourse differ significantly in this context. Therefore, I believe that: 1) service providers should be granted the maximum discretion in choosing their clients, and 2) comparing discrimination in this context to discrimination in other service industries is likely to be a flawed apples and oranges comparison.

While I acknowledge that deep-rooted historical prejudices, unconscious bias, and systemic inequality are significant issues our society must address, I don’t believe that making service providers universally inclusive will make a dent in resolving these problems. Moreover, expecting them to sacrifice their own interests, which may or may not include mitigating risk to personal safety, to further a utopian vision of "the greater good" is wrong.

That is where I currently stand on this matter; I'm open to changing my mind. Do note that I am a non-provider/client from a racial minority group, so take what I said for what it's worth and sorry to prolong an already drawn-out thread.
I think everyone already settled on your body your choice. That is why it no longer continues to be spoken on. It just leaves the topic of what the message portrays, and everyone seems to need to educate.

Now seems to have 1 topic of sports and race, and 1 topic of racism and wether it is called racism if it is hate against white. And another line about joking how long this is getting.


Resident Psychotherapist (Ret.)
Aug 25, 2021
I think mitochondria cells go into a frenzy and multiply out of control every time you make a friend from a new nationality, that could explain it.
Glad it is working for you.
Mitochondria are not cells bud.
But hey, you know best.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
The racism experienced in Canada is minuscule compared to other parts of the world and people are not dying in health care because of racism they are dying because our health care is piss poor due to decades of governments both federal and provincial miss management
They will see you in the emergency at every hospital no matter what colour you are and even if you are not Canadian so that is false , you might die by the time they get to you though.

I did mention the indigenous people they have a legitimate claim to extreme racism.
Not totally true. There is systemic racism towards indigenous patients throughout Canada. There was a case all over the media not too long ago in Quebec. The woman died as a result of discrimination. Everyone else waits forever for care, but at least aren’t neglected and insulted.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
I don't understand what you're talking about. Who was killed because they were white???
Of course I know that some people who are considered white now were killed in the past because of their religion and how they were considered ethnically different. I'm not stupid. I'm talking about the situation in Canada. Also, note that the people who are white but different who were killed because of it were not considered entirely white at the time.
Thank you for mentioning you were referring to Canada. It also applies to the USA.
But that wouldn’t be the case in many parts of the world. Off the top of my head China, Vietnam, India, Japan. You don’t even have to go that far. Not sure whites would be welcome with open arms in some indigenous circles or black neighbourhoods in America.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Not totally true. There is systemic racism towards indigenous patients throughout Canada. There was a case all over the media not too long ago in Quebec. The woman died as a result of discrimination. Everyone else waits forever for care, but at least aren’t neglected and insulted
The key word was minuscule compared to the rest of the world.
You are talking about one unfortunate lady ( probably many more that were hushed up) that should never have happened. That incident I am well aware of as it was all over the news. and I did mention that there is racism in Canada.
You will always have racism it is an unfortunate dark side of humanity and it effects all nationalities and races.
How many cases have you heard that were white but couldn’t speak French,
I can name you one my mother her English wasn’t that great either.
Should I now hate all French Canadians and stop seeing my ATF or another young lady that I am fond of?

I will always keep to my belief that you should treat everyone the way you would want them to treat you that is as simple as you can get and it works for me.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2024
This is a service, yes, but it is rather a unique one due to its intimate nature and the complexities surrounding personal and bodily autonomy, safety—both physical and psychological—and specific power dynamics that may disadvantage the provider. Relatedly, the legal protections and avenues for recourse differ significantly in this context. Therefore, I believe that: 1) service providers should be granted the maximum discretion in choosing their clients, and 2) comparing discrimination in this context to discrimination in other service industries is likely to be a flawed apples and oranges comparison.

While I acknowledge that deep-rooted historical prejudices, unconscious bias, and systemic inequality are significant issues our society must address, I don’t believe that making service providers universally inclusive will make a meaningful dent in resolving these problems. Moreover, expecting them to sacrifice their own interests, which may or may not include mitigating risk to personal safety, to further a utopian vision of "the greater good" is wrong.

That is where I currently stand on this matter; I'm open to changing my mind. Do note that I am a client/non-provider from a racial minority group, so take what I said for what it's worth and sorry to prolong an already drawn-out thread.
1) I believe this too, and I don't think anyone has said otherwise. Being said, if you truly want the most discretion possible as a SP, an agency is not the place to find it...
2) It is a unique service industry, but discrimination is discrimination is discrimination, and it won't go away if we ignore it. The first step towards resolution of the issue is to admit there is a problem.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
The key word was minuscule compared to the rest of the world.
You are talking about one unfortunate lady ( probably many more that were hushed up) that should never have happened. That incident I am well aware of as it was all over the news. and I did mention that there is racism in Canada.
You will always have racism it is an unfortunate dark side of humanity and it effects all nationalities and races.
How many cases have you heard that were white but couldn’t speak French,
I can name you one my mother her English wasn’t that great either.
Sorry about your mother, but unfortunately there will be more cases to come with the way the govt is enforcing the use of French even if the recipient doesn’t understand it. Go figure!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
It is very minuscule compared to the rest of the world and that is what I was comparing it to, simple mathematics lol. Canada has 38- 40 million population how many died because of racism in health care or in total because of racism.
You want to compare that to just a small little part called Gaza.
Most people should be so lucky to live here in Canada, racism here is alive for sure but nothing compared to the rest of the world.
Um the crown slaughtered like 100 million natives in America, Africa, Asia, everywhere except the moon maybe.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
The black guys Thompson recruited probably would have received scholarship offers from most other Division 1 colleges (the vast majority of them anyway). I would suggest he left a couple of NCAA championships on the table by his recruiting- might have been different if he offered a couple of white sharpshooters scholarships, because that's what his 1983 and 1985 teams that fell short could have used. The bottom line is that if he recruited normally or non-racially for typical basketball roster construction he would have had probably 25-30 white kids (conservative estimate) graduate during his tenure, with a great degree and also improve the floor spacing on some of his shooting challenged teams. I am sure he probably thought he could win with the defense his all black teams played, and they did win a lot, but he did leave a few championships on the table and left lots of white shooters without scholarships, who would have helped those teams that fell short.
Then he is a great man as he was going against the tide to help his people. He won in the greater game of life.
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