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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

What you are ignoring is reality.
Ok I agree with you most people are wearing masks.
Amount of people dying in Quebec per million of population is still identical to US.
What does that tell you, of course blame fucking Trump, now why didn’t I think of that, nothing could be simpler.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
A perfect example is Quebec and the US which have almost identical figures of death per million population which is what really counts.

You can cut and paste and blame Trump all you like but you cannot manipulate the figures and the number of deaths they don’t give a shit about your prejudice and hatred of Trump.

What none of you want to admit or give credit for is that the big Orange for all his faults and fuck ups and being a total ego maniac and asshole as a humane being did in the end pump billions into vaccine research, introduced warp speed and removed all the red tape and obstacles to have at least two viable vaccines available by year end.
This is the only thing that will end this nightmare that we have been living otherwise there would be no end to this some countries would have better results in the beginning but would eventually have the virus overrun them anyway.

Well to be exact we cannot compare Québec and the US in all fairness. You could compare Québec to one or many US state(s) that would be better , but not to the whole country. If you want the whole country, you need to comapare Canada to the US.
Health issues and how people follow or don't follow public health (PH) recommendations (recs) is more closely related to state/ province than to the national country level- by legislation and emergency measures. Various states/ provinces have various PH recs and also people have various group atittudes to the virus... Obviously as the pandemic continues to spread, regional differences are abating. But clearly the neglect / failure to take proper measures in some parts of the world has been the source of the perpetuation of this thing.
Yes, it's good that Trump pumped money into vax research (no matter the fundamental reason why he did it...) but currently he is simply doing... nothing! Eyes wide shut.
And yes, indeed the vax is truly the only thing that will eventually end this whole mess... Unless too many people refuse to take it...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Amount of people dying in Quebec per million of population is still identical to US.
What does that tell you,

This tells you that Québec is pretty bad in its management of the pandemic!!
Now, as I said, let's compare Québec to some US States on an individual basis and let's see which one is worse off (and obviously if you pick Vermont, well... I would love to be in Vermont!! :) ) But if you pick North or South Dakota, well you are above 120 deaths per 100 000 people. Québec hovers around 90. New York State is 180, Nw Jersey is just shy of 200...
So as you can see, one cannot simply compare Québec and the whole US....


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
If you want to break it down to hundreds of different things then you can not compare any country to another.
You can however compare simply things like death per million of population which is a good indication.
Now for sure I could pick out the worst state in the US and then Quebec would look better, I chose not to to make a point to people who do nothing else except cut and paste and have an obsession with Trump while they ignore and turn a blind eye to what is happening in their own back yard.
You can say what ever you like, Quebec alone accounts for more deaths than all the other provinces combined in Canada so if that doesn’t tell you something I don’t know what will.

I do agree that the only way out is with a vaccine and so far Trump apart from the scientists who developed these vaccines has done more to benefit us than any other politician.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
It would be nice if any of the brothers and sisters in “health care” who receive the vaccine could come tell us how it goes....


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Leadership is all about telling the truth. Leadership is about explaining the situation based on facts and admitting we know so little about how this virus is spreading. But a lot of people, we can read them in this forum, do not care about the truth. We can cure ignorance buy education. We can bring a horse to the water but we can't force it to drink. Dishonesty is the worst. People who can't face the truth so they can try to save their asses by lying as the republicans in the US senate now.

Trump is still denying the COVID situation preferring to claim that he doesn't know what is QANON... It may be true as he is an ignorant and so are a bunch of people in USA and unfortunately in almost all countries. He pretends to protect americans by signing a useless executive order preventing production centers in US to deliver vaccines outside US. So ignorant... Here in Canada, the Pfizer vaccine is produced in Belgium and the Moderna one is produced in Switzerland. And he probably doesn't even know those countries are in Europe. In fact a lot of his followers think Europe is a country...


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Not a big issue we will just get the Sputnik V, perhaps it will not only protect you but you may grow an extra dick in the process.
If it is good enough for Putin’s daughter we shouldn’t worry.
I actually heard that the Russian vaccine will only be offered to people below age 60. Depending on your age, you may have to do with one dick for the rest of your life. Sorry for the bad news...


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
This just announced:

Repeat this post for 2 more days and you might be right. I wish americans the best. First the vaccine, than Trump gets out, later America could get great again but herculean work has to be done to get back its credibility. Rememeber Pompeo saying "The world is watch"... you bet the world is watching.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Repeat this post for 2 more days and you might be right. I wish americans the best. First the vaccine, than Trump gets out, later America could get great again but herculean work has to be done to get back its credibility. Rememeber Pompeo saying "The world is watch"... you bet the world is watching.
Thought this would interest you:

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Thought this would interest you:


Before vaccinations can begin, a US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention immunization advisory committee still must vote to recommend the vaccine, and the CDC must accept that recommendation.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices was scheduled to meet Saturday morning

Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
What none of you want to admit or give credit for is that the big Orange for all his faults and fuck ups and being a total ego maniac and asshole as a humane being did in the end pump billions into vaccine research, introduced warp speed and removed all the red tape and obstacles to have at least two viable vaccines available by year end.

Actually, Trump doesn't DO much of anything according to White House sources. The military guy and a few others did all the work. Some White House folks note that Trump spends most of his day on Twitter, watching Fox, and doesn't really DO much - avoids daily brief, aids have to use very simple childlike sentences since he has a limited level of comprehensive of anything complicated.

Same in his real estate business and all his scams, bankruptcies, and only the Russian connected bank would loan him money for about a decade. But his crime family has lots of followers, and his self-pardon or of his family and friends will do nothing to stop all the potential civic and criminal changes under investigation by various State prosecutors.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005

Before vaccinations can begin, a US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention immunization advisory committee still must vote to recommend the vaccine, and the CDC must accept that recommendation.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices was scheduled to meet Saturday morning
Let me get this straight, your rooting for the delay of a vaccine that will save lives?


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Actually, Trump doesn't DO much of anything according to White House sources. The military guy and a few others did all the work. Some White House folks note that Trump spends most of his day on Twitter, watching Fox, and doesn't really DO much - avoids daily brief, aids have to use very simple childlike sentences since he has a limited level of comprehensive of anything complicated.

Same in his real estate business and all his scams, bankruptcies, and only the Russian connected bank would loan him money for about a decade. But his crime family has lots of followers, and his self-pardon or of his family and friends will do nothing to stop all the potential civic and criminal changes under investigation by various State prosecutors.

So true. Just in case anyone cares about the facts - The Pfizer vaccine never took any US federal funding to save time. It was Germany that bankrolled part of the Pfizer vaccine through funding BioNTech, the company that owns the mRNA tech behind the Pfizer vaccine.

As for Moderna, everyone was literally throwing money at it. It just so happened that the US government managed to outbid everyone else. With or without federal funding, the Moderna vaccine would have been developed on the same timeline; maybe even faster seeing as Pfizer felt that dealing w/ Trumpy’s people would slow it down.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Actually, Trump doesn't DO much of anything according to White House sources. The military guy and a few others did all the work. Some White House folks note that Trump spends most of his day on Twitter, watching Fox, and doesn't really DO much - avoids daily brief, aids have to use very simple childlike sentences since he has a limited level of comprehensive of anything complicated.

Same in his real estate business and all his scams, bankruptcies, and only the Russian connected bank would loan him money for about a decade. But his crime family has lots of followers, and his self-pardon or of his family and friends will do nothing to stop all the potential civic and criminal changes under investigation by various State prosecutors.
Okay I get it, he doesn’t do anything, then what are you guys all blaming him for.
Seems to me he is just an innocent bystander.
Why would over 70 million people vote for him is a better question then, are you trying to tell me that Americans are not really all that smart.
I can’t say Canadians are more enlightened and better informed after all we did elect JT.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Let me get this straight, your rooting for the delay of a vaccine that will save lives?
Certainly not. Just trying to give facts based and accurate information.

The last thing we know is: " Pfizer has told reporters covering its rollout that it expects the first shipments of its Covid-19 vaccine to leave the Michigan facility Sunday morning. " Note they say "expect" and not "will". They are scientific and businessmen, they don't want to mess with the truth in this very sensitive and important subject.

Meanwhile the clown in chief is still doing nothing but unleashing again and again on twitter against Supreme Court judges, Bill Barr, and everybody denying his claims on fraudulent election. He just lost!
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