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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Calm down guys. Export will keep going. The 3M situation is tricky. The company responded that closing export to Canada and Latin America would only lead to produce fewer deliveries to the USA. Why? Because part of their fabric comes from Canada and Latin-America. I am sure they already negotiate to actually send more fabric and raw material to 3M so they can produce more.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I have a question but i'm not sure what the answer is and other than Dr. Gupta or Dr. Fauci i'm not sure who'll be able to answer it:

Let's say someone tests positive for coronavirus but doesn't have any symptoms. He's told to go into quarantine, correct? But what if nothing changes after 15 days and he still feels good. Do they keep testing him & send him into quarantine if he's still testing positive? I see no reason why the virus would be gone since all it needs is a warm body to survive & because someone has no symptoms doesn't mean that the virus cannot survive in that body forever, right?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Doc , In all likelihood, although no guarantee yet, the asymptomatic body will build anti-bodies that will attack the virus and wipe it from the body. Then again an effective vaccine will do the same.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2016
I have a question but i'm not sure what the answer is and other than Dr. Gupta or Dr. Fauci i'm not sure who'll be able to answer it:

Let's say someone tests positive for coronavirus but doesn't have any symptoms. He's told to go into quarantine, correct? But what if nothing changes after 15 days and he still feels good. Do they keep testing him & send him into quarantine if he's still testing positive? I see no reason why the virus would be gone since all it needs is a warm body to survive & because someone has no symptoms doesn't mean that the virus cannot survive in that body forever, right?

In short, the answer is yes, remain in quarantine, since this is what is being asked of all non-essential people anyway. As an asymptomatic, covid positive individual, it is even more important to be isolated since this group are likely to be high infectors.

Also, it was recently reported that the 15 day window to developing symptoms may be longer and that 21 days may become the more appropriate incubation period. Regardless, The testing we have today detects the presence of the virus. It is a yes/no type of result. If the result is positive, that means the person still has virus circulating (blood/mucosa etc)and is therefore still infectious.

The body's own immune system can (and does) rid itself of the virus. It does not reside forever. That is when a patient will re-test negative. That is also when a serology test will confirm presence of antibodies to the virus. It is presumed (by Fauci and many others) that immunity against COVId can be achieved by the body's natural immunity. We have not seen studies yet to confirm.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
The 3M situation is tricky. . . . Because part of their fabric comes from Canada and Latin-America.

Somebody must have reminded trump about how Canada and the US have become so interconnected in many facets. Most printing papers I have bought at Staples and Office Depot in America are made in Canada. Lots of goods I have bought at my local Costco stores in the States were made in Quebec, Canada.

I know it's a cliche but we are all in this together and must come together to fight against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016

I wish Boris Johnson a speedy recovery.

Perhaps Dr. Donald J. Trump, M.D. would reach out to his beautiful friend Boris Johnson and recommend that he starts taking hydroxychloroquine.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

I wish Boris Johnson a speedy recovery.

Perhaps Dr. Donald J. Trump, M.D. would reach out to his beautiful friend Boris Johnson and recommend that he starts taking hydroxychloroquine.

Isn't to you I wrote few days ago that the announcement made that he needed further test was actually an indication that he was in serious condition.

Boris is definitely not someone I shared views with but still wish him the best and recovery. He is still young with young kids (or actually his wife is pregnant!).

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Heard he started requiring 02 a few hours ago. Hope they can keep him off a vent


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011

I wish Boris Johnson a speedy recovery.

Perhaps Dr. Donald J. Trump, M.D. would reach out to his beautiful friend Boris Johnson and recommend that he starts taking hydroxychloroquine.

Maybe he might ... and Thank God OUR President DOES embrace "Right to Try" .... if it were YOUR loved one ... would you not want to try EVERYTHING ... may die with the china virus, isn't this other drug worth a shot given it HAS had positive success with others ... but please, and the may be hard to comprehend, but every body reacts differently - to this virus and to a medication ...

Just LOVE the constant sarcasm about OUR President, yet he is working tirelessly with various teams and STILL gets this level of abuse ... TDS is far worse for one's health than this chinese virus ... especially since they will have 4 more years to suffer, yet this virus should end LONG before that.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
haha yes hilarious nature boy! I like the sarcastic humor. This is Australian made?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Are people getting sick ... yes, of course - no disputing that fact.
But speaking of facts ... something the liberal media tends to distort ... ARE the facts indeed .... the facts???

The facts are that your beloved president now estimate 100 to 200k death in the next few weeks. After denying everything for 4-5 weeks. If those facts are no important for you sorry but there nothing we can do to help you.
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