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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
QUÉBEC....le nombre de cas continue d' de 400 ce le tiers des cas à Montréal est en provenance de voyageurs internationaux doublement vaccinés mais porteur du variant DELTA o_O quoi tenir les autorités sur un pied d'alerte...évidemment on savait que ce n'était qu'une question de temps. Les hospitalisations---pour le moment---demeurent sous contrôle.
Une bonne nouvelle quand même nos 18--29 ans sont maintenant à 73% ayant recu leur 1ère dose....on lâche pas.:)
Yes and even with these huge increases, Canada still has less new cases per day than Florida.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 n'invente's from Dr.David Kaiser de la Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal ;) .....and yes it will probably rendre les autorités plus prudentes envers une ouverture encore plus importante de nos frontières.
Nuance.....après recherche ce sont les Québécois voyageant À L'ÉTRANGER qui ramènent le DELTA si présent à l'étranger.....délicate situation à gérer..... :confused:


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
C'mon, if that were true they would have closed the border again.

Update - I stand corrected. I just read about the 1/3 of new cases from international travelers in the Montreal Gazette. I still think it's bullshit, but I guess the media needs to blame somebody for this.

Media is quoting the minister.

It's not completely clear but it sounds like Dubé is blaming Ottawa for not properly enforcing quarantine requirements and blaming slow bureaucracy



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Manifestation prévue cet après--midi downtown en face du complexe fédéral Guy Favreau par le groupe QUÉBEC DEBOUT ;) wow ...alors profitez en bien.....vous ne resterez peut être pas debout pour encore bien;)....à suivre.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
WTF daily cases have almost doubled in a week. At this rate of increase there won`t be any un-vaccinated left by year end....they will have all died off.
Trudeau keep that border shut!!

Surprised ?

The delta variant is extremely contagious. Extremely. Expect cases to double at a very rapid rate in Canada. It's out there. It's just a question of time.

The is a number called R0 which quantifies how contagious something is. Ebola is a 2. The original Covid was a 3. Delta is a 7. Chickenpox which is extremely contagious is a 10.

Very little current constraints, still a good number of unvaccinated, expect some interesting times over the next 3 months.

Let's put it this way, in 3 months from now a lot of people will have antibodies, from vaccination or "à la naturelle"

PS. Waloo posted an article about this months ago. At the time it seemed to make no sense. It makes a lot of sense now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
MANIF à Montréal....oh et c'est MAX BERNIER qui leadait la marche en quête d'électeurs ;) ...quelques milliers pour le protéger cette ;).....alors grosso modo pour revendiquer la liberté de choix----passeport vaccinal ,vaccination----- et tutti frutti;)......bien oui...allez y choisissez le risque de contaminer vos proches et de tomber vous implorerez alors famille et amis à se faire 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I found this interesting, especially the video within the article. I guess things in the US were going all too well for too long according to the media and they finally were able to get their pound of flesh. I didn't go to Sturgis this year or last because of the COVID concern, but the longest running motorcycle rally in the US shouldn't be part of the medias annual super spreader scare tactics. The message should be to get vaccinated. What was interesting in the video was that it shows super spreader events happening all over the country not just South Dakota. What it also pointed out is how many in minority communities that are just not getting vaccinated. Fear works to increase viewership, it doesn't motivate people to get vaccinated. The politics of COVID is beyond ridiculous no matter what your views are. Get vaccinated, if not run the risk of catching COVID and having an unfavorable bout with it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
WTF daily cases have almost doubled in a week. At this rate of increase there won`t be any un-vaccinated left by year end .... they will have all died off.
Trudeau keep that border shut !!

No, it's not that bad. COVID doesn't have a fatality rate of 60%+, let's be real. That being said, it does lead to a high number of unvaxxed people getting seriously ill and that's enough to shut down our hospital system.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Fair notice : I sometimes us sarcasm and even eggggsageration to hi-lite a point.
BTW if the mortality rate was 60% we wouldn`t be having this or any discussion.
Interesting how nature has picked only humans , and not for the first time, to suffer a plague of biblical proportion.
God must be really pissed at how selfishly mankind has abused nature and this unique gem of a planet..
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
No, it's not that bad. COVID doesn't have a fatality rate of 60%+, let's be real. That being said, it does lead to a high number of unvaxxed people getting seriously ill and that's enough to shut down our hospital system.
But there were 11,242 deaths in Quebec alone.

And 4,37 million worldwide, according to official numbers, but in reality it's much more.

Imagine, you have to go to the emergency room, and you stay in the corridor for days because there are a large number of unvaccinated people occupying the places?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Prior to the vaccines COVID deaths were very high. We didn’t know how to treat people so of course the total number of deaths will be high. Since vaccines and therapeutics have become abundant the death rates have gone down considerably. So I don’t think it’s fair to use total COVID deaths as an example for above. It certainly makes a statement and gets your attention. But it’s not comparing apples to apples. I’m not saying COVID is no longer a threat, but we have come a long way from all of the initial deaths since the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Imagine, you have to go to the emergency room, and you stay in the corridor for days because there are a large number of unvaccinated people occupying the places?
Unfortunately you were staying in the corridor for days even before anyone new covid existed.
Quebecs health care and old age care homes were a shambles way before covid and all previous governments did fuck all to correct it whether it was Liberals, Parti Quebec or the CAQ.
Politicians are the lowest life forms on the planet.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Unfortunately you were staying in the corridor for days even before anyone new covid existed.
Quebecs health care and old age care homes were a shambles way before covid and all previous governments did fuck all to correct it whether it was Liberals, Parti Quebec or the CAQ.
Politicians are the lowest life forms on the planet.

This is true. However Covid broke it even more than it was previously broken. And this is THE reason restrictions had to be put it place.

I don't think anyone can deny Covid brought the health care system to the brink. Any disagreements ?

I think everyone can agree something had to be done to bring it somewhat back or preventing it from falling further. Any disagreements ?

I think where they are diverging opinion are what measures were most effective.
For example, I believe proper border control would have been more effective than the curfew. But that is an opinion.

If someone doesn't agree with the first two points on the need to take stress off the health system they are living in an alternate reality.

We shouldn't forget that countries with "relatively good" health care system got overrun by Covid. It wasn't just Quebec. I am the first to crap on Legault, but nobody escaped this.

BTW, there was a recent ranking of the health systems of 11 high income countries. Canada ended up 10th. But many of the top 10 where overwhelmed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I agree with your assessment, unfortunately I can almost guarantee that 5 years from now even if this whole covid crap will be behind us people will still be waiting in the emergency area in corridors for hours on end and in corridors for days waiting for a room.
Seniors will not be treated any better in old age care facilities, there will not be more nurses, doctors, caretakers, or even A/C in these places.
I had the misfortune of visiting some of these places everyday for 8 months and my only wish is that I will not live long enough to end up in one of these places.
Politicians will not do a thing once the pressure is of the pandemic will be off their shoulder they will go right back to all kinds of cuts on health care.
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