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how not to get attached to a sp? :confused:


Lily from Montreal

Of course there is rule and boundaries, when I meet someone and after a while he gets jealous and make demands about what I do when I am not with him,or insist to see me free (!) because ''we have such great chemistry''..that is crossing the line between the real life and the funlife...and a red flag...I once had to change my phone number because of date making such things...
I am always surprised at how many of you guys lose track of the boundaries.

All studies shows that as a rule for women sex=love and men is suppose dissociate sex with love...guys?

I am not saying do not fall in love ,I am saying know the rules and play by it,it is not less genuine, it is within stated parameters ...

I've encountered this problem a few more times than I would've liked over the years and this is why I dedicate one full page on website addressing this very issue: I keep it real from the very beginning by being honest, upfront and straightforward. If I feel a change in the dynamics of our client/SP relationship over time, chances are that I will end the relationship before it goes too far on the gentleman's part.

Sad but true and real.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2011
Great post from Merlot, thanks! Definitely a catch-22 situation. If you are a bit older and are with a dynamite older SP who is genuinely interesting and fun to talk to, and speaks from rich life experiences, that really enhances things. Have to remind yourself of the boundaries! One way out of it for slightly older gents is to book with much younger girls who are totally uninteresting. After the act, the conversation falls flat. Has happened to me lots: boundaries much easier to remember in this case. The sex can be just as good as with the dynamite older SP, but the overall experience less so, that is, the sensation that continues (at least for a bit in real time, and especially in memory) after you leave the room.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I've encountered this problem a few more times than I would've liked over the years and this is why I dedicate one full page on website addressing this very issue: I keep it real from the very beginning by being honest, upfront and straightforward. If I feel a change in the dynamics of our client/SP relationship over time, chances are that I will end the relationship before it goes too far on the gentleman's part.

This is debatable Gabriella.

I once turned off a SP on the west coast. We were friendly for years and we finally met and had a great session. The friendship continued and I used the "L" word and that was it.

Come on! I am in love with the hobby! Not you!!!! Not any specific SP!!!! The Hobby is a wonderful beautiful thing. I love youth and sexiness and the fertility of the female SPS (is fertility the right word because I don't want to make someone pregnant). I love spending time with them like a proud Grandparent loves his grandchildren. You love them, play with them, spoil them, give them toys you would never give your own children and then you go home at night or after the weekend.

The hobby is a beautiful thing. I love you Gabrielle, Lilly and all the other SPs on this board. Everybody I love you!!! Don't fear the reaper! (Blue Oyster Cult - don't fear eternal love).


New Member
Sep 11, 2014
What if she tells you she loved the meeting and thanks you for cumming to visit her!
Only one SP did this to me but I felt special. I did wonder why I paid if she liked it?
Since I can't sleep...

What if she tells you she loved the meeting and thanks you for cumming to visit her!
Only one SP did this to me but I felt special. I did wonder why I paid if she liked it?
I'll keep it simple...

So, according to your logic, ladies should get compensated for their time only when they do not enjoy themselves in the company of a patron?
Ladies should also not receive their compensation because they were appreciative, polite and made you feel special?

Hummm, time for me to go to bed lol

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
But I would like to comment on the weird advice you got ''not to talk'',hum, unless you are meeting a pornstar with endless energy (!) it is not realistic to expect a girl to have non-stop sex for hours

Well depend on how many time you see her of course... But some people talk too much, lol, thats the problem. They pay 1 or 2 hours and have merely 10 mins of BJs... Now like i said from the SP point of view, thats great, easy good money, but this is when it can become catchy for a client to not get involve too much. Of course talking a bit is normal, and every civilised client will be friendly and engage a bit of conversation, but when you end up paying an hour only to talk, there is a problem somewhere...

So, according to your logic, ladies should get compensated for their time only when they do not enjoy themselves in the company of a patron?
Ladies should also not receive their compensation because they were appreciative, polite and made you feel special?

Thats not really what he meant, im sure. The thing is when one girl become an SP, she get paid to have sex... Once you have been a client once, it seem hard to cut the boundaries of being the client... Of course if she meet somebody in her private life and have sex with him, and he does not know she do that for work, then its obvious he won't pay, but when you where a client once, it seem extremely hard to remove the label of being a client.

Some girls are so good at being "fantasy provider" , i mean there great actress and probably make you feel super special, but in the end think as you as client number 143 ... This is when its harder to remain "in role". Cause the deeper you THINK your going with her, the harder the face slap will be when you realize its just business.

But some guys are living exemples its possible to be client turned friend with an SP. But then should you stop having sex with her to remove totally the label of the client, and be just friends?

This world is so special in itself, its hard to remain in boundaries as you put it, because those boundaries are not the same for everybody and everything.

I think this is why i personally cut the corner with this, as i pay for 1 hour meetings and maximize the most my time, i pay for sex, end of story, this way its harder to develop something else. After that im all open for socializing with an SP if she ask me to, if the conection become great between us, but this is not something i would pay for peronally.

I see it straight as it could be, and im sorry if i will offend some providers with my next statement but this is how ME, i see this. Im not attracive physically, i would have zero chances for sex with the level of attractiveness of the "average SP" so to me its perfectly normal to pay to have this... cause in "real life" i could not... Im all ok with this and this is why i hobby. ON THE OTHER HAND, its not to throw flowers at me or think highter of myself than i should, but i don't think i should have to pay somebody just to be in my comagny ad talk... I consider myself a nice guy, a good person, and therefore "paying for fake friendship" seem extremely low to me... This is how i see it. So thats why i tend to sugest "pay for sex, don't pay for a talk". And yes im aware the whole escort business start with "you pay for compagnionship time" but me its loud and clear i pay for sex, and would never "pay for compagnionship" as i already have friends and people to have a "normal good time" in life.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I see it straight as it could be, and im sorry if i will offend some providers with my next statement but this is how ME, i see this. Im not attracive physically, i would have zero chances for sex with the level of attractiveness of the "average SP" so to me its perfectly normal to pay to have this... cause in "real life" i could not... Im all ok with this and this is why i hobby. ON THE OTHER HAND, its not to throw flowers at me or think highter of myself than i should, but i don't think i should have to pay somebody just to be in my comagny ad talk... I consider myself a nice guy, a good person, and therefore "paying for fake friendship" seem extremely low to me... This is how i see it. So thats why i tend to sugest "pay for sex, don't pay for a talk". And yes im aware the whole escort business start with "you pay for compagnionship time" but me its loud and clear i pay for sex, and would never "pay for compagnionship" as i already have friends and people to have a "normal good time" in life.


Mike - You are not a bad looking guy and your fun to be around. Your just look a little too much like a couch potato. At your age you could turn this around in 30 days. More importantly, girls are attracted to different things than men. Your ability to earn and take care of your partner or your status in the food chain is just as important...maybe more important than something as superficial as your facial features or your waistline (when in reason). This just takes some more dedication and commitment to a long term strategy like graduating from Engineering or Business school and making it industry or something equivalent in government.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well 1 month lets not exagerate, but i did loose lots of weight during 6 months at some point when i was doing martial arts on a daily basis. It was intense training with extreme diet tough.. took a lot of work. Not sure i could go that drastic again. In any case even if i would loose the weight, im bad to talk to women. I dunno why... with SPs its ok, its like going after the final boss with unlimited life... you know your gonna win... there is no challenge... I pay, i get my candy, and thats it lol. But in real life, man im sooooo afraid to even adress a girl...

Does not help when your a geeky metalhead on top of that... :noidea:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
So, according to your logic, ladies should get compensated for their time only when they do not enjoy themselves in the company of a patron??

But if that was the case all the faking would stop and people would realise it is only a sex for money deal.
EDIT: OK, some ( limited ) SP's are in the business because they really like sex and they figure they may as well get paid for it instead of picking guys up and they are excluded from my comment.


Active Member
Nov 27, 2004
We use different nouns to label if you will the oldest profession, Prostitution ( oldest profession is debatable , nonetheless one of the first) Escorts, Service Providers and yes, hookers. Its all semantics.
The expression, hookers originates from the American Civil War. General Joseph Hooker who allowed his garrison protecting the capital to see prostitutes and even allowed them discreetly into the base. They became known as "Hooker's girls" The slang then progressed into hookers and it stuck.
Today it can take on a new meaning: getting hooked, either on one particular SP or on the entire hobbying lifestyle, the later the more prevalent. Look at this site. Regular posters for years and years so they become hooked, some more than others. Sort of like the drug addict in denial telling you to moderate cocaine use by taking heroin, meth, hash etc so you don't become hooked on coke. I digressed to make a point before you jump on me. I would say most regular hobbyists keep it in balance. I can enjoy a pint or share a bottle of wine without becoming an alcoholic, some do, but most do not become alcoholics.
Within merb ( and my old site I frequented, merc) you have a cross section of everyone and range of demographics.
I have been hobbying if you will for well over 25 years off and on. When I was single I was regular, when I was married and/or with a serious GF I did not. Not passing judgement, thats just me.
So how after all those years did I never become an addict, or hooked? ( there were times I frequented higher and less but never to the point of compromising)
I always kept, and still do in the back of my mind that is a business relationship, albeit it a weird one.
I actually prefer seeing an SP several times and even multiple hour bookings. I enjoy two to three bookings and in fact prefer them with an SP I already know. Do I get to like her? of course but not to the point of forgetting the entire situation. She will walk out that door and see other clients that night, and tomorrow night. I also can book with other SPs as I wish. The whole thing is out in the open and on the table and actually more honest and upfront that dating IMHO.
I enjoy having a pint, maybe even a second but I always keep in the back of my mind that it can consume you if you drown in it.
Some people are lonely and reaching out for some emotional connection, this is fine but this arena is not the place to resolve that issue.
I am single parent and my kids come first and foremost. I am not lonely and really have no time to date even , nor any interest ( see post in lounge staying single)
I like booking an SP for a few hours ( not often as its just too much $$$ for me), have good conversation, great sex and a fun "escape" because thats what it is, a mini vacation from reality.
A lot of the SPs have really good insight on things that is surprising and I have learnt over the years not to judge people on their looks , age, or profession.
At the end of the session though I walk out that door and join the real world and my life is actually good so it works for me.
Guess its all about balance, like anything and keeping in the back of your mind what is really happening even on your mini vacation.

BTW, don't get hooked on this, or any other board for that matter either. This a great tool and exchange forum to exchange reviews and experiences. Within in it though you have the "alpha males", we all have to listen to, they are the final word and authority on every topic and agency and SP. They know more than any of us combined and pounce all the time. Yes they have issues, ignore them, I do. Then there are the posters that have to exhume their male prowess by posting as many reviews as possible on as many SPs as possible, sort of look how many girls I was with. They seek attention, not all. Some review all the time Delta123 for instance but its more, here is my review, quick and to the point and I sense no underlying issue other than here is my review and thats why I read his reviews, don't always agree but thats good too as its so subjective anyway. Others though, ahhhh, I ignore them too and skip the review or skim read at best. Over the years too I have seen the reviewers that review a lot a lot usually disappear within a year or two, not always though but usually.
You have the next type that are the Santa Claus reviewers , every girl is just amazing and perfect and the alter, the axe murders on reviews, every SP is awful. I keep my reviews short without too much detail because for me every session is YMMV. You either hit off in most cases or you do not and this then will play into the session. One SP I recently saw was just on a scale of 1-10 about a 2 or maybe 3 at very best and not even close to what one would expect from a reputable agency, I make it pretty clear though and alwAys genuinely look and point out the good traits in the person. I always thought it would be great to have the SPs write reviews here on this forum too. I mean it would be a real wake call for a lot of people.
In the end its much like the single women on an online dating site. In most sites the ratio of men to women is 2 to 1, depends on the site, some more some less, but always more men than women. Women are more hooked though than men on these sites because thy get lots of attention from Men. In the real world though they are just some plain Jane overweight with no insight a nobody, but on line with the right picture they get floods of PMs. Its all a deck of cards of course. Is this to say online dating sites are bad? No. I personally don't like them nor do I use them ( I did years ago once for a 3 week period and quickly called it unregulated advertising, everyone is perfect and seeking some pie in the sky), but for many they have found great relationships so its a good tool just as this is. Once again keeping in the back of your mind what its all about.
Don't get hooked on the alcohol and don't get hooked on the bar scene, same applies to this.

In all my years hobbying this by far the longest post I have ever written !:cool:
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Active Member
Nov 27, 2004
Bang another SP. ok lets explore that.
In some cases it could be as simple as that and in fact might actually work. My guess though is it will not.
Lets use an extreme example, more severe but a lot of traits are similar.

Detox centres years ago had an 85 plus % failure rate. Why? The body gets chemically dependent on a drug, lets use Alcohol although it could be any drug ( yes alcohol is a drug) . The body is so dependent on the chemical that if it is abruptly withdrawn the person can die. This is why if ever someone you love is in the hospital be sure to inform the Doctor of this because they could go into withdrawals leading up to and including death.
Detox centres basically detoxed the bodies chemical dependency on , in this case alcohol for instance, by using Benzodiazipines ( and other drug treatments usually through an IV) , gradually over a few week period they detoxed the body's dependency on alcohol. Great, your fixed. Well , no. Relapse almost always happened within the first month and almost assuredly within a year.
They realized certain drugs attract certain people to cope for their psychiatric issues. Depression and alcohol go hand in hand, cocaine and stress and the list goes on. You can research this on your own but even today most Detox programs at best have a 52% success rate and in most cases fail. You have to do long term counselling to address the issues and people who get this can live a normal life again.

When I see someone posting a thread about seeing an SP over 15 times and getting attached and saying even the sex is not good then I don't think banging another SP will really solve anything. It may, you are right, but I think the percentage of success is low. Even if he succeeds in moving on past this particular SP, and almost for sure he will, then the underlying issue never gets addressed and in a few months he will be in the same situation all over again but this time not posting it.

I have been doing this for a long time and I have seen this industry wreak a lot of lives on both sides, clients and SPs.
Its the people that can keep it all in perspective and recognize it for what it is, they can handle it in the long term.
So for the hobbyists doing it for years they cope by "oh…getting to like her, gotta see someone else now" this approach actually does work, but to say it will always work for everyone I think is an over simplification.
For me I always have in the back of my mind what the whole thing is really about. A transaction, with both parties receiving what they want. Sorry but its that simple.
To me someone getting attached to an SP is a red flag of someone who is just lonely. Not picking on the original poster but more to the lurkers that are thinking that something is bugging them.
Anyway, its all good and interesting to explore it and gets everyones input.
Pretty Woman was a cute movie and could it actually happen, sure but 99.99 % of the time it does not so do you want to invest in a relationship that has a .01% chance of succeeding, I mean divorce rates are already well over 50% and depending on the region approaching 60% and thats two people that started out in relatively good circumstances.

I just think all to often we white wash topics and thats why I can count on one hand for instance how many posters I recognize in ten years on this board. Most just drop out of hobbying which BTW is great, others though just fry out. Some are happily married and need a little action on the side and it actually keeps their marriage going.
The real key though is balance and keeping it all in perspective.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hi all

A good way on how not get attach to a SP ,just become a Booker ,it will work miracles .LoL



Hahahaha, well actually it does for some, but work quite the oposite with others :p

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The expression, hookers originates from the American Civil War. General Joseph Hooker who allowed his garrison protecting the capital to see prostitutes and even allowed them discreetly into the base. They became known as "Hooker's girls" The slang then progressed into hookers and it stuck.

Wow didn't knew that, always tough hooker was to define street walkers cause they go fishing for clients and "hook them" ...

Toi tu es trop sympathique .
The others being .........

LOL bin la :p Mais serieusement certaine SP etait genial a travailler avec, gentille, friendly toujours de bonne humeur. D'autres oh boy... une biere de trop sa devenais l'enfer...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
LoL bin la :p Mais serieusement certaine SP etait genial a travailler avec, gentille, friendly toujours de bonne humeur. D'autres oh boy... une biere de trop sa devenais l'enfer...

Certainement plusieurs son genial ,et plusieurs son .........
Dans l'ensemble il faut garde c'est distance et quand tu es booker chauffeur sur une longue periode de temps tu te dois de le faire .

Aux Plaisirs



New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
Maybe the only real cure for being attached to an sp is being attached to an sp :confused:

Even if we were all similar, and we're far from it, logical advice seems useless when you're all gaga'd up. If it turns out you're more vulnerable than you thought you were and you fall victim, maybe best to enjoy it, endure it, and isolate it as much as you can from causing any real or imaginary damage in your life. Odds are high that it will burn out sooner than later, and the experience might help you some way in the future.

You're probably a lost cause if this happens at the end of a session though..

take it easy :D


New Member
Jan 9, 2013
I always thought some things could not be faked. But apparently I was wrong. It looks like it's possible to fake the look that a girl gives you when she's madly in love with you. Or to be dripping wet when with a client. Or to fake intimacy to a point I didn't think possible etc.

How does one distinguish acting from reality? Or is it never real?

I've had 3 girlfriends in the past who were SPs. One who was an Ex SP who had quit, one who was working when I met here (the relationship lasted a few weeks and I put an end to it) and another who started working again during our relationship. So I have a bit of experience with this although I never fell in love and started a relationship with an SP.

A few weeks ago I had a experience with an SP and it was the best sex I ever had, both sexually and intimately. It felt frightingly real. Now I feel if I call her again I will most certainly disappointed.

What should I do?
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