I would have liked to see you in their placeBut given the incompetence these guys have shown
I would have liked to see you in their placeBut given the incompetence these guys have shown
I would have liked to see you in their place![]()
8000 non-vaxDUBÉ ce jour..
1- Non AUCUNE autre mesure mise en place...pas de couvre-feu.
2- Seule mesure annoncée....vu le manque de personnel important...va permettre au personnel de la santé de travailler même si testé positif MAIS asymptomatique ...à certaines conditions et à la pièce.....on est rendu là
3-La réponse est la vaccination....donc vaccination des 18 ans et plus à compter du 4 Janvier pour la 3ème dose.
Side notes....58% des 5-11 ans sont vaccinés....quand même
-Sur les 12,000 cas testés positifs 8,000 étaient non-vaccinés.....donc encore un appel pressant aux non-vaccinés de procéder....DUBÉ se dit certain que ces derniers seront bientôt atteints et de futurs hospitalisés......MAIS IMHO il n'y a plus rien à faire avec eux...cause perdue.
DUBÉ ce jour..
1- Non AUCUNE autre mesure mise en place...pas de couvre-feu.
2- Seule mesure annoncée....vu le manque de personnel important...va permettre au personnel de la santé de travailler même si testé positif MAIS asymptomatique ...à certaines conditions et à la pièce.....on est rendu là
3-La réponse est la vaccination....donc vaccination des 18 ans et plus à compter du 4 Janvier pour la 3ème dose.
Side notes....58% des 5-11 ans sont vaccinés....quand même
-Sur les 12,000 cas testés positifs 8,000 étaient non-vaccinés.....donc encore un appel pressant aux non-vaccinés de procéder....DUBÉ se dit certain que ces derniers seront bientôt atteints et de futurs hospitalisés......MAIS IMHO il n'y a plus rien à faire avec eux...cause perdue.
Les Québécois en Floride sont dans un autre monde
Pendant que les Québécois sont à nouveau frappés par des mesures strictes contre la COVID-19, la vie continue en Floride.www.tvanouvelles.ca
Update In Florida:
The highest number of new cases was recorded on December 24 with 32,850 screenings. But, at the head of state, the political powers have not budged.
A fierce opponent of health measures, Governor Ron DeSantis has remained silent in the last few days in the face of the rise of the Omicron variant.
Life goes on in Florida as if the pandemic didn't exist.
According to the CDC, monoclonal antibodt therapy doesn't work that well for Omicron variant.8000 non-vax![]()
..... la manipulation est la, les non-vax font pas des tests, moi puis tous mes amis non-vax on s'est jamais testé ..... pour moi s'est dificile de croire que beaucoup plus de 8000 non-vax ont fait la queue pendant 1-2h pour s'est tester dans les derniers jour de Noël
View attachment 19878
Florida has acces to preventive treatements .... monoclonal antibody therapy is available everywhere
The health system is under high or extreme pressure in some States.Monday December 27:
+ 543k new cases
1,737 dead
In Connecticut the positivity rate is a record 14.98%, but our healthcare system isn't overwhelmed. The pace of hospitalizations isn't matching the positivity rate because a higher percentage of Omicron cases aren't leading to serious symptoms. The Omicron variant is staying in the upper respiratory system and not attacking the lungs. This means stuffed nose, congestion and lots of snot blown into tissues, but not as much suffocating for oxygen because the lungs are under attack.
This "long hauling" could be vaccine damage.And even for the survivors of COVID, there's a 1 in 3 chance of long hauling:
Chemical "drugs" all have listed "half lives" from a few hours to hundreds of hours. They are metabolized and flushed out of our bodies.All drugs have side effects.
Vaccines have them, as does tylenol.
Side effects of tylenol: (the lighter drug)
If you try to convince posters who are against Covid vaccines, you are very patient and any argument you post will pass straight trough their skulls with no effect.![]()
Tylenol - Utilisations, Effets secondaires, Interactions - salutbonjour.ca
Tylenol: Tylenol: L'acetaminophène agit rapidement afin de soulager les douleurs provoquées par divers troubles et de réduire la fièvre provoquée par les infections.ressourcessante.salutbonjour.ca
All drugs have side effects.
Vaccines have them, as does tylenol.
Side effects of tylenol: (the lighter drug)
A rash, hives, or itching
Of pallor
Unusual tiredness or weakness
Shortness of breath
Unusual nosebleeds
Blood in urine
A cough with bloody sputum
Bleeding gums
Cuts that keep bleeding
Increased urine output at night
Decreased urine production
Blood in urine
A change in the usual color of urine
Sore throat
Sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth
Fever with or without chills
Pain in the abdomen
Dark colored urine
Itchy skin
Pale colored stools
Yellowing of the skin or eyes
My Mom told be I only got the Measles and Mumps vax. Am I a danger to the public?Here is the list of all available vaccines, 12 of which are mandatory.
In 2018, vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae b, hepatitis B, meningococcus C, pneumococcus, measles, mumps and rubella are mandatory before age 2 years for infants born on or after January 1, 2018.
You are right, I am wasting my time.If you try to convince posters who are against Covid vaccines, you are very patient and any argument you post will pass straight trough their skulls with no effect.
Yes you are but not because of the vaccines you got or didn't... But there are less and less people being on board with you! And your mom is not right on this one. Anyway that is not the problem now.My Mom told be I only got the Measles and Mumps vax. Am I a danger to the public?