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Being a masseuse: easy money?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yesterday, I contacted a former masseuse to find out what was going on right now.

She gave me a summary: from March 16 to June 1 = 0 clients
On average from June 1 to October 1 = 30-40% of its normal clientele
Since the 1st = at least 2 days a week = 0-1client, and she only accepts clients she has already seen, COVID obliges.

Luckily she had saved some money or else she couldn't have paid.

For now, without help, it's not easy money


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
The margins are about the same as escorting.
They usually provide less services, so they make a lil less than escorts

just like any market, you need clients. Whatever you gotta do to get clients.
The real hard part I believe, is that its such a competitive market, as it overlaps with the therapeutic masseuses, and escorts.
In addition, you have a lot of girls who are curious about sex working, and often start off as a massage provider.

If a masseuse manages to fill up her schedule, she's living very comfortably. I know a provider who has her clientele and only needs to work 3 days a week. She makes more than the average escort since she's nearly always fully booked where not all escorts do, if they do, they most likely have a booker, which she pays for.

I've had this theory that being a massage provider would always have some potential in the market, as long as they are spread out. I think everyone who wants to see an MP, I would imagine, those people are very into the relax approach of the hobby, so they don't want to go very far to seek a provider; Who wants to do a 45min+ commute after feeling super relaxed. Hobbying with Escorts, is different, guys are down to drive across provinces to see an escort.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
I've had this theory that being a massage provider would always have some potential in the market, as long as they are spread out. I think everyone who wants to see an MP, I would imagine, those people are very into the relax approach of the hobby, so they don't want to go very far to seek a provider; Who wants to do a 45min+ commute after feeling super relaxed. Hobbying with Escorts, is different, guys are down to drive across provinces to see an escort.

Yeah there's something comforting about going to parlors, like feeling at home. Find one you like in your area, and make it your go to place. No long drive, no big hassle, open more or less from 10 to 10 and 7 days/week. No prebooking, sometimes walk-in allowed, presentation of roster available, that's very convenient. You usually get less mileage for the hour comparing to escorts, but it's a relaxing experience that i like.

Count Vlad

Mar 29, 2011
There is too much turn over at parlors, I prefer private. I think things are down for everyone in the hobby. Some clients are holding off till things get better, some providers are taking time off to be safe. There are less massages these days to work at. I thought it was because the last fat mayor put all sorts of zoning restrictions on these places that closed them down one by one, but a masseuse told me that many ladies left the business because of enhanced ops. Gone are the days of salons with 4-5 milfs that you can get an hour with basics for $70/ hour. Many of these places were fully booked.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I'm sorry, but most sex workers don't make bank. Most don't even come close to 3K a week. It is fast money, but certainly not EASY money.
Most people don’t make money easily and very few make 3k a week.
Life is not a walk in the park for most people including sex workers, when you are not happy in what you are doing and you don’t meet your own expectations and goals it is time to think of doing something else.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Not only do you have to earn a living, and becoming a masseuse becomes an interesting choice, and does not require studies.

That said, since March it is surely not easy money, and very far from 3k per week. It's not fast money too.

Let us not forget that we are talking about masseuse not escorts, and that the majority work in parlor.

All of these women are human beings, and want to have a decent life. There will always be rotten apples, but that is another thing.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Most people don’t make money easily and very few make 3k a week.

Yeah, 3K a week is 156 000$ gross per year, if working 52 weeks. It's way above the average Joe salary, that's for sure. Probably 100 000$ above. And average Joes pay taxes on their paycheck, i don't know about sex workers.

That said, i don't think massage money is easy money. It's a part of yourself that you're selling, so it comes with challenges.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
Are we suppose to compare the labor provided by SP to other 'similar' areas? Or is this meant to be a holistic critique of capitalism's seeming gap between what is determined by economics relative to what we think is morally right/fair for jobs?

interesting question...

Yeah, 3K a week is 156 000$ gross per year, if working 52 weeks. It's way above the average Joe salary, that's for sure. Probably 100 000$ above. And average Joes pay taxes on their paycheck, i don't know about sex workers.

That said, i don't think massage money is easy money. It's a part of yourself that you're selling, so it comes with challenges.

Income distribution in Canada in 2018, by income level (in Canadian dollars)

Income in Canadian dollarsNumber of people100,000 - 149,999 1,762,930

150,000 - 199,999 462,050

200,000 - 249,999

250,000 and over

I'm guessing thats before tax. So yeah, if you earn 150k + you're in the top 3% of canadians. Wayyyy above average
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Always Willing Sexbot
May 10, 2013
3000 $ par semaine est un calcul purement théorique, tel que présenté dans le post #10. La réalité est sans doute plus proche du témoignage rapporté par Mr Scorpio dans le poste #25 ("$500-$1000/week is more realistic. [...] maybe they will make $1500 but thats exceptional"). Une évaluation que semble d’ailleurs corroborer RoseDelacourt (post #45), dulcinée qui doit savoir de quoi elle parle, j’imagine.

Coupons alors la poire en deux, si vous voulez bien, pour tenter de rallier toutes les parties: 1500 $ par semaine, ce qui est encore très généreux selon moi. Ou 75 000 $ par année, bruts (pour 50 semaines). Un relatif bon salaire. Là-dessus, quelque 23 000 $ ne seront pas versés en impôts (fédéraux et provinciaux). Mettons cette somme de côté pour l’instant. On y reviendra.

Il faut considérer que la travailleuse du sexe doit puiser à même les 52 000 $ restants pour assurer elle-même l’équivalent de ses propres avantages sociaux: vacances, congés fériés, congés de maladie, congés de maternité, assurance- salaire, fonds de retraite, etc. Évidemment, elle ne peut pas contribuer à des régimes publics comme la Régie des rentes et l’assurance-chômage.

Si elle est très prévoyante et surtout très disciplinée (je lui souhaite), on peut estimer qu’il lui restera 42 000 $ dans les poches, une fois qu’elle aura pourvu à ces nécessités. C’est excellent comparativement au travailleur moyen, on sera d’accord. Sauf si on prend en compte la durée: elle ne bossera pas dans un salon de massage toute sa vie pour prendre sa retraite à 65 ans!

La manne, si on peut dire, ne va donc durer qu’un temps. Tant qu’elle sera attrayante dans une industrie ultra compétitive qui carbure à la viande fraîche. Si elle dure dix ans, ce sera un exploit. Combien parmi vous ici en connaissent? Le taux de roulement est effarant. Les raisons qui l’expliquent sont en soi une réponse à ce thread.

Mais revenons maintenant aux 23 000 $ en impôts non versés. Évidemment, on est en plein dans le travail au noir ici. Les salons de massage, je vous le rappelle, chers merbistes, sont des endroits illégaux, même s’ils sont tolérés. Il est donc évident qu’une SW ne va pas déclarer lesdits revenus.

Pourquoi le ferait-elle d’ailleurs? Surtout qu'il y a des risque évidents liés au travail du sexe: risques sanitaires (ITS), risques psychologiques, risques physiques (violence), insécurité, stigmatisation sociale, précarité, etc. Beaucoup les ont soulignés avec justesse dans les post #8, #9, #11, #15 et #17 notamment.

C’est même très bien documenté par la Cour suprême du Canada, qui a invalidé plusieurs dispositions du Code criminel en 2014, jugeant qu’il n’y avait pas lieu d’accabler davantage des femmes (et des hommes) déjà durement éprouvées socialement. Ce qui doit bien vouloir dire (et valoir) quelque chose, n'est-ce pas?

Alors si un juste prix doit se rattacher à tous ces risques, et à défaut d’avoir une Régie du travail du sexe pour en décider, ceux-ci valent bien la somme correspondant à l’évitement fiscal dont il est ici question (23 000 $). C’est évidemment une considération personnelle, mais je suis certain que toutes les RoseDelacourt de ce monde seraient assez de mon avis.

Il y a également les lois du marché qui entrent en ligne de compte. Les prix s’ajustent à la demande. Les utilisateurs exercent de la pression sur cette offre et sur les prix quand ils exigent qu’une fille soit belle, sexy, avenante, douée, cochonne à l’os, no clockwatcher, etc. Là aussi, il y a une plus-value qui doit être rémunérée. Sinon, on se contenterait tous volontiers de laiderons aux talents approximatifs, voire de simples glory holes.

Alors, easy money or not? Argent mérité ou non, laisse presque sous-entendre la question.

Si on se concentre sur un seul aspect des choses, on peut en arriver à la conclusion que, oui, c’est de l’argent facile, surtout au sortir d’une séance décevante. C’est compréhensible. Si on remet les choses en perspective par contre, on voudra bien considérer que non. À preuve le prix qu'on est prêt à y mettre pour satisfaire les envies de sa bite, spécialement quand on en fait une habitude.

Finalement, et que je sache, il n’y a pas de mot d’ordre parmi les préposées aux bénéficiaires (dont on a parlé beaucoup plus haut) pour upgrader leur carrière en travailleuses du sexe. J’imagine que tout cet argent à portée de main ne doit pas leur apparaître aussi facile que ça, car la très vaste majorité se résignent malgré tout à ramasser des draps souvent souillés de merde, plutôt que des serviettes maculées de vous savez quoi...

En clair, à 500 $ ou à 750 $ ou à 1000 $ ou peut-être (!!!) à 1500 $, voire (très impropablement) à 3000 $ par semaine, ce n'est jamais de l'argent facile.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Very nice RVK7 analysis, but unfortunately your initial premise is wrong.

I agree 100% with Mr. Scorpion. POST # 25

I don't know of any masseuse who makes $ 1,500 / week, I would say an average of $ 750/week, (between $ 500 and $ 1,000).

So you have to divide everything by 2.

In short, it is not easily earned money.
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Always Willing Sexbot
May 10, 2013
Thank you, Sene5hos.

I totally agree with Scorpio's assessment and therefore yours. I split in the middle to show that even with an income that would be that high ($75,000), it wouldn't be that excessive, nor would it be easy or undeserved money.

Philip J. Fry

Dec 9, 2010
It all depends on the times. There were times where a dancer could make $1000-1500 a night, not anymore. There were times where a lady working in a massage salon could make $500-800 a day. There are not many of these ladies around anymore.

One lady that did massage told me that the toughest thing to do is to wait around for the clients to appear. If a lady has a steady clientele she can do 3-5 clients day and still have time tend to her personal matters.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
Very nice RVK7 analysis, but unfortunately your initial premise is wrong.

I agree 100% with Mr. Scorpion. POST # 25

I don't know of any masseuse who makes $ 1,500 / week, I would say an average of $ 750/week, (between $ 500 and $ 1,000).

So you have to divide everything by 2.

In short, it is not easily earned money.

wait a sec. and by no means is my question in a moment directed, but is open to anyone.

is this pertaining to masseuse exclusive money, or masseuses who provide not only the basic euphoric conclusion and the more comprehensive?

with that the average (a week) is between $500 to $1000? (gross or net?)

I'm no expert, but it passes me as a bit low, especially across a week's time.

when sene5hos when you say a week, how many days of work are you suggesting, all 7 days, 5 days, 3 days?
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Active Member
Apr 3, 2007
wait a sec. and by no means is my question in a moment directed, but is open to anyone.

is this pertaining to masseuse exclusive money, or masseuses who provide not only the basic euphoric conclusion and the more comprehensive?

with that the average (a week) is between $500 to $1000? (gross or net?)

I'm no expert, but it passes me as a bit low, especially across a week's time.

when sene5hos when you say a week, how many days of work are you suggesting, all 7 days, 5 days, 3 days?
In this case since most if not all the tips are paid cash (I haven’t heard yet of anybody paying the extras with interac), it’s not on the tax man radar so it’s after tax money.

And my regulars masseuses are telling me that they make on average 600 to 800$ a day.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2018
To put all of this into perspective, a top 1% girl on OnlyFans easily makes well over 100k USD per MONTH.
And this chick is currently considered the top-earner on OnlyFans:
Porn star Mia Khalifa also makes the top 5 on OnlyFans– with an estimated total of over $5 million in monthly earnings.

If any type of sex work should be considered easy money, it's that, not working in an MP.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
bamjay , i personally know 4 top 1% girls on OnlyFans from Montreal and they don't make anywhere near 100k per month... Not even close. You're overestimating what OF girls make.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
bamjay, I don't know where you take your numbers, but a top 0.1% NOT 1% earns around 30K a month. But since it is deposited in your bank account, it is taxable, which means she doesn't end up with nearly that. A top 1% earns around 10K monthly. Also, let's not compare stars with millions of followers on social media with most Sex Workers who barely have 10K-100K followers. It's like comparing Jeff Bezos with a small business owner.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2008
Well,its funny cause every independant masseuse i see,they make aroud 4-5 customer per days,at around 150$ each....5-6 days a week.....well its more than 750$ a week for sure...of course in massage parlour,youworking for the boss so.....yess they make less


Active Member
Sep 22, 2018
bamjay, I don't know where you take your numbers, but a top 0.1% NOT 1% earns around 30K a month. But since it is deposited in your bank account, it is taxable, which means she doesn't end up with nearly that.
Yeah, typo - top 0.1% can easily make over 100k/month. Thanks for pointing it out. :)
Although anyone complaining that they have to pay taxes on an income of over a million dollars a year is part of a different problem. :p
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