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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
What's happening according to those stats is that the unvaccinated are slowly being killed off. This is Darwin theory- "survival of the fittest"- in action.
I completely disagree. Vaccinated people are also dying. This isn’t just about the unvaccinated anymore. I personally know vaccinated people that didn’t make over this past year. If it was only the unvaccinated dying that would be one thing. But there is so many break through cases along with studies in Israel that show vaccines aren’t working out as planned. IMHO we need to really look at a “warp speed” type of initiative for pharmaceuticals to help treat everyone.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
looo you are right but you are neglecting the fact that the un-vaccinated are dying at 10 times the rate of the fully vaxxed.
As far as pharma is concerned they are very happy that vaccines are only partially effective so they can continue to make huge profits on a partial fix..
It`s going to be the US army that will save the day. They are well on the way to creating a vaccine that will halt all corona type viruses including some cold causing ones.
Now vaxx deniers don`t trust pharma and the government....will they trust the military pigs fly ? lol


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
It`s going to be the US army that will save the day. They are well on the way to creating a vaccine that will halt all corona type viruses including some cold causing ones.

What's this then? I'd love to read more about this...


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Here are the numbers for the vaccinated. Pretty impressive.

”The CDC study looked at more than 1.2 million fully vaccinated adults across hundreds of U.S. healthcare facilities between December 2020 and last October: Some 2,246 of them caught Covid-19 after getting vaccinated, and 189 faced a severe outcome like acute respiratory failure or ICU admission, including 36 who died.
Quebec statistics of hospitalization today

77 non vaccinated

133 after the second doze

104 after the third doze


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Interesting. The U.S. states that report by vaccination status tell a different story than that, even after Omicron. I wonder why it is so different?

But that’s not the case. Studies from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson& Johnson show that vaccines continue to offer protection against severe disease
So while the article started by saying that the gap is closing, it continues by stating the above. Wonder why while stats are showing a majority of vaccinated hospitalized, their studies still shows that the Vaccine is effective.. Maybe because they are the ones benefiting from that? I mean, might be illogical that they would push the idea :), as if it was in their benefit...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
It is more than just studies by Big Pharma. These are statistics from hospitals. Why would Quebec’s numbers be so different?

”Further, most patients hospitalized as a result of breakthrough infections in recent weeks have had underlying health conditions. Take, for example, the 128 COVID-19 patients at Michigan Medicine, the hospital system affiliated with the University of Michigan, on January 10. Of the 49 vaccinated patients, only nine were younger than 65, not immunocompromised and didn’t have a significant underlying lung disease. Of the 79 unvaccinated patients, 34 were similarly young and healthy.

In New York, one of the first states to get slammed by the Omicron wave, both vaccinated and unvaccinated have seen an uptick in serious COVID-19 cases—but the gap in hospitalization rates between the two groups is effectively widening. Before mid-November, unvaccinated New Yorkers were hospitalized for COVID-19 at about 10 times the rate as their vaccinated neighbors. But since then, they’ve been about 14 times more likely to wind up in the hospital.”
Another statistic detail from Quebec. Only about 50% of hospitalized are hospitalized for COVID primarily. The other 50% are hospitalized for other reasons but with COVID. For example, if you are hospitalized for stroke and are positive for COVID you are counted as a COVID patient. There are cases when patients get COVID in a hospital while admitted for different reasons and were than included in the COVID statistics. This shows that statistics can be manipulated and thus differ between states and countries. The hospitals in US also have an additional pay for patients with COVID while in some other countries not. This influences statistics in a big way and like having different physics laws on the Moon and Mars.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
It is more than just studies by Big Pharma. These are statistics from hospitals. Why would Quebec’s numbers be so different?

”Further, most patients hospitalized as a result of breakthrough infections in recent weeks have had underlying health conditions. Take, for example, the 128 COVID-19 patients at Michigan Medicine, the hospital system affiliated with the University of Michigan, on January 10. Of the 49 vaccinated patients, only nine were younger than 65, not immunocompromised and didn’t have a significant underlying lung disease. Of the 79 unvaccinated patients, 34 were similarly young and healthy.

In New York, one of the first states to get slammed by the Omicron wave, both vaccinated and unvaccinated have seen an uptick in serious COVID-19 cases—but the gap in hospitalization rates between the two groups is effectively widening. Before mid-November, unvaccinated New Yorkers were hospitalized for COVID-19 at about 10 times the rate as their vaccinated neighbors. But since then, they’ve been about 14 times more likely to wind up in the hospital.”
Honestly, the Stats are questionable. There are 2 things I rely on in this issue, General result, and personal experience.
!0 billion doses of Vaccines have been administered. Did the pandemic stop? Did the general conditions improve? The answer is an obvious No. Who is getting hospitalized, and why? Depends on what side you are standing. It has become clear that both sides are cutting and slicing data as wished. The Vaccine has become a political tool, and a divisive one unfortunately.
In my personal experience, the only person I know that Died from COVID is an 89 years old women, who apparently COVID gave her a heart attack. Other then that, Vaccinated or not, the result was similar, Fever, fatigue, and sometimes loss of smell. I know of no young person that was hospitalized.
A doctor told me last year, that he believed that many COVID patient died of stress rather than COVID itself. Stress reduces immunity, and can lead to a deteriorating condition. Truth is most probably somewhere in between, but I do not see the Vaccine ending this Pandemic. I believe that the herd immunity argument, harsh and as scary as it is, was the correct strategy. Vaccines should have been developed only for those at risk, and not for mass inoculation. The logic that a Vaccinated should not be next to an Unvaccinated is simply absurd, and yet it makes sense to the leaders. In other words, while you are protected, you need to stay away. Go figure how this is logical. Furthermore, while we have much more Vaccinated then non Vaccinated, and conditions are worse, we still see the media pushing for it, and using the non vaccinated as escape goats. They do not answer the WHY are we worse while there are more Vaccinated then last year, or the year before, they just keep attacking the non vaccinated regardless of the facts.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
What a bizarre statement! I now understand how you figure out your thoughts.
You understood nothing. Most probably to you anything that contradicts even the idea that Vaccines have not delivered is dismissed regardless of proofs or situations. The only stats that matter are the ones that proves that idea. Anything else, logical or not, is to be ridiculed.
As to Answering questions, pfff, just use the Non vaccinated, and the meaningless stats argument, and continue by ridiculing any logical Argument. Instead of saying what a bizarre statement, how about precising what is bizarre about it. You do not believe stress reduces immunity? Google it, and see why stress is called the silent killer. When ridiculing is a strat for argumentation, it just means to that your arguments are empty or shaky at best.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Interesting mini-documentary from 1976.
Kinda creepy in the context of covid.
Same type of media propaganda as today.
Today media is amplified million fold by internet.
I guess that is why "They" pushed it globally to the limit.

60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

Something from the youtube comments:
""Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

+ 825 k new cases
3,866 dead

Total: + 864 k dead

Is there a graph for the daily dead? 3.8K is about 2x of the death toll from a month ago, am I right?

Florida: like another planet:

In Florida, entire conversations happen without the C-word mentioned, unless you bring it up — which, of course, I did. I asked a group of seven 60-somethings I met at a restaurant terrace how they felt about Florida’s non-existent pandemic rules.

Every last one said they loved how Florida handles things. In the words of one woman “Our philosophy here is: I look after myself and you look after yourself. If you want to wear a mask indoors, you should. If you don’t want to go to a restaurant, you shouldn’t.”

When I asked about our collective responsibility to protect others she shrugged and said: “That’s just not how we think here.”

I mentioned Quebec’s recent curfew, but they all just laughed, dismissing it as “Canadian communism.”


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
during my recent visit to montreal, i was very sad to see how many bars, cafes etc seemed to be permanently closed. in my travels, this is by far the worst effect of the pandemic that i have seen. st denis is one of my favorite streets- i usually stay near there and spend most of my time in that area. it appeared that about 80% of the businesses were closed. unbelievable, i cant image how long it will take to recover.
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