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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I'm on the fence about Dr. Fauci. Initially I thought he was awesome and enjoyed hearing his comments. As of late I've been trying to figure out if there's something else there, an angle, political or not. Maybe he's just extremely cautious by nature because he's seen how these things can get out of control. But it seems to me like he's dragging this out a little to capture the spotlight maybe. I'm not saying we should all go out and crowd into bars again, but I wouldn't mind some good news once in a while.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
What makes people suspicious is seeing our leaders contradicting themselves, saying one thing one day but different 3 days later... Opening.. Not opening 2 days later... In Quebec some are now starting to complain about that. Fauci is in the same boat.

You see for any medical disease you have medical guidelines. Those guidelines are based on years of research and practical data. A doctor will always refer to the guidelines as to what process to apply if they discover a disease in you.

The problem with such pandemic virus is that there are no guidelines to refer to. The scientific know little about the effect of the virus. How to treat it. His contagion level. It's immunity. And much more they don't know.

So no Fauci is no savior. Doctors can only save one live at a time right now.

Some people need to understand we do not have any fucking treatment or vaccine.

So of course directives changes pretty much each week as new stuff is discovered. Some positive some negative.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
although I agree with Rand Paul’s comments that there’s greater likelihood that antibodies induced from SARS -CoV-2 infection will be neutralizing, there was a part of me wishing this was an in person hearing so Fauci coulda walked up and slapped this bitch in the face.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
But when there is no good news, he cannot say.
That's not entirely true. But I guess my point was that Fauci's nature/personality isn't an upbeat half glass kind of full guy. His somewhat negative demeanor suits his profession perfectly.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Fauci coulda walked up and slapped this bitch in the face.

My guess is Fauci fantasizes about personally double swabbing both her nostrils at once, once he gets out of his swab a day quarantine basically brought on by sloppy White House medical hygiene. Pence's press secretary was doing in person meetings, no masks, is it really any surprise she is positive and causing the quarantines of others? Someone ought to say to her, "meet Zoom you dumb ass!"
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
The bitch I referred to was rand Paul. That whole “ur not the end all authority” line was total showmanship. Fauci should waited outside the hearing room and just confronted and slugged him.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The bitch I referred to was rand Paul. That whole “ur not the end all authority” line was total showmanship. Fauci should waited outside the hearing room and just confronted and slugged him.

I finally watched this tape and I take it that you were upset as well by Rand Paul's shot at Ferguson in England?



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Dr. Fauci was right: he warned that the balance sheet in the United States, the country most affected by the pandemic, was "probably higher" than most 83,000 official deaths, notably taking into account the cases of people who died at home.

The number of deaths in the USA on:
May 10 = 947 dead
May 11 = 836 dead


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
More from the Dr, Fauci is right show:



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Back in January Fauci was misinformed along with many wester scientists and leaders. They should have followed the scene in South Korea , Taiwan and Viet Nam much more closely. Fauci was also saying that masks don`t protect you.....but he had motives for saying this protect the supply for medical and other vital staff such as first responders.
He soon changed his tune and realized the severity of this pandemic.
Some others even here on merb still believe that this plague is overblown by the media and other "interests". Dangerous thinking !!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Correct Cloud... Many here still deny the severity of this virus. It affects the whole body with many other related issues besides pneumonia...
- some showing up to hospital with 50% oxygen capacity while barely coughing and no fever
- kids developing rare illness (kawasaki syndrome)
- double rate of ACV due to blood clot (especialy in 30-50 year old rage)
- blood clot leading to serious problem (amputation)
- organ failure
- Additional viral and bacterial infections
- Acute kidney injury

Italy and Spain were caught unguarded by this virus. Both country have stellar healthcare system. Still it became war zone.

Each time I read someone still making comparison to the Flu I roll my eyes and think "my god what a ...." ;)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The whole of the medical community head-faked political leadership into thinking Covid-19 was not an issue. As I posted earlier my own pulmonologist was telling me in December it would be no worse than a bad seasonal flu outbreak. He was parroting what was being discussed in the community at that time.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Agree with CS and jalimon......ce virus est sournois et menacant surtout pour les 65 ans et plus avec déjà des problèmes d'hypertension, cardiaques, diabète, obésité, respiratoires..etc......aucune chance à prendre.....faut oui se plier aux consignes contraignantes sanitaires.....pour soi et pour les oui sûrement encore pour des mois.
Feb 6, 2016
Not overblown, but certainly sensationalized (like what Jalimon did a few posts up).

The economy needs to reopen; phased, slow and deliberate, but it needs to. We took a kick at the lockdown can, it did not work (to the intended extent). Early on, the lockdown needed to be immediate and total for 2-4 weeks, not the phased, piecemeal, pick-away at it approach that was used. That ship has now sailed.

But today, we are more aware, knowledgeable and have identified those groups most vulnerable. Government needs to make the hard choices in managing this pandemic, not in the vacuum most look at it in, but in a society interconnected with so many other considerations. Canada needs the hospital and medical resources and properly equipped front line workers. How? Not my problem. We have elected and pay for politicians and medical experts to figure that out. So, figure it out.

Tragedy is not universally defined and it means different things to different people, and death is not the ultimate tragedy to some.

Our leaders need to act and make hard and maybe unpopular decisions, not the safe, politically correct ones that will get them re-elected.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
... She had been fatigued and run down the last few days and also had been throwing up, and as well her sister was throwing up and had a fever and so she went and got tested.

I would be encouraging they swab another area or have them pee in a cup ... when did you last see her? If not protected ... hello daddy! LOL

Gonna get interesting, as have been saying, at least in US ... Bri recently saying, as opposed to what posted above by someone on Flowcheese (Fauci) ... death numbers are inflated by at least 25% .... all in the name of corruption and taking money - yes, its a fact, sorry to hurt your whittle Wiberal feewhings .... but this has been a corrupt cash grab and the evidence is in the the accounting of all deaths recorded since mid February when they "knew" there was payday coming for how they tracked CCP Virus accounts ... that and to keep the country in lockdown.

Nutsinho likely on to the same notion ... will have to watch his movie ...

In mean time ... just HOW many liberties are YOU willing to give up and where and how does it end folks??

They may be coming for you…

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