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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I warned everyone and many laughed reacted at me on this board. Well here it is, the covid theatre is back, the weekly clown show is back all winter starring Bozo and Bat face the clowns. They will have weekly meetings now. I am beginning to think they will count covid cases forever, keeps the fear alive. Direct quote from article:

"These are worrying figures, but the situation does not require the reinstatement of sanitary measures," he said.

In other words, expect in a few weeks the return of covid mandates. Their goal is this: one it is to keep people out of the hospitals because they do not want to spend more money to increase its capacity (they indent on keeping it bare bones), they want to force the new Pfizer vaccines, and it is human nature to crave power. These men belong in jail. All of you voted for the CAQ and forgot about how Legault was during the past two years. Now elections is over he unmasked himself and is showing his true colors. I knew it, but now the rest of your will see it. All this inflation that we have, will get much more worse and there will be a recession guaranteed.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
More evidence of how covid is a scam. If you look at it, I am sure most smart people realize this is that covid mandates and lockdowns affected the general public and government employees differently. Government employees profited off covid while the general public lost paychecks and are paying more for everything all due to government covid mandates. Now they are starting the covid theatre again and they will never stop it because government benefits a lot from this. Government does not earn its profits, they steal hard working peoples paychecks to fund their activities. Government jobs accounted for 87% of jobs created since the pandemic while in the private sector there has been very little net job growth. This article is no eye opener to me but for Liberal voters, time to wake up!

Direct quote from article:

“(The Public Service Alliance of Canada) has asked for average increases, including pay and other provisions, of up to 14% annually over three years across their bargaining groups,” according to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.

PSAC says the union may “have no other choice but to withdraw our services and take our members out on strike.” And PSAC isn’t alone. Almost 97% of Canadian Union of Public Employees’ Ontario education members voted in favour of a strike.

Those demands mean higher taxes.

The federal government spends about $60 billion on labour annually, according to public accounts. Giving the bureaucracy another 14% would cost taxpayers $8 billion a year. How would the federal government pay for that? It could hike the GST by nearly a full percentage point. Or hike its lowest income tax rate by 1.75 points.

Bureaucrats didn’t financially suffer during the pandemic. They benefited. Now they want more. And if taxpayers don’t pony up, bureaucrats won’t show up for work.

Here’s a reminder of how bureaucrats got through lockdowns.

In 2020, PSAC negotiated pay raises “as private sector layoffs reach all-time highs,” according to the National Post. In fact, the feds gave 312,825 employees a pay raise during the pandemic. The number of bureaucrats with six-figure salaries went up by 45,000. No federal bureaucrat took a pay cut, according to research from

The federal government also dished out $360 million in bonuses in 2020 and 2021. Almost 90% of government executives received a bonus last year. All while departments failed to meet half of their own objectives.

The Bank of Canada failed to keep inflation low and still handed out $45 million in bonuses and pay raises.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Et trop de stupidité et d'inconscience. Sans compter ceux qui vivent dans un monde alternatif et qui clament bien haut que la COVID n'existe pas et que ce n'est qu'un gros complot pour les contrôler...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Update on BA.4.6 La situation aux USA.
La bonne nouvelle, les nouveaux vaccins ciblant Omicron devraient nous donner une bonne protection générale.
Promouvoir la vaccination est la seule façon responsable d'agir. Certains s'époumonent à clamer que cette menace est une fiction ou pire un complot.
Ils ne font que tenter de mettre du sable dans l'engrenage des bonnes choses à faire. Vaccination et gestes de préventions.



Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Nouvelles données de séroprévalence
Les trois quarts des Québécois ont contracté le virus entre décembre 2021 et août 2022.
C’est énorme. C’est à peu près 80 000 infections par jour. Avant Omicron, il y avait moins de 10 % des Canadiens qui avaient été infectés au pays.
Imaginez si les gouvernements n'avaient pas réagi à temps, entre autres en rendant disponible la vaccination. Une autre preuve de l"importance et de la menace du COVID. Merci à ceux qui ont mis l'épaule à la roue pour développer des vaccins très efficaces et merde aux adeptes de théories du complot qui ont refusé de voir la réalité en face.


« On fait deux tests : un pour l’Antispike, un anticorps généré à la suite de la vaccination, et un autre avec l’Anti-nucléocapside, qui n’est augmenté que s’il y a eu infection. C’est avec ce deuxième anticorps seulement qu’on mesure le niveau de transmission »,

Toutes les données et l'article ici:
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Ahh! The nightmare variant is here just in time for Halloween. Vaccines cannot stop this one so we will need MORE VACCINES and MORE LOCKDOWNS!!! Anything to keep the fear going. With each new variant, they use more dramatic words and presentation to keep people scared. Notice how they use the word "nightmare". Fear is an effective control tactic, nice to see that not as many are falling for the covid hoax compared to last year.



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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
STATISTIQUES CANADA......15% des CANADIENS ont eu la COVID LONGUE.....c'est énorme et pas drôle.....alors si l'on ne veut pas faire partie de ces tristes stats......on sait quoi faire... ;) au Québec encore today 16 nouveaux décès.....non cette bataille
n'est pas gagnée.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
In response to nothinghere's post. Take a deep breath and relax. This is just another example of inaccurate, sensationalized reporting by an untrustworthy tabloid and repeated by Faux News because it fits their political agenda. The experiment, by a Level 4 $200 million dollar research facility at BU, involved creating a hybrid virus in which the spike protein of the Omicron variant was fused to the virus of the original Wuhan strain. The goal was to determine if mutations in the Omicron spike protein made the illness caused by the variant less severe than the Wuhan strain. The conclusion was that yes it did. Although mice mortality rate was 80%, it was 100% with the original strain. Seems like mice are not particularly reliable animals to use in lab studies of the coronavirus.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
ArriveCAN app is a fascinating exploration into organizational management - especially concerning the public sector vs. the private sector.
The app cost the Federal government $54 million, when private sector app developers could do the job for under $250,000.
Elon Musk famously managed to cut the cost of orbital space launches down from $150 million, to $2 million.

Where does this efficiency arise? I fear too often people are overly contented with one sentence answers when very little is monocausal. There are profit incentives within the private sector, there is less patronage and conflicts of interest whereas in the public sector they do not earn profits, they simply steal peoples hard earned money by jacking up taxes or adding new ones to fund their expenses. Controlling cost means nothing to the public sector nor does success. But I think there is something else at play - credentials.
Canada has a minister of health with no background in health and a minister of finance with no background in finance. People get hired and promoted in the public sector based on their ability to articulate a paradigm rather than independent metrics of success. It is optics over substance.
The private sector operates according to independent metrics, and the public sector operates according to optics that gets votes. One of these typically leads to better results.

One last thing is about accountability. Like Thomas Sowell said -- It is hard to imagine a more stupid and more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. Hence why it costed the Federal government $54 million to develop the ArriveCan app with absolutely no benefit in reducing covid but to control the public.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It is fact that the freedom trucker convoy was the reason the government removed covid mandates. Even now with all the attempt the government is doing to scare people with covid alarmist news multiple times a day, the return of mandates is not being received well by many people. The government is now kind of quiet about mandates. Now that we know the effectiveness of a convoy style protest, can the goal of the next one be ending the income tax act? Biggest scam in history is the income tax act.

Like Tucker Carlson said "The Canadian trucker convoy is the single most successful human rights protest in a generation."


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Seems like mice are not particularly reliable animals to use in lab studies of the coronavirus.
Interestingly a great halloween topic.
Be sure they have mice with humanized immune system to conduct research.
These mice are ready for shipping!

Custom Humanized Mice - Develop your Research ModelAd·

Whatever this global mainstream faux tabloid news is up to I don't know.
To make announcements of this deadly covid "Gain of function" research after 2 years of lockdown,
getting the vax then most getting covid after that vax is particularly disturbing.

Yea I do understand manipulating viruses to "predict" future viruses to prepare future vaccines.
That concept of having nuclear weapons to prevent a nuclear war.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
However this not "gain of function" (aka weaponizing) research. This type of distorted reporting politicizes routine scientific research. It's disinformation and it's dangerous.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
However this not "gain of function" (aka weaponizing) research. This type of distorted reporting politicizes routine scientific research. It's disinformation and it's dangerous.
I agreed with a lot of what you said earlier. I would add that it wasn't only Fox News spreading their agenda, during the whole pandemic. CNN, MSDNC, etc. have been doing the same. Throw in the lies from social media it's no wonder I still see people walking around wearing masks and gloves outside in the fresh air. We have all been through a lot, no help from any of the media outlets.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
I agreed with a lot of what you said earlier. I would add that it wasn't only Fox News spreading their agenda, during the whole pandemic. CNN, MSDNC, etc. have been doing the same. Throw in the lies from social media it's no wonder I still see people walking around wearing masks and gloves outside in the fresh air. We have all been through a lot, no help from any of the media outlets.

In my opinion there's a huge difference in the "agendas" of legitimate, albeit left-leaning, news organizations like CNN and MSNBC and a hard right opinion network like Fox. Agree social media is a cesspool of misinformation and to be avoided entirely.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
In my opinion there's a huge difference in the "agendas" of legitimate, albeit left-leaning, news organizations like CNN and MSNBC and a hard right opinion network like Fox. Agree social media is a cesspool of misinformation and to be avoided entirely.
I guess in your opinion this really didn’t happen to our CDC director after recently being vaccinated. Or maybe the left leaning news agencies felt this wasn’t a big enough story:



Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
I guess in your opinion this really didn’t happen to our CDC director after recently being vaccinated. Or maybe the left leaning news agencies felt this wasn’t a big enough story:

Covid vaccines may be able to prevent some, but certainly cannot prevent all, covid infections. There are too many variables and too many covid variants. What they do is significantly protect against severe disease, hospitalization, and death. That's what really matters.
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