Maddux no doubt will be a HOF'er, if not on the first ballot then def the 2nd, but likely the first IMHO. Great Pitcher!
There's no question he'll get in tomorrow the question is will his percentage be higher than Tom Seaver's all time high of 98.84%.
And 16 morons who should have their memberships in the BBWAA revoked passed on Maddux. Go figure.Maddux, Glavine and Thomas are first ballot HOF'ers. Glavine with 97.2% of votes didn't break Seaver's record. Craig Biggio missed being a second ballot inductee by .2% garnering 74.8% of votes.
Yes I completely agree that he's a lock for tomorrow, but I don't expect him to pass 98.84%. My guess would be 94.2%.
Sorry, only Joe.T is allowed to change his predictions after the fact.Can I change my prediction from 94.2 to 97.2? Looks like I underestimated!
Craig Biggio missed being a second ballot inductee by .2% garnering 74.8% of votes.
Actually, Joe, the Red Sox have more than enough money to sign Tanaka thanks to all the young cheap talent they have and theei astonishingly deep farm system. The simple fact, however, is...well, they really don't need him.Sounds like you are jealous that the lucky Red Sox(lucky in the fact that they won the World Series last year with the team that they had)do not have a chance in hell in signing him and are destined to their rightful place in 2014, the cellar(My prediction), god do the Red Sox look terrible on paper, but hey, you never know, they could pull another fluke season like they did last year(highly unlikely), in other words.:help:
Actually, Joe, the Red Sox have more than enough money to sign Tanaka thanks to all the young cheap talent they have and theei astonishingly deep farm system. The simple fact, however, is...well, they really don't need him.
Well, you're a whole lot smarter than your illiterate little round friend, that's for sure.In English we say "their" astonishingly deep farm system, but I got the message anyways.![]()
In English we say "their" astonishingly deep farm system, but I got the message anyways.![]()
In English, we say "anyway" but I got the message anyway.In English we say "their" astonishingly deep farm system, but I got the message anyways.![]()