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Anyone who's taken a long break before...


Active Member
Nov 27, 2004
This topic has come up in some sort of another over the years.
I compare 'lobbying' to going to a bar or drinking. I don't go out to a Pub/Bar 3-4 times a week or even once a week. I don't drink every night, and when I do, I don't drink 5-6 pints in one evening.
I have never gone crazy seeing SPs for two reasons:

1) I can't afford it
2) even if I could I still wouldn't because it would get, like anything else, really boring after too much of it.
I am not a sex addict, I never got drawn into the whole scene.
Its like anything....moderation.
Many on here are addicts, just like gamblers, alcoholics, or drug addicts. Thankfully though most are not just as most people can moderate most things in life.
I think, if as individual, you think you have a problem with lobbying, then you probably do.

Breaks from lobbying, yes a lot over the years, 6 months, a year, a year and a half, I never really planned it I just wasn't interested and had other stuff on the go...real life.
Seeing an SP is Disney of sex...its not real to a certain extent more an escape.

So its really up to each person to decide but I can say this with certainty . If someone is a regular at a bar several times a week most people will label him or her as a ..........


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Seeing an SP is Disney of sex...its not real to a certain extent more an escape.

I would not say it's not real, quite the opposite, it's fucking real!!! But you are correct, it's an escape. For me, it's a fantasy, done with intelligent and beautiful princess :)



Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I was forced to after I lost a ton of money (when my real estate and financial investments crashed) in the aftermath of the fall of Lehman Brothers, where I stupidly bet that the Fed would bail it out like it did for Bear Sterns) and the ensuing Global Recession. As they say, no money, no honey. I was too depressed to want sex or anything else but driven to make my money back, which I did only recently. I was forced to abstain from sex (no SO or SP) for several years. I didn't even have the desire to pleasure myself or even watch porn. The cliche is so true: no money, no honey (of any type).


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I was forced to after I lost a ton of money (when my real estate and financial investments crashed) in the aftermath of the fall of Lehman Brothers, where I stupidly bet that the Fed would bail it out like it did for Bear Sterns) and the ensuing Global Recession. As they say, no money, no honey. I was too depressed to want sex or anything else but driven to make my money back, which I did only recently. I was forced to abstain from sex (no SO or SP) for several years. I didn't even have the desire to pleasure myself or even watch porn. The cliche is so true: no money, no honey (of any type).

what got you back into it?


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
i retird brefly for a littel over 1 year. for me it ment not logging into my merb acount but i didnt consider closing or deleting it. i didnt go to get togethers in that time either. had allots going on in life & didnt do hobying since for me saying abut paying for milk wen cow is free applied.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
what got you back into it?

After I made some of my money back, my mom became seriously ill, requiring full assistance and becoming bedridden. Being single without children, I became the default child to care for my mom 24/7. When I get a week off, when one of my sibling is able to come to relieve me when the kids are on school holidays, I began returning to Montreal. Besides catching up on sleep and trying to eat more healthy, I began Hobbying again; this time, I had spending money. So, every time I return to Montreal, it's literally like a prion break and I try to pack in as many ladies as my Mr. Johnson can handle. Being with SP' is therapeutic, reinvigorate and educational (no, really).


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I was forced to after I lost a ton of money (when my real estate and financial investments crashed) in the aftermath of the fall of Lehman Brothers, where I stupidly bet that the Fed would bail it out like it did for Bear Sterns) and the ensuing Global Recession. As they say, no money, no honey. I was too depressed to want sex or anything else but driven to make my money back, which I did only recently. I was forced to abstain from sex (no SO or SP) for several years. I didn't even have the desire to pleasure myself or even watch porn. The cliche is so true: no money, no honey (of any type).

2007 to 2012 were some very rough years for many. I knew a few bros who were very active hobbyists that stopped completely or really curtailed the frequency to their visits to Montreal. These guys were coming up to Montreal each month seeing at minimum six girls a trip and these were not one to two hour trysts mind you. Personally I made a great chunk of change in a quick period of time and then I had to watch out as it was a total eye sore going to work each day seeing the Dow dropping some 300 to 400 points a day during in 2008/2009. Not only that I was afraid my firm got into those worthless exotic hard to price crap as well. Luckily not so because my firm back then was a second/third tier kind of establishment and I dodged that bullet but I was still a somewhat nervous wreck.

Really sorry to hear about your situation ShyMan.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Really sorry to hear about your situation ShyMan.

Thanks, Bro. Numerati, it was tough. But it was a great learning lesson -- get out when my instincts tell me to, instead of trying to make a little extra. Greed is not good. Luckily, the markets came back alive. What goes up will come down, it's not if, but its a matter of when. The Dow may get to 20,000 for one or two days before the end of the year, because there is too much money on the sideline and bonuses are still yet to be decided. But after the New Year, there will be a correction in all of the markets, including equities and real estate markets.

For now, I'm on the sideline with my money and enjoying the fruits of my labor and luck, especially with the Montreal ladies.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Thanks, Bro. Numerati, it was tough. But it was a great learning lesson -- get out when my instincts tell me to, instead of trying to make a little extra. Greed is not good. Luckily, the markets came back alive. What goes up will come down, it's not if, but its a matter of when. The Dow may get to 20,000 for one or two days before the end of the year, because there is too much money on the sideline and bonuses are still yet to be decided. But after the New Year, there will be a correction in all of the markets, including equities and real estate markets.

For now, I'm on the sideline with my money and enjoying the fruits of my labor and luck, especially with the Montreal ladies.

I feel for you. In 2008-2009 I had to layoff about half my employee, no fun at all. Horrible actually.

Sorry to be a bit off topic. Do you think January will be then a good month to buy? Last Spring I had to take all of my investment out of the market as I had to completely reorganized my financial planning. I was about to reinter the market early september, but then I decided to wait for Trump. I gambled (and loss) that the market would collapse if he'd win. I should have known that market usually does the opposite of what everyone's think... Anyhow so you do expect a correction in early 2017, so it might then be a good time for me to reinter the market?



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Thanks, Bro. Numerati, it was tough. But it was a great learning lesson -- get out when my instincts tell me to, instead of trying to make a little extra. Greed is not good. Luckily, the markets came back alive. What goes up will come down, it's not if, but its a matter of when. The Dow may get to 20,000 for one or two days before the end of the year, because there is too much money on the sideline and bonuses are still yet to be decided. But after the New Year, there will be a correction in all of the markets, including equities and real estate markets.

For now, I'm on the sideline with my money and enjoying the fruits of my labor and luck, especially with the Montreal ladies.

When it comes to stocks learn to play both sides up and down. That was what saved me in the tech boom and crash in late 1990s/early 2000s and the 2008/2009 crisis. When it comes to real estate if the property doesn't generate positive monthly cash flow it is not an asset.

All of this is not investing but just pure speculation. Investing is when you put time and money into yourself. This is when you go and learn and obtain new skills constantly. This will help stay ahead of the pack and you will never be broke.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
When it comes to stocks learn to play both sides up and down.
All of this is not investing but just pure speculation. Investing is when you put time and money into yourself. This is when you go and learn and obtain new skills constantly. This will help stay ahead of the pack and you will never be broke.

You're right. I've learn the hard way; always hedge -- bet against yourself with put and call options on the same stocks. But at 20,000 or close to it, the Dow J is unsustainable; right now every investment bankers are talking up how President Trump is going to spend a ton of money on rebuilding America.

Yes, President Trump supposedly will investment huge sums on rebuilding outdated infrastructures and build new ones for the needs of the 21st century -- it's still all talk; where will the money come from and federal projects take at least 5 to 7 years before they break ground; there is federal, state and municipal bureaucracies. If you take NYC, Chicago and SF for example, public projects take forever to materialize.

And as for commercial and residential real properties, many projects were tabled after the 2008 Great Recession but resumed a few years later but when they hit the markets, most of them about the same projected time, there will be a glut, and if Trump-nomics do not pan out, there will be huge crashes in equity and real property markets. Long story short, I'd keep your money in cash.

Enjoy what Montreal has to offer, including the ladies; spend your money on the SP's; you only have one life to live. I would not get back into the equity market until the Dow Jones is back down to 15,000 and NASDAQ is back to 4,000. But I'll play with other people's money, if they want to invest in real properties in NY and CA, where I'm licensed as a Broker. (I have an economic and finance background as well.) If folks give you their monies to investment in equities, do it; commissions, baby!

But for now, I'm happier spending money on Montreal's SP and fine food, restaurants and performing arts in Montreal.


Jan 14, 2016
Yes, I took several long breaks since I started this in 2001 ... . Issues with many different circumstances made it impossible to hobby, thus calling for time out.
I remember back in the days when I was young and did care much about GFE. I could get a woody with a simple attractive tall ans slim girl showing me her breasts at any Strip club. Alfie bar on Decarie was my hang out place. I would get a woody just talking at a tall blonde girl !!!
Today, GFE is a must or I'd just bail out.
Going back to the purpose of this thread, YES I took several long breaks during my hobby years ! I bet I will take some more in the future. So far, no plan !
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