"I think it's touching the way the Red Sox have been honoring the sinking of the Titanic all week."--------Henry Shulman (from Doc Holliday) :thumb:
The Titanic sunk on April 15, 1912 .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Titanic
Fenway Park opened just 5 days later, April 20, 1912. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenway_Park
Is there a connection?
I don't want to say. I'll let the Red Sox fans ponder about the question.
Oh oh! Can I answer this :wave: Is the correct answer "The titanic was a 1 time disaster while the red sox are a continuing disaster?![]()
You win the prize, Sir lgna. I would say you win a pair of Red Sox tickets at Fenway, but I doubt you would get any of your friends to join you. :lol:
Is this the year that Dimaggio's 56 game hitting streak finally gets broken?(Jeter).
Add Pineda to the long list of Yankee genius free agent pitcher signings.
Actually, you are the first person I have ever heard since the trade was made that thought this way, ppl get hurt, but at the time it was a great trade, and really still might be. Why even jr boy wonder benny boy would of made that trade!
Ahhh yes, I stand corrected...thats right they traded Jesus for the damaged goods...:lol::lol::lol:.
Oh well...my bad...either way just another brain cashdollar blunder...:thumb:.
Rofl! I guess every baseball guy I heard speak on the trade does not know as much as the "jay-man" :lol: Such sour grapes on your part, why would i expect anything less :noidea: Jay-man is back, must be the red sox have a 5 game winning streak going....oh lookie here, they do! Welcome back jjjman :wave:
Just can't stop the personal insults and attacks, can you....
Yup...trade's working out great.
Have a great day.
It looks like nothing's changed since i was gone.......
Jman47 OWNED by Igna69xxx once again!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Be careful what you say about Jman Doc, he might just take his ball and go home again.
It looks like nothing's changed since i was gone.......
Jman47 OWNED by Igna69xxx once again!!!!!!!
Wheres the personal insults? "sour grapes"? "jay-man"? "your back because the red sox are winning again"? Wow, your really reaching now......,had I said you are a #$^#$$^# OR a *)&))&^^%, or the horribly personal insult of @)(#$&*^%$^##&@ then I agree, it would of been very very bad on my part and a long suspension would follow.you love to dish it out little man but complain when you cant handle it back.... It is not a matter of how the trade is working out, you said it was a bad trade now (never heard a peep from you when it went down) and ONLY AFTER Pineda is now hurt, when truth is the majority said the trade was a great one for Cashman and the Yanks when it was made in the offseason. So what happens if Montero breaks his arm, his leg, his neck and his back (God forbid) and his career is done? Does that make it somehow now a even trade in your book? :crazy:![]()
Nice to see you found your ball(s) and want to play again.
Fact is, your greatness, that unlike you and mr pop I am not married to merb and frankly I come and go as I please...knowing it drives you crazy...:eyebrows:.
Sorry to disappoint you, but i had no choice in the matter since the moderator had given me time off a few weeks ago. Now that the first-round of the playoffs is done with, i'm back playing! lol
Please do not take this the wrong way, but to be totally honest, 99.9% of merbites wouldn't even notice if you went into a self-imposed exile for years. I know this probably isn't news to you, but you're absolutely 110% irrelevant on this board. All you do here his mock people who don't cheer for the same teams you do & you probably spend your time jerking off to the escort reviews (since you can't afford yourself the luxury of hiring an escort). If i've hurt your feelings by stating the truth, i do apologize. :amen:
Now, how about them Red Sox, eh? The genius of Bobby Valentine has got them playing like they just might be the BEST TEAM EVAH! :lol: