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All-time most hated teams

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
He's not worth the keystrokes my friend.
Go have fun...;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
different day, same ole lame jman posts... but hey, I got my popcorn!

Ok, easy there sparky, your jealousy, oh sorry, i mean hatred is showing, AGAIN. why must you try to ruin yet another sports thread? i said my opinon and you dont agree, fine, thats called a debate, but why take it to the gutter with insults and then cry when you cant handle what your gonna get in return..... some people just never learn.. and now you have your lil puppy "barking" for you, awwwww how cute, i guess it is true a Dog is Mans Best Friend! cmon man, class it up a little.

Per red sox Fans Doing It With Class.... get real, ONLY red sox fans see it that way, and or Yankee haters, and while the Yanks were winning Championship after Championship, the majority of sox fans were complaining about it with everything they could find to do so, thats class? NOT. stop being so hypocritical.

Ok, you said your peace, i said mine, are you man enough to let it go now or must you have the last word again? but feel free to, go ahead, "Knock em dead kid"

Now as far as the Miami Hurricanes being the most hated per that "list" ... they were truly hated, but they talked the talked, they backed it up, and Jimmy Johnson, love ot hate him was a GREAT coach. i bet you the people who voted against him were losers to his 'Canes National Championship Team, as well as teams he used to destroy as the coach of "THEE Dallas Cowboys"

Hatred comes from a team or its fan base having a "superior, we are entitled air or attitude"; it comes from in your face bullshit; it comes from lack of sportsmanship; it comes from lack of humility in winning...jealousy is an easy scapegoat answer and generally bullshit.

There is winning...and there is winning with class, dignity and humility; there is being the best...and there is being the best with class, dignity and humility; there is passion...and there is passion with class, dignity and humility. I only need to point to Derek Jeter for an example you may understand - he can win with dignity and humility...recent personal decisions question his class, so I left that out...anyway, you get the picture. People don't need to be told you're the best...if you are you have earned it, they will see it and respect it. THAT is the difference between a winner and a hated team. THAT is why the Red Sox of Boston are not on a hated teams list...they did it with class, dignity and their fans do.

Get some class Fido and spare us the snappy comeback. Your childish use of caps and non-caps is a blaring example of your lack of class and dignity. And please, spare us the tired PASSION excuse again. In a battle of wits, you are unarmed...


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I simply stated my opinion. Which by the way 2 other posters commented they liked.

I have not ruined anything. I have not insulted anyone. Please tell us where? It's your signature that states you are Fido...or did I misread that...hmm? I rest on my record. Easy to see that about 2,703 of your 2,704 posts are worthless. You spew pollution and trash everywhere you go. I simply call you on it and you don't like it. Why don't you go blue, you belong there.

So pathetic and predictable. Sad, really sad to see an allegedly grown man cry for attention as you poor little lad. No popcorn needed. I, unlike you, have things to do and a life. Besides, being in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent is...well...boring.

By the way talking the talk and backing it up doesn't give you class, dignity and just makes you a flaming asshole most of the time. Miami is a shit school who's program has gone to hell...look at the numbers (and I don't mean W & L, try graduation rate too). And go figure another Yankees fan who also likes the Cowboys...bandwagon U...:rolleyes:

Have fun,


PS Let me make a bold you will post some flowery words to the mods to help us or thank one saw that coming...
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009

LOL. Still not worth it.

Have fun,



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
He's not worth the keystrokes my friend.
Go have fun...;)

Right you are, as all readers of the hockey and baseball posts are well aware. Now the world can wait for his lame responses, which will undoubtedly appear before long.

If only he had had the gumption to accept my bet (Wings outperforming leafs in the upcoming 2010-2011 season, with the loser to leave MERB forever) we'd be rid of him by next April. Sadly, though, he found a way to chicken out of that bet just like he did with all the ones offered to him by GHG and G1GBallday, so all sports fans are still subjected to his continuous stream of immature, ill-written, ill-conceived, illogical, ungrammatical, repetitive, boring, dishonest, incorrect, insubstantial, and unoriginal BS.

Just in case I haven't made it clear (ahem), I have absolutely no respect for what he writes.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hatred comes from a team or its fan base having a "superior, we are entitled air or attitude"; it comes from in your face bullshit; it comes from lack of sportsmanship; it comes from lack of humility in winning...jealousy is an easy scapegoat answer and generally bullshit.

There is winning...and there is winning with class, dignity and humility; there is being the best...and there is being the best with class, dignity and humility; there is passion...and there is passion with class, dignity and humility.

Hello Jman,

I totally agree. Only I wouldn't call it "Hatred". I would call it Disgust. The most admired achievements are those that succeeded through the toughest path/the toughest challenge. When any team can grab all the best pieces at will there is no challenge...except to avoid screwing up and blowing it.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
nope, you do a fine job of that all by your lil self. ;)

PS,. please stop pm'ing me silly nonsense, your starting to make me think your not well, get a grip... all i did is state my "opinon" and like always, you dont agree and start on a hissy fit, well newsflash, YOUR views are not always right, nor ever will be always right in the eyes of others, same with mine, but stop with the crying game will ya? geez man .. i have every right to say my opinon on things as do you, but how we handle the negativity defines the man, and sadly, your not doing to well. take a break, come to Montreal, kick back, have a little fun and enjoy life. you call for truces every other week, yet break them every other week when you dont agree with a "opinon". cmon, you cant have it both ways... TRUCE?


PS Let me make a bold you will post some flowery words to the mods to help us or thank one saw that coming...
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
ahhh cairo doing what and ONLY cairo knows best, twisiting other peoples words to make himself feel better. i knew he needed a outlet since he has to behave in the hot stove thread, and Doc, your right, i knew he couldnt last that long, pay up!... go ahead and do what you do cairo, aka Lassie .. :)

Actually Iggy.....someone 'in the know' told me tonight that 'Joel Cairo' is actually a 'she' trying to pass herself as a 'he' on the boards. True story.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Actually Iggy.....someone 'in the know' told me tonight that 'Joel Cairo' is actually a 'she' trying to pass herself as a 'he' on the boards. True story.

Well perhaps whoever told you this is as sexually confused as you and your little lapdog...or, perhaps this so-called "someone", just like lggy, loves to drool at the thought of men in women's clothing.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
This is starting to sound like a love affair. Hey, you two lovebirds....get a room! :D

Sorry, not my style and I strongly doubt that it's Jman's style either. As for you and your little buddy however, we're all aware that you've already got a room - you know, the one where the two of you relax on the Holliday couch when you're "hanging out" watching figure skating and doing whatever the hell else you two enjoy together. Peace and best wishes to the two of you.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
This thread has gone too far off topic.

Closed for cleaning. It may or may not be re-opened afterward.

Mod 8
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