Montreal Escorts



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Dre. Anne Bhéreur:

«Même si mes poumons sont intacts, j’ai les pieds bleus en ce moment en vous parlant et je deviens essoufflée», a confié la femme de 45 ans à l’animateur. Et après cet effort, elle passera le reste de sa journée «assis les yeux fermés», de son propre aveu.

Dre Bhéreur a attrapé la COVID-19 dans un milieu de soins en décembre 2020. Son cas n’a pas nécessité d’hospitalisation, mais les séquelles n’en ont pas été moins graves près d’un an plus tard. «Quand je l’ai attrapée, je pensais que ce serait quelques mauvaises journées, mais ça fait 10 mois et les mauvaises journées s'accumulent».
Cette dernière aimerait convaincre les antivaccins d’aller chercher leurs doses.

«Je voudrais tous les inviter dans ma cour, qu’ils voient ce que ça peut avoir l’air la COVID longue chez quelqu’un qui avant parlait vite, qui courait partout».
Cette dernière aimerait convaincre les antivaccins d’aller chercher leurs doses.

Dr. Anne Bhéreur is a person in Quebec with long-term COVID. In her testimony, she describes the impacts and consequences that the COVID-19 disease has had on her life.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Faut pas lâcher, le temps de la prudence n'est pas terminée. J'accueille les nouvelles mesures, en vigeur le 15 novembre, avec réalisme. La situation n'est pas totalement sous contrôle. Les cas remontent et ce n'est pas une surprise. Plus d'activités, plus de gens à l'intérieur, plus de contacts, demeurons responsables et les choses continueront de s'améliorer. Décembre et janvier, c'est pas gagné d'avance! Mais on peut le faire! Let's go!

Maudit que j'ai hâte au printemps!



Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Même si la situation épidémiologique s’améliore, même si les masques vont bientôt tomber à l’école secondaire, même si les karaokés vont reprendre du service… ça n’est pas fini. Pas encore.

Cloué à son lit de Sainte-Justine, Hugo en est la preuve. Lisons son histoire. Un cas réel, Hugo a 7 ans.




Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

La direction de l’entreprise Croustilles Yum Yum a procédé, lundi, de manière préventive, à la fermeture de son usine de transformation de Warwick parce que des employés ont été testés positivement à la COVID-19. (53 sur 150 employés sont positifs).

« Heureusement, à ce jour, aucun de nos employés ne présente de symptômes nécessitant une hospitalisation », (parce que vaccinés), a fait savoir, en fin de journée, mardi, le directeur des ressources humaines, Pierre Dulac.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The United States’ coronavirus death toll topped 750,000 on Wednesday, an average of around 1,200 lost lives per day since the deadliest pandemic in American history began last year — and the country logged more than 8,500 new deaths in the last week.

It's incredible, but true!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

As the devastating Delta variant surge eases in many regions of the world, scientists are charting when, and where, COVID-19 will transition to an endemic disease in 2022 and beyond, according to Reuters interviews with over a dozen leading disease experts.

They expect that the first countries to emerge from the pandemic will have had some combination of high rates of vaccination and natural immunity among people who were infected with the coronavirus, such as the United States, the UK, Portugal and India.

But they warn that SARS-CoV-2 remains an unpredictable virus that is mutating as it spreads through unvaccinated populations.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC ce jour.....588 nouveaux cas----0 décès---241 hospitalisations---63 aux soins intensifs.

Toujours important de regarder chez nous......les cas positifs demeurent RALATIVEMENT élevé entre 500--600 ces dernières semaines MAIS les hospitalisations se maintiennent autour de 240--250....ce qui est encourageant et surtout démontre que LA VACCINATION

FONCTIONNE/produit ses effets... :) .


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
L'OMS sonne l'alarme/urgence pour l'EUROPE et EUROPE DE L'EST ou il y a résurgence des cas et des décès.....les causes.....faible taux de vaccination et abandon/baisse des mesures sanitaires.....l'EUROPE redevient l'épicentre de la transmission ...

d'ou l'importance de bien saisir à quel point NOUS avons bien fait nos devoirs :) MAIS le combat n'est pas gagné----loin de là---et l'OMS nous le rappelle.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

At a press conference WHO Europe head Hans Kluge said the continent could see half a million more deaths by February.
He blamed insufficient vaccine take-up for the rise.

"We must change our tactics, from reacting to surges of Covid-19 to preventing them from happening in the first place," he said.

The rate of vaccination has slowed across the continent in recent months. While some 80% of people in Spain are double jabbed, in Germany it is as low as 66% - and far lower in some Eastern European countries. Only 32% of Russians were fully vaccinated by October 2021.

Mr Kluge also blamed a relaxation of public health measures for rising infections in the WHO's European region, which covers 53 countries including parts of Central Asia. So far the WHO has recorded 1.4 million deaths across the region.

The WHO's technical lead on Covid-19, Maria Van Kerkhove, said over the past four weeks cases across Europe had soared over 55%, despite an "ample supply of vaccines and tools", and colleague Dr Mike Ryan said Europe's experience was a "warning shot for the world".


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

A record number of new Covid-19 infections was recorded in Germany this Thursday, November 11 with 50,196 additional cases in 24 hours, a sign of the violence of the epidemic wave that is hitting the country, according to the Robert Koch health watch institute .

This is the first time that the threshold of 50,000 new daily cases has been crossed since the start of the pandemic in the country.
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New Member
Jul 8, 2021

A record number of new Covid-19 infections was recorded in Germany this Thursday, November 11 with 50,196 additional cases in 24 hours, a sign of the violence of the epid

A record number of new Covid-19 infections was recorded in Germany this Thursday, November 11 with 50,196 additional cases in 24 hours, a sign of the violence of the epidemic wave that is hitting the country,

Poor people... Please follow this news and tell us the fatality rate of 50 000 German because of this deadly virus .


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
The short answer is 149 deaths by day on a 7 days average. Those are not statictic, THEY ARE HUMAN BEING.

Why ask the question when it is so easy to find the answer on google using 4 easy words. DAILY MORTALITY COVID GERMANY
Those deaths were preventable as most of them are mostly unvaccinated people.
But Some don't care about the truth, prefer to stay in their echo chamber, listening to themselves Grow up! Learn from others than people having the same believing as you.
I can bring the Donkey to the water, but can't force it to drink. He probably thinks there are microchips in the water or I just want to control him... But he is just a poor Donkey whose brain is affected by dehydration...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Once a population is fully vaccinated, then infection is what you want. It is the ideal way to build immunity, according to epidemiologists. Vaccinations mostly protect the worst from happening so the outcome is just a mild flu, not hospitalization/organ damage/death.

That's what happening in Singapore now. In 2020, they had a zero-covid policy - anyone who was infected didn't even get to go home, they were isolated in hospitals until the virus cleared. Lockdowns were severe. All contacts were rigorously traced and they even enlisted the help of the police to track down possible contacts. Result: their deaths per million is 1/8 of Canada's.

But now, a solid 90% of their eligible population is vaxxed so they're allowing infection to spread. No more contact tracing. 3,000 cases daily in 2021 vs 10+ cases in 2020. They still have anti covid measures in place to slow down pace of infection.

But essentially, this is what other countries will be doing in the next 1 or 2 years.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

European Countries Reintroduce Lockdowns As Covid Cases Surge.

Covid-19 cases are rising dramatically across Europe despite a widespread vaccine rollout, with nearly two million new cases reported in the last week, the most in a single week on the continent since the pandemic began.

NBC News’ Claudio Lavanga explains which European countries are reintroducing lockdowns and what health experts in the U.S. are learning from the rise in cases.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

AMSTERDAM, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Dutch hospitals are feeling the strain from a surge in COVID-19 patients but the worst has yet to come, the head of the country's hospital association said on Monday.

The number of COVID-19 patients in Dutch hospitals increased to around 2,000 on Monday, including almost 400 in intensive care, reaching the highest level since May.
With almost 250 new admissions every day, the hospitals are set to pass last winter's peak of around 2,800 coronavirus patients in little over a week, the LNAZ association’s head, Ernst Kuipers, told lawmakers.

"We haven't seen the peak yet, numbers will continue to rise," Kuipers said.

Hospitals throughout the country have been scaling back regular care for weeks in order to deal with urgent COVID-19 patients.

Hospitals in the southern province of Limburg, one of the worst-hit regions, last week even said they had no space or staff to handle more coronavirus patients.

Because there were no more sanitary restrictions.

It was as if there was no more covid.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

COVID cases continue to climb, now up 22% globally and 16% in the United States with an uncertain future trajectory.

This is borne out by the relatively high proportion of deaths to apparent cases in the US. Germany, Austria and the Netherlands are seeing worrying rises in cases and deaths.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
AUTRICHE/AUSTRIA....vue la montée fulgurante des cas....ce pays prend les grands moyens.....confinement général-----vaccinés et non vaccinés---et obligatoire dès aujourd'hui jusqu'au 13 Dé au 1er Février VACCINATION OBLIGATOIRE pour tous.

Pas drôle BUT it seems it's the only way to go... :confused: ca doit nous faire réfléchir que rien n'est encore jouer /gagner.....bien au contraire.
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