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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

3) Miraculously, those same footballs managed to inflate themselves during the second half once NE was leading and were back to being at the legal limit once the game was over.

Geeeez, why lie. The NFL reported that the footballs were checked by the refs and inflated to proper pressure by them during halftime.

4) Tom Brady told the media that he never noticed anything wrong with the football during the game.

Anyone can only say what they know. Anyone else can twist perceptions and speculate to suit what they believe but that has nothing to do with facts. Even if they are basing their views on their own personal feelings and experiences it still has nothing to do with knowing what happened.

4) However, it only took seconds for the Colts player who had intercepted Brady to notice that the ball was deflated. That player wasn't even a player that is used to touching the ball during a game. HE WAS A LINEBACKER.

D'Qwell Jackson who intercepted the ball stated he did not make any reference to the pressure of the ball. He noticed it was a ball with a Colts mark and the refs replaced it. It was the Colts organization who put out suspicions about deflated balls immediately following a similar devastating ass whooping of their team by the same Patriots a few weeks earlier.

One Simple Important FACT! On the day of the game the temperature was only in the upper 30s and there was a heavy rain throughout the game. The ball was hard from the cold and sodden from rain. Players hands were obviously very wet, cold, raw. Feeling for any pressure difference in a ball (said D'Qwell to be a Colts ball anyway) in whatever condition would have been extremely questionable.

8) Media people & former & current players have taken sides. Some say that Bill Belichick imposed a culture of cheating around the Patriots since his arrival there. Others have said that Brady was full of shit in his presser & that he appears to be the most guilty party.

This is Doc Holliday's cherry picking of those FEW on sports forums who fill his agenda of conviction. Well over 98% of professional analysts laugh at the hyper-inflated focus on this issue and question if it could ever have had an impact on the games. Their basic coverage has been to question why this issue has become a pop phenomenon in view of so many other scandals this year such as outrageous referee calls, bad handling by the NFL of beatings by players, and many other cheating scandals. Colts players themselves want nothing to do with it because they have honor not to make phony excuses for their ass whooping. Seahawks players, many guilty and punished for steroid abuse, have also refused to go near the issue.

10) The bottom line is that whether or not the Patriots are found guilty of any intentional wrongdoing, in the eyes of many football fans (and non-football fans alike), they are already guilty and will always be looked upon as a bunch of cheaters no matter what the outcome. Sadly or not, this is the truth of the matter. [/I]

IE - SOUR GRAPES! Haters crave excuses.




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Point 4. You tell me a LB could tell the difference but the officials which have to approve the game balls and are constantly handling them during the course of the game could not or for some reason decided to do nothing?

Another question for the group to ponder: If deflating a ball results in a ball that is easier to grip and can be kicked a little further, maybe this should legal? Or we can go the other way and demand that all balls are inflated until they are rock hard. Instead of air pressure we can adopt a hardness scale like materials science engineers use. "Inflate until the ball is this hard" and show a picture of a rock. Then we can grease the ball with the same grease they use to grease pigs at the county fair. What a great game this would be because turnovers are fun and exciting.

They sell gauges for officials at the officials supply store. I had never used them We just used to feel them Apparently the NFL officials do the same. they just squeeze them and say "put a pump in this one etc" (this is what I heard). If they can't tell a difference during the course of a game than it is no big deal. Now, the crew may of caught them trying to pull a fast one and disallowed a few balls. The officials would contact their supervisor (they are not allowed to comment to the press) and maybe that is where all this all came from?

Here is what some officials carry. http://www.purchaseofficials.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=146
What a piece of shit, eh? So 3 officials of a 5-man crew have gauges and they get three different readings. So officials squeeze the balls to make sure that they are properly inflated.

Another question to ponder. There is a range of PSI that the balls can be inflated to. Suppose Brady, a perfectionist, when the weather changed said take them to the bottom of that range? I think they would have to have the balls reapproved.

Trying to gain an unfair competitive advantage is unsportsmanlike. Bill Belichik, Tom Brady, and the upper Management are all to blame. Having said this, I would trade Jim Caldwell, Matt Stafford, and the whole of the Ford family for what the Patriots have.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Throw the Patriots out of the Superbowl

by Roxanne Jones

Editor's Note: Roxanne Jones is a founding editor of ESPN The Magazine and a former vice president at ESPN. She is a national lecturer on sports, entertainment and women's topics and a recipient of the 2010 Woman of the Year award from Women in Sports and Events. She is the co-author of "Say It Loud: An Illustrated History of the Black Athlete" and CEO of the Push Marketing Group. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

(CNN) It turns out there's a pesky little gremlin lurking around in the Patriots equipment room deflating footballs. Mystery solved. We should have known all along there was a logical explanation for the "Deflategate" scandal gripping the Sport Nation.

That's pretty much what New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and his coach Bill Belichick, would have us believe after their less-than illuminating press conferences yesterday. Both men claimed they were just as stumped as us over how exactly 11 out of 12 of the team's footballs used AFC Championship game against Indianapolis had been illegally deflated below regulation specs.

"When I came in Monday morning, I was shocked to learn of the news reports about the footballs. I had no knowledge whatsoever of the situation," said a famously crotchety Belichick. "I was completely totally unaware of anything."

His quarterback, appearing equally puzzled, wanted everyone to know that he's no cheater: "I would never do anything to break the rules. I believe in fair play. I have no knowledge of anything ... no knowledge of any wrongdoing ... I don't know what happened."

Really Tom? It's hard to believe -- almost laughable, really -- that Brady, who is in his 15th NFL season with six trips to the Super Bowl and three Super Bowl wins, noticed nothing wrong. This is a guy who's known to micromanage every aspect of the game, including the ball. And he's on record saying he prefers a soft football. How could a pro like this notice nothing wrong?

The NFL, which according to ESPN reports, had been put on notice by the Colts going into the AFC Championship game that the Patriots may have used "soft balls" earlier in the season, said it is conducting a full investigation But with the Super Bowl less than two weeks away, we've heard nothing from them, nor apparently, has Brady, he said yesterday.

So it's easy to understand why fans and even pro athletes are not buying Brady's story:

"It's obvious that Tom Brady had something to do with this," said Hall of Fame QB Troy Aikman on his Dallas radio program, even before the Brady-Belichick press conferences. "So for the balls to be deflated, that doesn't happen unless the quarterback wants that to happen, I can assure you of that. Now the question becomes: Did Bill Belichick know about it."

The evidence is clear: Eleven of the team's balls were illegally deflated and they didn't get there by themselves. All the talk about cold weather being the culprit? Forget it. Not only was the temperature in the 50s on game day, but if weather was a factor then the Colts' game balls would have also deflated. That didn't happen.

Brady, always the polished pitchman, is playing the innocent victim role perfectly. Perhaps this is all just a conspiracy put out there by Patriots haters, Brady suggested yesterday. Good try but most reasonable people do not believe in conspiracy theories. And hopefully, even fewer people believe in invisible gremlins. So there must be another explanation.

That leaves the Deflategate spectacle in the hands of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. The scandal has provided plenty of jokes for late-night television and Twitter. But cheating in the NFL, a $9.5 billion a year industry with an overall market value of $46 billion for its 32 teams, is no laughing matter.
It's been a rough year for the integrity of the game. Goodell has admittedly made botched calls over several cases involving domestic abuse, with the Ray Rice scandal being the most egregious. And this season has been littered with debatable play-calling in crucial game situations.

This is no time for stalled investigations. A ruling on Deflategate after the Super Bowl would be a huge letdown, and signal that cheating, no matter how blatant, is no big deal in the NFL. Goodell should act swiftly and announce sanctions against New England before the Super Bowl takes place in Phoenix on Feburary 1. Fans are not the only ones calling for the commissioner to clean this mess up.

Earlier this week, Nevada Sen. Dean Heller called on Goodell to restore the credibility of the game. "I am seeking decisive actions ensuring all teams are playing according to the rules," Heller said in a statement. He recommended the league work with the NFL Players Association to resolve the issue ahead before the Super Bowl.

Let's be clear: The Patriots are second-time offenders when it comes to cheating. Back in 2007, Belichick was fined the NFL maximum of $500,000 and the Patriots were ordered to pay $250,000 for spying on an opponent's (The New York Jets) defensive signals. In the end, the team's assistant video guy took the fall and was the only person fired in the incident. The Pats also lost a draft pick in 2008.

"This episode represents a calculated and deliberate attempt to avoid long-standing rules designed to encourage fair play and promote honest competition on the playing field," Goodell said at the time in a letter to the Patriots.

Goodell got it right back then: He handed out the biggest fine ever for an NFL coach and he sent a clear message that cheating would not be tolerated, or excused away. This time around, despite the billions of dollars attached to the Super Bowl, Goodell needs to go further. At a minimum, the commissioner should:

-- Disqualify the Patriots from the Super Bowl

-- Strip the team's AFC Championship title

-- Fine, or suspend Belichick, who despite his claims to the contrary should have known about the deflated balls -- and even if he didn't, he's ultimately responsible for everything that happens on the field.

And if it can reasonably be argued that Brady knew or should have known based on his NFL expertise that the football has been tampered with, then he too should face tough sanctions.

Since there's no precedent for disqualifying a Super Bowl team, Goodell would have to put a plan in place. It makes sense to me that the next best AFC team would go instead of the Pats, which means the Colts would play.

And no, it doesn't matter that New England beat Indy, 45-7. The score is not the point when a team cheats. And if winning -- by any means necessary -- is really all that matters these days in the NFL, then we might as well throw out the rule books and stop preaching about the "sanctity of the game."

It's 2015 and it seems the Patriots still think the rules don't apply to them. They haven't learned their lesson. This time around the commissioner must send an even stronger message so there's no confusion.

The Patriots should be benched for Super Bowl XLIX.

Throw the Patriots out of the Superbowl


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
This from Patrick Reusse of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:
Reusse: Belichick, Brady subject to eternal evil: jealousy

Star Tribune
January 24, 2015 - 12:28 AM
Coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady have formed the most dynamic tandem in NFL history for the New England Patriots. This hasn’t been St. Vince and Bart Starr rolling through a mini-NFL. This hasn’t been Bill Walsh and Joe Montana riding along on the unlimited investment of owner Eddie DeBartolo.

Nope. This has been two guys taking on a full monty of competitors and the parity dictated by a hard salary cap to win games at a spectacular level.

On Thursday, Belichick and Brady were confronted by a hostile media wanting answers as to why footballs used by the Patriots were low on air pressure during Sunday’s 45-7 victory over Indianapolis in the AFC Championship Game.

While watching these individual news conferences, I could sense the pain of the coach and quarterback as the media jackals shouted their skepticism in the form of repetitive questions.

I had seen that look of agony in years past, when a tandem blessed with superior guile and fierce determination reached greatness, only to be confronted with the skepticism of critics wanting to diminish the achievements.

“It’s jealousy,’’ Larry Hennig said. “Harley and I know all about that.’’

Yes, in an attempt to get insight into the hurt that Belichick and Brady must be feeling today, I contacted Hennig. He should be remembered as one of Minnesota’s grandest athletes, yet Larry, even at age 79 and as a doting grandfather to 25, is more closely linked to the alleged rules-breaking in which he engaged with tag-team partner Harley Race.

Larry “Pretty Boy’’ Hennig and ‘‘Handsome’’ Harley Race were first united in the AWA (American Wrestling Association) in September 1964. The new tandem put together a 47-match winning streak while also proclaiming to TV interviewer Marty O’Neill that they possessed “the minds of Einstein, the bodies of Hercules, and the faces of the Goddess of Love.’’

In a phone conversation this week, Hennig offered a logical reason for the boasting: “Harley and I only said those things because they were true.’’

Even all these decades later, the comparison in success and venom faced between Belichick/Brady and Hennig/Race is undeniable. Consider:

Brady became Belichick’s starting quarterback in the third game of the 2001 season. When you throw out the 2008 season when Brady was hurt, the Patriots have a record (playoffs included) of 179-55, a winning percentage of .765.

Hennig and Race became partners in the fall of 1964 and filled arenas as a tag team for most of the next five years. George Schire, author of “Minnesota’s Golden Age of Wrestling,’’ documented the Hennig/Race record as 294-83, a winning percentage of .780.

All you have to know about the jealousy-induced bias faced by Pretty Boy and Handsome Harley is this: Of those 294 victories, only 13 came by disqualification. Of the 83 losses, 27 came when Pretty Boy and Handsome Harley were disqualified.

Plus, the AWA never offered as much as a reprimand to the Crusher for using the pejorative “the Dolly Sisters’’ to describe Hennig and Race.

“They were all out to get us, without success,’’ Larry said. “We kept the title even after Harley got stabbed in the Chestnut Tree [bar] in Minneapolis. Two guys were beating up a hooker, and he came to her rescue. Harley was taking care of one guy and the other stabbed him … almost hit the heart.’’

Race was back in action in a little more than a week. These great athletes and gorgeous men didn’t lose the title in the ring. They lost it when Hennig suffered a horrendous broken leg in a singles match with the wily Verne Gagne in Winnipeg, and Larry couldn’t wrestle for a few months.

Harley left for the NWA, a rival organization, and was many times a champion. Larry became “The Axe’’ as a singles wrestler. Son Curt became a large attraction as “Mr. Perfect’’ before his death at age 44.

Curt’s son wrestles as Curtis Axel and has done well in the WWE. He’s one of the 25 grandkids who make the golden years delightful for Larry and Irene, his wife of 59 years.

“I couldn’t remember the names of the grandkids, so I gave them numbers,’’ Larry said. “They would be at our place at the lake and I’d say, ‘Hey, Number 8, I’ve had enough out of you.’ ”

Harley lives in Kansas City. Larry and Irene have the place near St. Cloud.

“The thing about Harley and me, we never had an argument in our lives,’’ Hennig said.

One reason is that, in moments of high controversy, Pretty Boy and Handsome Harley would stick with their story of innocence until caught red-handed — a lesson another great tandem, Belichick and Brady, wisely has adopted.


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Feb 9, 2004
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To compare Bill Belichick (aka Belicheat) and Tom Brady to Vince Lombardi and Bart Starr is delusional to say the least.

Green Bay won the first 2 NFL championships and the NFL championship (before the AFL merged with the NFL)

New England, with Belicheat and Brady, has not won a Super Bowl since they won it in 2003 and 2004. It has been 10 years since New England has won the NFL championship. Lombardi turned a losing team into a Champion and went out a winner. His last year with the Packers was his 3rd consecutive Championship in 1967.

Belicheat and Brady are under a cloud of suspicion. If New England were to win in 2015, there will be a LARGE * next to it in the minds of many NFL fans.

Definitely a delusional article written by a delusional writer intended for delusional New England fans, who dismiss any foul play their teams' engage in.

The most successful coach and quarterback tandem has been Chuck Noll and Terry Bradshaw with the Pittsburgh Steelers, who won 4 NFL Super Bowls, twice in consecutive years.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

ESPN Pulls 'Sports Science: Deflate-Gate' Clip Exonerating Patriots




ESPN did it's own investigation of how air pressure affects performance and discovered lower pressure DECREASES PERFORMANCE marginally thus exonerating the Patriots. They pulled the video.

ESPN Sports Science Video Found


The ESPN research claims performance decreases with less air pressure in the ball. It also notes that in cases of rain, as it was pouring during the game, water on the ball has a much greater effect than deflation, which was a disadvantage anyway.

Now back to the HATE fest. WHat was it Doc's pal always says? "Haters gonna hate".




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
While that would be awesome, it will never happen. The Super Bowl is the Golden Goose to the NFL and worth endless amounts of dirty rotten filthy stinkin greedy money and it would never happen in a million years. Actually if the NFL were smart, as much as this years SB is set to break all time viewer attendance records, just imagine if they did throw the Cheatriots out now and how much even more the ratings would increase because of a level playing field and fair play. But still me thinks ratings would be higher when all is said and done with the matchup as it currently stands, people love good versus evil. Go Seahawks!

2 tickets to this years superbowl, a cool 6k (cheap seats btw) A Beer and a hot dog $30. A 30 second SB commercial only 4.5 million. A Cheatriots loss, PRICELESS!
Throw the Patiots out of the Superbowl


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Any idea that taking the PATRIOTS out of the Super Bowl so that "leveling the field" would increase profits is pure unadulterated NONSENSE! How could any thinking person not notice the incredible rise in interest because of the controversy. Look at all the effort wrestling makes to promote grudge matches (controversy) Leaving the Patriots out would shrink ratings and profits. With them in you have one os the most broad national audience interests ever, with them out you have a much larger percentage of hometown interests and a shrunk national audience. As much as this episode is a pain in the as to Goodell, behind the scenes he must be relishing the profit potential...that's why you probably won't see a ruling until after.





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Feb 9, 2004
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ESPN Pulls 'Sports Science: Deflate-Gate' Clip Exonerating Patriots


ESPN did it's own investigation of how air pressure affects performance and discovered lower pressure DECREASES PERFORMANCE marginally thus exonerating the Patriots. They pulled the video.

ESPN Sports Science Video Found


The ESPN research claims performance decreases with less air pressure in the ball. It also notes that in cases of rain, as it was pouring during the game, water on the ball has a much greater effect than deflation, which was a disadvantage anyway.

Now back to the HATE fest. WHat was it Doc's pal always says? "Haters gonna hate".



BS, Merlot. If the weather caused the deflation of the balls, then the Colts' footballs would have been deflated also.

And every ex-football quarterback interviewed has said that the deflation of the ball is an advantage to throw. There's more spin on it when there is less pressure. What a bunch nonsense.

WTF is lockerdome.com? Some New Englander football fan site?

And the second link, snewsi.com is linked to the original story on the dailycaller.com, a very conservative website. Gee, I never thought I would see the day when one of our EXTREME far left New Englanders be providing links to a Conservative website.


This is a post to remember, to say the least, at least in political terms.


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Feb 9, 2004
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A Cheatriots loss, PRICELESS!

How will the 2015 Super Bowl between the Seahawks and Cheatriots end?


Repeat. Repeat.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

And every ex-football quarterback interviewed has said that the deflation of the ball is an advantage to throw. There's more spin on it when there is less pressure. What a bunch nonsense.

You really don't understand do you. ESPN has been knocking the Patriots but their own investigation says they're wrong about a deflation advantage. BLAME THEM FOR SHOOTING DOWN THEIR OWN ANALYSIS. They made fools of themselves.




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Feb 9, 2004
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From ESPN, 3 ex-football players speak about the veracity of Tom Brady of the Cheatriots:


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The evidence that Brady & the Cheatriots are lying & indeed tampered with the footballs is overwhelming.

Anyone who still believes they're innocent of any wrongdoing is either in total denial or is smoking something very powerful. Maybe a bit of both.

Oh, how i can't wait for the game!!!! It will be a dandy!!! Go Seahawks!!! Beat them bunch of cheaters!!! :thumb:

p.s. And because the Cheatriots cheated again and can't be trusted, the NFL will have no choice but to change the rules again & take back the footballs.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Former NFL player & current analyst Tim Green just said on CNN that it indeed appears that the Cheatriots were indeed tampering with the footballs. He added, as many others have been saying all along, that Bill Belicheats looked bad in his press conferences & didn't help his case.

Green did point out something that makes you wonder: Could the fact that the Cheatriots may have been using under-inflated footballs for a while be the reason why they have had an incredibly low amount of fumbles over a period of time?

Hmmm. I say GUILTY, your honor! :rolleyes:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Former NFL player & current analyst Tim Green just said on CNN that it indeed appears that the Cheatriots were indeed tampering with the footballs. He added, as many others have been saying all along, that Bill Belicheats looked bad in his press conferences & didn't help his case.

Green did point out something that makes you wonder: Could the fact that the Cheatriots may have been using under-inflated footballs for a while be the reason why they have had an incredibly low amount of fumbles over a period of time?

Hmmm. I say GUILTY, your honor! :rolleyes:

Hmmm. I say GUILTY, your honor! :rolleyes:
Shouldn't you have posted that in green, Doc, the color of envy?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
From Forbes:

The NFL Will Conclude Belichick And Brady Did Not Cheat

The NFL will conclude regarding its investigation into the deflated footballs used by the New England Patriots during their AFC Championship game against the Indianapolis Colts that neither head coach Bill Belichick or quarterback Tom Brady deliberately did anything to deflate the footballs below the league limit of 12.5 pounds per square inch.

In other words, that when it comes to cheating, what Belichick and Brady have said during their press conferences is the truth.

It is not unusual for quarterbacks to have footballs worked over before games to get them they way they like. In an interview with the Tampa Bay Times in 2012, former Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Brad Johnson said that before Super Bowl XXXVII in 2003, he paid some unidentified people $7,500 to doctor the 100 footballs allocated for use in that game. Johnson didn’t say that he had the air pressure altered; he said that he had the balls scuffed, which wasn’t legal at the time but is now. And during a CBS CBS -1.5% broadcast of this season’s matchup between the Green Bay Packers and New England on Nov. 30, announcer Phil Simms said Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers preferred footballs that were inflated slightly beyond the specified limit. “Every team tampers with the footballs,” Matt Leinart said on Twitter. “Ask any Qb In the league, this is ridiculous!!”

What I think happened is the Patriots equipment manager, or whom ever deals with getting the footballs the way Brady prefers them, deflated the balls below the 12.5 pounds per square inch, or, had the footballs right at the legal minimum and the weather caused the weight of the footballs to fall below the minimum PPSI.

The media has been quick to jump on Spygate–when the Patriots videotaped the defensive signals of the New York Jets during a game–as evidence that Belichick is a serial cheater. But the media seems to have forgotten that, Jack Del Rio, then the head coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars, said at the time it was commonplace to study actions on the opposing sideline. ”I think all teams do that,” he said. That’s been going on forever.” And former Dallas Cowboys head coach Jimmy Johnson said at the time: This is exactly how I was told to do it 18 years ago by a Kansas City Chiefs scout. I tried it, but I didn’t think it helped us. Bill Belichick was wrong because he videotaped signals after a memo was sent out to all teams saying not to do it. But what irritates me is hearing some reactions from players and coaches. These players don’t know what their coaches are doing, and some of the coaches have selective amnesia because I know for a fact there were various teams doing this. That’s why the memo was sent to everybody. That doesn’t make Belichick right, but a lot of teams are doing this.”

This doesn’t make Belichick innocent in 2007, but it doesn’t exactly make him some sort of serial cheater, either. I suspect the NFL will fine the Patriots (think something along the lines of the Pac-12 fining USC for using deflated footballs against Oregon in 2012) after the Super Bowl for the deflated footballs, and put in place some sort of rule changes to ensure footballs that are used during games to meet the league requirements. But I doubt the NFL will find any evidence Brady or Belichick knowingly had the footballs deflated.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If i'd be a Cheatriots fan, i'd very likely be supporting Belicheat and phony Tom Brady in the scandal. But as an unbiased fan of the greatest sport alive, i have to examine the facts as they are presented to me. As long as OMERTA exists around the Cheatriots organization, we may never know for certain who and if cheating actually happened.

But there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that makes the Cheatriots appear very guilty. Belicheat & Brady's pressers didn't help matters. Brady's especially. He looked like a liar. But since he's expected to enter the world of politics as a Rethuglican once his career ends, pundits & publications who side with the Right are taking sides & do not want their next Massachussets poster-boy to look bad. They do not want the current scandal to come back & haunt him once he enters the political arena. They want to preserve his image as a goody two-shoes, very honest person. But that's another story.

Let's just put things into perspective: the Cheatriots were caught cheating in the past and paid a big price for it. They were suspects long before they were finally nabbed. And since that time, many have been suspicious of them. The deflated balls thing wasn't the first time other teams noticed this anomaly. But Bill Belicheat is somewhat like a kleptomaniac who can't help himself from stealing. Belicheat cannot help himself from bending the rules & possibly going as far as cheating in order to win at all cost. It's natural that people have taken sides & even more natural that people firmly believe that the Cheatriots are guilty of deflating the footballs.

Belicheat & the Cheatriots have no one to blame but themselves for being put in this position. Their past has come back to haunt them. :amen:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

But as an unbiased fan of the greatest sport alive, i have to examine the facts as they are presented to me.

The head Hatriot cheerleader. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: BULLSHIT!

The Colts had already whined to the NFL about this issue immediately following their first humiliating ass whooping by the Patriots and were planning to take it up again. Now people ask why were the Colts balls at proper pressure when the Patriots weren't? Good question because we all know as it is with tires, temperature affects pressure. So why weren't both teams at relatively the same pressure in the same conditions? The Colts knew they were going to make this challenge and they compensated before making the challenge.

Now, can we please get back to the Super Bowl!

As I said before, this episode will feel like a huge pain in the butt to Goodell and the NFL front office, but deep down they know the ratings will set records. Their biggest problem is how to make an encore next year equal to the boon of interest they are getting this year.

The only thing that bothers me at all about this entire episode is that Belichick gave this nonsense one second of his time.




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Feb 9, 2004
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How do you all think all of this attention is affecting the Cheatriots, Bill Belicheat and Tom Shady?

A. Not much because they have no conscious?
B. A little bit because they know we know they knew what they were doing when deflating the balls?
C. A lot and Richard Sherman is going to go up to Tom Shady after the game and say - "You Mad Bro, You Couldn't Deflate Them Balls This Time?"
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