Out of curiosity, do you stop at a red light or stop sign?
Isn't this also imposed and against your basic rights ?
Driving is a privilege and not a basic right. Your body and whatever affects it can be considered as basic rights. Driving should be looked at as a game or an activity that follows certain sets of rules and principles, like say chess, or boxing, etc..
Owning a car, which is considered as your right (ownership right) , and driving that car, are 2 different principles. If you do not follow the driving rules, then you loose the privileges' of driving, which is not a basic right. This difference is one of the most debated regarding capital punishment. Since Life is a basic right, no one should be allowed to take it away like you take away privileges.
The Vaccine side do acknowledge your right not to take it, but they take away privilege from you to protect others. In principle, this sounds fair, since restaurants and entertainments are not basic rights, contrarily to education, grocery, hospitals, etc.. Therefore, even though it feels like punishment, the logic in my opinion is sound.
Conspiracy theories aside (as no point reasoning with them anyway), the real debate is to how to manage the crisis. From the very beginning, all those that were pro of letting the Virus loose so that we can develop natural immunity to it were silence pretty quickly and the debate was practically won by the ones who favored the flattening the curve principle. The Vaccine, is another layer of debate, where some of us believe it to be rushed, and are not trusting it enough, while others are pushing for it.
Anyway, all of this to say that comparing apples to ants does not yield a reasonable conclusion. Those against the Vaccine (non conspiracy theorist), do have a claim, and their worries are real, and some did die from it. Even though statistically the number is low, well, to me for example, the ME is all I have

, so as long as it it not super clear the side effects (short and long), I prefer to take my chances with a virus that has a low fatality rates, and accept my privileges' losses. Of course, whether the passport can be considered as a form of coercion and is against freedom of choice, well that is another debate.