Montreal Escorts

2013 NHL Free For All Thread


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
typical and predictable! Bwhahahaahahahaa.......... Go Scabs Go! Oh thats right, ur a dead things fan these days, (yea, sure u are!) :)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
bwhahahaahaha............ your responses have become too typical bro! Joe, pay up!

I see that in Doc's absence you have become great friends with Joe.

But I'm still waiting for something on HOCKEY. For example: How do you justify your predictions of great success for the leafs the past five years (including your predictions of success for Burke and his ACTUAL four years of complete and utter failure before getting canned)...when the FACTS prove that they completely failed every one of those years (unless you count getting to the playoffs for the first time in a decade, in a SHORTENED season and subsequently staging the most cowardly EPIC COLLAPSE in the history of Stanley Cup game sevens to be a success - ONLY in leafland, the DENIAL CAPITAL of the world)?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
typical and predictable! Bwhahahaahahahaa.......... Go Scabs Go! Oh thats right, ur a dead things fan these days, (yea, sure u are!) :)

More useless BS - at least TRY to come up with something halfway intelligent.

Challenge: Explain why you call Detroit "dead things". Don't you think that's kind of STUPID, since they have made the playoffs for 22 consecutive seasons and have more Cups in the last decade and a half than any other team in the NHL? Come on ig: accept the challenge. Answer the question. Or are you as gutless as the pathetic team you root for?

And by the way the "scabs" are also a far better team than your hopeless losers. In fact EVERY team in the NHL is better than your JOKE, as the facts of the last decade in particular bear out. To be fair, though, your bunch of losers might soon have some company, as the Calgary Flames are about to go on a downward spiral of epic proportions...for one obvious reason. Maybe the leafs will have some company on the golf course in about 6 months.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Useless? Bwhahahahaaha.............. useless is 20 posts in 20 minutes circa "2011 cairo" talk about useless!

Oh man i cant wait for Dec 21.



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
i feel a CC meltdown a coming........ 20 posts in 20 minutes! go go go!!!!!! :lol:

You may have noticed (then again, with your lack of intelligence, you probably haven't) that my posts are in response to yours, so maybe the "meltdown" is yours. What's the matter? Did someone steal your cowboy posters? Has your disco collection been vandalized? Is your "friend" away? Or are you upset because Rumples has used you as his personal punching bag in the baseball and football threads (ESPECIALLY FOOTBALL!) just like I do in the hockey threads?

Oh and by the way, I'm STILL waiting for your answers to my HOCKEY questions. (I'll probably wait forever because you HAVE no answers to my HOCKEY questions. You know SQUAT about hockey and obviously just come here to troll when there are no cowboy movies playing.)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Useless? Bwhahahahaaha.............. useless is 20 posts in 20 minutes circa "2011 cairo" talk about useless!

Oh man i cant wait for Dec 21.


So you're looking forward to seeing the leafs get their asses kicked? That figures, given your total lack of logic.

I'm STILL waiting for HOCKEY answers junior.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ooops! Les Scabitants lose another while the Leafs keep on rollin rollin rollin......... not a good night for the Cowboy! :)

wait for it................


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Ooops! Les Scabitants lose another while the Leafs keep on rollin rollin rollin......... not a good night for the Cowboy! :)

1. I'm a Wings fan, not a Habs fan. Sorry, I guess you missed that fact, since I've only stated it a few thousand times - obviously not often enough for it to have sunk into your "brain".

2. Guess what? This is the PRE-season. I'll explain, for your benefit: That means the games are MEANINGLESS. They won't COUNT in the season's statistics. They don't MATTER. Get it? What MATTERS is what happens in the regular season. For example, in the past decade, the leafs only made the playoffs ONCE as a result of their points in the REGULAR season. The PRE-seasons did not count. Get it?

3. I'm still waiting for your answers to my HOCKEY questions. Oops, I apologize: I forgot that you NEVER answer the HOCKEY questions, because you CAN'T. You have neither the ability nor the facts, so you try to save face with your juvenile, illiterate horseshit. Newsflash: Your strategy isn't working. EVERYONE who reads the sports threads knows that you know nothing, and many people repeatedly point this out. Besides the fact that I constantly expose your many shortcomings, readers are also amused by Rumples, Merlot, SK and others making fun of just about everything you attempt to write. If you're looking to become as big a laughingstock as the leafs, you're well on your way.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Good Lord, you are to easy lol............ ouff!

As of now, you have 7,221 posts - with almost all of them having exactly as much intelligence as the one quoted. Why even bother?

If you want to post something, try responding to my HOCKEY questions. By not doing so, you expose your cowardice as well as your ignorance.

By the way, Jimmy Howard has already proven that unlike Jonathan Bernier he does not get inactivated by his EQUIPMENT. Then again, Jimmy Howard is an elite NHL goalie - not a WIMP.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Why? because, you are the COWBOY!

But on a good note, it seems when responded to you, you do not find the need to have a "meltdown" and do your scary 20 post rant in 20 minutes, BY YOURSELF! so i guess it is a good thing, no? :D

As of now, you have 7,221 posts - with almost all of them having exactly as much intelligence as the one quoted. Why even bother?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Why? because, you are the COWBOY!

I've repeatedly asked you to stop fantasizing about me. To stop your cowboy obsession - and with no judgement intended regarding your chosen lifestyle - maybe you and your "friend" can go buy a Colton Orr poster and start oohing and ahhing over that instead. It's called replacement therapy. Who knows - you might hit the jackpot: maybe Colton even likes disco. Good luck and best wishes to you.

PS: I'm STILL waiting for your answers to my HOCKEY challenges.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Someone is clearly enraged, once again :rolleyes: you do know you can get help and treatment for that, dont you?

As much time as you spend on MERB crying about all things "cairo not getting respect" (which in all essence is what it is) you could be seeing Kate, or Valentina, or Amy Lee or Kelly Summer or any number of the sexy SP's around Montreal, but instead you sit in here and whine about what you will never be, part of Leafs Nation and part of the best fanbase in the entire universe ... ;)

There is still hope for you tho, "cairo" I have faith in you my brother!......Cheers! :wave:

Hint: Here is an example of something that would probably not be defined as "cordial".


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Someone is clearly enraged, once again :rolleyes: you do know you can get help and treatment for that, dont you?

As much time as you spend on MERB crying about all things "cairo not getting respect" (which in all essence is what it is) you could be seeing Kate, or Valentina, or Amy Lee or Kelly Summer or any number of the sexy SP's around Montreal, but instead you sit in here and whine about what you will never be, part of Leafs Nation and part of the best fanbase in the entire universe ... ;)

There is still hope for you tho, "cairo" I have faith in you my brother!......Cheers! :wave:

Your post has nothing to do with hockey. I have quoted it in its entirety so that Fred can view it if he wishes. I hope that he will read all of the sports threads thoroughly and form the appropriate opinion.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Fred who? Zed? Why does he care what is posted in the free for all threads cairo?

If you can't control your emotions in the non free for all threads when that is all that's asked of you as well as myself, joet, sk, kate, mike4u, rumples (sorry Mike for putting rumps next to you, my bad) Valentina, Charlie, Nednobody, Max Pac, Darryl Sittler, Cap'n Canada (Dion Phaneuf), Milan Lucic, Phil "nuckles" Kessel, Doc Holliday, Voy, Smuler, Pat98 (and Charlyne, so hot!) Tiannas, ManApart, EB, Delta123, K.I.M. etc etc etc...... then why would Fred Zed care? He has much more to do than police you and a few hockey nuckelheads, eh? ;)

Your post has nothing to do with hockey. I have quoted it in its entirety so that Fred can view it if he wishes. I hope that he will read all of the sports threads thoroughly and form the appropriate opinion.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Fred who? Zed? Why does he care what is posted in the free for all threads cairo? If you can't control your emotions in the non free for all threads when that is all that's asked of you as well as myself, joet, sk, rumples, kate, mike4u, rumples (sorry Mike for putting rumps next to you, my bad) Valentina, Charlie, Nednobody, Max Pac, Darryl Sittler, Cap'n Canada (Dion Phaneuf), Milan Lucic, Phil "nuckles" Kessel, Doc Holliday, Voy, Smuler, Pat98 (and Charlyne, so hot!) Tiannas, ManApart, EB, Delta123, K.I.M. etc etc etc...... then why would Fred Zed care? He has much more to do than police you and a few hockey nuckelheads, eh? ;)

Amazing...and very consistent. Have you found a mirror?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Phil "nuckles" Kessel

The correct spelling would be "Knuckles" (and with a capital K). However, I think the proper designation would really be Phil "Stick" Kessel, since he prefers a stick to his fists when engaged in a fight.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This is the Oilers year for a play-off entry.
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