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7 clients arrested in Laval


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Sep 8, 2003
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Helirage, from the Justice Canada website:

Obtaining a sexual service for consideration” involves an agreement for a specific sexual service in return for payment or another kind of consideration, including drugs or alcohol. It doesn’t matter whether payment is made by the person who receives the sexual service or by another person.

So yes, if you gave the flowers, or a drink for that matter, as part of an agreement that she gives you a sexual service in return, that would be "sexual service for consideration"..... crazy world we live in!

What beats me though is that principle that women can NOT consent to being a sex worker. Shame on traffickers and abusive pimps, for sure. However when a woman decides for herself that's what she wants to do, that's her business. I like the way Chester Brown puts it in "paying for it": when it comes to abortion, feminists claim women are the owner of their own bodies and can decide for themselves what is good for them. However when it comes to prostitution, they claim women are being abused as it is impossible for a woman to agree to "sell her body". But anyhow, there is a C36 thread elsewhere in here....

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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... when it comes to abortion, feminists claim women are the owner of their own bodies and can decide for themselves what is good for them. However when it comes to prostitution, they claim women are being abused as it is impossible for a woman to agree to "sell her body".

Depends on the feminist. I personally know three who are for the right to be a sex worker.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You all do know that these stings are to catch john seeking minors or pimps who sell drugs through their addicted girls. Most of these comments are moot points to the members here, was there ever a time when someone on this site got busted using any advertiser here or even a legal BP girl? Did not think so.


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Sep 8, 2003
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STN you're right that in Montreal, that seems to be the path the police has chosen to enforce the legislation. It is a local enforcement policy, and this is not universal. Look at other places in Canada (Maritimes, Prairies in particular) where zero tolerance is applied and they humiliate "john's" and make them attend "John's school".... And it could change in a snap in Montreal with an opinionated Mayer or chief police. Remember the ups and downs of the 10$ dances in the 90s and of the private dances places like Pussycat. It all depends on the will or those in power to influence this and of the opinion of the provincial authorities also. Beware of François Legault, he's much more to the political right that he makes you believe it.


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Sep 8, 2003
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It is legal soon to smoke marijuana and sell your baby in Canada. Some feminists are for the right to sell a baby

Exactly. When it suits their needs, feminists believe women own their bodies and can decide what to do with it. However, Red Paul, you must admit it's a minority of militant feminist groups that favor prostitution. Usually they only showcase the abuses cases and conveniently forget those who have chosen to do it willingly.

In the end it's a power struggle between those feminists and the male establishment. Some feminists battles are totally legitimate and I strongly support them: equal pay for equal salary for example, and all the gender-based barriers to education and to professional growth. However some others just hurt the male/female relationships without really achieving any gains. Deciding that all woman cannot make their own choices and are victims when it comes to sex work, and that all men are predator is totally disconnected from the reality and does not advance anything in our society. I think we want a society where men and women have the same rights and the same opportunities. But I wouldn't want to live in a society where male/female relationships are adversarial and a constant power struggle.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
To get back on stuff in page 2 ...

Well when i saw my first SP she was listed at 18, i was 24. I didn't aim for "18" specifically i just loved her pictures and the services listed. Had an awesome time.

I seen Bianka wich is at vogue currently when she just turned 19 back in ... 2012 or 2013... can't remember the exact year. She was the one who told me. I had a great time and i would definately see her again today, being in her mid 20s.

I am 33 years old now, but even tough my body start to show its age, i feel like a 20 something. I would not be ready for kids, for "family adulthood" or whatever. All i want is to have fun and party as much as i can lol. So do i feel "wrong" seeing 20 years old? NOP lol. Will i feel the same at 50/55, i don't know.. but the reality is this...

We draw the line at 18 because its a fair number. There some 16 who look like 20 and some 19 who look like 16... We can't go in a case by case.

I think pedophiles crave CHILDREN, not late teens. They want "little girls" (or little boys). So 17, 18, 19, i don't think it make you a pedophile at all. BUT we had to draw the line and we did at 18 so its fine that way.

I won't feel "shame" for seeing a 18/19 or 20 years old escort, even when i get older im sure. I don't book based on age, not to mention we all know most of the time its bogus listing anyway. I book base on look, service and (when it apply) feeling/chemistry i had with the girl.

As for radical feminist... tell me about it... Im all for the equality of sexes in jobs, society etc , but radical feminist really don't want equality, they just want MORE.

Aflac Duck

May 24, 2011
When I was in high school, there was no mistaking a 16 year old for an 18 year old. These days you can not tell.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
As for radical feminist... tell me about it... Im all for the equality of sexes in jobs, society etc , but radical feminist really don't want equality, they just want MORE.

Exactly... Just to be clear feminists want to DOMINATE all men.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Exactly... Just to be clear feminists want to DOMINATE all men.

Haha you make me laugh Cloud. Like everything in life there is some extremist of all kind. Extremist feminist are just sexually frustrated.. Perhaps many time lesbian but that does not care, what care is that they are frustrated because they don't fuck.

Exactly like misogynist who commit act of violence against women, either on their wife or not, because they are frustrated sexually.

In call cases these people will find the problem if they look in the mirror.



Aug 12, 2010
Exactly... Just to be clear feminists want to DOMINATE all men.

Feminism is like communism. There are true communist that want all people to be equals, then there are people that want to use communism to dominate others and get gain for themselves. In this world there are true feminist, most I see that call themselves feminist use it as a tool to speak over people and tyrannize men.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
then there are people that want to use communism to dominate others and get gain for themselves.

Here you must mean Capitalism aka Corporatism where the rich want to dominate the working class to get gain for themselves


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Sep 8, 2003
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pick one who is 25 or older, cuts out the guess work and LE.

You think so? With the new law, it's illegal even with your grandma! When LE wants to get you, they will find a way.. A little more in trouble, little less, you're in trouble nevertheless... and they will find a way to blame and shame.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I recall over a dozen years ago an sp from a smaller agency telling me that one of her 'colleagues' was mentally handicapped. I remember being surprised to hear this. She went on saying that the girl in question also happened to be one of the most popular girls in the agency. She added she was always in very high demand from 'clients'. I remember feeling that this didn't feel really right.

A few years later Xxxtase sends me one of their new girls who happened to be back home temporarily. She later told me that she mostly works in Toronto. But what was odd about the 'encounter' was that the moment she arrived i noticed a speech disability and she informed me that she was totally deaf. Communication was difficult at times and i had to use a bit of sign language. I suppose the time we had together went fairly well considering the circumstances. She gave me her phone number and told me to text her whenever i'd be in Toronto since she mostly spent the year there. But it felt too strange and awkward for me. Never repeated. I remember calling them and ask the booker why he hadn't informed me beforehand that the girl he'd be sending me was deaf. He replied he didn't think much of it.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You think so? With the new law, it's illegal even with your grandma!.

So you prefer the old law so you can legally have sex with your gandma?
Some of you need to chill, the laws have not effected any member here that does not seek minors or drugs.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010

I completely agree with you and I would add human traficking as a comprehensive and justified goal. The ones talking about fenimism, communism and other ism... are just out the the track.


Sep 24, 2009

When guys responded to the ads, it was police officers who replied to the men. The officers interacted with the potential customers and eventually mentioned to them that the girl available was really only 17 years old. At that point some of the men were thinking with their little heads and they figured that 17 was close enough to 18 and so they may as well go ahead with the deal. Now the police could spring their trap on the men and arrest the men as soon as they showed up to the location that the police gave them. There were no actual girls involved let alone minor girls.

I do think that underage prostitution exists, but it usually involves runaway kids selling sex on the streets. If you looked hard enough in the right places in the Montreal area, you could probably find such tragic cases. It's a serious problem but it isn't as big a problem as the public and the media believe.

1. Doesn't matter. 17 is still 17. Hell, I don't even deal with ladies under 22-23. I think 23 is the sweet spot for this sort of thing. In fact as much as you guys would hate it... if I was in charge I would make prostitution legal ... but, only for those men and women 23+.

2. You're right, it's a much larger problem. When I was a soldier... the amount of children that were being sold for sex was sickening. It's been on a steady increase for like 25 years now.
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