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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
2022 is shaping up to be the deadliest year for covid - as of Dec 25, 2021, there were 29,854 deaths in Canada from covid.

As of July 9? 42,148, so about 12,200 just for 2022.

Assuming the trend stays constant (maybe even higher since no one gives a F*ck anymore & the health system has broken down in Ontario & Quebec), Canada will get about 25,000+ deaths from covid in 2022. So much for the virus becoming less deadlier.

Don't let any of your loved ones be 1 of those!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Apparently the new variant has a new and very unique side effect. It makes people actually got to work or work harder. President Brandon is usually done with his day by noon, but today after testing positive for COVID he was "working hard all day" in the White House according to the fake news reports. Finally, old Brandon put in a full 8 hours, good for him.

But I thought we were told over and over again that "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated". Mr. Brandon is vaccinated and twice boosted.
So funny you are trying to push your silly comment using what you reported yourself as a "fake news report"???
Maybe you should take a rest and try to put some logic in what you are writing.
On an other side, you may be all right. Before his COVID, old Dump was spending most of his time golfing or signing Big Sharpie Stupid Executive Orders. After his COVID and specially since President Biden won the election, he seems dedicating all his time propagating the Big Lie which is a big work. This Dump is probably the most vaccinated person in the US.
You are also right that COVID as such unexpected effects. It pushes a small minority of not so wise people to comment and deny its existence or its importance. or trying to minimize the severity of the situation.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The Liberals like to lie to push their narrative (The God of Liberal voters). However it is funny how ALL research is not disclosed on Canadian media. Could it be because they all received the media assistance fund (bribe money from the Liberals). Having said that, a new study published by the New England Journal of Medicine has demonstrated that people who are triple-vaccinated against COVID recover significantly more slowly from COVID infection and remain contagious for longer than people who are not vaccinated at all. Could explain why the cases never end and why there are so many variants.

This is the source.

Background on the New England Journal of Medicine: The New England Journal of Medicine is a weekly medical journal published by the Massachusetts Medical Society. It is among the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals as well as the oldest continuously published one.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Media coverage comparison for Biden and Trump when they caught COVID:
An other baseless comment. Trump almost died from it. He needed hospitalization and a cocktail or very expensive antibody treatment and other anti-viral drugs.
Fully vaccinated, and respecting common sens caution, President Biden had mild symptoms.
It is fascinating to see how FOX News, the most Main Stream Media in US, continues using COVID to divide Americans again. It is also sad that some people accept this rhetoric.
COVID is real bad news for anyone and should not be used to push personal political agenda. Anyway, there is a dedicated thread for political comments.

En français on dirait: Que le jupon dépasse... Ce qui veut dire que votre crédibilité est gravement affecté par l'utilisation d'arguments fallacieux.
Ce thread est supposé avoir pour sujet la COVID et ses conséquences désastreuses et les moyens pour la contrer ou minimiser ses effets.
La vaccination et la prévention par la vaccination, le port du masque lorsque nécessaire, le lavage des mains et le maintien d'une saine distanciation sont des moyens simples, efficaces et gratuits pour contrôler la propagation du virus


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
It is obvious some know nothing about LIBERALISM. They use words used in the US to please the alt-right and the religious extremists.

Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), liberal democracy, secularism, rule of law, economic and political freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, private property and a market economy.[11]

Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, gaining popularity among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law.

For someone claiming Freedom, liberalism is the way to go.
This being said, Liberalism doesn't belongs to a single political party. In Canada it is represented by most but is more evident in some. In US, it not so clear.

Her is a good reflection on COVID vs FREEDOM:

Is Dierksmeier blind to the dangers of the overturning of free orders into authoritarianism, to the manifold efforts and the measures using this pandemic as a pretext for the far-reaching restriction of fundamental rights? Not at all! According to Dierksmeier, we must be on our guard here.

Nonetheless, a proportionate quarantine can certainly be conducive to freedom: if the freedom to shop in boutiques and eat in restaurants is curtailed, while on the other hand the freedom not to fall ill, or even lose one’s own life, is strengthened, then class takes precedence over mass.

In the case of freedom, he says, qualitative evaluation must precede quantitative measurements. The central question is which freedoms and whose freedoms are at stake: “For if we are entitled to freedom simply as persons, then all persons are. Thus, where we limit individual freedom to its compatibility with the freedom of all, the universal idea of freedom is not reduced but realised. In short, temporarily giving up options that threaten the freedom of others to survive may be uncomfortable; but it is not an attack on our liberal order.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Bien résumé....quand même incroyable d'avoir un débat aussi divisif et politisé sur un sujet qui devrait faire consensus.....d'autant plus que les outils à notre disposition pour le combattre sont connus/faciles et bien loin d'un agenda caché pour
contrôler la vie de tous et chacun.... ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
An other baseless comment.
My comment simply introduced an interesting video that you didn't watch. Media coverage is quite different between the two presidents and that's obvious. Everything else you wrote was irrelevant and unrelated. Looks like happy hour got started early today. Time to grow up.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Interesting article, but it could be that the reason the cases never end (but fortunately decline) and why so many variants exist is that Coronavirus’s have been doing that since at least 1889. CNN should get rid of the purple spiked ball toy and do a Since 1889 logo such as the one usually seen on fine whiskey bottles.

“What has happened to the virus that likely caused this 19th century pandemic?

OC43 is still around. It is now responsible for common colds, albeit the more severe common colds. And probably in some elderly people it can lead to severe illnesses. We might want to look more for OC43 in weird pneumonias in the elderly. This is because before last year, if an elderly person had pneumonia, only in a university hospital would they have been tested for OC43. A person could have been sick from it in intensive care in a local hospital but they would never know.”

One of the best things about Covid-19 is that most of the population participated in, and the Government wasn’t allowed to completely delay (like they do with most medical research as regulators) a vaccination program. We will never fully know the differences between life with vaccinations versus no vaccinations for Covid. My personal opinion is that they prolonged a great number of lives. If others disagree, their opinions should not be silenced.

No one gives a shit now if the Russian Flu killed off 0.2 or 0.5 percent of the population. And a hundred years from now no one will give a shit if Covid 19 killed off 0.2 or 0.4 percent of the population. The media wasn’t as dramatic in 1889. That is the only area of life where things have gone backward. That, and of course the government’s ability to force the population to obey orders as a result of the existence of a Pandemic, and to detain them as a result of a positive medical test they are required to take, particularly when traveling.
Bingo! Coronaviruses has been here for as long as the common cold, there were many different variants (the common cold are caused by rhinoviruses and coronaviruses). So the million dollar question is why the government politicized covid-19 so much? If you read at how covid cases are counted and even they admit it, a lot of people get admitted to the hospital for other reasons and the hospitals keep on testing patients for covid. I know because one of my family member was admitted to hospital in winter 2022 for UTI, she told me they kept on testing her daily for covid. So what all this means is that those people just happened to have covid but were not there for covid but for whatever their problem is. They get added to the stats.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
My comment simply introduced an interesting video that you didn't watch.
An other baseless comment. I watched it and they compare apples and oranges but I didn't expect it to be fair as the source is "one track minded". This video is not an interesting one for anyone looking for fairness.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
One of the best things about Covid-19 is that most of the population participated in, and the Government wasn’t allowed to completely delay (like they do with most medical research as regulators) a vaccination program. We will never fully know the differences between life with vaccinations versus no vaccinations for Covid. My personal opinion is that they prolonged a great number of lives. If others disagree, their opinions should not be silenced.

No one gives a shit now if the Russian Flu killed off 0.2 or 0.5 percent of the population. And a hundred years from now no one will give a shit if Covid 19 killed off 0.2 or 0.4 percent of the population.
You are right: "We will never fully know the differences between life with vaccinations versus no vaccinations for Covid."
And God be blessed for that. What we do know is most of the older ones 60+, immuno-compromised and others with immunity debilitating conditions would just be dead or severely ill.

Of course, it is an evidence, they prolonged a great number of lives. We are still in the pandemic with new more contagious variants emerging despite a high but not sufficient numbers of fully vaccinated (VF) people. With what we know now 2 doses and at least 1 booster shot should be considered for being qualified VF for general population and 2 booster shots for the 60+. Even with the vaccination it is obvious there was and there is an over-mortality and it is not over.

From the moment of our conception we are programmed to die. It is not a reason to accept evitable death.
If you are serious about this subject read on the telomeres. Telomeres get shorter each time a cell copies itself, but the important DNA stays intact. Eventually, telomeres get too short to do their job, causing our cells to age and stop functioning properly. Therefore, telomeres act as the aging clock in every cell.

About "nobody giving a shit now" about past deadly events, intelligent, wise and smart peoples care. From the past we can learn and prepare a better future. The quality of life we have now is because others before us learned and worked hard to discover the causes of diseases and developed drugs and antibiotics mainly. Of course it is easier to do nothing and complain. All that we learned and did against Sars-CoV-2 will surely also help to prevent deadliest virus in the future. This mRNA vaccine technology is simply a break-through in the science history.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I agree with all you said and you are right. You got Purplem to like your post, maybe there is hope for Liberal voters. The thing is the media is a tool to manipulate the masses. Look at it this way, the government breaks your legs then gives you crutches and says we saved you and give themselves a pat on their back. Same scenario. A lot of problems are government created problems. It also requires support from the public. Politicians will conduct polls just to put a suggestion to see how the public will react, now after two years the public's support for masks and vaccines passport has dropped to below 50% a big difference compared to the same time last year. Legault has not locked down Quebec but two years ago he would have, why he wants to win the elections.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
^^^^^^ Wake up!!! 2 years ago there were no vaccines.
In canada, the vaccination effort began December 14, 2020, and is currently ongoing.
Omicron variant appeared late in December 2021 and we got the Delta variant mid 2021.
You are using words without knowing what they mean. There is no link to be made between liberalism and Le parti Libéral du Canada of Trudeau. I never voted for this party.
You are making a fixation on Trudeau. Grow up and try to convince Canadian to find a credible alternative with real arguments, not misleading ones. Being frustrated with no real alternatives, just always complaining, is the losers way. you can do better! Come on!


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
The Liberals like to lie to push their narrative (The God of Liberal voters). However it is funny how ALL research is not disclosed on Canadian media. Could it be because they all received the media assistance fund (bribe money from the Liberals). Having said that, a new study published by the New England Journal of Medicine has demonstrated that people who are triple-vaccinated against COVID recover significantly more slowly from COVID infection and remain contagious for longer than people who are not vaccinated at all. Could explain why the cases never end and why there are so many variants.

This is the source.

Background on the New England Journal of Medicine: The New England Journal of Medicine is a weekly medical journal published by the Massachusetts Medical Society. It is among the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals as well as the oldest continuously published one.

Did you read the article you are praising ? (the one in the NEJM)

Let me highlight two facts they claim

"Although vaccination has been shown to reduce the incidence of infection and the severity of disease, we did not find large differences in the median duration of viral shedding among participants who were unvaccinated, those who were vaccinated but not boosted, and those who were vaccinated and boosted"

a- they confirm the vaccines reduce infection and severity
b- they confirm viral shedding is not longer, which is what you are claiming they are saying.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Did you read the article you are praising ? (the one in the NEJM)

Let me highlight two facts they claim

"Although vaccination has been shown to reduce the incidence of infection and the severity of disease, we did not find large differences in the median duration of viral shedding among participants who were unvaccinated, those who were vaccinated but not boosted, and those who were vaccinated and boosted"

a- they confirm the vaccines reduce infection and severity
b- they confirm viral shedding is not longer, which is what you are claiming they are saying.
You got me there. I did not read the one NEJM. I read the one on Israel National News who said they got the info from a study published by NEJM. Here is a quote from the article:

Israel National News > Science & Technology > New study: COVID booster significantly delays end of infection

New study: COVID booster significantly delays end of infection
31% boosted people still contagious 10 days post-infection vs. 6% unvaccinated.

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)* has demonstrated that people who are triple-vaccinated (boosted) against COVID recover significantly more slowly from COVID infection and remain contagious for longer than people who are not vaccinated at all.

The study did not deal with the severity of illness with or without a vaccine.

Researchers swabbed infected people and cultured the swabs, repeating the process for over two weeks until viral replication was not observed.

At five days post-infection, less than 25 percent of unvaccinated people were still contagious, whereas around 70 percent of boosted people were still carrying viable virus particles. For those partially vaccinated, around 50 percent were still contagious at this point.

Even more strikingly, at ten days post-infection, one-third of boosted people (31 percent) were found to still be carrying live, culturable virus. By contrast, just six percent of unvaccinated people were still contagious at day 10.

In other words, people who have received a booster shot are five times more likely still to be contagious at ten days post-infection than are unvaccinated people.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
You got me there. I did not read the one NEJM. I read the one on Israel National News who said they got the info from a study published by NEJM. Here is a quote from the article:

Israel National News > Science & Technology > New study: COVID booster significantly delays end of infection

New study: COVID booster significantly delays end of infection
31% boosted people still contagious 10 days post-infection vs. 6% unvaccinated.

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)* has demonstrated that people who are triple-vaccinated (boosted) against COVID recover significantly more slowly from COVID infection and remain contagious for longer than people who are not vaccinated at all.

The study did not deal with the severity of illness with or without a vaccine.

Researchers swabbed infected people and cultured the swabs, repeating the process for over two weeks until viral replication was not observed.

At five days post-infection, less than 25 percent of unvaccinated people were still contagious, whereas around 70 percent of boosted people were still carrying viable virus particles. For those partially vaccinated, around 50 percent were still contagious at this point.

Even more strikingly, at ten days post-infection, one-third of boosted people (31 percent) were found to still be carrying live, culturable virus. By contrast, just six percent of unvaccinated people were still contagious at day 10.

In other words, people who have received a booster shot are five times more likely still to be contagious at ten days post-infection than are unvaccinated people.

They say

"A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)* has demonstrated that people who are triple-vaccinated (boosted) against COVID recover significantly more slowly from COVID infection and remain contagious for longer than people who are not vaccinated at all."

Which is NOT what the NEJM says

They would have been far better off saying

"We are fake news, here's an article saying the truth and we will say the opposite. Nobody will notice, people's science knowledge is as good as their reading skills"


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
They say

"A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)* has demonstrated that people who are triple-vaccinated (boosted) against COVID recover significantly more slowly from COVID infection and remain contagious for longer than people who are not vaccinated at all."

Which is NOT what the NEJM says

They would have been far better off saying

"We are fake news, here's an article saying the truth and we will say the opposite. Nobody will notice, people's science knowledge is as good as their reading skills"
You are so right.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
They say

"A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)* has demonstrated that people who are triple-vaccinated (boosted) against COVID recover significantly more slowly from COVID infection and remain contagious for longer than people who are not vaccinated at all."

Which is NOT what the NEJM says

They would have been far better off saying

"We are fake news, here's an article saying the truth and we will say the opposite. Nobody will notice, people's science knowledge is as good as their reading skills"

You have a good eye. I assumed since they quoted NEJM then it must be true. Lesson learned is to verify the info they presume to quote. I did not bother to verify it. My apologies.
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