We use different nouns to label if you will the oldest profession, Prostitution ( oldest profession is debatable , nonetheless one of the first) Escorts, Service Providers and yes, hookers. Its all semantics.
The expression, hookers originates from the American Civil War. General Joseph Hooker who allowed his garrison protecting the capital to see prostitutes and even allowed them discreetly into the base. They became known as "Hooker's girls" The slang then progressed into hookers and it stuck.
Today it can take on a new meaning: getting hooked, either on one particular SP or on the entire hobbying lifestyle, the later the more prevalent. Look at this site. Regular posters for years and years so they become hooked, some more than others. Sort of like the drug addict in denial telling you to moderate cocaine use by taking heroin, meth, hash etc so you don't become hooked on coke. I digressed to make a point before you jump on me. I would say most regular hobbyists keep it in balance. I can enjoy a pint or share a bottle of wine without becoming an alcoholic, some do, but most do not become alcoholics.
Within merb ( and my old site I frequented, merc) you have a cross section of everyone and range of demographics.
I have been hobbying if you will for well over 25 years off and on. When I was single I was regular, when I was married and/or with a serious GF I did not. Not passing judgement, thats just me.
So how after all those years did I never become an addict, or hooked? ( there were times I frequented higher and less but never to the point of compromising)
I always kept, and still do in the back of my mind that is a business relationship, albeit it a weird one.
I actually prefer seeing an SP several times and even multiple hour bookings. I enjoy two to three bookings and in fact prefer them with an SP I already know. Do I get to like her? of course but not to the point of forgetting the entire situation. She will walk out that door and see other clients that night, and tomorrow night. I also can book with other SPs as I wish. The whole thing is out in the open and on the table and actually more honest and upfront that dating IMHO.
I enjoy having a pint, maybe even a second but I always keep in the back of my mind that it can consume you if you drown in it.
Some people are lonely and reaching out for some emotional connection, this is fine but this arena is not the place to resolve that issue.
I am single parent and my kids come first and foremost. I am not lonely and really have no time to date even , nor any interest ( see post in lounge staying single)
I like booking an SP for a few hours ( not often as its just too much $$$ for me), have good conversation, great sex and a fun "escape" because thats what it is, a mini vacation from reality.
A lot of the SPs have really good insight on things that is surprising and I have learnt over the years not to judge people on their looks , age, or profession.
At the end of the session though I walk out that door and join the real world and my life is actually good so it works for me.
Guess its all about balance, like anything and keeping in the back of your mind what is really happening even on your mini vacation.
BTW, don't get hooked on this, or any other board for that matter either. This a great tool and exchange forum to exchange reviews and experiences. Within in it though you have the "alpha males", we all have to listen to, they are the final word and authority on every topic and agency and SP. They know more than any of us combined and pounce all the time. Yes they have issues, ignore them, I do. Then there are the posters that have to exhume their male prowess by posting as many reviews as possible on as many SPs as possible, sort of look how many girls I was with. They seek attention, not all. Some review all the time Delta123 for instance but its more, here is my review, quick and to the point and I sense no underlying issue other than here is my review and thats why I read his reviews, don't always agree but thats good too as its so subjective anyway. Others though, ahhhh, I ignore them too and skip the review or skim read at best. Over the years too I have seen the reviewers that review a lot a lot usually disappear within a year or two, not always though but usually.
You have the next type that are the Santa Claus reviewers , every girl is just amazing and perfect and the alter, the axe murders on reviews, every SP is awful. I keep my reviews short without too much detail because for me every session is YMMV. You either hit off in most cases or you do not and this then will play into the session. One SP I recently saw was just on a scale of 1-10 about a 2 or maybe 3 at very best and not even close to what one would expect from a reputable agency, I make it pretty clear though and alwAys genuinely look and point out the good traits in the person. I always thought it would be great to have the SPs write reviews here on this forum too. I mean it would be a real wake call for a lot of people.
In the end its much like the single women on an online dating site. In most sites the ratio of men to women is 2 to 1, depends on the site, some more some less, but always more men than women. Women are more hooked though than men on these sites because thy get lots of attention from Men. In the real world though they are just some plain Jane overweight with no insight a nobody, but on line with the right picture they get floods of PMs. Its all a deck of cards of course. Is this to say online dating sites are bad? No. I personally don't like them nor do I use them ( I did years ago once for a 3 week period and quickly called it unregulated advertising, everyone is perfect and seeking some pie in the sky), but for many they have found great relationships so its a good tool just as this is. Once again keeping in the back of your mind what its all about.
Don't get hooked on the alcohol and don't get hooked on the bar scene, same applies to this.
In all my years hobbying this by far the longest post I have ever written !