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Barack Obama: A Historic President

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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Marty my boy. Out of self-respect, I choose to follow the advice I have given to Merlot. I will not engage in discourse with the intellectually debilitated, the lazy, the brainwashed, the confused, or those divorced from reality. Having linked Obama and Socialism, you have clearly demonstrated that you are at least the latter, and likely several of the prior. I will not engage with you.

Oh please!!! Where did I ever link Obama & Socialism?? (did an advanced search using the function labled "Advanced Search" in the header and it turned up nothing)!!! Another BS unproven assertion from the self-appointed expert....LOL

.......Gee rumps, having lost the debate on the facts your only recourse is to simply delete the thread. Now, let's wait and see.


Just like Obama and Pelosi, when faced with the facts rumps & Merlot simply act like "deers caught in the headlights" and freeze in position. Of course when the American People spoke in the last election (voting over overwhelmingly against the Obama/Pelosi agenda), the only thing Pelosi could do is running around the back alleyways of the Capitol Buiding elluding the press. She's spent most of her time since then rallying support for 2012 congressional canidates to get herself back in power. One wonders if she could have better used it helping the American People????.....!!!!!

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
You and I proved our point, CS. Rumps can't debate on facts, because he doesn't know any. This quote proves that the only thing about politics or issues that Ruimps knows is to denigrate and demonize the opposition, and then refuse to have any engagement with them on the issues.

You proved what you are, Rumps. It is not flattering.

Yes, rumps continues his unbroken stream of FOPA's** and misinformation. Kind of reminds me of Hitler's early days around 1933.

**really rumps, I didn't mean that accidental double entendre. It just came out that way naturally....No seriously.....Yes Really!!!...:cool:


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Oh please!!! Where did I ever link Obama & Socialism?? (did an advanced search using the function labled "Advanced Search" in the header and it turned up nothing)!!! Another BS unproven assertion from the self-appointed expert....LOL

.......Gee rumps, having lost the debate on the facts your only recourse is to simply delete the thread. Now, let's wait and see.


Just like Obama and Pelosi, when faced with the facts rumps & Merlot simply act like "deers caught in the headlights" and freeze in position. Of course when the American People spoke in the last election (voting over overwhelmingly against the Obama/Pelosi agenda), the only thing Pelosi could do is running around the back alleyways of the Capitol Buiding elluding the press. She's spent most of her time since then rallying support for 2012 congressional canidates to get herself back in power. One wonders if she could have better used it helping the American People????.....!!!!!


It's called being a drone. Politicians like Pelosi and Obama put out this pie in the sky ideology that says people who own businesses or work for corporations are greedy and have too much money. Of course, Pelosi and Obama have made and have their money. But villify the other people who earned their money thru hard work and hold them up as an example of greed.

Pelosi and Obama have no other plan than to raise taxes on the "producers" and give it to the non-producers. The result - the producers don't invest as much, which leads to not hiring, which leads to less consumer spending, which leads to layoffs, which leads to even less consumer spending, which leads to more layoffs.

Then Obama and Pelosi get the idea of borrowing more money in the name of Stimulus or Jobs bill to give to green companies, some which fail like Solyndra, the solar panel company that declared bankruptcy while receiving a 500 million dollar loan. 4 and a half trillion dollars later, our economy is worse than when the Dems took power almost 3 years ago.

Guys like Merlot and Rumps only repeat the party line, which is propaganda. You can't win debates or make any valid points with propaganda.

Also, I am the one calling Obama a socialist. Why? Because Obama follows the Saul Alinsky school. Alinsky, in his rules for Radicals, proposed that the socialist get inside the system instead of protesting it from the outside, as they did in the 1950's. Then they would be able to break the system and impose Socialism, as no other alternative. As Rahm Emanuel said, Never let a crisis go to waste.

Obamacare, or the Affordable Healthcare Act (it's anything but affordable) is designed to stress the private health insurance providers so much that it will bankrupt them and then a crisis will ensue, and the Congress will have no other choice than to pass a Universal Healthcare bill.

Why do I say this? Because insurance companies will have to raise premiums so high to cover the mandates and regulations that no one will be able to afford the coverage. You see it happening now. My insurance has gone up 20 percent in 2 years without going to the next age category. Plus, with the provision that insurance companies cannot refuse people for pre-existing conditions, people will pay the fine until they get sick and then get health insurance when they absolutely need it.

This wreckless spending is also designed to break the system. Yes, I think Obama is that sinister. But I also think that Americans once they get wind of it, will rebel against Obama and liberals and vote them out. Americans are not the most political savy, but most are not drones. They want to prosper and for their children to prosper.

Yes, you have the die hard like Rumps, for what reason I will never figure out. Rumps is married to an ideology which will not benefit, and in fact in the end hurt him financially. He is not a School Administrator or a Government Bureaucrat. He is, from what I read on this board, a business man. He enjoys the fruits of his labor. Under the Alinksky model, he will no longer prosper. Fewer and fewer people will prosper. It's really how Socialism works, as evident in the former Soviet Union. So why he thinks the way he does is a mystery to me.

But you will never see Rumps explain his view why or how Socialism or the Leftist policies of Obama and Pelosi will help Americans prosper, because whatever he comes up with would be short and make no sense, because it's propaganda.


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Obamacare costing Americans jobs ...

Here's an article with facts backing up its claim:

September 15, 2011
Slow Employment Growth? Look to Obamacare
By Diana Furchtgott-Roth

WASHINGTON- You can't open a newspaper or turn on the TV these days without tax talk. Should the reduction in worker payroll taxes be continued in 2012? Should it be extended to employers? Are Americans who earn over $200,000 annually entitled to the full value of their itemized deductions? Are the rich paying their fair share?

President Obama raised these questions in proposing how to pay for his $447 jobs bill.

But no one seems to be talking about the $2,000 per worker tax on employers, to begin in 2014. Enacted as part of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, it will be levied on firms with 50 or more employees who do not offer the right kind of health insurance to their workers.

Millions of Americans are looking for work, and the number in poverty, 46.2 million, is the highest since the Census Bureau began compiling poverty data 52 years ago.

This tax might be one reason for the slow employment growth we observe two years after the end of the recession, in June 2009.

Although the tax will not take effect until 2014, businesses are adjusting now. They are not stupid, they plan ahead.

Some people might say that this tax is just a payment for a new service. However, if providing workers with new health insurance means that employers hire fewer workers, it is a self-destructive program.

Congress intended to exempt businesses with few workers from the new tax, but the new law made no provision for franchise businesses, small businesses that are part of a group of businesses whose combined employment might reach 50 or more.

Franchisors, like Dairy Queen, and franchisees, the local business people who operate individual Dairy Queen stands, own groups of small businesses, such as stores, restaurants, motels, and hotels. They often employ 50 or more people at several locations that are commonly owned. Think of a group of Dunkin Donuts, or Jiffy Lubes, or McDonald's. Each one may have fewer than 50 workers, but the group of restaurants together employs 50 or more.

Price WaterhouseCoopers, the accounting firm, has estimated that 828,000 franchise establishments in America account for more than $468 billion of GDP and more than 9 million jobs, based on data from the Census Bureau.

Franchise businesses can be organized in several ways. In some cases the franchisor, or parent company, will own and operate some locations while independent franchisees operate other locations. In other cases, a franchisee will own a single location or "unit." In a third configuration, a franchisee will own multiple locations, referred to as a "multi-unit franchisee."

More than half of all franchised establishments are owned by multi-unit franchisees.

Where the franchisor and the franchisee own and operate multiple locations, these sets of firms are treated as one company for tax and health care purposes.

The Affordable Care Act would put many franchise businesses at a disadvantage relative to local, non-franchise competitors by driving up their operating costs. The multi-unit franchisees will have a particularly difficult time operating in this uneven business environment.

Suppose a single multi-unit franchisee owns four establishments with 15 full-time employees each. Under the new health care law, this multi-unit franchisee will be treated as a single firm with 60 full-time employees, and the employer will be required by law to provide healthcare benefits for all employees or pay the tax of $2,000 per full-time employee per year.

But if these four establishments were owned and operated separately, they would be exempt from the requirement of providing healthcare benefits. Further, if these four separately-owned businesses choose to offer health insurance, they would in some cases be entitled to a small-employer tax credit.

When the employer mandates go into effect in 2014, many franchised businesses will be motivated to reduce the number of locations and move workers from full-time to part-time status.

The problem is not limited to franchise businesses. It also will affect entrepreneurs who open additional branches of their businesses. It is an obstacle to expansion.

The disincentive in the Act to hire additional workers is a matter if simple arithmetic. If a business does not offer health insurance, then, beginning in 2014, it will be subject to a tax if it employs more than 49 workers in all its establishments. For 49 workers, the tax is zero. For 50 workers, the tax is $40,000, since the business does not pay the tax on the first 30 workers. For 75 workers, it is $90,000; and for 150 workers, the tax is $240,000. Each time a business adds another employee, the tax rises.

Employers will be forced to decide whether the tax rate, $2,000, is less than the cost of health insurance-as is entirely possible in today's market.

Alternatively, businesses can reduce costs by substituting part-time workers for full-time workers.

A firm with 55 full-time workers and 7 part-time workers that does not offer health insurance would pay a tax of $50,000. By keeping the number of hours worked the same, reducing full-time workers and increasing part-time workers, until the firm reaches 49 full-time workers and 19 part-time workers, the tax would be completely eliminated.

In order to avoid the tax, it would pay firms to share employees so they worked fewer than 30 hours at each place of employment. Firms also have an added incentive to become more automated, to use more machinery and employ fewer workers.

Unemployment is stubbornly high, and employers show little willingness to hire. It's time for President Obama and Congress to review the new health care law to see if it may be more of a problem than a solution to securing America's future.

Diana Furchtgott-Roth is a contributing editor of RealClearMarkets, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and a columnist for the Examiner


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Man, stop with the excuses will ya? Your so called "historical President" will go down in history all right, but not for the reasons your dreaming of. As far as you not being able to debate with others because it is like banging your head against a wall, well, what do you think it is like for us in regards to debating you? Thing is, we dont take our ball and go home or give up, or have the attitude if i ignore then it does not exist, reality check, you can run but you can not hide, get it? probably not :lol:

As far as your classless comment about income making you a better person than the next guy is pathetic and you just went to an all time low in the views of anyone with a brain. Most likely i make more money than you and not for one second does it make me feel like i am better than you or anyone else on merb or anywhere for that matter. What a horrible thing to say. Hate to see the day you meet Karma, please do not tell her i said hello. You simply are unbelievable rumps :nono:

True. There are many who felt from the start of Obama's administration that the damage wrought by the Bush years would condemn Obama to a single term as the repair job is more than a four year item. The American public is sadly impatient. Unfortunately, the recovery is going slower than it should due to Republican intransigence.

As soon as you hear anyone, in conversation, use the word Obama and Socialist in the same sentence, recognize the fact that you are dealing with someone hopelessly out of touch with reality and cease wasting your time exchanging with them. It's a form of banging your head against the wall that will come to no good end.

It's been said that the miracle of the Republican party is that they consistently manage to get a huge portion of the American people to vote against their own best interests. CS Martin and the appropriately monickered Daydreamer are perfect examples. (I'm assuming that these two are bringing in less than a million a year apiece.)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Words dont lie... no matter what you meant, you said it and we all know what you meant. Sad, but typical
If you had a brain, you'd probably have enough of a grasp of the English language to know that I said nothing of the same. You should consider a remedial English class.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Words dont lie... no matter what you meant, you said it and we all know what you meant. Sad, but typical
Let me explain this to you, iggy. It's really quite simple. What I said was that people who make less than $1,000,000 are voting against themselves when they vote Republican, not that they are lesser human beings. It really shouldn't have been that hard to understand for someone who claims English as his first language.

And, iggy, you really shouldn't be commenting on or hurling insults at posts that are beyond your level of comprehension.


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It's been said that the miracle of the Republican party is that they consistently manage to get a huge portion of the American people to vote against their own best interests. CS Martin and the appropriately monickered Daydreamer are perfect examples. (I'm assuming that these two are bringing in less than a million a year apiece.)

Words dont lie... no matter what you meant, you said it and we all know what you meant. Sad, but typical

Originally Posted by rumpleforeskiin
If you had a brain, you'd probably have enough of a grasp of the English language to know that I said nothing of the same. You should consider a remedial English class.

Hey Rumps, were you talking about yourself when you said brainless and needing a remedial English class?

Because I looked up the word monickered and No results were found. Maybe you put in an extra letter? So don't throw stones in your glass house. And far as being a daydreamer, you would be more appropriately named that my friend, because there has never been a thing a Liberal has done that has not screwed life up for the rest of us. Delusional is a better nickname for you.

And there you go to insulting (if you had a brain) once someone disagrees with you. I personally think Iggy has a lot more brains than you do.


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Let me explain this to you, iggy. It's really quite simple. What I said was that people who make less than $1,000,000 are voting against themselves when they vote Republican, not that they are lesser human beings. It really shouldn't have been that hard to understand for someone who claims English as his first language.

And, iggy, you really shouldn't be commenting on or hurling insults at posts that are beyond your level of comprehension.

Rumps, you are the king of insults.


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From the Horses mouth ... Obama responsible for Democrat's loss

I was sunk by Obama: Weprin

Last Updated: 8:04 AM, September 16, 2011

Posted: 2:03 AM, September 16, 2011

Democrat David Weprin said yesterday that President Obama’s sagging popularity among Queens and Brooklyn voters cost him the election for ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner’s congressional seat.

In a stunning upset, Weprin was trounced by Republican Bob Turner, whose campaign had tied him to the president.

“The message of the campaign was ‘Send Obama a message,’ ” said Weprin, a Queens state assemblyman. “I think the problem was that he’s the president and people are frustrated, and it’s just natural to take it out on the top guy -- or the top guy’s party.

“As much as I tried to make it about David Weprin or Bob Turner, I don’t think that resonated to voters. I think that voters looked at it as a referendum on the president,’’ Weprin said.

Democrats outnumber Republicans 3 to 1 in the district.

During one press conference, Weprin refused to say whether he backed Obama’s re-election. In fact, he did not mention the president in his literature, nor did he seek Obama’s endorsement.

And Weprin criticized the president’s policies toward Israel.

But while Obama was an albatross for Weprin, political experts said other factors contributed to the Democrat’s loss -- including the widely shared view that he was a lackluster candidate whose campaign committed strategic blunders.

Meanwhile, Orthodox Jews and other conservative voters pulled the lever for Turner in large numbers to protest Weprin’s vote for gay marriage. Weprin himself is an Orthodox Jew.

Read more:

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
I thought about not posting in this specific thread as long as rumps is not available to defend it. It seems to me to be bad form to do such a thing. As I was writing this note, I realized what an unworkable problem it would be extending this type of courtesy. It's just not workable. So, I am going to tone it down until rumps is here to defend his thread.


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I don't think there is anything wrong with this specific thread or posting it with its thread starter away. I am going to do it with reason and respectfully.

Obama is a historic President. He is the first black or half black President. He was raised by his mother's parents and his mother. His father, who is African, skipped out on him.

From what I can see of him, I get the impression that he is a good family man and a good father. He deserves credit for that since his father was not there for him.

As a politician, he is skilled. He gained a state Senate seat in Illinios and a US Senate seat in little time. For the Presidency, he was in the right place at the right time. He deserves credit for his masterful campaign against Hillary, who everyone thought was a shoe-in for the nomination. He did put on a decent campaign. But he really won because McCain was a weak candidate and because of the credit crisis just before the election.

But if he is judged by what type of President he has been and conditions or he does not change, I think historians will not be too kind on him. His mantle-piece legislation, the Healthcare bill, is causing too much concern for businesses for them to hire more than they absolutely need. If not for this legislation and the Dodd-Frank bill, unemployment may have been down to 7.5 percent by now and we would not be facing the possibility of another recession, which I read on marketwatch some economists put at a 1 in 3 chance right now.

Obama is too tied to his ideology. Bill Clinton reached acrossed the isle and worked with the Republican congress, and achieved results. Obama attacks his opposition and chides them. You cannot get any progress except for gridlock when you insist on your way and dismiss the opposition's ideas. I don't see Obama changing at all before the election.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007

I think you've made a very fair and accurate statement. I support your conclusions. Frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing Hillary run instead of Barack. I think she's a more credible canidate that I might even be able to support. Let's face it though, Ronnie's first term was outstanding.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
You've just earned the wrath of Liberal...Liberal...Liberal. :D
Actually, I agree.
Now I wonder if you will be torn up with cut and paste repetitive worn out party parroting quips on principle, or just me because it's personal.

Doubt either, but let's remember that people mused that Ronnie was a bit liberal when he first started running for president. Let's face it Hillary/Slick Willie was able to reach across the isle. The comment does nothing but cement my centrist position. Centrists are very difficult for either side to understand because centrists are wise enough to be fair and consider the real good of the nation. As for it being personal on your part, the sad part is debating on politics used to be gentlemanly. The oponents didn't make it personal, rather opting for the more mature pathway of recognizing the other's right to be wrong. Seems your brand of politics doesn't allow for this.

Obama word of the day is: "Lightsquared", Google it!!!!

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
A couple of quotes from the Huffington Post that support my original statements:

Ron Suskind Book 'Confidence Men': Tim Geithner Ignored Obama Order On Banks

Suskind states that Obama accepts the blame for mismanagement in his administration while noting that restructuring the financial system was complicated and could have resulted in deeper financial harm.

The book says one of Obama's top advisers, former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, was not the president's first choice for the position. According to Suskind, Emanuel's name was not even on the initial short list, which included White House aide Pete Rouse.

Background on Dan Suskind:
An investigative reporter, Suskind won a Pulitzer Prize in 1995 while working for the Wall Street Journal.
His other books include "The Way of the World" (2008), which focused on national security, and "The Price of Loyalty" (2004). That best-seller was an account of the Bush administration and its first treasury secretary, Paul O'Neill, that includes what became a widely cited remark by then-Vice President Dick Cheney: "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter."
Suskind's 1998 book, "A Hope Unseen," grew out of the series of articles that won him a Pulitzer for feature writing.

Editorial Comment: For my Republican friends out there, I realize that quoting the Huffington Post is akin to quoting Fox News with respect to the Democrats. However, it was the only review I saw that mentions Rahm Emanuel. Despite some of the corruption stories coming out in the press, I still don’t see Obama as intentionally evil. Just as I said over a year ago, HE'S A VERY POOR MANAGER. Anyone know if Obama took management classes at Harvard?


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Here's an article on Obama's fantasy jobs bill. Fantasy, because, the bill doesn't exist in written form yet and it is unlikely that it will. Yet, House Clown Nancy Pelosi backs 100 percent. Obama is becoming the biggest laughing stock ever to be in the office of President.

September 17, 2011 10:03 PM PrintText

Even Democrats skeptical of Obama's jobs act
By Whit Johnson

(CBS News) President Obama called again for quick passage of his jobs bill during his weekly media address Saturday.

Our latest CBS News/New York Times poll puts his approval rating at just 43 percent - his lowest yet.

CBS News correspondent Whit Johnson reports his jobs plan is proving a tough sell, even to some Democrats.

To sell America on his plan for the economy, President Obama will need support from Democrats like Joshua Scannell.

House GOP rejects Obama jobs proposals

"He hasn't done much to please me since he's been in office," Scannell said.

A former Obama '08 campaign volunteer, Scannell has little faith in the President's new jobs bill.

"I think that it's a bad bill. I think that it's a bill that doesn't actually produce the kind of jobs we need," Scannell said.

In the recent CBS News/New York Times poll, 47 percent of Americans say they are not confident that the American Jobs Act will put people back to work.

Still, President Obama is crisscrossing the country, arguing his combination of tax cuts and investments is the best way forward.

"Everything in the American Jobs Act is the kind of idea that's been supported by Democrats and Republicans before," Mr. Obama said in his radio address.

But some Democrats on Capitol Hill aren't convinced. Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio says that as the bill stands now, he won't vote for it.

"Half of it is tax cuts, and quite frankly tax cuts don't work. We've been doing tax cuts for eleven years," DeFazio said.

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia doesn't like the price tag.

"The ugly part of that act is $450 billion of spending, after we've spent, spent, spent. And I've said if spending would have cured our problems, we'd have no problems," Manchin said.

About 68 percent of Americans seem to agree, saying President Obama has made no real progress on the economy.

If that doesn't change, even life-long Democrats like Scannell might stay home come November 2012, putting the president's re-election in jeopardy.

"I would probably vote for Obama, but if I don't have to, I won't," Scannell said.

On Monday, President Obama will reveal how he plans to pay for the jobs act.

Despite the criticism House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said this week that her caucus is united in support of the bill, and that Congress should act on it right away


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Ted Leonsis Comments on Class Warfare

Ted Leonsis is the majority owner of the Washington Wizards (NBA), Washington Capitals (NHL), and Washington Mystics (WNBA). He has been a Liberal and a supporter of Obama. He is maxed out in his contributions to the Obama re-election campaign. He comments below on being the subject of Obama's war on "successful" people like himself. Leonsis is pretty much on target. Obama is creating a distraction, not solving the problem.

Class Warfare - Yuck!

Let me get this on the record.

My dad was a waiter. My mom was a secretary. Neither attended college. I grew up in Brooklyn, NY and Lowell, Massachusetts. I attended public schools. My parents - in their best year - earned $31,000 combined. My dad worked for tips - often received in change - as he worked a counter for breakfast and lunch at a diner. My dad, too, once lost his job. I remember the angst in our household.

I attended Georgetown University which at the time wasn’t a need blind school via college loans. I paid them all back five years after I graduated.

I have great empathy for middle class or lower middle class America. My horizons as a young adult were not expansive. I was programmed to be a produce department manager at a grocery store in my neighborhood. That was my dad’s aspiration for me. I would have been proud to work hard to become a leader in a grocery store and I bet I would have been good at it, too. By luck and hard work, my career took a different path.

I say this as I read all of the rhetoric about Class Warfare, the rift that is being created between economic middle and lower class and as the President said “those millionaires and billionaires.”

The real rift in philosophy though is do you want the Government to create jobs and stimulate the economy or do you want America’s small business to be the engine of growth?

Economic Success has somehow become the new boogie man; some in the Democratic party are now casting about for enemies and business leaders and anyone who has achieved success in terms of rank or fiscal success is being cast as a bad guy in a black hat. This is counter to the American Dream and is really turning off so many people that love American and basically carry our country on their back by paying taxes and by employing people and creating GDP.

This is a bad move all designed by some pollster who said this is the way to get votes during the re-election. It should be stopped. We should be healing and creating teams NOT dividing and pitting people against one another.

I know the President isn’t speaking to me specifically when he talks but many times I hear stuff and I cringe personally. As a friend told me the other day who lives in China, “Every time your President talks of late, it costs us billions in market cap and in confidence in your country and your economy.” Why do we devalue success in the US when the rest of the world is trying to emulate what we have created as an economic system?

So for fun: I take the Acela train to Philly and NYC all of the time. Alone - no traveling companions to prep me. I have never seen our President on the train, have you? I own 50 hours on NetJets for the rare occasion I do travel by private plane. Does Air Force One charter out? Stop making private planes an issue. This is a tiny issue for us to deal with for our country.

I do have a nice home with a house keeper. I have only one home. I bet there is more staff at the White House though? And Camp David. What kind of real estate tax is the White House paying? Nice jewelry here. Click away. Stop it. Upgrade the discourse.

With my investments and board seats and companies that I own, I am at a leadership position in concerns that employ more than 200,000 people. We do our best to be good corporate citizens. I know in the companies that I own personally or am the largest shareholder that we support now more than 500 charities. We care. Pick some business leaders that you work with and make them heroes. Don’t demonize them. Showcase them as great Americans that care and hire and employ people. Employment is the biggest issue you will face when re-election comes. If people aren’t working, they will blame you and your administration. And since you have never worked before in a real job for a real company, you need help from people who have been there. Don’t push them away!

I pay taxes. I am willing to pay even more taxes but I would want accountability that the money was being spent wisely on infrastructure investments; education and retraining; and anything that makes us more competitive and gets people working again. That seems fair doesn’t it?

I voted for our President. I have maxed out on personal donations to his re-election campaign. I forgot his campaign wants to raise $1 billion. THAT is a lot of money–money–money–money! Money still talks. It blows my mind when I am asked for money as a donation at the same time I am getting blasted as being a bad guy!

Someone needs to talk our President down off of this rhetoric about good vs. evil; about two classes and math.

Our country was founded on the premise of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Is anyone happy right now with all of this?

Hit a reset button ASAP.

Rethink how to talk to businesses and sell business leaders on your plan to make America great!

Many of us want to be a part of the solution. We aren’t the problem.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Obama's only chance is class warfare. He has to mobilize enough of his traditional base to compensate for a large swing in independents and the jewish vote. It's been my experience that Jews are not tradionally a one issue electorate. However, I get the sense that Obama is pushing the Mideast Issue to justify his peace prize and elevate himself on the world stage. I think it's a bad road he's going down.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
If the Republican nominee turns out to be Romney isn't that going to be a big turn off for Conservatives and Tea Partiers.................................not to mention the complications of such hot button issues as legally required health care..................................... which that carpetbagger...................................... signed into law in Massachusetts? His selection could bring several aspects that create an argumentative advantage for Obama. I don't like Romney at all, but at least he isn't that ..........................Texas phoney................

M, I realize the standard liberal BS is to confuse the public with baseless allegations strung together and represented as fact. So separating all the garbage with "............................." to clarify it for everyone seems to be appropriate.

I'll also mention that Cain won 37% of the Republican Party Straw Poll in Florida. You know that African American Businessman from Atlanta. That's not to say he's a viable canidate at this point, as his fund raising has not been proven.

Now M, look at all the facts I compacted into three sentences:

1) Cain won 37% of Republican Straw Poll in Florida. THAT'S A STATISTIC


3) His fund raising (by his own admission last Sunday on WDBO radio in Orlando) is not yet proven. WOW, ANOTHER FACT!!

Now M, you give it a try. Try to string together at least one fact in each sentence.

Then again, you don't seem to have any credible arguments. (LAST SENTENCE WAS AN OPINION, SEE THE DIFERRENCE M).

OK, Kindergarden's over now M.

P.S. As usual here's the supporting press story from a Liberal Miami source:

Note: Cain is an interesting contrast when compared with Mr. Obama. (this is an opinion M)
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