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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
All you really know is how to use the laugh emoji and post your unsubstantiated comments for all the world to see just how naive you really are. To not give some thought to China looking to create a virus that ended up killing millions is foolish.
Normally I don't bother responding to rightwing nonsense because the purveyors of it will never admit to the truth anyway. Thus I usually just put an emoji to express my opinion without having to waste my time on someone who can't handle the truth even when it stares him in the face. Here though, in response to your charming message, I'll make a rare exception even though I'm well aware that it's almost certain to be a complete waste of my time.

"Unsubstantiated?" Perhaps if you read news from reputable sources, you would see that Murdoch, Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham (to name just some of your heroes at Fox "News" ) have been quoted as saying that Trump's claims of fraud were not correct, that the My Pillow Guy, Powell and Giuliani were stating nonsense, and that they (your heroes) didn't believe any of it...yet they all kept promoting it on air to please the gullible braindead Magamorons who live and breathe by what Fox "News" tells them. That alone tells you that the truth is meaningless to Fox...which makes anything they say (including the COVID article you so proudly posted here) highly questionable. Some of what they say might occasionally be true and maybe even this one is (after all, a stopped clock is still correct twice a day) but much of it is pure BS intended to feed raw meat to their hungry rightwing viewers. And by the way whether your article is ultimately proven to be correct or incorrect, at this point in time it is pure speculation. You don't know and neither do I.

And as for your ridiculous statement about China - how the Hell would YOU know what happened? In my original post I specifically said that I don't know...but you seemed to overlook that, as people of your political beliefs so often seem to do. I was questioning the source (Fox), not the theory being espoused. I said that in simple, plain English, but apparently "Is that true? Maybe, maybe not - I certainly don't know" was something you either failed to read or failed to understand. And by the way if you can stop staring at Tucker Carlson photos long enough to read non-partisan articles on the subject discussed in the story you attached, you will see that - never mind people like you and me who know NOTHING about this - the experts who do have some knowledge say that either theory (i.e.: lab or nature) is possible and NO ONE really knows which...but 60% tend to think it's nature versus 40% who tend to think it's lab. Republican politicians (or entertainers like Tucker...who IS, please face facts, an entertainer and NOT a journalist) of course prefer the "China" explanation because it gives them one more chance to spew out their racist bile.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Normally I don't bother responding to rightwing nonsense because the purveyors of it will never admit to the truth anyway. Thus I usually just put an emoji to express my opinion without having to waste my time on someone who can't handle the truth even when it stares him in the face. Here though, in response to your charming message, I'll make a rare exception even though I'm well aware that it's almost certain to be a complete waste of my time.

"Unsubstantiated?" Perhaps if you read news from reputable sources, you would see that Murdoch, Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham (to name just some of your heroes at Fox "News" ) have been quoted as saying that Trump's claims of fraud were not correct, that the My Pillow Guy, Powell and Giuliani were stating nonsense, and that they (your heroes) didn't believe any of it...yet they all kept promoting it on air to please the gullible braindead Magamorons who live and breathe by what Fox "News" tells them. That alone tells you that the truth is meaningless to Fox...which makes anything they say (including the COVID article you so proudly posted here) highly questionable. Some of what they say might occasionally be true and maybe even this one is (after all, a stopped clock is still correct twice a day) but much of it is pure BS intended to feed raw meat to their hungry rightwing viewers. And by the way whether your article is ultimately proven to be correct or incorrect, at this point in time it is pure speculation. You don't know and neither do I.

And as for your ridiculous statement about China - how the Hell would YOU know what happened? In my original post I specifically said that I don't know...but you seemed to overlook that, as people of your political beliefs so often seem to do. I was questioning the source (Fox), not the theory being espoused. I said that in simple, plain English, but apparently "Is that true? Maybe, maybe not - I certainly don't know" was something you either failed to read or failed to understand. And by the way if you can stop staring at Tucker Carlson photos long enough to read non-partisan articles on the subject discussed in the story you attached, you will see that - never mind people like you and me who know NOTHING about this - the experts who do have some knowledge say that either theory (i.e.: lab or nature) is possible and NO ONE really knows which...but 60% tend to think it's nature versus 40% who tend to think it's lab. Republican politicians (or entertainers like Tucker...who IS, please face facts, an entertainer and NOT a journalist) of course prefer the "China" explanation because it gives them one more chance to spew out their racist bile.
Ah, your valueable time, posting rants about American politics on a Canadian escort review board. You need to get out of the house more, bang a few girls. Let's make MERB great again, like before the political threads and before you became a member.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Thanks for your response TGW. It's about what I expected, which is why I usually just stick to emojis. Thanks for the latest laugh.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Thanks for your response TGW. It's about what I expected, which is why I usually just stick to emojis. Thanks for the latest laugh.
Your welcome Purplem. Don't forget to vote.
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Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
^^^^ Yea past week a big "Uptick" in covid news. If there is another "Pandemic" it will probably be related to election results hehe just a theory.

I will never forget this guy:

Fauci Warned Trump Administration a 'Surprise Outbreak' Was Coming in 2017
I am confused about what the issue is. Fauci and the lockdown saved a huge number of lives with hospitals overflowing etc. The message now with the slight, expected summer uptick is of course while the risk to most is low, those that are elderly or have underlying conditions should be sure they are fully vaccinated, I got all 5 shots as they were available. And will get the fall booster refined for the latest variant. I have no underlying condition other than age 76 but am certainly going to get protection.

While some spread misinformation and conspiracy theories just like how that orange guy wanting to be the dictator in the US spreads lies daily and for his entire life, I respect Fauci and his good wisdom in the pandemic.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Ack, I think Cov19 finally caught up with me, after years of precautions & 5 vaccine shots. 2 days with an average fever, and I thought it was just a seasonal bug.

But my sense of smell/taste is gone...stuck my nose in a bag of coffee and it was like breathing normal air. Guess I gotta get tested now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Sorry to hear that Wetnose. Get well soon.

Thank you...according to research about 86% of people report regaining function after 4 months, and 96% after a year.

At least it's not the foul version where everything smells like gasoline or rotting meat.


Active Member
Dec 28, 2019
Ack, I think Cov19 finally caught up with me, after years of precautions & 5 vaccine shots. 2 days with an average fever, and I thought it was just a seasonal bug.

But my sense of smell/taste is gone...stuck my nose in a bag of coffee and it was like breathing normal air. Guess I gotta get tested now.
Don't forget to wear your mask and do not worry, more vaccines are coming.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
The previous 5 did not seem to help, but the next 5 will work for sure.
Ah yes yesterday New York Governor

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on COVID-19

At 7:42 in video

Thank you for getting vaccinated but it won't protect you today, you don't have the immunity built up over time, take the reprogrammed customized vax, no reason to stop now, and have a good day.
And don't forget the 6 month baby, they can't protect themselves, you can do it, don't let your baby in a cold, dark, scary place, think about them and get them vaccinated.

This is literally what Governor said. I am not trolling just pointing this out.
This is Terrifying Dystopia.
To the Governor:


At 7:58 in video watch the way she touches her hair as she says:
"So as the virus evolves this is where our scientist, researchers, companies...blabla"
I believe as she was touching hair she was flash-backing on something during speech.
What? Hmmmm....
Since this was a few days earlier.... Biden Wants Congress to Fund New Covid Shots for All ...BNN
Bets are on she was flash-backing on some special "meeting" earlier...Of course just speculation.
It is like when wife asks you "where did you go last night" then you fidget and touch your hair as you think of the last night hehe.
Wife will know!

Canada much smarter.
All the Canada doctors had masks in video posted In "Eris" thread #63 for similar vaccine announcement.
Just in case they had bad POKER face. Or it was a show to intimidate public.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
In a nutshell without going into too much details, vaccines are not free, the pharmaceutical companies did it for profit. The covid contracts up to today are kept secret, no one knows the details but believe me the pharma companies bribed many government officials to pass mandates. Politicians stuffed money into their pockets. Did you never ask yourself this that the people who benefited the most from this are also the same people pushing the most for the mandates? The governments spent billions of dollars to give out vaccines but money does not grow on trees. There are two ways to generate money, one is via taxes and the other by increasing the money supply hence print more bills. Taxes are not too popular so they decide to increase the money supply. People assume it is free but this could not be further from the truth. I warned people two years ago how prices will jump big time and this is what we see. Printing bills devalued the currency in essence reduced the purchasing power. Someone earning $60,000 now that is worth $30,000. Inflation is the most hideous type of tax because it has no legislation and is hidden.

One way this benefits the government is they almost always maintain the same income tax thresholds so the government collects more tax revenue without increasing tax rates. So if someone making $60,000 a year pays 30% income tax rate and someone earning $90,000 a year pays 45% income tax rate, inflation causes wages to go up thus workers end up paying more taxes even though it appears as if they are paying the same tax rate (remember the value of your wages went down). Other way is inflation causes prices and wages to go up so the government collects more taxes (higher revenue for the government). Higher prices and people buying products and services will automatically pay higher taxes. Another way is that higher inflation reduces the real value of debt, bondholders on fixed interest rates will see a fall in the real value of their bonds and it becomes easier for the government to pay back these bonds.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Wow what a mess.
Was this mess by design?
"National Post" not fake news.

Chris Selley: Public health officers are still oblivious to their self-destructed COVID credibility2 days ago

Imagine reading above article during lockdown curfew?
Unreal... like public has been played by JOKER in Batman movie.
I google search "Covid Canada" using 24 hour timeframe.....
Hardly any Canada covid sickness news? wtf just vaccine news.

Long time ago:
Sadly this was all known before 2019.

The mysterious disappearance of the first SARS virus, and ...The Conversation

"What about a SARS vaccine? Vaccine studies for SARS-CoV-1 were started and tested in animal models.
An inactivated whole virus was used in ferrets, nonhuman primates and mice.
All of the vaccines resulted in protective immunity, but there were complications; the vaccines resulted in an immune disease in animals."

Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccines leads to ...National Institutes of Health (.gov)

"Conclusions: These SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV.
However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced.
Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated."

....No vaccine then Sars-Cov-1 virus disappeared mysteriously hehe see how it works?

Public rejection of Dr Tam new SpikeVax vaccine push seemed to make Covid sickness news go away?
If this was a Batman movie Joker would be upset.
Be sure Joker has backup plans.

Maybe JOKER ahead of the game.

Men and mice: Relating their agesNational Institutes of Health (.gov)

"We found that one human year is equivalent to nine mice days"

A Mouse-Adapted SARS-Coronavirus Causes Disease ...National Institutes of Health

"...and the brain was examined 60 days post-infection ..... indicating long-term neurological changes in a brain area which is critical for long-term memory consolidation and processing. "

60 mouse days/9=6.66666666...human years.

Countdown is on.

"Thankfully" Quebec Government is onto it Sept 20, 2023

1st Canadian Symposium on Long COVIDResearch ...Fonds de recherche du Québec..Be sure to check it out!!
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Don Julio

Active Member
Jul 15, 2023
The lock downs were not necessary, after the first 9 months we new the main target group and those could have been locked down and saved the economy. The entire handling was done my people with a one track mind who would not deviate from the narrative.


New Member
Jun 8, 2023
I try to get information from as many sources as possible, and then make my own decisions based on that information. Nowadays it can be difficult to filter what is true and what is false, and it only seems to be getting worse.

Having said that, some of the "conspiracies" that surfaced early on in the pandemic ended up being true...we know this to be fact. Recently, there has been an interesting one going around about the upcoming October 4th test of the Emergency Broadcast System in the U.S. stating that: "An emergency broadcast system test on Oct. 4 will send a signal to cell phones nationwide in order to activate nanoparticles such as graphene oxide that have been introduced into people’s bodies via Covid vaccines."

Now, we know that the vaccines were not "safe & effective" as initially claimed. We know they were not properly tested before being "approved for emergency use"...so I wouldn't put it past them to have included some sketchy ingredients that have an ulterior motive.

Of course we also know that "fact checkers" are 100% correct and reliable (heavy sarcasm)...so...just something else to consider.

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