What if this new variant is resistant to vaccines?
Quebec has twice the per capita rate of daily cases as Ontario . Ontario has asked that Canada close flights to and from Sub Sahara Africa but Trudeau so far hasn`t taken action , unlike most of Europe and England. Trudeau is too busy lobbying with African nations for their votes on him being nominated for the chairmanship of the UN ........to be concerned about his citizens health and safety.
Time will tell, but if it is indeed less deadly, as we all certainly hope.
Chair of South African Medical Association says Omicron cases are mild so far, but it's too soon to determine the risk of severe disease
"We really just need to hold tight to see how this plays out and what our next move is," an epidemiologist at UTHealth School of Public Health said.www.yahoo.com
Then since it is clearly more transmittable, it might be the big chickenpox party that finally ends this when it becomes the really bad cold that everyone has had, or won’t get at all, due to vaccinations.
Germany reports first two cases of Omicron variant
The positive cases, found in a group of around 600 passengers, will be examined to see if they are the new Omicron variant.www.thejournal.ie
If it is more deadly, then the world is going to become a smaller place. Air Canada stock dropped double digits yesterday, and gif know that ain’t the strongest company financially anyway. It is popular to ban outsiders, or Blame Canada as the South Park guys did in an old musical (long before Covid), but there are consequences to isolation. Hopefully when Canada bails out Air Canada it is a grant not a loan, so we don’t have to repay them via higher airfares.
I was listening to a doctor from Harvard that was not trying to grand stand like some media types
Very simply he said "virus like to evolve so as to transmit as much as possible and not kill their host". Hopefully this new variant got the memo.
Clearly the "taking boosters shoot" concept failed to achieve desired results and sales, so a new "scare" is required. They are already giving dates for the vaccine against it. Pfizer said 3 months, while Modena thinks early 2022, which is also roughly the same time. Of course, governments need to panic and start measures so that it is taken seriously. Wondering how the passport will be obtained once the propaganda machine rolls on for this variant?Say hello to omicron . It just arrived in Ottawa . Pretty well all we know about it is that its reputation precedes it.
Buddy, I got the two doses so do not put my name in your post. You do not get it but I am against authoritarianism not against the vaccine. Government is not our parents and they got no business meddling in peoples personal lives. If some people choose to not get vaccinated and they get sick because of their decision then that is on them but the choice to vaccinate has to be for them to make not the government and when I say force that includes coercion like vaccine passports and mandatory vaccines mandated by employers.Drug companies can`t lose .....if they can`t sell you their jabs then they`ll sell you insulin instead. Yup listen Franco and C500 and lose your legs and eyesight to diabetes.