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2014 Official Major League Baseball Thread


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Logic tells me that 27 World Series wins is more impressive than 8, this is a FACT and not something that I just made up, having said that it's nice to see rumples posting in here again, his delusional posts are legendary and hilarious, in order to get him to stay I will do my part and scale down on the amount of posts that are FACTS, I would suggest that you guys do the same(group effort).:D


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
You're the voice of reason as usual Joe :thumb:

Best Regards



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Logic tells me that 27 World Series wins is more impressive than 8...
I'm glad to see your keeping up with your studies on ancient history, Joe.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I'm glad to see your keeping up with your studies on ancient history, Joe.

Funny how his buddy would be screaming about history being totally irrelevant...until it serves them. :lol:

Whether you believe in sabermetrics at all Yankees fans should be worried about where their system has taken them. Huge burdensome contracts with aging players, a farm system that is one of the worse, and now no identifiable on field player team leadership. Plus they still have to deal with a team parasite player they owe over $60 million for the next 3 years who hasn't played in 1 1/2 years, and who from the start seems more interested in checking out babes in the stands and getting their numbers than getting back to the best he could be, if the term "best" would even apply considering the state of his skills. In order to do anything in the near future the Yankees must stay on a Kamikaze course of seizing and grossly over-paying for any available stars while continuing to keep their farm system in a pitiful situation...and that is what has been stated to me by Yankees fans from New York. Our boy could be talking about the number 27 for the rest of his life if the Yankees continue to ignore sabermetrics or at least find some sense. Besides, it's sure as hell he never saw 22 or more of them.

What does it say of your system when you have a healthy $20 million+ per year player who is very likely to have a hard time justifying being in the Majors at all. :crazy:

As for the Mets, I'd be very happy to see them win it all again, but the Cuddyer signing looks like a band-aid signing with a lot of risk it will have much impact at all.



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It sure looks like David Robertson has outpriced himself out of NY by demanding Papelbon-like money and a multiyear deal. He refused the 1-year Yankee offer to make him the highest paid player in the history of the game.

It also looks like fat 3rd baseman Pablo Sandoval may be heading to Boston. He's looking for a 4+ year deal and the Red Sox figure he may be able to take over for Pappi at DH once he retires. Many believe Sandoval would thrive in the AL.

It also wouldn't surprise me to see Jon Lester back with the Red Sox.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Was there some new developement today regarding David R??? I read yesterday he was seeking 12 mil per for 3 seasons, in other words he would take a 3 plus million less (the 15 mil qualifying offer) payday for next year. He wants to be a Yankee, just wants security long term and frankly, i dont blame him at all.

As far as the rouge hose go, A LOT more is needed than "Pabs" to keep them out of the basement for a 2nd straight year and 3 out of the last four. One lucky year in 4 i can understand but no more :nono:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Was there some new developement today regarding David R??? I read yesterday he was seeking 12 mil per for 3 seasons, in other words he would take a 3 plus million less (the 15 mil qualifying offer) payday for next year. He wants to be a Yankee, just wants security long term and frankly, i dont blame him at all.:
MLBTR says that Robertson wants "Papelbon" money.

As far as the rouge hose go, A LOT more is needed than "Pabs" to keep them out of the basement for a 2nd straight year and 3 out of the last four. One lucky year in 4 i can understand but no more :nono:
Yep, they do need a lot more than the Panda, though I doubt that they'll get him. They'll have to outspend the Giants to pry him away. They need two starting pitchers as well as a 3b. Fortunately, they have over $50M to spend this winter.

Yes, you can understand one lucky year in four. What you'll never understand, though, is what a really good baseball team looks like. Here's one for you: http://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/BOS/2013.shtml

Want to see another: http://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/BOS/2007.shtml

How about one more: http://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/BOS/2004.shtml


Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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As far as the rouge hose go, A LOT more is needed than "Pabs" to keep them out of the basement for a 2nd straight year and 3 out of the last four. One lucky year in 4 i can understand but no more :nono:

Which is one more than those losers in NY! Hahahaha.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008

What happened to the future hall of famer Willburt Middlebrooks that someone around here was touting as the next great rouge hose 3rd basemen? Seems that person also touted Jack Bradley jr as a stud in center as well and the list goes on and on and ON :crazy:
I'm not a fan of the Panda coming to Boston. I'd rather see them go after Hanley Ramirez and have him play 3rd base. As for Lester, we're hoping he comes back!!


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I'd rather see them go after Hanley Ramirez and have him play 3rd base

He's a lazy piece of shit K

Go for chubby..the lesser of the 2 evils

Best Regards



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I can play that game with you and win all day long, 27 is bigger than 8 as a wise man once said. And By Golly Miss Molly it was just yesterday he said this! lol....

Yes, you can understand one lucky year in four. What you'll never understand, though, is what a really good baseball team looks like. Here's one for you: http://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/BOS/2013.shtml
Want to see another: http://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/BOS/2007.shtml
How about one more: http://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/BOS/2004.shtml


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Smuler, you are correct about that and maybe Pablo should take up Cycling lol. Btw Mon Ami a very big Merci Beaucoup for all your help and being thee deciding factor for myself to get into riding, it has been a blessing for me and i feel better physically than i ever have.

btw, are you bringing your bike to Mtl on your trip soon? You might want to put studs on that bad boy as the snow is a coming soon i fear.
He's a lazy piece of shit K

Go for chubby..the lesser of the 2 evils

Best Regards



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
How that chubby guy hits the ball, I'll never know. He always plays well against my Metsies

It's a pleasure about the bike. I'm bringing my new one. We'll go for a spin :wave:
Good to see you in such great shape...

Best Regards



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Kershaw never gets any recognition here on the East Coast

72-26 in the last 4 years ?

Imagine him on YOUR team ?? :p

Best Regards



Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Which losers in NY? NY has a lot of losers, two in baseball alone.

Both NY baseball teams finished respectably 2nd in their division. Where did the real loser, awful losing Boston team finish THIS YEAR?

I can play that game with you and win all day long, 27 is bigger than 8 as a wise man once said. And By Golly Miss Molly it was just yesterday he said this! lol....

Absolutely. Play that game all day. By the way - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM5OA9LujmY ???
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