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Official 2015 NFL thread.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Alright Boyzz, with the NFL season right around the corner it is time to start making some serious $$$moollah$$$, here are my expert predictions.

AFC East(division that I follow the most).

1. Buffalo(I love this teams additions this off season(Harvin, McCoy, Clay, Ryan, all significant upgrades to go along with that great defense that they have, it will all come down to the QB position, if they get a half decent effort from their QB they will win the division, this team is big time talented).:thumb:
2. Miami(I like their defense, Suh and Wake are studs, Tannehil signed a big, big contract extension so it is his time to produce)
3. New England(Shady has looked absolutely horrible in the preseason, showing signs of age and the Cheatroits have looked terrible, you can bet your bottom dollar that Belicheat will be referring to his cheat sheet more than ever this year).:eek:
4. New York(Still in a rebuilding mode, they might surprise and I wouldn't be surprised that they finish ahead of the Cheatroits).

Biggest improvement- My Raiders(they will surprise), the losing is over.

Superbowl pick- Denver over Detroit.

Quote from the post game analysis of last night's game between the Cheatroits and Carolina and I quote "The preseason has been a titanic struggle for Brady".|contentId:0ap3000000517364&tab=recap


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

Is it a great news star quarterback will play

NEW YORK (AP) -- A federal judge let the air out of "Deflategate" Thursday, erasing New England quarterback Tom Brady's four-game suspension for a controversy the NFL claimed threatened football's integrity.

U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman criticized NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell for dispensing "his own brand of industrial justice."

Berman said Goodell went too far in affirming punishment of the Super Bowl winning quarterback. Brady has insisted he played no role in a conspiracy to deflate footballs below the allowable limit at last season's AFC championship game.

The suspension was "premised upon several significant legal deficiencies" including the failure to notify Brady of potential penalties, Berman wrote in his opinion, noting that an arbitrator's factual findings are generally not open to judicial challenge.

"Because there was no notice of a four-game suspension in the circumstances presented here, Commissioner Goodell may be said to have `dispensed his own brand of industrial justice,'" Berman wrote, partially citing wording from a previous case.

Berman's ruling does not necessarily end the dispute. The league can appeal. Neither side's top lawyer immediately responded to an email seeking comment.

The judge said Brady had no notice of his possible suspension for general awareness of ball deflation by others or participation in any scheme to deflate football and for not cooperating with an investigation.

"Brady also had no notice that his discipline would be the equivalent of the discipline imposed upon a player who used performance enhancing drugs," Berman said.

Brady was also denied equal access to investigative files, including witness interview notes, and didn't have a chance to examine one of two lead investigators, the judge said.

The written decision frees Brady to prepare for the Sept. 10 season opener against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

The ruling was a surprise to some legal experts who believed Berman was merely pressuring the league to settle when he criticized its handling of the investigation and discipline over the last eight months.

The league brought the scandal to Berman's Manhattan courtroom immediately once Goodell upheld Brady's four-game suspension, blasting the quarterback for arranging the destruction of his cellphone and its nearly 10,000 messages just before he was interviewed for the NFL probe. The union countersued, said Brady did nothing wrong and asked the judge to nullify the suspension.

While the league investigation found it was "more probable than not" that two Patriots ball handling employees deliberately released air from Patriots game balls at January's 45-7 New England victory over the Indianapolis Colts, it cited no direct evidence that Brady knew about or authorized it.

Goodell, though, went beyond the initial investigation report, finding in late July as a result of testimony from Brady and others that the quarterback conspired with the ball handlers and tried to obstruct the league's probe, including by destroying his cellphone.

The commissioner said he concluded Brady "knew about, approved of, consented to, and provided inducements and rewards" to ensure balls were deflated.

Berman attacked the league while questioning one of its lawyers at two hearings, citing a lack of proof against Brady and asking how Goodell settled on a four-game suspension instead of other discipline.

He warned the league that he had the authority to overturn its punishment of Brady if he found the NFL acted unfairly by refusing to deliver NFL Executive Vice President Jeff Pash as a witness even though he worked on the NFL investigation.

Berman had repeatedly urged both sides to settle and tone down their rhetoric. At a hearing Monday attended by Brady and Goodell, the judge announced that both sides had "tried quite hard" to reach a deal in morning talks. But the case was left for him to decide.

As they negotiated, the sides attacked each other in court papers.

In one August court filing, the union said the four-game suspension displayed "a clearly biased agenda -- not an effort at fairness and consistency," and it criticized Goodell's ruling upholding the suspension as a "smear campaign," a "propaganda piece written for public consumption."

In its papers, the NFL said there was "ample support" in evidence for the commissioner to conclude Brady was involved in efforts by the Patriots equipment personnel to deflate footballs.




Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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My money making winning picks for week 1.

Oakland + 3 over Cinncinatti.

Buffalo + 3 over Indianapolis.

Jets - 1 over Cleveland.

Philadelphia -1 over Atlanta.

My sure shot pick of the week is Pittsburgh +6.5 over the worst team in the AFC East New England who will finish in dead last place(39 year old QB with a 36 year old washed up Reggie Wayne as their main WR minus the best DB in Football Darelle Revis and a depleted secondary, first to last just like the Red Sux, you just watch!!!.

Point spread will be adjusted as we get closer to game day.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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1. Belicheat kicked out of the league.

2. Brady forced into retirement and his career to be declared null and void.

3. New England's Superbowl's taken away and given to the NFC teams that they beat(illegally).

4. Robert Kraft fined at least $10 million dollars and forced to sell the team.

Only then will justice be served.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If this happened in College Football, the entire program would have been shutdown for an entire year and they would have then been pit on probation for ten years! Shameful! :mad:

After finding oit all of this stuff, there is no way Bellichick will be voted into the HoF. The only 'hall' he'll get into is the Hall of Shame!

As for Tom Brady, this puts his legacy into serious question. :rolleyes:


Nov 12, 2005
All we do is win win win... No matter what...

Go Pats! Go Tommy! In Bill we trust. Great start to the new season for the best franchise in the NFL.

Excellent picks as usual, Mr. Joe..t!! :thumb: :lol: I think it's good luck at this point when you pick against the Pats! More more! :p :lol: :lol:

In New York this weekend, and I'll be wearing my Boston gear and rubbing it in to all the haters. :D

(Oh, and this Dion Lewis kid is going to be a beast for us. What a debut...)


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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My legendary picks for week 2.

Denver +3 over Kansas City.

Tampa +10.5 over New Orleans.

Minnesota -2.5 over Detroit.

My much improved Oakland Raiders +6 over Baltimore.

My sure shot pick of the week(dedicated to anon_vlad, if you saw his picks last year you will know why) is also my sure shot pick of the century which is Buffalo +2 over that dirty, rotten, cheating team from Massachusetts with that horrible defense, Deangelo Williams a second string cast off running back ran for over 130 yds against them, I can only imagine what LeShady McCoy and Tyrod Taylor will do to them, this game will not even be close, I will be putting a significant amount on this game, it will be the easiest money that I have ever made.:thumb:


Nov 12, 2005
:lol: Your sure shot pick last week worked out really well!! :D

I like these picks! Keep picking against the Pats! It's a good luck charm! :p


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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:lol: Your sure shot pick last week worked out really well!! :D

I like these picks! Keep picking against the Pats! It's a good luck charm! :p

Indeed it did, for the record my sure shot pick was a "Push", the day of the game(when I made my ticket)the lines moved to New England -7, I just never changed it on MERB because I was out of town attending a very important party.:thumb:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Atta boy! Send me ALL the picks to my email please, my good man. I was too busy to do anything with the picks last week because of that little party so make me some moolah this weekend MISTER.T! How do you like the Cowboys this week?
Indeed it did, for the record my sure shot pick was a "Push", the day of the game(when I made my ticket)the lines moved to New England -7, I just never changed it on MERB because I was out of town attending a very important party.:thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Looking at my Points Spread ticket, i have....

Minnesota (-2 1/2) over Detroit
Tennessee (-2) over Cleveland
NY Giants (-2 1/2) over Atlanta
Indy (-7) over NY Jets

By the way, i had a ticket which also included KC (-3) against Denver. Did KC blow this one or what??? Did game my just ruin their season!

p.s. In my NFL pool, i reluctantly picked the cheaters over my Bills. However, it wouldn't surprise me if the Bills beat the cheaters and i'll still be overjoyed even though
it'll hurt my pool.


Nov 12, 2005
Manning is done. Not that he ever had great arm strength, but, man, he was throwing ducks out there last night. Lots of wobbly fluttering ducks. And that O-line... One nasty hit... Would be a terrible way for a great quarterback to go out. Can't stand the guy, not since his Tennessee days, and I still think he chokes in big moments, but my respect for what he's accomplished over the course of a sterling career.

An amazing botch by the Chiefs. They really fucked it up. Fatboy Andy made some SMH-poor decisions. Halftime show noted he lost some weight. :lol: Maybe he deprived himself of a few orders of BBQ, and stopped thinking straight. Feed him, KC, FEED HIM!!! :p

Tennessee over Cleveland! Another match-up of great college QBs!!! And I think Mariota crushes Johnny. Fingers crossed Mariota doesn't turn out to be another RG3. Kid looks fantastic. Hope he stays humble and keeps his focus on football.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Bills inflate stakes with deflation jab at Patriots

Bills put up air pump display in team store


The Buffalo Bills are pumped up about Sunday's game against the New England Patriots.

Need proof?

Shoppers walking through the main entrance of the official team store Friday morning couldn't miss a display of air pumps and footballs directly across from the front doors in the shadow of Ralph Wilson Stadium.

"Just in case anybody needs to inflate their footballs, we have equipment to do that," retail manager Jason Klein told WIVB-TV in Buffalo. "If you're out in the parking lot and you're throwing the football around, we'll go ahead and take care of it for you."

But it's also a not-so-subtle jab at the Patriots, who are in town this weekend after being engulfed by their football deflation scandal during the offseason.

This is the latest in a string of trash talk from the Bills. Coach Rex Ryan has spent the week pumping up the home crowd, while defensive tackle Marcell Dareus let it be known that "nobody likes the Patriots."

The Bills' coach, who needs no introduction to the Patriots after spending the past six years with the New York Jets, has instilled a confidence and swagger in his players and to the region as a whole.

In short, he has everyone believing -- even though New England is 26-4 against Buffalo since 2000, Bill Belichick's first season as Patriots coach and the beginning of the Bills' current playoff drought.

"We know they've been dominating this league and winning games and make it to the playoffs every year," Bills receiver Sammy Watkins said of the Patriots. "But this is our year, I think. We just got to go out there and play and have fun. We got great coaches, great players and a great staff. We're just gonna leave everything on the field and can't wait for Sunday."

Ryan said he had no knowledge of the air pumps being sold when asked Friday.

"It's interesting, but you know ... our focus is on, we got to get this team ready to roll," Ryan said. "I have no idea what they sell in the book stores or airports or anything else. But our team is getting ready."

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
My sure shot pick of the week(dedicated to anon_vlad, if you saw his picks last year you will know why) is also my sure shot pick of the century which is Buffalo +2 over that dirty, rotten, cheating team from Massachusetts with that horrible defense, Deangelo Williams a second string cast off running back ran for over 130 yds against them, I can only imagine what LeShady McCoy and Tyrod Taylor will do to them, this game will not even be close, I will be putting a significant amount on this game, it will be the easiest money that I have ever made.:thumb:

I just heard on Primetime Sports that the line is now down to (-1) for the Pats. LeShawn McCoy is also questionable for the game with a sore hammy. The key for the Bills will be to stop the run game (for whatever reason, they run like crazy when they face the Bills) and especially maintain Gronk. They'll probably have to double-team him.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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The line is going down because of betting money going the Bills way, betters are not stupid, they see the writing on the wall for the old, over the hill, overrated, dishonest, deflating cheaters from Massachusetts, the Bills win this one by double digit margin.:thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The line is going down because of betting money going the Bills way, betters are not stupid, they see the writing on the wall for the old, over the hill, overrated, dishonest, deflating cheaters from Massachusetts, the Bills win this one by double digit margin.:thumb:

But have the bookies taken into account that the Cheatriots will likely try to cheat in some way in order to turn the odds into their favor?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Joe t, i have a feeling that you may enjoy today's Bills game vs the Cheatriots! Bills just took a 7-0 lead on their first drive! :D
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