yesterday in Florida = a new record, + than 26,000 new cases.
Of course to some it is just another flu and nothing serious, not a reason for them to wear a facial diaper or get vaccinated.If New York can under-report over 10,000 deaths than imagine what countries under dictatorships are under-reporting......probably millions of unreported deaths.
Better a multi-thousand experimental drug than a $30 approved drug. Makes sense!^^^^The US has 49 other states, but, only one of them is doing this:
COVID In Florida: More Than 10,000 Have Received Monoclonal Antibody Treatment
More than 10,000 people in Florida have received the monoclonal antibody treatment to try to prevent severe illness from COVID-19, a top state official said
I like your sarcasm!
My only point is that there are other states besides Texas, Florida, and South Dakota that could be in the conversation about COVID. And I've never seen so much coverage of the Sturgis bike rally in my life. There's plenty of large gatherings all over the country. There's no doubt why the media picked this event. All large events happening in all of the states is an issue.Better a multi-thousand experimental drug than a $30 approved drug. Makes sense!
My only point is that there are other states besides Texas, Florida, and South Dakota that could be in the conversation about COVID. And I've never seen so much coverage of the Sturgis bike rally in my life. There's plenty of large gatherings all over the country. There's no doubt why the media picked this event. All large events happening in all of the states is an issue.
Aucune opinion dans ce post, seulement des données. Dans le lien ci-bas vous trouverez les données sur les différents pays.
Je n'ai gardé que le taux de mortalité pour 100,000 habitants. Certains chiffres peuvent à première vue sembler étonnant. Pourquoi si peu de morts en Afrique? Le virus original frappait surtout les gens de 70 ans et plus. Malheureusement l'espérance de vie des Africains est souvent en deçà de 60 ans... Bien sûr, les conditions climatiques peuvent aussi favoriser ou au défavoriser la résistance et la contagion du virus. Les données fournis ne sont pas toujours fiables par manque de moyens ou autres. Perso, j'ai été heureusement surpris que le Canada performe aussi bien qu'Israël.
Je vous laisse tirer vos propres conclusions.
Si vous consulter le site original (John Hopkins University) vous verrez que les pays sont justement classés par le taux de mortalité pour 100,000 habitants.
Source :
^^^^^^^ Your comment is very relevant. Although in some countries, specially African ones where there are a lot of civil wars and other health issues, it is difficult to conclude from where the difference in global mortality comes from. But I think we can trust numbers and directly compares Canada with US, France, UK, Germany and similar countries with equivalent GDP and health services.