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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
His family cabin is at Lac Meech in Chelsea, Quebec. About 15km from the parliament. Actually since the renovation of 24 sussex this 'cabin' was often used by him and family as main residence (now they have move to a bungalow on Rideau hall). More carbon print was wasted by your non fact checking and pure non sense on this board.

It’s on both sides on the political fence



Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
His family cabin is at Lac Meech in Chelsea, Quebec. About 15km from the parliament. ...

How many gas guzzling vehicles did you white Obama utilize with staff and escort (not the fun type we speak of on this fine board) to effectuate his travels AFTER he invoked Jesus Christ for you, and ALL of Canada to REMAIN HOME ... some, but not you of course, would call that hypocrisy ... and this done ALL DURING a National Canadian health emergency while perhaps even you were hunkered down and forgoing family functions even at this most Holy of catholic holidays ....


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
How was Easter for white Obama Trudeau who invoked Jesus to gather the Canadian sheep to stay home while he created a carbon print to fly off to his family cabin in Quebec ... mask-less am sure ... and then with his detail of people ... how was the "cake" you got to eat ... you know Marie Antoinette

His family cabin is at Lac Mech in Chelsea, Quebec. About 15km from the parliament. Actually since the renovation of 24 Sussex this 'cabin' was often used by him and family as main residence (now they have move to a bungalow on Rideau hall). More carbon print was wasted by your non fact checking and pure non sense on this board.

It’s on both sides on the political fence.

Et comme on dit en français, il faut se tourner la langue 7 fois dans la bouche avant de parler.
Ou cette citation, que j'aime bien: Vaux mieux que tu passes pour un imbécile, que de t'ouvrir la bouche pour le prouver.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
We have a whole bunch of pathogens in our body but for the majority they will never be active.

True. As many things in life, the 80/20 "rule" seems to apply to the SARS-CoV-2 virus too -- 80% of people who are infected will self-resolve. The other 20% will need hospitalization, and of that 20% a fraction will become severely ill and some of those who become severely ill end up dying. At least, that's what I have come to understand from the scientific and medical experts. The question is no one really can predict who will become severely ill and who will die from Covid-19. For now, that's the scary unknown. There's no easy way out just yet.

For now, social distancing might be a small price to pay, compared to the "police state" tactics that some countries have deployed to curb the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

"SEOUL—South Korea, which largely succeeded in quelling the spread of the coronavirus, is back on the defensive, with Seoul’s bars and clubs ordered closed, as the country reported its biggest one-day increase in new infections in a month.

More than 50 cases have been linked to a 29-year-old man who, in a single night last weekend, visited five clubs and bars in a popular Seoul neighborhood, health officials said. He tested positive on Wednesday—the same day the South Korean government rolled out relaxed social-distancing measures."
. . . .

"When the 29-year-old man’s case was made public, South Korean media reported the establishments he visited were some of Seoul’s most popular gay clubs, which could explain why some clubbers provided inaccurate contact information."
. . . . .

"Health officials, poring over security-camera footage and credit-card statements, have expanded their investigation to more than 5,000 individuals. Some of the clubbers have infected family members. "
. . . .

"South Korea’s contact-tracing allowed investigators to pinpoint the 29-year-old man’s whereabouts from the evening of May 1 until the early hours of the following day. A report published on the local district’s website provided his travel details, the company he works for and other sensitive information.

While authorities didn’t release the man’s name, some people believe his identity could be determined from the information they did disclose. "
Feb 6, 2016
That is until they realize that 20% of those who catch covid19, end up in the hospital.

I assume the intent of this is to elicit concern and fear. The most recent data I've seen suggests 16% are hospitalized here in Canada. Of those, only 23% were admitted to ICU and of those, only 5% required ventilators. So what were the other hospitalized cases? Admitted overnight? For a few hours? Either way, they make it into the stats for hospitalization. All out of an abundance of caution that they may have never required before and hence the percentages look high? I don't actually know that answer, by the way, but no one else here does either until they release more detailed info. As a result, some just choose to question / debate / challenge, the current approach and variety of stats and articles that are posted , and for that they are myth propagators, deniers and sociopaths.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The difference between your 16% and my 20% is that people recover from covid and are then admitted to hospital for complications. Plus those who die in nursing homes and at home. Elicit concern yes . Elicit fear no fuckin way....there is too much fear in some sectors of the population as is.

James Mason

New Member
Feb 16, 2012
We know that most people that die are in old folks homes or have pre existing conditions. The people that are in the public that come up with the virus and die are probably smoker, previous smokers and people that have conditions brought on by their jobs. Like mechanics that breath in exhaust all day or people that work in environments with chemical fumes.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Is that what is going on in Quebec? Especially Montreal? Predominantly elderly passing/getting hospitalized and being vented? It’s been well established that in U.K. and Europe where there’s a shit load of young healthy people who were being hospitalized, if they were in hospital they were surely requiring oxygen. A smaller % of these peeps were needing mechanical ventilation. Most of the vented were passing. Again these were young healthy guys. They were mostly males. It’s also been well established in the tri state area in USA, so I’m asking people on ground in Quebec, are you all the outliers where its pretty much elderly with co morbidities?


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Lot and lot of smokers in Montreal ... only thing I hate about the city really is walking from meeting to meeting outdoors and passing by cloud after cloud of smokers - many very attractive women too .. always wonder as each one I pass ... at night, do they love a double escort life! If many illnesses in Montreal could it be due to high percentage of smokers as James Mason states above?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Well Larry, your pee-pee will just have to adopt my boy Borris’s new motto and stay alert and ease up on any restrictions you may have imposed on ur little friend by unzipping if any of those chics are under cover SP’s.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
TNB yes here to the vast majority of death remained from elderly. The virus is doing an incredible clean up in our erlederly nurses home and pensions. There will be no waiting list for a few years in those places!

Like everywhere the % of survival for patient on ventilators is really low. Anyone who reach that level should have made their best wishes and accept that death is around the corner.

Quebec sees a much higher % of women needing hospitalization then other countries. Is it because, like onjustlark wrote, because of smoking... Could be.

Very few cases here of young healthy passing away.

And yes it helps if you do not have any other conditions.

The problem with such virus is the contagion.

I mean diabetes, cardiovacular problem, cirrhosis or lung cancer are most probably your own fault. You ate/drank/smoke too much... You will die sooner.

Pretty much all other cancer are a bad lottery that you won.. And have to fight. Not your fault or anyone else's.

But this is different because you may get the virus and live asymptomatically with it. But because you are a selfish loser who is above what everyone say you should do you go on with your regular life, because your life is more important, you infect dozens of people who may develop serious life condition or die... all because of you.

This is why this thing is such a fucking mess. We need to accept and live with new rules and new conditions until treatment or a virus is available.
Feb 6, 2016
We need to accept and live with new rules and new conditions until treatment or a virus is available.

Wow. No disrespect, and only my opinion, but I'm relieved you don't run this country or manage my tax dollars.

This doctor would disagree with you. He supports the Sweden model, and not the lockdowns. I know nothing of him, so maybe someone will tell me he is a quack and I certainly haven't fact checked him. But if you can get through a 30 min interview, I found him very thought provoking. He touches on pretty much every hot button topic in these threads. First time posting a link, I hope it works.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
He supports the Sweden model, and not the lockdowns.

Listen Sweden had no full lockdown but can you say they have normal living? Nope my friend they don't. Especially since they had much more case and problem then neighboring country. I understand we won't live in a lock down forever. But we need to accept until there is good treatment or a vaccine there will be no "normal".
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Basicaly your thinking sounds like this: Ground all flights till we have a technology to have zero crashes or restrict all cars till there are zero crashes. There is something as too much security. This is it. It will destroy everything. Mass business bamkruptcies, this board will disappear also, escorts, MPs all will be gone, anything entertainment related all gone, no more festivals, no more bars, no more gyms, no more movie theatres, no more sports, all will be gone due to social distance rules. Society will be completely dysfunctional. The virus is going nowhere and there will probably be no vaccine so we got to get on with our lives. How long do you propose we live like this? 5 years? 10 years?
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
i don’t understand the Swedish model? Aren’t they calling it herd immunity? The concept is to let everyone out there get infected and isolate the vulnerable? I’m not sure of the statistics in Sweden but it would be interesting to see who exactly is the predominant group getting knocked off in this model? I don’t have a problem with a country wanting to do this, but don’t call it herd immunity, just say “we r gonna do whatever the fuck we want”

I prefer the Swedish model to the American model where there’s a set of guidelines mandated by someone who is systematically undermining them, this is gotta be the worse model worldwide

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Nah I’ll say it, it’s fucking stupid, just stupid


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
TNB ... you misses the analogy Cloud was making ... was not a direct comparison. There lies the difference.

The "American" model is pretty much similar to every other country model - difference here is we are the UNITED States .. States have their own rights and can make determinations aside from the Fed Govt .. I assume that to be similar in Canada with Provincial laws independent of this set by white Obama Trudeau, no?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I mean diabetes, cardiovacular problem, cirrhosis or lung cancer are most probably your own fault. You ate/drank/smoke too much... You will die sooner.

I think I understand your analogy, but diabetes, cardiovascular problems, cirrhosis and lung cancer are not mostly a persons fault. I do agree that eating, drinking and smoking too much is.
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