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Asking girls for BBFS


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Out of curiosity how far is he willing to go to "protect" his staff. In some part of the world Pimps would kick the shit out of the customer if he did something to the girl.he didn't pay for or was not agreed by the pimp. If he has no muscle he can't do much. You might want to write little posts all you want but in the end if you can't make sure that there are real consequences this will become something you'll have to deal regularly.
The consequences are that the person will be banned from Euphoria and possibly other agencies as well if he decides to share that person's info with those agencies. I for one am glad he's taking a proactive role in trying to put a stop to this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The consequences are that the person will be banned from Euphoria and possibly other agencies as well if he decides to share that person's info with those agencies. I for one am glad he's taking a proactive role in trying to put a stop to this.

The other day a TER escort outed two hobbyists for some unspecified violation. She released their contact info complete with pictures. She was a 1400$/hour fetish escort. She was banned from TER for outing her clients. 1400$ is about half my annual budget for girls.

In the case of James, I think a ban and a blacklisting are in order for this type of behavior. We have got to be smarter.


New Member
May 14, 2016
personal comment: Is it just me, or do you feel strange when a subject open about "what some hobbists might do wrong" we are having automatically an auto-defense replica that state that "oh, you know, girls are doing it too!" Me think sincerely that girls are just answering to the demands and there's someone, somewhere, that show them that was "working" like that. Because that's such strange, all the ladies that I know are just scared about BBFS.

"Some Hobbyists"? There should never be any question BBFS is being banned from any side of the hobby. If there is a banned list it should include anyone involved.


Oct 31, 2011
Perth, Australia & Eastern Canada
I support the idea of outing the clients asking and the sp's offering the service.

A solid stance from any agency, regarding these safety practices, is a much more attractive agency in my opinion.

I really respect the fact that you are publicly announcing your standards on this service and the consequences!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I saw Shelly and Stella last night. They both confirm what James mentioned. Worse is that they are asked or guy try to bbfs every week on them!!!!

Fuck that makes me mad. I swear to god if I could just confront 1 time a fucking dude doing that on them.. just once... I am not tall or heavy but I would find the stamina to remove the fucking dude out of all his teeth!



New Member
Apr 3, 2012
That's exactly the kind of behaviour that would discourage guys from trying BBFS or asking for it.
Getting Banned from an agency or two agencies? That's not enough, they'll just try a third one. The agency having such drastic policy will simply never hear such stories again, from their girls anyways.

Aside from that there is not much you can do, instruct the staff on the internal policies and ban clients.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
That's exactly the kind of behaviour that would discourage guys from trying BBFS or asking for it.
Getting Banned from an agency or two agencies? That's not enough, they'll just try a third one. The agency having such drastic policy will simply never hear such stories again, from their girls anyways.

What you are banning is a telephone number a email a address ,a civic address but not the guy himself .There's no way a newbie girl can recognize a client that was banned 2 months ago .

The other problem when it's not the same booker on the lines ,he can't recognize the voice calling from a different number .




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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It's up to the agency to educate the girls on what to do when guys ask for bbfs especially the debutantes.

If it is universally known that bbfs is not accepted then the guys will not ask.

If the guys are asking it's because they've gotten it before.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If it is universally known that bbfs is not accepted then the guys will not ask.

If the guys are asking it's because they've gotten it before.

What you are basically saying is "Don't Feed The Bears." However such advice is not needed when the Bear population is controlled through hunting. It's when you expose populated areas to too many bears that they get fed, eat garbage and then launch attacks on pets, property and people. So keep the Bears away from your agency and no advice is needed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I've got it! Why not show the girls and all the hobbyists those anti-VD propaganda films that they show to us during basic training in the military. The instructor would say "Now here's a picture of my girl" and then he would show some black hole that used to be a vagina in the last stage of syphilis or something. You will be putting two condoms on before you see any of these girls.

But seriously...something has changed in Montreal or is Montreal going through a phase? Like Jelimon, I too am surprised that Johns are asking for this. I have been seeing girls since 2001 really but 2007 on a regular basis in Montreal. I have never thought to ask for BBFS and no one has thought to offer. 4 or 5 months ago, a friend of mine asked if escort (XYZ) asked me if I wanted BBFS. That was a puzzling question I thought. I said "No." My friend said that escort XYZ has been offering this option. Before this, I remember reading Doc's old post about BBFS being offered if you really knew the girl. I hadn't done a girl more than 3 times and I hardly see a girl twice - I like to explore - so maybe this is why poor old Hungry was never offered this.

My point is the following: This is a two way street. Could it be that some girls at the agency or at a agency were offering this service? Could it be that some hobbyists started to consider this the norm and asked for it during subsequent meetings with different girls? Just a question.

We ought to be a little smarter than girls as young as 18 and there is no rationale for guys pulling off condoms while doing doggie. That is a dastardly act.

Full disclosure - I was once offered BBFS in Brazil from a girl that I met at the Terma Monte Carlo. She met me after the Termas closed. She would have been the first escort I ever fell in with and I popped twice at the termas and we went out to eat and she wanted to fuck all night. I couldn't cum again. She made a motion to me (my porto was awful at the time) to ask if I use intervenes drugs and I said no. Then she offered me BBFS. I refused. I tried to explain that it was no good for her and no good for me. She absolutely wanted a relationship and wanted a white knight to change her wouldn't be me.
I have also had three condoms break in side a girl. The last time it was while having sex with a Brazil who just had twins 2 years prior and she is really a Montreal spinner. She was so upset. I said "Nao se preocupe amor. Estou fixo" Don't worry I'm fixed. I would hate this girl to run off and say this gringo tried to have BBFS with me when the damn condom turned into a cock ring.


Sep 4, 2006
Thankfully I have never been offered either, but there are only 2 in Montreal I repeated with (and still see) on a regular basis. You can never know for sure, but none of the people I have seen were revealed to me having ever offered anyone bbfs. Of course I saw several Eleganza women back in the day so the revelations in this thread are a bit unsettling. I heard a lot of rumors about the operator but never believed he was sleeping with the women he represented, and bbfs no less!


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
My point is the following: This is a two way street. Could it be that some girls at the agency or at a agency were offering this service? Could it be that some hobbyists started to consider this the norm and asked for it during subsequent meetings with different girls? Just a question.


Exactly Hungry ,2 way street ,Some clients will ask ,some will trick the girl in to it ,Some girl will offer it and some will trick the client .
The worst case scenario consenting client and consenting SP ,they will not talk about it .
Another worst case scenario The SP bareback in her private life with cheating boyfriend

The competition for clients is intense between girls of all agencies and even of the same agency .

It becomes difficult to completely eradicate the phenomenon
Anyhow they are other risk for the ladies then the traditional STD's or HIV it's cervical cancer
HPV is actually a group of more than 150 related viruses, 40 of which are sexually transmitted. Infection with HPV is often innocuous, as the body can clear the virus without the person experiencing any health consequences or even realizing they were infected. However, certain types of the virus are known as high-risk because they have been found to cause 99 percent of cervical cancers, as well as cancers of the vagina, vulva, penis, anus, head, neck, and throat.

There is risk Factors involve in escorting ,however responsible people keep it to a minimum


Sep 14, 2015
Back when I was seeing this indy girl she told me about some clients who would often ask or try to do that, and she would blacklist them on her phone, but they would get a new phone number months later and try to book her again. They try THAT hard.

I offered to round up a few of my friends and give the guy a "friendly" lesson, but she didn't take up the offer :p

I've heard the same story from a couple of the Euphoria girls too, including clients who got banned and then booked again with a new number. One girl had to cancel the rest of her calls because she was in such a bad mood after an incident, so one person ruined it for everyone else that day. Don't be an idiot, respect boundaries.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Today with texting apps shutting an undesirable client down is next to impossible. I was in contact with an SP who was telling me that she has been freaked out lately by a client she refused to see, because of demands he was making via text. She blocked his number and lo and behold another text from a new number. Then he started sending texts commenting on the clothes she was wearing so obviously he was now stalking her. Look this is a dangerous business for these young women and pushing their limits is unacceptable. Even more unacceptable is the practice that some SP's have of advertising BBFS and creampie. I have seriously considered stopping this hobby for sometime now and this type of thread only confirms the dangerous practices taking place. :(
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