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Asking an escort to go out?


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Hi Siocnarf
So what about rich a famous and dating a SP?
Would that work ?

Rich and famous people, we only see what they show us. Often, the relationship can just be based on the fame and money. Sometimes it's real love. With actors and politicians who can tell?

Anything can work. In real life both partners have to know what they want and what they are willing to put up with. The other day, I watched Sommore, a stand-up comedian. She said a relationship is not about destiny or soul-mates but just about having someone who can put up with your shit (and she said a number of other funny things about sex; worth watching on Netflix).


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
greetings all !

Saw a independant SP on a regular basis. She was 26 and me 50. She had a real job, live with her folks and also went to university at night.So she came from a very good family but did some tricks to make some extra cash.

So my advice is if you want to date a SP, dont do it because you are tacking a very big chance of crashing and burning.And the odds are much higher than with a regular girl .

Tiger - you got to be kidding me? What did you expect? You think that a 50 something that is not filthy rich can really date a 26 year old SP? You made it last 20 months. I take my hat off to you my friend.

You heard the joke about the 50 something year old billionaire that wanted to marry his 26 year old girlfriend. She said that she would marry him with three conditions: First the girl said "I want 100 Million deposited in a bank account with my name on it."

The 50+ y.o. billionaire said "You got it."

Second she said "I want a chauffeur driven limo at my beck and call 24/7."

The 50 year old guy said "you got it."

Third she said "I want sex 7 nights a week."

The old guy said "You got it. Put me down for Tuesdays."

It is better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all.

Get well soon Tigerwood!


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Rich and famous people, we only see what they show us. Often, the relationship can just be based on the fame and money. Sometimes it's real love. With actors and politicians who can tell?

Anything can work. In real life both partners have to know what they want and what they are willing to put up with. The other day, I watched Sommore, a stand-up comedian. She said a relationship is not about destiny or soul-mates but just about having someone who can put up with your shit (and she said a number of other funny things about sex; worth watching on Netflix).
Hi Siocnarf
In one you state all bets are off in the other ,anything can work !
So witch is it ?
Simple answer will do !
Best Regards

Life is a bit different when you are rich and famous. It's much easier to live a fantasy, for one thing. I think Lily is not saying anything against age difference. Just that at 20 years old it's much more difficult to tell fantasy from reality and to have reasonable expectations about why or why not a woman is interested in your company. All the example you name are OLD men, not young idealistic men. When you're young it can be hard enough making sense of a regular girlfriend. Throw in an escort/client relationship and all bets are off.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Simple answer: both. It is not a contradiction. ''All bets are off'' means the situation is now completely unpredictable and a bookie would not run a book on the event (or he would cancel the bets already made).

Lily from Montreal

Yes Booker,I do not mean it is not possible but the example you use are nowhere real life representative:

Angelil seduced Celine Dion when she was 14 years' old!...Yes they've been together since then but their relation is no where ordinary...
Same as the Playboy guy...the 20 something bunny who married him is just a notch over a very successful sp...not ordinary lives her.

My point is that at Happy age it is hard enough to find love with a ordinary ,note that I do not use the word ''normal'',like I keep reading and boy does that make me cringe, but I digress,
So hard enough with an ordinary girl and you add the sp factor...recipe for disaster.

Actually older guys could pull of that friendship more easily if they could keep the boundaries in mind,I have favorites who I meet for lunches etc but they are mature enough not to get lost in the relation,just enjoy what is avaialble...
I do not see a idealistic young guy been able to even see and understand ,the shall I say,lines not to cross...

It is nice being young but it can cause some angst that only experience will cure...


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
People are still programmed to believe sex and intimacy is the ultimate limit. They think when you get good sex it's because you also have all the prerequisites for a good relationship. It's a dangerous mistake to make, especially with an escort.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's an escort's job to create an illusion of intimacy and connection with the client. When the job is well done, those who cannot separate reality from fantasy do not accept that it is "job well done". It is all about them, not the escort. I think there are a variety of reasons for this: (1) ego/wishful thinking; (2) possessive/misogynistic notions about women and women's sexuality and their ability or inability to be in control of a situation; (3) general inability to look in mirror and see reality for what it is. Usually if an escort gives you her phone number, or email addy, and/or sees you off the clock, it means she is comfortable with you as a client and feels you are a respectful gentlemen, nothing more nor less. When you start looking past that, one of the 3 factors listed above are at work to create what is called a delusion in your head. When delusions start appearing in one's head, time to go and get professional help. As Iggy already said, contemplation of suicide over any woman is completely irrational. What is rational is working to eliminate the appearances of delusions in one's head.

If I had $5 for every guy I have spoken to who found out that a woman he was in a supposedly monogamous relationship with was sleeping around, i could retire with what I have in my IRA. Most guys have double standards - they can sleep around, but when the "main woman" in his life does it, it is a major foul. This is essentially a subtly misogynistic world view, much like what the Islamists hold - they get to have 10 wives, but if one of them cheats, she gets stoned to death for adultery. Western men do not behave the same way, but they think the same way in some respects, as far as their expectations of what should occur between them and their women.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
It's an escort's job to create an illusion of intimacy and connection with the client. When the job is well done, those who cannot separate reality from fantasy do not accept that it is "job well done". It is all about them, not the escort. I think there are a variety of reasons for this: (1) ego/wishful thinking; (2) possessive/misogynistic notions about women and women's sexuality and their ability or inability to be in control of a situation; (3) general inability to look in mirror and see reality for what it is.

Well said, what so many people can't accept is that these ladies are acting. They are not into the client nor do they find someone 20 to 40 years older then them attractive or a turn on. It is all about the money, nothing more, nothing less. In a recent interview on cnn Bryan Cranston who won a tony for his portayal of Lyndon B Johnson says when he was a young actor he had a make out scene with a young actress. She was so convincing he thought she was really into him.
He approached her later on and she just brushed him off like he was nothing and he said it was only afterwards that he realized she was only acting. It just reminded me so much of the many times that i read Johns saying how much the escort was into them. What they don't get is they were only acting.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Simple answer: both. It is not a contradiction. ''All bets are off'' means the situation is now completely unpredictable and a bookie would not run a book on the event (or he would cancel the bets already made).

Hi Siocnarf;
Hi all
Who's talking about contradiction ?
Unpredictability of a issue or anything can happen !!!!Seems unpredictable ????Doesn't ???????
Warm Regards


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
their relation is no where ordinary...
Same as the Playboy guy...the 20 something bunny who married him is just a notch over a very successful sp...not ordinary lives her.

My point is that at Happy age it is hard enough to find love with a ordinary ,note that I do not use the word ''normal'',like I keep reading and boy does that make me cringe, but I digress,
So hard enough with an ordinary girl and you add the sp factor...recipe for disaster.

Actually older guys could pull of that friendship more easily if they could keep the boundaries in mind,I have favorites who I meet for lunches etc but they are mature enough not to get lost in the relation,just enjoy what is avaialble...
I do not see a idealistic young guy been able to even see and understand ,the shall I say,lines not to cross...

It is nice being young but it can cause some angst that only experience will cure...
Hi Lily
Hi all
I have intentionally used the extreme examples in age difference relationships !! What do ordinary guys believes something extraordinary will happen to him a 20 something bombshell SP will simply fall in love with him?????Hummmmm
Maturity is a important component of any relationships !
To create Fantasy and Phantasm witch a SP must do to satisfy the clients, IT creates the right recipe for lies?Doesn't?
And to be lied too is a reason for mistrust and conflicts ?
Withstanding everything that was discussed in this thread ,it is still hard to believe that guys will provide there personal phone number To a gorgeous young escort in the hopes something will get out of it ?????Are they looking to get burnt or its only freebies there after ??
But its probably subject for another thread topic ??
Would a 40 years old Drop Dead gorgeous SP with a client her age be a better successful scenario??
Anyhow Lily I do appreciate your insight
Keep the good work
Be safe


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Years back I went to a well know MP and had a session with a MT and on my way out saw a girl in the corridor who knocked me over. Try as I might to book this girl I was never able. Eventually I was told she quit the business :( that being said I actually went to another place about a year later and when the presentation was done....yes, you guessed, she was one of the girls who came in. She didn't remember me but I remembered her. Well we had a GREAT session and afterwards I explained what had happened at the other place and she told me that she also does this independently as well, massage. I took her number and we saw each other a few times as an independent. One thing led to another and we eventually had sex, remember this was 10 years ago. I had now seen her roughly 20 times and we had become friends with me spending more time with her chatting and having a glass of wine and less time , well you know. Then I asked her out on a date, lunch to be on the safe side. One thing led to another and we ended up together for a little over 6 years, me divorced, her divorced and us living a normal life. She quit the business and went back to school (yes I helped with this ) and although we are no longer together, she is not in the business any longer and we remain good friends ( no not friends with benefits). The only downside to this was the fact that yes I was deeply in love with this woman and prepared to spend the rest of my life with her, she on the other hand did not feel the same, it happens, but had nothing to do with her being in the business. If I had it to do over I would do the same thing but I am careful about how involved I get with anyone, in this business or not but I do understand the pitfalls of dating someone in the business.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Unpredictability of a issue or anything can happen !!!!Seems unpredictable ????Doesn't ???????

If anything can happen, then it is difficult to predict the outcome. The more possibilities you have, the harder it is to know what will happen.

You can find any kind of unusual couples. But when a new unusual couple forms, it's just impossible to predict if it will work. It is difficult enough to predict how successful a regular couple will be. When you add some unusual combination of people it becomes even more difficult to guess.

The success of a couple is often difficult to measure, because no one outside really knows if both are happy or not. If a couple are happy for 2 years and then decide to quit, are they less successful than a couple that is faithfull for 20 years, but miserable together from day one? The important is not to be monogamous at all cost, or together for ever or to have 2.5 children. It's to be happy in the arrangement you have.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
You can find any kind of unusual couples. But when a new unusual couple forms, it's just impossible to predict if it will work. It is difficult enough to predict how successful a regular couple will be. When you add some unusual combination of people it becomes even more difficult to guess.

The success of a couple is often difficult to measure, because no one outside really knows if both are happy or not. If a couple are happy for 2 years and then decide to quit, are they less successful than a couple that is faithfull for 20 years, but miserable together from day one? The important is not to be monogamous at all cost, or together for ever or to have 2.5 children. It's to be happy in the arrangement you have.
Hi again
What your saying has a certain sense to it !
Obviously a sex industry worker witch branch there in escorting ,stripper turning tricks or porn related work makes a major obstacle to a real sense of reality the girls are receiving a multitude of proposal free vacation free housing free cars and many others it certainly putting a big if on a real love life some can manage
But they are the rare kind does it last every couple is soumitted de pressure !
If you start with a deficit of 0-3 in a best out four the probabilities are not on your side
Warm Regards


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2007
In my experience, you don't ask a sp/mp out; she does. It has happened to me on multiple occasions and I must say I have endulged. But never grew feelings, it is a very tricky situation... I mean you can hang out with the chick but then when she "goes to work"you know exactly what's up. Of course you can ask her to quit but then....she'll rely on you for transition support.

Besides, easy money changes a human's relation to its value (wether it is in this industry or any other means) and that stays in the girl's perception for a while. It is also easy for them to step back in the business the minute you "take a break" or soemthing goes wrong....

So ya its tempting, and there are SP/MP out there that are bright, funny and basically awsome....but its just a very tricky situation to step in.


New Member
Aug 17, 2012
If you want to date a sp/mp, you must accept that she will continue her job if she likes it.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Its a difficult concept to date a escort !
Since her sources of revenues is seeing men for money and offering GFE experiences to all her clients !
A guy must be very open minded for it to succeed and the SP has well .

Its a situation I went through myself , a few times ,I have no regrets ,but that is me !


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