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Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
You want positive results? Check how Moderna's top executive dumped 30 millions $ of stocks ;)

They know more then anyone else that their vaccines has little chance of working. It might but not enough to take the risk and not pocketing the money now.

There is no issue here - it was an automatic transaction via the companies 10b5-1 plan that was set up in 2018. I assume it was set up to sell when certain price targets were reached i.e. a limit order

These are common and avoid any legal issue of insider trading since transactions are typically executed automatically, via brokers, without the insiders taking any action.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That's correct- the Moderna stock sales were automatic transactions, a sell off when a certain price point was reached. The insider principals took no action. There is no linkage between the likelihood of success of the vaccines and these transactions, which were automatic.
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Time will tell us if you are correct guys. 20 years in the healthcare industry makes me believe they were able to coordinate an early push to trial of a bogus vaccines.

Could be wrong. But let's revisit in a few months from now. Until then let's watch if these executive stay on board or leave, of course, for personal family problem ;)



New Member
Mar 14, 2020
Your statement is correct but only if that positive news is factual and based on actual science, and not wishful thinking.
Everything that comes out of DJT`s mouth is a lie or is based on his imagination. All he cares about is himself and not you or for that matter anyone else who doesn`t worship him as the next messiah.
Ok, your factual news is only what they feed you on the left. You failed science class and you are quoting MSDNC in everything you say. Trump is an ass but he has made the right calls on closing the boarders, bringing home manufacturing, building the wall, how to create jobs, empowerment zones, Iran, Syria, Al Qaeda, Obama spying on him, and fucking Stormy Daniel's, good for him. You would.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Don’t forget


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
The Moderna study is way too preliminary to be meaningful. It is just good marketing. It may pan out but no one should get too excited about phase 1 results.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Brazil is not looking good at all. Amazing how their leader calls it a "little flu". Almost another 17,000 cases today. :



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Currently there are 98,706 dead in the USA, how many will there be on July 04?
How will our dear Donald highlight this sad outcome?

Two things I hope are:
1) that Trudeau keeps closing the borders as long as possible.
2) that Trump is not re-elected


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
A third of those deaths coming from nursing homes and another third from the black and Hispanic community. The real question is what are the states governors doing about this since the president has no real control of individual states? The nursing home Covid deaths are something all Americans should be ashamed of.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Trump played golf yesterday, no one wore masks. Yes he has the right, that is not the question.
This proves how he doesn't care what is going on in his country.

Knowing him well now, I understand why, because a third of the dead come from the Black and Hispanic community, and that suits Trump because these two communities vote on the Democratic side.

In addition, these communities are generally less well off, and Trump is a billionaire.

In addition to 73 years, while playing golf he acts like an invincible young man, and thinks to mobilize his base by doing so.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Trump played golf yesterday, no one wore masks. Yes he has the right, that is not the question.
This proves how he doesn't care what is going on in his country.

Knowing him well now, I understand why, because a third of the dead come from the Black and Hispanic community, and that suits Trump because these two communities vote on the Democratic side.

In addition, these communities are generally less well off, and Trump is a billionaire.

In addition to 73 years, while playing golf he acts like an invincible young man, and thinks to mobilize his base by doing so.

Let's take this one at a time:

I have been playing golf for the past month which is permitted by my governor, a democrat. Social distancing is required but wearing a mask is not because all golfers can easily keep a distance of 6 feet apart. Let's also not forget that it was former president Obama that hit the links first about a month ago while insisting you stay indoors wearing a mask like the hypocrite that he is. Here's a link to brush up on the rules of golf during the pandemic:

I may not know the president as well as you do, but again, the deaths related to the black and hispanic community are on the governors and their lack of attention to their healthcare needs. Also, many in this community live in states that even if they didn't vote democrat it wouldn't matter because of less voter turn out and that these states typically will go democrat with out them. Healthcare is provided to people in states where they cannot afford it with medicaid. There is no reason for people of any color or creed to not get healthcare from their state.

If these communities are less well off than Trump or for that matter any person in politics, like the governor of NY, a democrat, this is no reason to not provide them with the healthcare that they need. Looking at the states with democratic governors you will see that their minority deaths are considerably higher than republican governed states.

I hope I'm in good enough shape to be playing golf when I'm 73, God bless him for getting out there and showing Americans to persevere through this crisis.

Like many people it's easier to be part of the problem and not the solution.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
As for Golf, I know all that.

"By looking at states with democratic governors, you will see that their minority deaths are considerably higher than the states ruled by Republicans." Yes, and that's perfectly normal. Thank you for saying it instead of me.

"God bless him for getting out there and showing the Americans to persevere through this crisis." Your last sentence made me laugh, it's clear that we don't have the same vision of things.

On the one hand, a party (which puts forward immigration restrictions, increased military spending, gun rights, abortion restrictions, etc.) led by an inhuman president and who is doing everything to win these elections and on the other side a party where ideologies are liberal, a center democratic social left party. Humans are important.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
We do not have the same vision but instead of just throwing out comments maybe you should back them up with facts. Your disapproval for Trump is obvious, and believe it or not that is something I do respect. But I think your argument related to my post should really be viewed on a state level because that’s where the problems really are. Anyone can throw out the Trump this or Trump that comment, you have proven this time after time but he has nothing to do with what the states are doing which was the spirit of my initial post which should of been obvious. Continuing to shit on republicans (which I never said I was) just steers the conversation away from the problem. Who gives a shit about what political party you want to bash, people are dying and the solution to the problem lies within the states.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Back to coronavirus, I'm hoping CNN does a good job on tonight's special China's deadly secret, really looking forward to it:



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Covid 19 litgation has already started. Noah "Thor" Syndegaard, the NY Mets star pitcher, is being sued by a landlord for breach of contract for not paying rent on a NYC townhouse after the MLB season was suspended, and Thor was injured and had TJ surgery and had to rehab in Florida anyway. Thor, who never set foot on the property due to Covid and his surgery and rehab, claims he offered $50K and gave good faith notice to the landlord to re-rent premises:

We are off to the faces with Covid-19 litigation! Expect more! Regarding the above lawsuit, I do not believe it will be well received by the Courts, and what will likely happen when they go in on the first pretrial conference is that the Judge will scream at both attorneys and tell them to settle this bullshit.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
We do not have the same vision but instead of just throwing out comments maybe you should back them up with facts. Your disapproval for Trump is obvious, and believe it or not that is something I do respect. But I think your argument related to my post should really be viewed on a state level because that’s where the problems really are. Anyone can throw out the Trump this or Trump that comment, you have proven this time after time but he has nothing to do with what the states are doing which was the spirit of my initial post which should of been obvious. Continuing to shit on republicans (which I never said I was) just steers the conversation away from the problem. Who gives a shit about what political party you want to bash, people are dying and the solution to the problem lies within the states.

Thank you. I appreciate your comment.

You are absolutely right, we don't have the same vision.
Thank you for respecting my disapproval of your President. Also I respect your way of thinking even if it is completely different from mine.

Before the pandemic I didn't approve of the way of governing of Donald Trump, but since the beginning of the crisis, I have 100% disagreed with all these decisions.

I love Americans very much, besides every summer we spend two weeks vacation in South Carolina. Among our fondest family memories are our three trips to Disney World.

Having said that, it's not the Americans I hate, it's just your President. I will never be able to appreciate him.

I worked in the health field, and to see all these people die, breaks my heart, especially to see the man who runs your country have no sympathy, only the economy counts for him. I think that when you run a country you have to show empathy, while wanting to start the economy as quickly as possible.
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